Book 1 Chapter 135

Book:The Dominant Alpha (Series) Published:2025-3-10

Ian’s p. o. v
“Mother, what exactly are we doing here?” I asked seriously.
“We are going to do yoga for pregnant women.” She answered then folded her arms.
“Okay, but I still don’t understand why I am here.” I answered then carefully wrapped my arms around Amelia’s waist, rubbing my hands on her belly gently.
I was sitting on a mat, in comfortable clothes with my crossed legs.
Amelia sat on my lap with her back towards me in a similar outfit as mine with her hair tied into a ponytail.
“You are the father of her unborn pup aren’t you?” She asked as I sighed in defeat. There was no winning against her.
“Yes mother, you already know that. I also see no reason in you asking.” I answered lazily.
“That’s why you are here.” She pointed out.
“Um… Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but why the hell am I here with Toni?” Neo asked on top of his voice.
“Ask her, brother because I still don’t get it. Toni isn’t pregnant yet she made you join.” I said calmly.
“Hey, aren’t you here to watch me learn some yoga moves that will help me keep fit?” Toni asked softly besides him.
He looked at her for a second then at me with a fake smile.
He was already giving in to her.
“I’m sorry brother, It looks like I’m stuck here. Also she needs me.” He said through our mind link as I shook my head.
“What do you mean she needs you?. You were supposed to look after the training warriors because Logan is busy looking after the she-wolves moving into their new wing!” I exclaimed loudly.
“Ian stop it, your loud voice is not good for the unborn pup!” Mother said on top of her voice making me glare at her.
“You are now being too dramatic.” I pointed out.
She slightly shrugged then smirked.
“I don’t care.” She said then glanced at Amelia with a raised brow.
“My love if you don’t want to be here you can go.” She said in a low voice.
I tensed for a second then chuckled nervously.
“What, no way. I’m not going anywhere. Neo and I are staying right here because we want to.” I answered quickly then leaned in and kissed her shoulder. I didn’t want her to get upset.
“I’m so happy that you have finally made up your mind.” Mother said with a wide smile.
She was using Amelia to get to me because she knew how I couldn’t easily go against her.
“You win?” I mind linked her.
“As always.” She mind linked me back then waved her hand.
“Now then let’s begin, Ian and Neo stand up.” She instructed.
I hesitated before standing up with Amelia.
“Amelia dear, you Lie down, face up and raise your legs, Ian will hold them up for you to balance.” She instructed as I looked at her coldly.
Was she sure of what she was instructing her to do or was she making up shit.
“Okay.” She answered then went to lie down on the mat and lifted her legs.
I quickly went to her and held her feet steadily.
“Good, now Rest both hands on your belly and slowly take in a deep breath and release it.” She instructed.
I quietly watched as she carefully did as she was instructed.
“Keep at it for fifteen minutes. After that you are going to try the wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend pose, where you will need to spread your legs wide apart.” She said as I slowly lowered Amelia’s legs to the ground.
“What the fuck Mother!, she’s not doing that shit. Here I was, willing to go through with this crap because I want my mate to stay happy and relaxed. I don’t want her stretching hard like a fucking string or zig zag no!. I won’t have her waking up exhausted or in pain. Just so you know, yoga or training should have a stage.” I said then leaned In and extended my hand to Amelia.
“Babe get up, we are leaving this room.” I said strongly.
She immediately took my hand and got to her feet.
“Son.” Mother called softly.
I turned and looked at her seriously.
“I know you want the best for her and I get that you want a healthy grandchild, but this isn’t a good way to do it. Believe me when I say I appreciate you showing her so much love, but I just won’t sit by and let you coach her over yoga moves you just saw on the internet without being a hundred percent sure, whether they are safe or not for pregnant women.” I said.
She sadly looked at Amelia then gave a slight bow.
“I’m so sorry Amelia, I didn’t think things through. All I wanted was to help you relax. I have been pregnant before so I understand how hard it is on your first and last stage. I came across a she-wolf watching those moves and I assumed they were okay and safe for pregnant women.” She apologized.
“Ouch.” I muttered under my breath when I felt a hard slap at the back of my head.
“That’s for being a stupid loser to her.” Amelia spat seriously.
I looked at her in shock then raised my hand and pointed a finger at myself.
“Loser?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yes, you are acting like a pathetic asshole to her!” She yelled as my jaw went down in shock.
“Amelia, are you serious right now?. Wait, which part of my words were giving you the jerk / stupid vibe?. I was actually looking out for you.” I said loudly as she gasped loudly.
“Ian, are you yelling at me?” She asked with tears in her eyes.
“What?. No babe, no.” I whispered softly.
“Mother, is he now tired of me?” She asked with a single tear running down her face.
I quickly moved and wrapped my arms around her.
I was very confused with how she was happy one minute and very angry in the next. It was usually like that for a week now. I was trying my best not to offend her, but sadly I ended up doing just that.
“Babe, I can never get tired of you no matter what. I love you.” I whispered softly.
She pushed me back furiously then stormed out of the room.
I slowly turned and looked at my mother waiting for an explanation or any words from her.
“She’s going through mood swings.” She answered.
“Mood swings, what the fuck is mood swings?” I asked on top of my voice.
“I suggest you google it on the internet.” She answered simply.
I cursed under my breath then quickly ran after her, calling out her name.