Book 1 Chapter 131

Book:The Dominant Alpha (Series) Published:2025-3-10

Lexi’s p. o. v
I was woken up by loud laughter in my room.
I quickly sat upright with a rapid beating heart and rubbed my blurry eyes.
Whitney stood close to my bed with her hand linked to Leomord’s while the twins were sitting on each side of the bed next to me.
“What’s going on?” I asked huskily.
“Happy birthday.” The twins said together.
I tensed for a second then smiled happily.
“Is it today?” I asked loudly.
“Of course dear.” Whitney answered.
I kept quiet then laughed softly.
It felt different having people wake me up than those days I stayed alone.
The twins leaned in at the same time and kissed my cheek gently.
“Happy birthday again.” Ryan whispered.
I moved my hands to his cheeks and kissed his forehead happily.
“Thank you.” I said while I pulled back.
Evan cleared his throat loudly, getting my attention.
“Here too.” He said as he tapped his lips with his fingers.
I smiled widely then leaned in and kissed his lips.
“You guys cut it out and tell her already.” Whitney said seriously.
“Well she can’t stay in bed forever.” Ryan answered then stood up.
“What do you want to tell me?” I asked Evan.
“We are taking you somewhere so we would like you to go in the bathroom and take a bath, then after that hit the dining room and have your breakfast.” He answered as he stood up.
Where exactly were we going?.
“Shall we give the ladies some space?” Leomord asked.
“Sure.” The twins answered then walked out of the room.
“Happy birthday Lexi.” Leomord said seriously then walked out of the room.
I looked at the door in silence feeling a little sad over how unhappy he looked. Did he hate the thought of us celebrating my birthday or was it because I was going out with the twins?.
“Whitney, is Leomord upset over something?” I asked.
She moved closer and sat on the bed next to me.
“No, he isn’t upset.” She answered.
“Perhaps I offended him in any way?” I asked sadly then swallowed hard.
“Of course not, why would you think that?” She asked back in a loud tone.
“Because he looked too serious and a little upset.” I answered.
She moved her hand brushing my hair backwards with her fingers.
“Honey, he isn’t upset with you at all. These past few days have been very hard on all of us. We all were working hard to rebuild and build some places around this territory.” She said,
I understood what she was saying because I saw how everyone was working hard but I still felt that Leomord was upset.
I guess I was becoming unreasonable because I wanted him to be cheerful and happy as usual.
“Now then, get up and let’s go and take a bath.” She said.
“Um, what do you mean by let’s go and take a bath?” I asked in a soft voice.
“It means I am going in the bathroom with you to help you take a bath. Today is your special day so you are allowed to act spoiled as much as you want.” She answered.
“No, I will bathe alone.” I said between laughter.
Was it okay to really act spoiled!. I was looking forward to it.
I quickly stood up from the bed and ran into the bathroom leaving her behind.
“You sure look very happy, is that why you are leaving me behind and refusing to be spoiled by me.” Whitney said in a whining voice.
“I am happy, very happy today but that’s not the reason.” I answered while I took off my clothes.
“Then is it because your mates are going to take you somewhere?” She asked.
I stepped into the shower and turned it on with a low sigh.
I was also excited over that but that wasn’t the reason why I was happy.
“I am very happy because I have never celebrated my birthday with anyone. To be honest, no one has ever wished me a happy birthday in my life.” I answered then grabbed a wash cloth from a small table next to me and began to scrub my body.
The door opened and she walked in.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She answered softly.
I stopped what I was doing and faced her.
“Birthdays meant nothing to me in the past but still deep down I wanted to experience how it would feel if I could celebrate it with people who cared about me. Just seeing you and Leomord in my room made me so happy and when the twins wished me a happy birthday I felt very excited and cared for. I know this may be hard to understand but you and Leomord are more like my parents. I hate going against you and I never want to make you unhappy. If you don’t want me to go out with them don’t hold back and tell me because I will gladly stay back.” I answered seriously.
She smiled then pointed at a white bottle on the bathroom table.
“Use that shampoo to wash your hair and use that pink bottle which is at the far end of the bathroom table. You can’t scrub your body with only a washcloth.” She said.
I smiled then grabbed the shampoo.
“Also your happiness is very important to us as well, so go out and have fun. You have both our approval.” She said.
“Thank you.” I whispered softly and meant it.
“I’ll be in the bedroom picking something nice for you to wear, so don’t take long. We also have to do your hair and your face. When I’m done with you I want the twins to be so shocked and mesmerized by your beauty.” She said as I laughed softly.
Whitney was always natural, there was never a day I saw her fix her face or make her hair similar to the models from the magazines, how was she going to doll me up?. Was she hiding her skills deliberately?.
“Why are you laughing?” She asked seriously.
“Do you truly know how to fix my face and hair?” I asked.
She huffed then shrugged.
“It can’t be that hard, there is internet so don’t worry. I am a very fast learner so you watch me. Once I’m done with you, you will look like a fucking princess.” She said then walked out of the room.
I didn’t want to have high hopes in her words but I was totally looking forward to seeing her try because I really wanted to look like a princess in front of my mates.