Harper’s [POV]
It’s overcast by the time I make my way back to the Inn. The sky is white and grey, and the air has a slight chill.
But that doesn’t stop me from exploring the gardens.
I saved it as a treat for myself, hoping to be rid of my headache by the time I returned from the pharmacy.
The pills help, and the headache is just a dull thud behind my eyes by the time I surround myself with the greenery.
I forget about everything the moment the scents caress me.
Flowers I can’t name create a symphony in my senses. Beautiful purples, yellows, and all shades of pink decorate the area. I walk the stone pathway leading to the gazebo, separate from the rest of the area.
The headache turns to hum, and there’s a buzzing in my brain I can’t ignore.
The further I walk, the greater the hum grows until tingles shoot down my spine.
I’ve been here before…
“Harper?” a deep voice asks, much too close behind me, and I shriek.
“Oh! Shit, sorry! Are you okay?”
I turn to face the Alpha with kind eyes from this morning. His mouth hangs open, and he holds his hands up in a surrendering gesture. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
I huff out a laugh. “It’s okay. I was lost in my thoughts.”
He lowers his hands, and he flashes brilliant white teeth at me as he smiles. “I’m Beau, by the way.”
Immediately, I want to stay near him. Despite his size, he comes across as a gentle giant.
And a handsome one at that.
Alphas are always striking, but Beau has a boy-next-door look, with slightly mussed short brown hair and deep chocolate eyes. His grin is breathtaking, and I can’t help but return his smile.
The wind picks up, blowing his scent toward me, and my heart flutters.
It’s a woodsy, earthy scent that melds perfectly with the surrounding greenery.
He smells like a fireplace at night. A promise of warmth to combat the cold.
I want to kiss him.
Where the hell did that come from?
He’s an Alpha. You can’t think that way!
“Nice to meet you, Beau. The garden is beautiful, by the way.”
He beams and dimples show on his cheeks.
I practically swoon. My insides churn, and my body flushes as my attraction for him overrides my senses.
“Thanks,” he says. “It’s my passion project. My brothers tried to help, but in the end, I took over. Now they’re not allowed to so much as water a petal without my permission.”
“You do all of this yourself?” I gesture to the expanse of greenery around me.
“Not all,” he corrects himself, the smile never leaving his face. “I have a team of people I work with. But you’ll catch me here a lot.”
He’s changed clothes since this morning. He’s in a faded grey sweatshirt with the emblem of a college I don’t recognize. His hands are in his sweatshirt pockets, and his expression darkens as his eyes fall to my lips.
I’m surprised he’s not looking at my scar.
I turn back and gesture at the gazebo. “This is stunning.”
His smile falters, and a shadow crosses his features. “Yeah,” he says softly. “It was custom built. Designed by the same person who created our dining table.”
“Wow,” I murmur. “You guys worked with some incredibly talented people.”
“Yeah. We did.”
I turn back to face him, and there’s an unreadable expression on his face, which he quickly replaces with a soft smile. “I was going to harvest some of our vegetables. Do you want to help?”
“Do you normally ask guests to garden with you?” I tease, and he chuckles.
I’d pull a grocery store’s worth of product if it meant I could stay in his presence.
“Nah. You’re the first one I’ve asked.”
“Oh,” I flush, unable to stop beaming. “Well, then. I’d love to.”
Being with Beau is as simple as breathing. His presence relieves the tension in my body, and the longer I spend with him, the more relaxed I am.
It confuses me.
Why would he bother to spend time with me, let alone flirt with me?
I’m aBeta.
It doesn’t make any sense.
Still, I’ll take what I can get.
He leads me further down the path, and I spot a greenhouse, its garden beds visible from the outside.
“This is where we grow our produce,” he says, leading me inside. Lights hang from the ceilings, shining on row after row of leaves. Beau grabs a wicker basket from a tower of them in the corner and hands it to me.
Our hands touch for the briefest moment, his long fingers grazing mine, and a flutter starts in my lower belly.
A million thoughts race through my mind, most of them dirty.
I ignore them.
Vegetables, Harper.
But my nipples pebble painfully against my bra, the lace cutting into my sensitive skin.
God, when was the last time I was this aroused?
Even Betas can be affected by Alphas, right?
