Sherry’s POV:
How did it come to this?
I caused it.
I was slightly trembling, with my hands pressed on his arms, trying to breathe calmly while resting my head against his chest.
“Just relax,” he instructed, while he pushed his two fingers deeper. The weight of the warm water pushed in too, causing me to groan slightly in pain.
“Damn it,” he whispered, and then pulled his fingers out, wrapping his arm around my waist and lifting me up.
I was about to ask him what he was doing when he pushed me onto the ground, flat at the edge of the hot spring.
I flinched, then took in a sharp breath and released it.
My feet were still in the water, but my other half was resting on the green leaves and pink flowers that were growing on the ground.
“Excuse me,” he said softly as he parted my legs.
I was about to sit upright and stop him when his large hand moved onto my chest, pushing me back to the ground.
“Stay still,” he instructed, as I tried to move but stopped when my wolf growled loudly at me, shocking me.
My eyes instantly filled with tears.
Although I could feel her, she was still very weak and confused over everything, because in front of us was our second chance mate.
The last time she was active, we were mated to a Beta, and now we were mated to an Alpha. She really needed time to adjust to everything.
Although she felt so confused, there was one thing we both wanted, and that was to be held by our mate.
I froze when I felt his thumb brush against my clitoris.
“I’ll go slow,” he whispered.
I relaxed but frowned when his finger didn’t move.
I slowly sat upright and looked at him.
He had his hand pressed against his forehead, and his eyes were closed.
“Damon, what’s wrong?” I asked in a whisper, then pressed my hand on his shoulder gently in concern.
“I’m sorry,” he answered between gritted teeth, then dropped his hand and pushed me back to the ground, roughly hovering on top of me while grabbing my leg and slightly lifting it up.
Before I could wrap my head around what was going on, I felt his cock nudge my entrance, and in a second, he began to push into my wetness.
I was in shock but also prepared for his every move because I wanted us to finally fully mate.
I was trying hard to control my breathing while I closed my eyes to the pain I was beginning to feel.
I opened my eyes when I felt his lips on my neck.
“No!” I yelled, pressing my hands on his chest, slightly pushing him back.
He had a confused expression on his face.
That was no way to hold me, even though I was prepared mentally.
I understood that he was probably nervous, but was he not going to make me feel good even a little? How could he just push in like that and then go on to want and mark me?
He was treating me like some piece of trash, and I hated it.
“Sherry, did I hurt you badly?” he asked with a sad expression on his face.
“Yes, you have hurt me,” I answered in a cracked voice, with tears blinding my eyes.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I’ll pull out immediately…”
“No,” I said, strongly cutting him off and wrapping my legs around him to trap him.
“Sherry, let go,” he said loudly.
“You have hurt me here,” I whispered as I pointed to my chest.
“I get it that you want to just hold me, but do you have to do it without foreplay? You couldn’t even make me feel good, and yet you went on wanting to mark me,” I said loudly as I swallowed a forming lump in my throat.
He sighed heavily, then rested his head against my shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered as tears rolled down my face.
“I’m really sorry because now I have realized how stupid I was,” he whispered, then looked me in the eyes sadly.
“My first mate was the one who I lost my virginity to. Yes, I drank and did many things a man could do, but never was there a time I had sex with anyone. As much as I played with women, there was never a time we got intimate until my mate. I had no idea where to begin or how to move forward, but she did. Every time…” he trailed off, then swallowed hard and shifted his gaze to the side.
“Every time we did it, she took the lead because she had more courage than I did. I felt ashamed, but I wanted us to be intimate, so I let her take the lead. There wasn’t much kissing or touching because we always went down to business. Then I thought it was great and that’s how it was supposed to be, but now I realize that she must have hated me so much and done all that to be over with me as soon as possible,” he said in a low voice, then sniffed.
Was he crying because of her while being with me? I asked myself silently.
“No, he’s sad because he hurt us,” my wolf responded sadly.
“I heard a few stories from my warriors about how women loved it when you touch them down there. That’s why I tried to, but I had no idea how to progress. I thought it would satisfy you if I just thrust in and make you feel good. That’s why I went on to take that step,” he said in a cracked voice.
I found myself wrapping my arms around him to give him comfort.
It wasn’t his fault at all, and it wasn’t right to be mad at him. We were a couple, so that meant we still had time to learn more about each other and what we both liked in bed. For now, I wanted him to continue but not mark me until he learned how to hold me.
“Damon,” I called softly, then pressed my hand on his chest. His heart was beating rapidly, and I now understood how afraid he was over his actions.
He moved his hand, wiping off his tears before looking into my eyes.
“I love you,” I whispered, then wrapped my arm around his shoulders.
“And I love you more than my life,” he whispered back softly.
“With time, we will both learn how to make one another feel good in bed, but for now, let me lead,” I said softly.
He looked hesitant for a second before flipping us.
I winced in pain but made sure to hide it.
“While I move, feel free to touch my body because all of this is yours. You can kiss me, touch my hips or breasts. You can even move below to meet me in any way that you want because I want to make you feel good as much as I do,” I said seriously, then smiled when he nodded.
This was going to be a weird moment of sex, but I wanted us to make it work today no matter what.