Chapter 127

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

“Sure.” Karen pulled at her robe as she swung her legs off the chair onto the floor. “For some people, pain is a huge turn-on. I, for one, enjoy a good spanking. It gets me going. So I’m left to wonder what else would I like. As long as it’s done safely and I know I’m ultimately in control, I have no problem with experimentation.”
Sara shook her head. “I’m sorry. I just can’t imagine pain creating desire.” Even as she said the words, she thought about the spanking she’d received less than an hour ago. That had hurt-a lot-yet she’d been more aroused by it than she had been in years.
“I didn’t either on my first trip here, but I met another woman who was doing what I am now. After talking with her, I wrapped my mind around the idea. Now two years later, I’m ready to try it myself. If I don’t like it, then I know and I’ll never have to do it again.”
Karen paused and cocked her head to one side. “I’m guessing this is your first trip here?”
Sara nodded and let her gaze fall to the floor. It was nice to meet someone who had been in her position before and had positive results. Still, it didn’t ease her embarrassment.
Karen pushed off her chair and joined Sara on the couch. “It’s okay, you know.”
Sara’s gaze held the checkerboard pattern of the carpet. “What’s
“Admitting you have a weakness. Sex doesn’t come easy for
everyone. The fact that you’re here, putting yourself through something very uncomfortable says a lot about your character.”
Sara rolled her eyes and lifted her gaze to meet Karen’s stare. “Yeah, it says that I’m an idiot.”
Karen shot her a frown. “You’re not an idiot, Sara. This place isn’t accessible to just anybody, so it wasn’t just some whim you had. You chose to do this for a reason.”
Sara thought about Adam and the fight they’d had that spurred her to take action. After celebrating her friend’s birthday at the local nightclub, they’d returned to her house, popped in a movie, and before long were hot and bothered. That’s when it all went wrong; he’d suggested she turn around and lean over the arm of the couch and do it doggy style. She’d refused and the mood turned sour quickly. After two years together, Adam had walked out.
“I’m here because I want to shed my inhibitions and do all the things normal people do in bed. I want to feel what it’s like to have sex and not feel embarrassed because of my weight or my upbringing. I want to please the man I love in ways I haven’t before.”
Karen’s brow smoothed. “Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. Go
Sara let out a long sigh and leaned back. “All of our friends call us
the perfect couple. We have tons of things in common and an amazing chemistry between us. Early on, our sex life was great, but after a while things st, arted t started bumpy. He wants variety, and to try new things, but I’m more than a little self-conscious about my weight and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Finally, my lack of adventure landed us in a fight and he stormed out.”
Sara blinked hard in an attempt to keep away the tears. Even thinking about that day still hurts. “We’ve since made up and he says he loved me more than he’d ever loved anyone, that he wants to get married, but he doesn’t want to condemn himself to a life of mediocre sex.”
Karen placed a soft hand on Sara’s arm. “Please don’t take offense when I say this, but this boyfriend of yours doesn’t sound like he’s worth a lick if sex is what’s keeping you two from getting married.”
Sara shook her head. “It’s not just him. I don’t want a life filled with dull sex either, but I have issues to overcome and that’s why I’m here.”
Karen leaned back and stretched. “Well, I’m guessing since it’s Friday, you’re supposed to be here for the weekend and you haven’t been here more than a few hours. So why are you already thinking about leaving?”
Sara’s head rocketed up to meet Karen’s stare. “How did you know I was thinking about leaving?”
Karen smiled. “Why else would you have ventured out of your room? I mean, I’ve been here before. I know what’s in store for me and am comfortable with that. Roaming around the rooms back here is not a big deal to me, but you, my friend, are a newbie here. When I was a newbie, I was too embarrassed to go exploring. I only stumbled upon this room because I was convinced I was leaving.”
Sara’s mouth opened as she stared at Karen in shock. “You wanted to leave when you first came here?”
Karen nodded. “Yep, and the girl who was here talked me into staying. It wasn’t an easy weekend, but I made it through and I’m glad I did.”
“So, you’re telling me I should stay?”
“I’m saying if you truly want to change, you should stay. After all, even if things don’t work out with you two, you’re still carrying around the root of your problem. Why not think of this as a weekend of rehab? It’s difficult, slightly painful, and emotionally draining, but in the end, you’ll be a better person for surviving it.”
Karen’s words made a lot of sense and she was speaking from experience. Maybe Sara would never get to Karen’s BDSM level, but if she could make it through this weekend, that might be enough.
She pushed up from the couch and turned to look at Karen. “I should probably get back to my room now. I have some homework I need to complete.”
Karen grinned. “Good luck, Sara. Just remember, it’s worth it in the
“Thanks for the advice and good luck yourself. Maybe I’ll see you again before the end of the weekend.”
Karen nodded. “Maybe you will.”
Sara hurried down the hall to her room and closed the door behind her. She eyed the tray of food sitting on the table before heading to the television.
Taking a deep breath, she reached for the stack of DVDs, thumbed through the titles, chose one, and popped it into the DVD player. She then crossed the room, picked up the sandwich and drink, and returned to the chair. Leaving wasn’t an option. She was going to get through this if it killed her.