Chapter 136

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

Vince caught sight of her as she emerged from the employee-only
corridor of the club. The flaming long red curls were impossible to miss.
He’d always been a sucker for a redhead. She walked – correction, stumbled- into the room, wearing thigh-high stiletto boots that she had such a hard time walking in it was almost painful for him to watch. But she tried; he’d give her credit for that. And seeing her try to negotiate herself around the people on those heels was a hoot to watch.
Her figure was compact; minus the heels, he guessed she would be close to a foot shorter than his own six foot-two stature. He appraised her curvaceous physique. One of his pet peeves was rail-thin women, so this petite, curvy little woman was perfect in his mind. She couldn’t be even closer to his type. And extremely out of place.
Reclined against the wall of the club, one ankle crossed casually over the other, he grabbed his bottle of beer and took a long swig before placing it back on the ledge behind him. His eyes never left the red-headed siren. He wanted her – and he was going to have her. But first, he was going to watch and see what she was all about. Something about her just wasn’t
sitting right with him. The women at the club worked the room, their interest in the doms and having one choose them for the evening. The redhead wasn’t. New maybe?
Vince watched in amusement as a look of surprise crossed her face as she watched the idiot Marcel with his pony girls. He was about to push off of the wall and make his way to her when she started moving across the room towards the shooter girl. Vince’s eyes narrowed as the two women began to chat; there was something about the familiarity they seemed to have that again sent up a red flag.
Grabbing his beer once more, he took another swig and then cradled the bottle in his hands, continuing to watch with peaked interest. His dick was beginning to become troublesome, demanding he go introduce himself and then take her to his suite for a little more intimate getting-to-know-you. Vince strained his eyes to see her silver tag. He preferred the T5S women
since he loved never having to concern himself with limits, but for this little one perhaps he could make an exception. Shit, he may even consider the good old-fashioned missionary fucking if that was how it had to be. It had been so long since he’d fucked a woman normally that vanilla sex had
almost taken on a taboo status for him.
After a moment of what he perceived to be a heated conversation, the redhead and the shooter girl parted ways. With a grin, he left his post and began making his way across the room toward his entertainment for the night.
“Now, you must be new.”
Lexie yelped at the sound of the deep, sexy male voice whispering in her ear and spun around to face the source. She spun a little too quickly and stumbled into the hard wall of the chest belonging to the voice. A
strong hand grabbed her upper arm and helped to steady her.
“Thanks,” she murmured, looking up to see dark blue eyes staring down at her, accompanied by a sexy smirk.
He chuckled. “Whoa. Steady there, sweetheart.”
Her heart began to race and a rush of excitement travelled through her entire being. She knew exactly who the devilishly sexy man standing before her was: Vince Ansen. He owned a string of social networking, dating, and commerce websites, and she had studied him in one of her classes in college. He was a boy genius who made his first million by age eighteen and was now easily one of the richest men in America at age
thirty-two. She knew a look of astonishment would be plastered on her face, but she was helpless to conceal it. He was something of an idol of hers.
“I am…” Real articulate, Lexie, she scolded herself.
How in the hell was she going to be a hard-hitting top journalist if she was getting tongue-tied in the presence of one man? One damn sexy
man with the body of a Greek God, a voice at the back of her mind pointed out. At that moment, she realized she was still pressed against him, her palms flattened against the cotton of his navy blue, v-neck t-shirt. The
sweet, spicy smell of his cologne enticed her to get closer.
Reluctantly, she forced herself to step back from him, despite her body’s protests for her to remain right where she’d been, tight against his hard body.
“Sorry, new boots.” She tried to shrug it off, but the heat coloring her cheeks was almost as red as her fiery hair and so there was no denying that she was in awe of him.
“I see.” He raised a cynical brow at her, his eyes gleaming with
amusement. Titling his head slightly, he took a step backward and his eyes slowly made their way down the length of her body, pausing at her breasts which were pressing against the tight spandex of the dress. She could see the hungry look in his eyes as he continued to scrutinize her body with his stare, working his way down the length of her legs to the ridiculously uncomfortable boots in question.
Lexie’s body tensed under his intense inspection and a throbbing
commenced between her legs; she didn’t even know the man, but her body was craving him. She knew she didn’t have the best figure in the world,
weighing a good twenty pounds more than her body should have, most of which was in her breasts, ass, and hips. She’d been told by an elderly male customer when she worked as a cashier at a grocery store years ago that she had good “child-bearing” hips. She still wasn’t sure how to take that comment, so opted to take it as a compliment.
His eyes finally made their way back up to meet hers. Normally, she’d have been offended by his blatant scrutiny that bordered on leering
but, considering where she was and what she was supposedly there for, she sucked it up. As much as she hated to admit it, the way he was looking at her – with deep-seated and unconcealed hunger – was turning her on unlike anything or anyone before.
He extended his hand to her. “I’m Vince.”
“Lexie,” she took his hand and he immediately brought hers to his lips. They grazed her knuckles lightly, and she had to keep herself from
sighing loudly. She felt as if she were sixteen again, finding out the boy she had a crush on was taking an interest in her.
“Pleasure to meet you, Lexie. I see you’re a T5.”
She frowned cocking her head to the side as she continued to peer up at him. I’m a what?
Seeing her confusion he tapped the badge over her left breast. When he pulled his hand away, his finger “slipped” and grazed her breast. She
stifled a gasp as a shiver rushed through her and her nipple immediately began to harden under the tell-tale thin fabric.
Ah, shit! How could she have forgotten about the badge? She growled at herself for being so empty-minded, but his closeness was distracting and intimidating which only fed her desire for him. She looked at his badge. T5D. She gulped down the lump forming in her throat. Like the T5S, the T5D were anything-goes dominants who liked to play hard and rough, as Nadine liked to put it. She was well over her head with the man
standing before her, and she suspected she knew it.
