Book 1 Chapter 142

Book:The Dominant Alpha (Series) Published:2025-3-10

Lexi’s p. o. v
I walked out of my room and went into the living room where light movements were coming from.
Immediately I entered, I felt tension in the room.
Everyone was silent and no one was sitting down besides Amelia who had her eyes closed.
“Oh my goodness, Amelia you are here. What time did you come?.” I asked happily then quickly rushed towards her.
“Lexi.” Ryan called loudly, making me halt my movement.
I looked at him seriously and frowned when he shook his head. I then turned to looked at Evan and noticed how he had his hand extended to me
What was going on?. They looked uncomfortable and displeased.
I slowly looked at Amelia and held my breath when she opened her eyes.
Her Aura instantly made me step back with a soft sigh.
When she stood up, I took a few more steps back. No matter what, the one who was in front of me wasn’t her. Her Aura, eyes and level of intimidation was beyond what I had ever experienced.
“Hey Lexi, I’m happy to finally meet you.” She said softly then extended her arms to me.
I quickly looked at Whitney who forced a smile across her face and nodded.
I slowly walked to her and hugged her.
When I pulled back from the hug, her eyes were back to normal.
Everyone loudly sighed in relief startling me.
“Finally it’s Amelia.” Whitney said as Amelia chuckled.
“Hey Lexi, how have you been?” She asked with a warm smile.
“I am Okay. I’m just surprised to see you here.” I answered honestly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, we didn’t inform anyone that we were coming here. It was a last minute decision. Also I apologize for how Aurora greeted you. She was just happy to finally meet you in person. After you helped us break the curse, she was looking forward to meeting you in person.” She said seriously.
So it was her wolf who was in full control. That’s why everyone was silently waiting for her to speak first.
If she was this Intimidating when she was not upset, I didn’t want to know how she was when she got upset.
“It’s okay.” I answered then looked around to see if alpha Ian was in the room.
“You said we, right?” I asked.
“Yes, I came with Ian but he left a few minutes ago with August. He badly wanted to see the progress of this territory.” She answered.
“I understand.” I whispered softly then held her hands in mine.
I smiled when I heard the strong heartbeat of her unborn child.
“Wow. She’s got a strong heart.” I whispered softly.
“Who?” She asked calmly.
“Your unborn child, she has a strong heart.” I said as she dropped her jaw in shock.
“What?” Whitney asked loudly.
“I said, her unborn child has a strong heart.” I repeated.
“Her?” Amelia asked in a cracked voice.
I dropped my hands from hers then pressed them on her stomach just to be sure.
“Lexi.” Amelia called in a whisper.
I dropped my hands after hearing a low thump from her stomach and chuckled softly.
“Yes it’s a girl, I’m positive about that, and her heart is as strong as yours.” I answered.
She quickly moved her hand to her mouth and tried to blink the forming tears back.
“Are you sad?” I asked seriously.
“No.” She answered on top of her voice as tears rolled on her cheeks.
“I’m just grateful and very happy to know it’s gender.” She cried.
I pressed my hand on her shoulder gently to comfort her.
It was good news yet it felt sad seeing her cry over it.
“Lexi, what do you mean when you say she has a strong heart like hers?” Leomord asked.
“Well, Amelia’s heart is way stronger than all of you in here. Even alpha Ian’s heart isn’t as strong as Amelia’s. But the heart of the child she is carrying is.” I answered as the room instantly went quiet.
“Do you mean she’s carrying an alpha queen?” Alpha Ian asked when he walked in with August behind him.
I smiled then gave a slight bow of greeting and respect.
“I’m not certain about that and I can’t see the future. All I know is that she will be strong willed and unmatched in strength, sadly I can’t tell which rank she will be.” I answered.
“Thank you.” Amelia sobbed as she pulled me in a hug.
“That’s great news right Alpha, then why aren’t we celebrating?” August asked.
“Yes, you are right. We should be celebrating.” Ryan backed him up.
I pulled back then stepped away to give her a chance to talk to Ian.
She quickly went to him and wrapped her arms around his waist as he wrapped his around her shoulders kissing her head with a warm smile.
I watched in silence as tears formed into my eyes.
Seeing them so happy and in love made me feel so emotional.
Back then I never knew that part of one’s happiness was usually found around the people they valued and cared for. But now I was experiencing it for myself.
“Yesterday was my birthday.” I said out loud then wiped off a tear that rolled on my cheek.
Amelia slowly turned and looked at me.
“Are you serious?” She asked while wiping off her tears.
“Yes. And to be honest, I really had a great time with my mates, but I also wanted to spend time with Leomord and Whitney. Now that you guys are here, I would like us to celebrate it again, this time together.” I answered.
“Wow, I’m so happy that we came here today. Whitney, please show me where the kitchen is, I will prepare something delicious for all of you.” She said cheerfully.
“Of course Amelia, right this way.” Whitney answered then walked to the door.
Amelia tiptoed and gave Ian a quick kiss before following Whitney out of the room.
“Since the girls will be cooking, why don’t we go out and get some liquor and a few things?” Leomord asked.
“We would love to but who will decorate the place if we all go out with you?” Evan asked seriously.
“I will while you three will stay behind and set the place.” Ian answered.
“Excuse me, what about me, what should I do?” I asked as they all looked at me.
“You are the birthday girl, you don’t need to do anything. So go into the kitchen and watch how a good meal is prepared.” August responded.
“Ian, let’s head out.” Leomord said loudly.
“Sure.” He answered, then walked to the entrance and turned.
“Lexi.” He called softly with a smile.
“Yes.” I answered.
“Thank you.” He whispered then walked out with Leomord before I could respond.
The twins quickly moved and both embraced me at the same time.
I giggled happily and hugged them back.
I felt blessed to have such people around me. And now we were going to spend the whole day laughing and chatting.