Book 1 Chapter 8

Book:The Dominant Alpha (Series) Published:2025-3-10

Amelia’s p. o. v
“Ouch,” I murmured under my breath while I walked to a huge mansion ahead.
A few women were outside chatting and laughing.
By their clothes and how they looked, I understood they were split into four groups.
The first group which was near the entrance were dressed in high-quality clothes. I remember hearing Merbal obsessing over the same clothing line. She went on ranting about how expensive the clothes and products were. The ladies all had their hair and make-up done. They looked very healthy too and cheerful.
Right on their left was another group of ladies. Unlike those, they looked horrible. Their clothes were dirty and torn, they had raccoon eyes, and bruises were fixed on their bodies. They were all quiet and kept looking from side to side, it’s like they were in fear of something.
A few meters away from them was another group. The ladies in that group wore simple clothes. One was reading a book, while another was moving back and forth with headsets plugged in her ears. The rest looked relaxed and much focused on watching the first group.
The last group only had four Ladies and one of them looked very familiar.
They wore the simplest clothes than the previous group and they were talking to each other seriously.
I didn’t know where to go, so I slowly approached them hoping I would fit in the three groups that looked better than that one that had bruised she-wolves.
If I was to choose the first one, there was no doubt that they would laugh at me or kick me down. The second one was where I would fit in, but I didn’t want to go through the same bad treatments I went through in our past pack. The remaining two weren’t that bad, but that didn’t mean I was comfortable talking to the women there.
A waving hand got my attention, and this time the familiar lady was smiling at me.
I slowly turned to make sure she was really waving at me. When I saw no one behind me. I walked to her and pointed at myself.
“Me?” I asked softly.
She grabbed my hand and quickly pushed me to the ground next to her. She was sitting on a rock like the rest were.
I flinched then glared at her furiously.
“What’s the meaning of…..”
“The warriors are approaching.” She warned in a low whisper.
My body tensed and my heart began beating rapidly.
The lady’s grip on mine was tightening and loosening with each second passing by.
“Wait, are these the ladies you chose for Frank?” One warrior asked loudly as he moved closer to the group of she-wolves that had dressed up nicely.
His tone was cheeky and his voice was filled with pride. Just by listening to him, I could tell that he was like those two men that had haunted down the two she-wolves and raped them to death.
“I didn’t choose any. Look, brother, we have no idea what he prefers. Frank is usually afraid of women and can’t seem to get his dick up for any. He can’t be gay because he does seem interested in pussy and boobs.” The other answered lightly.
Unlike the first warrior, his voice had a lot of emphasis and was a little deep.
“Okay, so should we take a good look at the ladies inside of the mansion, or should we start with these here?” The warrior with a cheeky tone asked.
“We should start with these here and make sure they are ….”
“What are you guys up to?” A light male voice came through cutting the other warrior’s words short. Unlike the two previous warriors, the voice had a friendly tone and calmness about it.
“Well, we were looking for a she-wolf that would capture your attention and dick man. You know, you need to fuck a bitch to release some stress and anger from your soul.” The cheeky-voiced warrior said.
A loud sigh came from one of them.
“How many times will I say this, I don’t want you guys to take my matters into your own hands. Just let it go and let’s go back to the training field.” The warrior with a calm voice answered.
I was so taken aback by his response that I decided to look at him just for a second.
Many men I had come across were abusive, and having sex with all the good-looking women was on their to-do list. They loved dominating the female and breeding them as much as they could. Hearing a warrior turn down such an offer was rare. Most who did were either mated or following the pack’s rules that were against abusing the she-wolves.
Three tall warriors stood a bit further from where we were. They had a strong presence that captured my attention. Two of them were shirtless and hugely built. They both had dark, blue gloves on their hands, but what got my interest was the fact that they were identical twins. They looked the same with dark ocean blue eyes, slightly red plump lips, and short blonde hair. They were good-looking and I could hear some she-wolves whispering something and giggling happily.
I shifted my gaze to the remaining warrior. He was looking at the two twin warriors with a raised brow. He was fully dressed in a black attire that had zippers tagging on the left and right side of his chest. A black belt went around his waist and he had black gloves on his hand. His medium, black hair was slightly wet and covered most of his forehead. He had a strong jawline and slightly pale brown lips.
When he turned and met my eyes I quickly lowered my gaze. His eyes were a beautiful, light green color that stood out more than the other features of his body.
I swallowed hard and closed my eyes hoping he wasn’t going to be offended to be looked at by me.
I knew I wasn’t pretty and I was usually disgusting in men’s eyes. A few times I was hit for just looking at the males of my previous pack.
They emphasized how my figure was damaged and how my face was disturbing. They went on saying that the only thing appealing to me was my virginity, that’s why they wanted to fuck me. Their words did hurt, but then I got used to them and felt nothing whenever I was attacked in that way.
When the ladies giggle began getting louder, I opened my eyes and looked up only to find the warrior with green eyes looking down on me.
What was worse was that he had a cold expression on his face and the twin warriors were throwing murderous gazes at me as well.
This time I was in shit and they weren’t going to let me off so easily. I could feel it.
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered, ignoring the slight pain at the corner of my lip.
“Where are you from?” The warrior with green eyes asked seriously.
I swallowed hard and looked at the lady holding my hand.
She had a sad expression on her face and it just made me fear for my life.
“Are you deaf?” One of the twin warriors asked seriously
“I came from the blood moon pack.” I answered then looked at them.
“Oh, the previous conquered pack?. Aren’t those ladies being tested out by the warriors who had remained behind as we speak?” The other twin asked.
My breathing was getting labored and my head was beginning to ache. I didn’t want to be raped or hit.
“They are. Frank, isn’t this your lucky day. You stayed behind as well and this she-wolf is from the conquered pack. Won’t you fuck her?” The twin asked.
“If he won’t. I will, for her to be in this group, it means she’s a virgin.” The other answered then bumped Frank with his shoulder.
Frank looked at me from head to toe then turned.
“I’ll come for her once the training is over.” Was his reply before walking away.
The two warrior twins shrugged then followed him.