It occurred to her then that Vince, according to the tabloids, had just gotten out of a lengthy relationship with a twenty-two-year-old country music singer who proclaimed to be holding onto her virginity until she was married. Either she was full of shit, or they had some sort of agreement. Or maybe he was letting off steam after a couple of years of having to jack off. The reporter in Lexie was dying to know the truth behind that!
“I’ve always had a fondness for redheads,” Vince stated as he fingered a lock of her red curls. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, basking in the touch of the man she’d admired for years. She opened her
eyes back up and caught his heated gaze; which was burning into her and making her anxious, nervous, and excited all at the same time. She found the array of emotions so overwhelming she trembled.
I need to get it together, she scolded herself. He was the story and trembling like a schoolgirl with a crush wasn’t going to get her what she needed out of him. But what was she going to need to do to get the story from him? She pushed down her fear as the most obvious answer became clear: anything he wanted.
Gaining control of her nerves, she squared her shoulders, gave him a coy smile, and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Well, then I suppose it’s lucky for me that I just happen to be one.”
He took another step back and evaluated her once more, an amused smirk on his lips. “Lucky for both of us I should think.” With a nod, he
extended his hand to her. “Would you care to join me in my suite, so we can talk more privately? Maybe have a drink…”
Lexie chanced a glance over at Nadine who was standing by the bar, watching her and Vince. Her expression was blank, not giving Lexie any indication if going with Vince would be a good idea or not.
“Is there a problem?”
Lexie snapped her attention back over to Vince and smiled. “Of course not. I would love to.” She accepted his outstretched hand and it closed around hers possessively.
“Come then.”
With one more glance over at Nadine, she nodded to him and followed him towards the elevators. They walked in silence. For the first time in her life, Lexie had no idea what to say. Of course, this was mostly because she had no idea what she was getting herself into. Sure, she’d seen the videos that Nadine called her ‘homework’ but now that she was with an ‘anything goes’ Dom, she had no idea how to handle herself.
“You never did tell me if you were new to the club or not,” Vince commented as he pressed the call button for the elevator and then glanced down at her.
Lexie had no idea what the best answer would be to that question and immediately discovered she may be well over her head, not just with him, but with this in general. She wasn’t nearly as prepared as she thought she was. His closeness wasn’t helping; her body was becoming an inferno of desire for him and the feel of his hand surrounding hers was making her ache for more intimate contact. It was clouding her thoughts.
She flashed him a wide smile. “Oh, I’ve been a member for a long time. I just haven’t been around for a while.” She held her breath, waiting to see if he’d accept the answer.
His expression remained unreadable. “I see.”
The ding of the elevator sounded seconds before the doors slid open, interrupting any further comment he may have had on the subject. Strolling into the elevator, he pressed the number five, and the doors slid closed behind them. He glanced down at her and fire reared up into his dark blue
eyes. “I just need to check on something…”
Lexie didn’t have a chance to respond before she was pushed hard against the back of the elevator. Vince’s hand slipped behind her head, his hand fisting her hair and tugging her head back. She yelped more in
surprise more than pain as his lips came crashing down onto hers.
She moaned as her desire increased and an uncomfortable wetness began to gather between her legs. His hard body pressed roughly against hers, the evidence of his erection pressing against her stomach. The smell of his cologne drew her in, and she found herself helpless to resist her body’s yearnings as she fisted the front of his shirt, parted her lips, and gave herself to him.
His tongue, tasting faintly of beer, thrust into her mouth, demanding her tongue’s submission and she happily gave it. Lexie moaned again, pressing up against him and losing herself in the man she’d studied and
admired from afar and even wrote a term paper on. This was a man she’d admired for his ingenuity and charismatic personality when in the public eye. Boy, if the public could see the man she was experiencing now! It was oh-so-good!
His mouth pulled away from hers and began to run frantic kisses down the side of her neck while his hand inched its way up her leg and under her skirt to cup her ass. The wetness between her legs increased and the throbbing became a dull ache of need. Was he going to fuck her here
and now? In the elevator? Would she stop him if he tried?
She didn’t need to make that decision for as soon as the ding announcing their arrival to the fifth floor sounded, Vince quickly pulled
away from her. With her heart thumping rapidly in her chest, Lexie clung to the railing behind her in an attempt to steady herself. Looking up at him, her head spinning from the amazing kiss, she was slightly annoyed to discover that he seemed unperturbed by what had just happened.
“It’s this way,” he informed her. With a hand at the small of her back, he ushered her from the elevator and down a long, dimly lit corridor leading to his suite.
“Whoa, wait.” Lexie skidded to a stop in front of one room where the door had been left open and was helpless to keep from peering in and staring at what was going on inside. This was the room referred to as the ‘Water Room’. Inside, a half-dozen men had a petite blonde straddled over the urinal, her neck tethered to the wall by a collar. One by one, they each stepped up to her and urinated on her genitals. “My God!” Lexie gasped.
“For someone wearing a T5S badge, I wouldn’t have expected
to see such a shocked look on your face,” Vince teased as he stood behind her, watching as well. “You have seen this before, haven’t you?”
A couple of the men in the group, one being the rapper Nadine had mentioned previously, took notice of the two voyeurs but paid them no heed and continued with what they were doing.
“You do that?” Lexie turned to face him, ignoring his question and unable to hide the look of disgust in her expression.
Laughing, Vince urged her away from the room and shook his head as they continued their way down the corridor. “No. I’m sure a lot of people would consider what I do to women to be seriously fucked up, but I’ve never been tempted to piss on a woman before.”
Lexie knew she should be taking that statement to be as much of a warning as a promise.