My period has been late for five days now. And I’m one of th0se girls who seem to have a clock inside her belly, you know? I’ve never been this late. And when I say never, I really mean it.
So I did what I had to do; I drove down to the nearest pharmacy, bought a pregnancy test and brought it home with me. It’s already in the trash, and I’m pacing back and forth in the master bedroom at the Gracie Mansion, still trying to wrap my head around the result.
It took around 30 seconds for two thin pink lines to show up on the test.
Which, if you don’t know, means that I’m as pregnant as they come. If this were any other time, I’d be over the moon… But New York City is on the brink of civil war and, even though I know Parker loves me, I’m not sure if I should bring one more problem to the table.
If the newspapers found out that I’m carrying Parker’s baby, all hell would break loose. And my mother would seize the moment to stomp Parker. I wouldn’t be surprised if she talked the President into sending the Army in to depose Parker. Can you imagine tanks rolling down Times Square? No? Well, I can.
But Parker’s right about one thing: we’ve got to stop my mother. This is no longer a simple electoral race; this is about stopping a mad woman from seizing the senate. Once she becomes a Senator, she’ll use every dirty trick she knows in order to bend the whole senate to her will, and I know exactly where she intends to go with all this…
First the Senate, then the Presidency. And then there’s no telling what she’ll do. Can you imagine someone as crazy as my mother sitting in the Oval Office? I mean, she’d nuke New York City if that meant she’d get rid of Parker.
I don’t want my child to grow up in a world like that.
It’s almost funny how being pregnant changes my whole outlook. I was willing to step down in order to let my mom take the reigns of the whole situation, but not anymore.
Not when there’s a life growing inside my belly. If she wants war, I’ll give her war.
But right now, I want anchovies. In chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. With bacon!
My days now seem to be spent in complete and utter chaos. My entire campaign is imploding before my eyes like a match held to a gas tank.
With the influx of calls and me being up to my neck in emails, I barely have time to breathe. The insanity is overwhelming.
I realize the phone on my desk has been ringing non-stop so I reach over and finally answer it.
“Trask speaking,” I say, fully expecting to hear some constituent yell at me about my morals, or lack thereof, or how I’m corrupting the people of this city, babies and grandmas alike, and even school children. Nothing would surprise me.
But instead, I realize it’s a whole lot worse.
“Parker, look, I hate to do this to you, buddy, but I’ve decided to leave the campaign.”
It takes me a minute to recognize the voice, but then it hits me; it’s my Deputy Director, Scott.
“Scott, wait, hold on,” I say. I’m trying not to beg because I don’t fucking do that kind of thing, but I’m feeling pretty desperate at this point. “You can’t do that. This campaign needs you.”
And it’s the fucking truth. I do need him. He’s in charge of organizing our volunteers who fill out events and contact voters. Essentially, they’re our fucking ground troops. I need his leadership in this arena, now more than ever.
“You’re wrong. I can leave, Parker,” he says solemnly, “and I am leaving because … I hate to say it, but the Governor’s right. The sex trafficking, and
Amy’s sex store-well, it needs to be shut down. It’s just wrong. Plain wrong
… and a real shame. I have a family, and daughters of my own. I can’t live with myself knowing that I’m letting this happen in our city. It’s an eyesore.”
“You do realize who we’re talking about here,” I say. “The Governor is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That much I can promise you. This isn’t what it looks like.”
“To be honest, I don’t know who to believe anymore,” Scott replies.
And with that statement, I know I’ve lost him and there’s no getting him back. It’s the nail in the coffin. One by one, I’m losing the trust of my campaign mangers.
This isn’t fucking good.
I still have some loyal staff members sticking it out with me, but as I look around the office, I see we’re spread pretty fucking thin.
Not everyone has outright quit, like Scott just did, but a whole lot of people are mysteriously calling in sick today, and that leaves me feeling pretty fucking uneasy.
I have to turn things around, and fast. The clock is ticking and I’m running out of time. I can feel the pressure of all of these events riding on my shoulders.
