Harper’s [POV]
After my encounter with James, I took a shower, then napped. Thankfully, the headache subsided during that time.
Of course, I also had to change my clothes now that the others were drenched in my fluids.
I’m quickly running out of clean ones, and I need to remember to ask Charlotte if they have laundry services.
I meant to when I entered the living room, but retook up all my awareness.
Grey, and his double meanings, his mystery, and his deep, rich scent.
Grey, the professor looks drop-dead gorgeous as he sits in the plush leather chair, nursing his drink as his eyes blazing into mine.
Do you know how good you smell?
His question stuns me, and as Charlotte serves bowls of rich chowder and a mix of bread and cheeses, I ruminate on what he’s admitted to me.
He wants to be around me.
He enjoys giving orders.
He can smell me.
How is that possible? Are his senses so heightened that he can sense a Beta’s arousal?
But he thanks Charlotte and starts to eat as if nothing happened.
So, I do the same.
The corn chowder is creamy and savory, with chunks of potatoes and bacon. We eat in silence. Once my bowl is empty, Grey smiles at me.
He smiles.
My appetite has been out of control over the past few days. One minute I’m fine, the next minute I’m ravenous.
I wonder if it’s a side effect of my lack of medication.
As if on cue, another headache hits, and I wince.
Grey notices.
“Are you alright?” His playful mood is gone, and concern is etched into his strong features.
I hiss, placing my hand on my head. “Yeah. Just a headache. It happened this morning, too.”
He sets his bowl down on the table with an aclang.”How long have you been feeling like this?” he demands.
“Ugh. It’s been happening on and off since…” My voice trails off as my body flushes.
Grey looks pained, his lips forming into a thin line. “There’s a doctor in town that does house visits. I could make an appointment.”
I shake my head, my hands clenching into fists as I inhale slowly through my nose and exhale through my mouth.
He leans on the edge of the chair, frowning as he watches me. “Harper…”
He says my name so kindly that tears prick at my eyes.
It’s all going to be over in a few days. They’ll forget about me.
My ears ring and my head spins as my body aches. Vaguely, I register Grey’s raised voice, but I double over on the loveseat, unable to speak.
How embarrassing.
I wish I knew what was wrong with me. I wish things were different.
The loveseat dips with weight, and Grey sits next to me, resting his warm hand on my back. His touch is gentle, and he rubs slowly up and down my back, anchoring me to reality.
“Breath,” he murmurs. “Come on, Harper. Breathe for me.”
His scent envelops me, rich and deep, and it makes my chest ache.
Grey. James. Beau.
They’ll all be gone soon, and I’ll be left alone.
Alone to figure out what’s wrong with me.
“Oh, don’t” Grey whispers desperately as he gently lifts me. “Don’t, baby. Please don’t cry.”
My cheeks are wet as he pulls me into his side, and I’m suddenly engulfed in his arms.
He holds me like it’s his thousandth time doing it, his hand smoothing the hair away from my face. The headache subsides, but the ache in my core is back, and I’m horrified he’ll notice.
But he’s gentle with me, his chest rumbling as I settle into him.
An Alpha only purrs for their lover.
For their Omega.
Yet he’s doing it for me.
I bury my face in his broad chest, clinging to his suit jacket as he holds me.
“Breathe for me,” he murmurs, his voice low in my ear. “I’ve got you.”
Grey may be a broody Alphahole, but I’ve never felt safer than I do right now.
I meet his dark green eyes, holding his gaze. “Thank you,” I whisper.
He chuckles. “Never thank me for holding you,” he says, and my heart flutters at his words.
I close my eyes and relax in his embrace, willing the pain to go away.
I haven’t realized I’d dozed off until Grey brings his lips to the top of my head, and I woke up with a gasp. The fire is still crackling, and the moonlight illuminates the garden through the window. Charlotte stands near us, a cup of steaming liquid in her hand.
I’m safe.
I’m not with Michael.
“It’s just me,” Grey promises. “Charlotte brought some medicine for you if you’d like. For your headache.”
God, yes.
Charlotte hands me the mug and places a pill in my hand. “It should help,” she says. “If not, we can always call the doctor.”
I’m so desperate for relief that I don’t bother to look at what she gives me. I swallow it eagerly, washing the pill down with sips of hot chocolate.
Grey watches me, his eyes focusing on the swallow of my throat. “Tell us if it gets worse,” he says.
Why do you care so much? I want to say, but I’ve realized there’s no point in asking.
He’s still a mystery to me.
As the hot chocolate settles in my stomach, I wonder if it’s maybe best to just enjoy my time here and stop questioning everything.
But it’s so hard to do that when my life has been nothing but questions.
This was supposed to be a getaway before I start the arduous task of creating a new life.
How did it become so complicated?
Ring. Ring.
I startle at the front desk phone, my body tensing as I lean into Grey’s side.
“It’s nothing,” he promises me, as I hear Charlotte pick up. “We have people calling here to make reservations all the time.”
His purring continues, and for the moment, I’m soothed.
“Nope, like I said before, she’s not here,” Charlotte’s polite voice rings out.
My breath catches and I whimper in fear.
Grey growls as I gasp for air.
“He’s going to find me,” I choke out, shuffling out of his hold and remembering where I am.
I can’t find comfort in him. I can’t.
That road only leads to heartache.
“No,” Grey hisses, his eyes blazing. “Harper, he will not harm you again.”
Charlotte hurries in, her face pale, glancing at me with sympathetic eyes. “I’m sorry, Harper. Should I call the police?” she whispers.
I shake my head.
What will they do?
“No police,” Grey says slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. “If he comes here, we’ll take care of it.”
“For a few more days,” I murmur. I stand up, preparing to have the same conversation from last night. “I need to get a head start, Grey. He can’t know where I am.”
He doesn’t get it, and it angers me.
Is he going to make me admit my financial situation?
“My reservation ends at the end of the week,” I say slowly, grimacing as my head throbs.
“You can stay longer,” Grey says, his tone final. “It’s not that hard to extend your reservation.”
I snap.
“I’m not well off,” I admit, my face flushing with embarrassment. “It’s not like I can afford to stay here extra nights. I have to leave before he comes here.”
My chest heaves as I try to steady my breathing, my emotions haywire.
I don’t want to leave the Aurora Inn.
But I don’t see another way.
If I called the police, then what?
Michael would go to jail for a few days if I were to press charges.
“I need a head start,” I say, desperate to convince Grey. But his face is impassive, his features pulled into a mask that hides his emotions.
“Harper” Charlotte starts, but Grey stands up, his scent enveloping me.
God, he smells so good.
Warmth, richness, comfort.
But I can’t let it deter me.
As soon as I turn to walk away, his hand rests on my shoulder, warmth radiating from his touch.
Fight it, he’s not your Alpha, you’ll only get hurt in the end.
“Come with me,” he says.
I shake my head, refusing to turn around and face him. “I can’t.”
“Please.” he whispers, so quietly it makes my chest ache.
What’s the point of all this?
But, reluctantly, I turn around and allow him to guide me out the French doors and back into the garden.