Damian’s POV
” I think you should have stayed above ground.” Dean says to Jake in a group mindlink.
” I can fight just fine.” Jake links back.
” I know you can fight. I just don’t think you can fight against a Rave in your condition.” Dean explains.
” You have a hole in your chest. Yet you are saying my condition is more concerning than yours. You are still bleeding. Which will draw Raves right too us.” Jake adds in a irritated tone.
” He is right. You need to heal the wound to stop the bleeding.” I link Dean.
” I can’t stop the bleeding just yet. Remember Raves carry poison in their tentacle. I have to let all the poison to drain out.” Dean says back.
” You don’t have to let the poison drain out.” I tell him.
” I do, because I don’t feel like being sick for a week.” Dean says back.
So, he rather bleed and let the Raves know where we are. Than to heal up his wound, and be sick for week.
This is going to be a long walk.
I walk down another flight of stairs until I reach a huge metal door. I grab ahold of the door handle, and slide the door open. The smell of blood and rotting flesh fills my nostrils.
” Son of bitch! You kill people down here?” Dean asked out loud. I turn around to see that Dean has his hands over his mouth and nose.
Think this is the first time. I even seen him about to puke from smelling something bad, but this smell is horrible. It is even making me nauseous.
” No, I didn’t kill anyone down here, and will you whisper. ” I say before stepping through the doorway.
Last thing we need is Raves hearing us.
Once inside I find several bodies laying against the walls. The flesh on the bodies had turned black and was rotting away.
” These bodies have been here awhile. I don’t think the Raves did this.” Jake whispers.
” Raves didn’t do this.” Dean says, as he squats down in front of a body.
” This one was pregnant. Whoever killed her took her baby.” Dean says ripping a piece of bloody fabric off the corpse, and holding it up to his nose.
” I don’t think your going to get a scent off that.” Jake whisper to him.
” She been laying underground in a sealed tunnel. There isn’t anywhere for any of the smells to go.” Dean says standing up.
” So, did you get a scent?” I question him.
” Yeah, it is Ryru scent.” Dean says, as he holds the piece of bloody fabric towards me.
I reach out and take the fabric out of his hand, and give it a good sniff. ” He must have got in from somewhere in the tunnels. Although, it doesn’t explain why he would rip a baby out of the womb.”
” I heard a rumor about him doing a lot of breeding with different demons. Perhaps, he is trying to figure out which demon clan will give him a strong offspring.” Dean suggests.
” I might consider that a theory. If that women wasn’t an elf. You can tell from the pointed ears.” Jake says, gesturing towards the dead body.
I didn’t even notice her pointed ears. I knew it wasn’t human blood, but I didn’t know elf blood could smell this horrible after rotting for so long. Especially since elf blood is considered a tasty treat, and is a favorite among all demons.
Although, I am curious on why Ryru would take a elf infant.
Hearing an echo scream from farther down the tunnel. I shove the bloody piece of fabric into my pants pocket.
” That sounded close.” Dean mindlinks me.
” Yeah, follow me.” I mindlink them both.
These tunnels are doing to be difficult to fight inside. So, we have to do a surprise attack.
……… ~ WILLOW’S POV ~ ………
I watch Virgil carry in a baby crib, and place it next to the couch. ” Thank you.” I tell him, as I stand up.
” You’re welcome.” Virgil says softly, before he gives Kristin a little kiss on her cheek.
I turn towards the crib, and give Draco a small kisses on the forehead, before lowering him down into the crib. I tuck him in with his black colored baby blanket that has Damian clan symbol on it.
” What are those big yellow round floating demons?” I hear a hybrid child ask us.
Big yellow round floating demons?
What is she talking about.
Turning around towards the window. I stare at the big yellow round demons that was floating in the air. It has tiny arms and hands. It’s huge round eyes were closed, as it played a peaceful tune on a flute.
” I figured we might have a bunch of those show up. After how many citizens we lost.” Virgil says with a low sigh.
” Should we kill them?” A boy hybrid asked us.
” No, those demons harmless. They are only here for the children that have died. Those demons are called soul reaper” I tell them.
” Soul reapers?” Luna asked me.
” Yes, they have that name, because they come for the dead, but they only take children.” I explain to them.
” Why is it playing a flute with it’s eyes closed?” Jasmine asked me.
How do I explain this too children without scaring them?
” You see soul reapers are demons that stay, and play with children until they are ready to move on. However, if the children is full of rage, and does harm to a living person. The childs soul will turn into an evil spirit. Which will cause the soul reapers eyes to open, and it send the evil spirit back to the place it die. Where it will be dragged into hell.” I tell them.
Not to mention the only way for humans like me too see a soul reaper, is to have died, or have priestess powers. Which I am not a priestess.
” How are you able to see it?” Virgil suddenly asked me.
Hearing him let out a grunt I know Kristin must have elbowed him in the side.
Looking over at Virgil and Kristin I hesitate, before answering. ” When I was a child. I use to love rock climbing. It was fun and the only thing that helped me escape from my cruel reality. One day I got into an argument with my mom. I told her that I didn’t want to trick anymore travelers. I don’t remember everything about our arguments, but I do remember her slapping me hard across the face. I got so upset that I ran outside in the pouring rain. I ran all the way to that giant cliff that I would always climb up. I got halfway up before my foot slipped, and I fell.” I tell them.
” So, you died.” Virgil say..
I nod my head, ” Yes, I died. It was Ryru that brought me back to life. He said that it would be a waste to let something useful die.”
” So, he brought you back to life just to use you?” Kristin asked me with sadness in her voice.
” Yes, that was why I left. Everything I did was always monitored, and I was forced to trick travelers to their deaths. I even had to be careful with what I said. They would often punished me for saying something wrong, or what they considered disrespectful. I was considered weak, but my blood was good enough for them to want to mix with me.”
” That is why Ryru offered you too his oldest son, because you are useful to breed with.” Virgil says to me.
” Yeah, it is.” Looking over at Draco sleeping peaceful in his crib.
I can’t help but to realize that Ryru was correct. That I would birth strong powerful half demons.
” What can you tell us about Sato? We only have information on Ryru.” Virgil suddenly asked.
Of course they couldn’t find anything on Sato. No one can get information on him. Demons that have tired sending their men to spy on Sato. Often got their comrades head shipped back to them in a box.
So, I guess asking me would be the right choice. I did grow up with him after all.
” Sato is a very cruel man. He treats everyone and everything like a toy. He tortures people just for fun.” I say balling my hand into a fist.
” Did he torture you?” Kristin asked me softly.
” No.” I say, and look over at the kids that were all listening to me.
” Perhaps, we should have this conversation some other time.” Sitting back on the couch I watch Virgil make a barrier around me and the couch, before stepping inside of it with Kristin.
” No, we need to have this conversation now. So, tell us what you know. This barrier is safe the children can not hear our conversation.” Virgil says, as he sits next to me, and leaves a small gap between us.
” Please tell us something Willow. Whatever information you have could help us kill him. I personally don’t want to be fighting demons constantly.” Kristin says with her hand over her stomach.
” Kristin, I don’t think he is responsible for these demons attacking us.” Virgil says trying to get her to not worry.
” That is where you are wrong. Sato is able to manipulate demons and humans. He is fully capable of manipulating demons into attacking. He can even control their minds into doing what wants.”
I know that probably wasn’t what Virgil wanted to hear, but he is right. They do need to know about Sato. I don’t think I have any useful information that would help kill him. I just know how he likes to play games with everyone, and how fucked up he can be.
I just hope what I tell them can be somewhat useful.