Chapter 134

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

Adam didn’t want to walk out on her the way he had. If anything, he wanted to climb back into the bed, kiss her from head to toe and make sweet, slow love to her. Of course, that would have been breaking the rules and until dinner, he had to do his best to remain in character, and follow the rules.
This particular session held such importance, such meaning for them both, and to watch her learn she not only had it within her to explore other avenues but enjoyed them made his heart leap with joy. He couldn’t wait until he could get her alone later tonight and start their relationship all over again.
With more than a little pep in his gait, he headed through the door into the main house toward his room. With one foot on the bottom step, he heard voices behind him and turned to investigate. There, walking through the doorway from the dining room into the parlor, was Everett and a blonde with long hair and a killer figure. The red, skin-tight dress she wore proudly showed off every curve from her luscious round breasts to her perfectly proportioned hips. She giggled as she looked up at Everett, her eyes gazing at him with the same love Adam hoped still existed between him and Sara.
Everett glanced up and smiled. “Adam! Hey, come over here and meet my girlfriend.” He turned to the blonde. “Honey, this is the man I’ve shared a room with the last few days. He’s Sara’s trainer.”
Her eyes went wide and she nodded as she reached to shake his hand. “So, you’re Adam. I’m Karen.”
“Nice to meet you, Karen. I take it you met Sara?”
She nodded. “Yep, actually we’ve spent quite a bit of time together over the past few days. She’s a nice girl and I can tell you that she loves you very much.”
“I love her, too.”
She shifted on her high heels. “That’s obvious because this place isn’t just for anybody. I know you had to put in a lot of work to prepare for this weekend and maybe push aside a few of your inhibitions in the process.”
She glanced up at Everett as she finished her sentence and Adam was left to wonder exactly what she’d meant by that. What exactly had she asked of Everett that would push him outside his boundaries?
He quickly shook away the thought and turned his attention back to them. “I’m sorry, I’d love to stay and chat, but I need to catch a quick shower and get ready for dinner. Are you two heading out already?”
Everett nodded. “Yep, we’re done and done, man. Time to move on with life and see where it takes us.” He slapped Adam on the back. “If things work out for you two and you ever want to get together for dinner or anything, just give us a call. I think I can safely speak for Karen when I say, we’d love to get together.”
Karen nodded. “Absolutely. Even if it’s just for coffee once in a while. It would be great to stay in touch.”
Adam smiled. “That would be nice. We’ll be sure to do that.” He glanced toward the steps. “Well, I’d better get going.”
“Yeah, us too. Take care.” Everett shook his hand and Adam watched the two of them head for the front door. He had a feeling that getting together with them for anything would be an interesting experience.
* * * *
Unsure of what to do with herself, Sara slowly paced the room. She had a little over an hour until dinner. Deciding a bath was in order; she ambled into the bathroom. She took her time soaking in the warm water and nearly fell asleep. Forty-five minutes later, she emerged to find her clothes laid out on the bed for her. As she dressed, she watched her image in the mirror, taking mental notes on how she could make herself look and feel sexier. The first thing she’d do would be to go out and get all new undergarments. Then she’d toss out her bedclothes and buy some sexy lingerie to sleep in. Maybe a few toys would make that list also. Sara smiled at her last thought. Though the idea of looking a stranger in the face while purchasing a giant dildo was still a little intimidating, she hoped this time when she went into the erotic gift shop, she wouldn’t be leaving empty-handed and embarrassed.
She finished dressing and glanced at the clock. Dinner would begin in ten minutes. She walked around the room, straightening things and cleaning up after herself. Ms. Black was sure to have a maid come in to clean after she left, but Sara hated the idea of leaving a messy space behind. When it was finally time to go, she gave the room one last glance, picked up her suitcase, and headed out the bedroom door.
Once dinner was over, she’d be free to leave. In a way, she was a little sad to go. This weekend had been such a turning point in her life that seeing it end was a bit disappointing.