Beau sucks in a breath, then takes a step back, sighing. “You hold the basket, I’ll put things inside it.”
That shouldn’t sound sexy.
But it does.
“Sounds great,” I say.
He winks at me, and my heart stutters.
“Let’s start over at the radishes.”
Watching Beau pull up root vegetables shouldn’t be attractive, but I’m amazed at how gentle he is. His large palms cup each radish tenderly as if they’ll break if he’s too rough.
“No gloves?” I ask stupidly, as he deposits each one into my basket.
“Nah, I like to get my hands dirty.”
My face flushes, and his grin broadens. “I’m joking, mostly. Sometimes, I wear gloves. I enjoy getting my hands dirty, though.”
He holds my gaze for far too long before he turns back to the planter boxes.
Soon, the basket is full of different leafy greens. We end up filling multiple baskets, and I’m content to watch Beau as he harvests.
It’s peaceful.
“What do we do with all this produce?” I ask. “Do you store it in the kitchen?”
“Some,” he says. “But we donate a lot to local food banks.”
“Really?” I ask, surprised.
“Yeah. We work with different charities around here. Especially kids in the foster system.”
I can’t help but smile. “Wow. That’s…amazing.”
Something nags in the back of my mind.
I feel like I’ve heard this before.
Beau turns to me. “James, Grey, and I were in the foster system,” he says. “We were in and out of group homes. We didn’t have a lot back then, and it feels good to give back.”
“Wow,” I breathe.
His eyes search mine, his woody, earthy scent caressing me.
I’m missing something important.
“Can I ask you a question?” I say, shifting on my feet.
“You just did,” he says softly, taking a step toward me. “But go on, beautiful.”
“I’ve been here before,” I state.
For once, his smile fades. “That’s not a question.”
“No, but…” The look on his face encourages me to continue. “Someone told me I’ve been to Aurora before. I guess what I’m asking is, did you ever see me? Did I ever visit the gardens?”
He’s silent as he holds my gaze.
“I’ve never met you before, Harper.”
His rich brown eyes are morose, and my heart thuds wildly in my chest.
Did I say something wrong?
I wish I could remember, and not have to ask strangers to reveal my past.
It feels like Beau knows something I don’t, and I want to demand he tells me everything he knows.
But amrowinterrupts our staring contest and Wilson trots in, circling Beau’s sneakers before flopping onto my feet. Beau’s face softens as he turns his attention to the cat.
“Hey, buddy,” he says, lifting the cat into his arms. “You’re not supposed to be in here,” he chides. Wilson nuzzles at his chin, purring. Despite the cat’s size, he looks like a kitten compared to Beau’s massive frame.
I laugh. “He seems to be everywhere I am.”
“He likes you,” Beau confirms, a small smile playing on his lips. “I don’t blame him.”
My cheeks flame.
I don’t understand why he keeps flirting with me this doesn’t happen to Betas, according to Michael.
It just doesn’t.
Based on their age, Beau, James, and Grey should all have an Omega by now, assuming they’re a pack.
So, do they have one?
Maybe Charlotte would know.
It’s not your business, Harper.
“I wish I was good at gardening,” I say, reaching out to scratch Wilson’s chin as Beau holds him. “I love the idea of growing something. Of bringing life into the world.”
“There are a lot of plants that are easy to grow,” Beau says excitedly. “For example, cat grass. I usually grow it for Wilson. I could teach you if you’d like.”
Could he be any more adorable?
“Really? That sounds lovely.”
His breathtaking grin is back, the corners of his eyes crinkling. His hair falls haphazardly into his face, and he pushes it out of the way as he speaks.
“Yeah. I have a feeling it will come easy to you.”
The awkward moment from before is gone, and we walk out of the greenhouse, Wilson following.
“I would love a hobby,” I add. “And honestly, the longer I can stay in this garden, the better. It feels a bit like coming home.”
In a perfect world, I would lie down among the flowers and hide from Michael for the rest of my life.
Beau coughs, then clears his throat. “I’m glad you feel that way.”
I want to share more with him, I realize. Unlike James and Grey, Beau is a welcoming and comforting presence.
Maybe I could tell him the real reason I’m here.
If I told him about Michael, could he protect me?
I’m a guest here, and I leave in less than a week.
Regardless of what I’d like to think, I’m in this alone.