I turn up the volume to the TV mounted on my wall. It’s the local news, and it’s no surprise I’m still making headlines.
Today I’m still getting raked over the coals.
“Unlike his earlier campaign promises, it seems the last thing you want to do is ‘ask Trask’ for anything these days,” a reporter says. “A taboo relationship with his stepdaughter, and then a sex trafficking ring-what’s next for New York City’s Mayor? What new lows can he possibly sink our city into next?”
Just fucking great. The media is eating this up.
The reporter continues, “In light of this scandal, Governor Kate Meelios is leading in the polls and in the majority of the counties in New York State as well as in the city.”
The screen switches to a previously recorder interview with Meelios, and I watch as she hisses into a reporter’s microphone. “I can promise one thing. If Parker Trask doesn’t resign, I’m going to come in with the National Guard and close Kinky Amy’s down. I think I’ve been very patient with my demands,” she says, and despite the gravity of the situation, I can’t help but laugh.
Patient? Is she fucking serious? I’d say she’s been anything but patient and diplomatic. In fact, her lack of diplomacy is downright fucking frightening.
Meelios continues, “But enough is enough. I’m giving Mayor Trask two weeks to resign-for those counting, that’s 14 days for him to do the right thing.”
The screen pans back to the reporter. “You heard it straight from the source folks,” she says. “Parker Trask has two weeks. Will he resign, or will he continue to drag this city through an asset freeze unlike one we’ve ever seen before?”
I grab the remote and click the power button, watching the TV screen fade to black.
I can’t fucking listen to that anymore. I need to come up with a plan.
The Governor is out for blood, and every day that goes by, her fangs seem to come out just a little bit more, and a little sharper.
Just as I’m about to make some phone calls, Amy walks into the room.
I can’t help but look at her gorgeous face, her perfect body, her perfect smile, and think how she’s a ray of sun in this whole, dark shit storm.
She walks up to me, and places her hand on mine.
Before she can say anything, I lean over and give her a kiss, gently pressing my lips to hers. “It’s been one hell of a day, and I’d love to grab lunch, or chat, but I’m really busy right now. I’ve gotta make some important calls. It’s clear that Kate Meelios is on a warpath and my time is running out. The future of this campaign depends on the actions I make right now.”
I grab my phone, bringing the receiver to my ear. “Can we catch up tonight?” I ask Amy.
I pose it as a question, but my body language suggests otherwise. I’m already mid-call when she looks at me and hesitates for a moment before speaking. “No, there’s something I really need to tell you.”
When she says this, I know it must be important so I place the phone back down on the receiver.
I carefully watch her face, listening, as she continues.
“Before you do anything,” she says, “I think you should know … I’m pregnant.”
“What did you just say?” I look at her in total disbelief. I don’t know what I was expecting to hear come out of her mouth, but it certainly wasn’t this.
I stand up from my chair and wrap my arms around her, drawing her into my chest. I lift her off the ground and give her a quick twirl.
“That’s fantastic news!” I say.
“So, you’re happy?” she asks. “I know the timing isn’t ideal, with the drama of this campaign, and the all out war that Kate is launching against us and everything, but I’m happy. I’m really happy, Parker.”
“And I am too,” I smile, kissing the top of her head and breathing in the sweet scent of her shampoo.
“I love you so much, and now it’s time for me to fight,” I smile. For us.
For our future.
For our unborn child.
I know what I need to do. Something dramatic.
Something big.
I’m calling a press conference.
It’s as if I’ve been injected with the adrenaline of a thousand athletes because now I’m approaching the podium as a new man. I swear I have a spring in my fucking step.
The National Guard is set to take down Amy’s business in just 24 hours, and I have a renewed sense of purpose, and confidence.
Not only have I found the woman of my dreams, but we’re also about to bring a new life into this world together, and despite the political chaos unfolding all around our feet, I couldn’t be fucking happier.
Sounds crazy, right?
I run my fingers through my hair and climb the steps to the podium as a crowd of reporters looks on. Despite the pressure of the situation, I’m feeling calm.