She headed down the hallway through the door leading to the front of the house. Ms. Black lay sprawled on a chaise lounge in the parlor as
Sara entered the room. “Sara, I see you’re all packed and ready to go.”
Sara smiled warmly at the woman. “Yes. I wanted to thank you. It’s been an enlightening weekend.”
“I’m sure it has. I’ve heard about your progress from Adam. Well done.” Ms. Black reached beneath the table next to her and retrieved a box wrapped in silver paper. “This is for you.”
Sara took the box and weighed the slightly heavy package in her hands. “What is it?”
Ms. Black gave her a wry look. “Oh, just a little something to help you continue on your path to sexual awareness. Go ahead and open it.”
Sara tore into the paper, freeing the cardboard from its decorative prison. She opened the lid to find a plethora of sex toys; everything from a small black flogger to a rather large size butt plug sat inside the box. Heat flooded her face as she inspected each item. “Thank you.”
She was grateful to Ms. Black because now she wouldn’t have to venture into any stores looking for immediate toys to purchase while she waited for any internet orders to arrive.
“You’re welcome. I hope you make good use of them in your future sexual escapades. Now I regret to inform you that we will have to skip dinner this evening.”
Sara looked up from the box. “Oh? Why?”
“Adam made a special request to leave early, and after discussing his plans further, I agreed.”
Sara’s heart leapfrogged from her chest and lodged in her throat. Why had Adam left early? “Adam’s gone?” she asked, unable to hide her concern.
Ms. Black smiled. “Yes. He departed about an hour after your last session. Please don’t worry. It wasn’t an emergency and it’s not for anything bad. He simply wanted to prepare a special meal and evening for the two of you at your place.” She turned toward the door and motioned for Sara to follow. “Considering your situation and how far you’ve come this weekend, I thought it was a very good decision on his part.” She smiled. “I’ll have one of the servants take your bags to your car. Now go. Start your new life with the man you love and remember to enjoy it.”
For the next thirty minutes, Sara drove toward her apartment while different scenarios played out in her head. While she knew whatever Adam was planning would be something she would no doubt enjoy, the not knowing was driving her insane.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of driving, she parked in her designated space. Foregoing her luggage, she grabbed her purse and the gift Ms. Black gave her instead and headed up to her second-floor, one-bedroom space.
She slipped her key in the lock, turned the handle, and walked into a room bathed in candlelight. Soft music flowed through the space, providing the perfect atmosphere for romance. Adam appeared at the kitchen doorway, wiping his hands on a dishtowel. “Hi.”
She closed the door behind her, dropped her things on the end of the sofa, and smiled. “Hi, yourself. What’s this all about?”
His look turned sheepish. “I wanted something more personal than the dinner Ms. Black was offering.”
“That’s very thoughtful.” She closed the distance between them, leaned into him, and brushed the lightest of kisses over his lips. “You didn’t have to.”
His grin faded and his look turned hungry. “I wanted to.”
Even though she’d just spent the entire weekend having sex with him, her libido stirred, demanding attention. “So what’s for dinner?” she asked, her voice now husky with desire.
“Italian,” he whispered before lowering his head and kissing her along her jawline.
Sara wrapped her fingers around his biceps in an attempt to hold herself up. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back, giving him access to her neck. “Italian sounds nice.”
“It’s warming.” He licked a small trail along the soft skin below her ear. “In the oven.”
“Oh,” she could only squeak in response when he sucked her lobe into his mouth.
“I have a confession to make,” he continued while doing delicious things to her neck.
Sara’s fingers tightened around the sleeve of his cotton tee, digging in for a better hold. “What would that be?” she asked even as her body arched toward him.
“I ordered the dinners from the Italian place around the corner.”
She grinned against the soft curve of his neck at his confession. He’d never been a very good cook, so she’d assumed he’d ordered the food. “Then you won’t be disappointed when I warm it up later?”
In one motion, he bent, hooked an arm beneath her bottom, scooped her up against him, and turned toward her bedroom. “You were reading my mind.”