Ren’s [POV]
“I hope his asshole bleeds.” I snarled, snickering as I emptied the box of dried chili flakes into the pot and stirred it in, the smell so potent it singed my nostrils. “Like I have to care about his feelings.” I sneered, my anger only growing when those sad eyes flashed through my mind, and I was once again reminded of the last few days.
I was so lonely and hurt, and dammit, I didn’t like feeling this way.
“He called it a mistake. A mistake!” I growled, my jaw grinding as I held in tears because I refused to feel sad over this.
Anger worked for me. Of course, I was angry, which was why I was going to feed that asshole this chili. It was a revenge move because I was hurt, and yes, it was a little immature, but right now, it made me feel better, so I was doing it. I had to do something, and short of telling Caleb he’d hurt me, which I refused to do, I was doing this. “Okay, you look scary.” A deep voice mused, making me gasp and spin to find Trey leaning against the counter, smiling.
Trying to smile back, I failed miserably.
“Ren? Babe, what’s wrong?” Trey gasped, rushing over to hug me when my face crumpled, and everything just exploded with a sob.
I felt so used, ugly, and unwanted. How dare that man look at me and tell me it was no big deal? It was a huge deal for me to have sex with him after everything I’d been through, and it was special to me. For the first time in over a year, I’d felt wanted and sexy, and he’d ruined it with his stupid man feelings and those insensitive words.
Mistake! Oh, I’ll show him the meaning of the mistake, I thought as I cried harder and plotted his death “Babe. What’s wrong?” Trey groaned, hugging me tightly and rubbing my back when I sniffled louder and wiped my nose on his suit jacket.
“Why do you always wear suits? Not that you don’t look nice, but you wear a uniform at work and then change into a suit when you’re relaxing.” I sniffled, needing to change the subject because I wasn’t surely telling Trey anything was a good idea.
I didn’t want him fighting with Caleb, and well, it was freaking mortifying to admit that his brother had given me the best orgasm of my life. And then backed off so fast it was as if he’d discovered I had herpes or something. “Babe, no offense, but discussing my style choices isn’t why you’re crying.” Trey snorted, pushing me away just far enough to stare into my eyes with concern. “What did he do? I’m assuming you’re making the world’s most fatal chili dinner because Caleb’s been an ass. Also, the fact that you’re crying seals it. Spill.”
I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to cause problems, but Trey was my self-proclaimed best friend, and who else could I talk to? I had no other friends, the thought of telling Cole anything made me cringe, and I was so confused.
Before I knew it, before I could think about it too hard, I found myself telling Trey everything. I cringed when I got to this morning and my confrontation with Caleb because that sucked. Ironing socks wasn’t weird. And he deserved my brush-off.
“Sounds like you have a reason to want him dead.” Trey laughed, sighing with a sad smile when I sniffled and glowered at the back door, just daring the man to appear.
“I mean; I feel so silly. I know”
“Nothing. You know nothing of whatever you’re about to say to defend him, Ren Sheppard. He doesn’t deserve it, although, to be fair, I don’t know if this…” he waved at the pot and laughed while I blushed and slapped a hand over my mouth to cover a giggle.
“I was mad.”
“Well, you deserved to be. I bet he’d shit blood. I almost wish I could be here to see it!”
“Me too,” I admitted, my stomach hurting as Trey started to propose scenarios.
“I can see it now. He’ll eat it because he’s stubborn that way, and halfway through, his stomach will turn so violently he’ll start sweating!”
“While rushing up the stairs. I bet it’ll leave a trail. A fiery trial. Someone call the fire department!” Trey yelled, grabbing onto me when my knees went weak with laughter.
“Stop. Oh god, my stomach hurts thinking about it.”
“He’s a crybaby. Trey crooned, making me laugh so hard that I snorted like a pig and grabbed hold of him to keep myself up.
“Stop. Oh God, this is wrong. I shouldn’t even be upset-”
“Yeah, you should be. You’re a great person Ren, and the truth is, he behaved like an ass, and he deserves your anger. I, on the other hand, am more than okay with that since I was going to ask you to dinner tonight.” He murmured, grinning when my mouth dropped open.
“Dinner. You know, the meal you eat at night, preferably with someone instead of alone?” he laughed, making me giggle and sniff back a fresh spate of emotional sobs. “I know we’re friends, okay, so don’t get freaked out, but I like you, Ren. You’re beautiful, sweet, and funny. If Caleb doesn’t see it, that’s his loss.”
He preened and rubbed a hand over his front, showing off a rock-hard belly beneath his expensive suit.
“I’m a male with style, class, and brains, and I know a good thing when I see it.” He bragged, chuckling when I giggled and gave him a once over.
The man was hot, no doubt about that, but even considering a date with him felt wrong. We were friends, just friends who couldn’t date because I didn’t want to get between brothers. I told him that and laughed when he clutched at his chest and groaned dramatically.
“Hurts, baby.” He whined, his eyes sparkling when I snorted. Friends eat dinner together. Come on, Ren. Come to dinner with me, and let’s laugh about how Caleb’s asshole’s gonna grow piles by the time he’s done shitting.” He coaxed, his belly tensing with mirth when I snickered and gave the pot another whiff. “Besides, this is gonna annoy him so fucking much. I’m nearly desperate for you to say yes. Help me annoy the shit out of Caleb. Get it?” he asked, eyeing the pot before he busted a gut again, and I choked with laughter.
“Okay. But just friends.” I wheezed, my eyes streaming tears of hilarity and anticipation.
“Great. Now, do you think I can install cameras in the bathroom in the short time we have left?” he asked, his eyes sparkling when I sputtered. “What? It’s no fun if we don’t know what happens.”
“Oh, trust me,” I drawled, giving the pot another stir that released the pungent odor of gut death. “We’ll know.”