All of these reporters are wondering what I could possibly say at this point. I can see the confusion, and downright animosity simmering in their eyes. They think I’m the villain-the devil incarnate-that Kate Meelios has painted me out to be. She has painted me as the man corrupting their city- their mothers and daughters and sisters and wives. But that’s going to stop.
They’ll see that’s wrong. Enough is enough.
I’ve allowed the Governor to steal the spotlight for far too long now. It’s time to clear the air and set the record straight.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” I say, clearing my throat and speaking into the microphone with a wide and confident smile, “This has certainly been a rollercoaster ride, hasn’t it? I’m sure you’re all sick of the nauseating ups and downs, just as much as I am.”
I can hear a smattering of murmurs, and hushed whispers, but I can’t make out exactly what’s being said, so I continue on.
“I’m here today to tell you that everything you’ve heard is true.”
Now the sound coming from the crowd is growing louder than a murmur. I can hear people gasping, and confused conversations are circulating between the reporters. I’m sure they’re already formulating tomorrow’s headlines. They’re looking at me as if I’m some sort of monster, and wondering what exactly I’m even doing here today.
“But,” I say, holding up one hand to get everyone’s attention, and to reign them in before this gets out of control, “it’s important that you know the whole story. Yes, it’s true. I’ve been carrying on a relationship with my stepdaughter, Amy.”
More gasps erupt from the crowd, and I can see cameras flashing. Each snap is blinding.
All eyes are on me. But that’s fine; I’m used to the spotlight-the intense scrutiny of it all, and now, just as I said, I’m on a mission.
The room has grown so silent I swear you could her a pin drop. The reporters are waiting to hang on my next words.
I continue on with the press conference. “But you must also know that everything that Governor Meelios has said has been a lie. Amy has done nothing wrong. She is not a sex trafficker. That is not something that her, or I, have ever, or would ever condone. To say that we are morally inept couldn’t be farther from the truth. I swear that to each and every one of you standing in front of me today.”
I look around the room full of reporters, looking to see if they’re following me, and I can see some heads nodding. I seem to be regaining their trust, albeit slowly, and I take that as a good sign.
“All my life, I have struggled to find that perfect woman-a woman who I could love and be loved by in return. A woman who I could picture spending the rest of my life with. There was even a time when I thought this might never be possible for me. That maybe I would never find this woman. But now I can honestly stand here in front of each and every one of you and say that I’ve found her,” I remark, making eye contact with the crowd to emphasize the truth of it all. I also look over at Amy. She’s standing to the side of the stage, and we lock eyes. I give her a smile and continue, “And I can say that I love her-I love Amy-with all my heart.”
With that statement, the tension in the room seems to lift. It’s like a dark
cloud dissipates, and I feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders.
I guess it’s true what they say-the truth does free you.
One reporter starts to clap, and then another, and another, and another, until finally, the entire room is erupting into applause.
Instead of confused, frowning faces, I’m now seeing a sea of smiles, and that does it.
Cameras begin flashing again, and they don’t stop for what seems like forever.
“From this day forward,” I say, “I promise that there won’t be anymore secrets. I’m proud of who I am; I’m proud of the life that Amy and I are building together.”
Reporters are still clapping, and now I hear them begin to cheer.
“I’m also proud to call myself your Mayor, and look forward to taking my enthusiasm for public service, as well as my resolve, into my bid for US Senate. If you’re willing to follow me on that journey, I urge each and every one of you to vote for me in this year’s Congressional election.”
The applause coming from the room is now palpable. It almost feels like a slow rumble beneath my feet, like a herd of buffalo migrating to greener pastures.
I’m back, I think to myself.
For the first time in weeks, I feel like I’m really back in this political race, and that try as hard as she might, Governor Kate Meelios can’t touch us.
She can’t take us down.
This feeling is sealed when I hear the crowd erupt into a familiar chant. “Just ask Trask! Just ask Trask! Just as Trask!”
I smile again and wave to crowd. Yes, I’m back.
And it feels so good.