Sara took her time studying the room before she headed back to the bed for her suitcase. It was obvious the clothing she brought would go unworn, but she’d still feel better using her toiletries. She scanned the room only to realize her suitcase was gone. Quickly, she crossed to the closet and opened the doors with the hopes Marissa had placed it inside, only to let out a sigh as she stared down at the empty floor. It was nowhere in sight, but directly in front of her hung a beautiful red silk robe on a velvet hanger. The unintelligible black print gave it an Asian feel. If nothing else, at least the robe would make her feel a little more comfortable. She snagged it from the hanger and slipped it on seconds before a soft knock echoed in the quiet room.
“Come in,” she called, unsure if she wanted to know who was on the other side.
Ms. Black appeared. “I wanted to check on you after your initial encounter. I see you’ve been compliant so far.”
Heat rushed to Sara’s face as she wrapped the robe around her. “Um…I must admit, I feel a bit ridiculous.”
Ms. Black motioned to the table and chairs in the corner of the room. “Let’s sit. I’ll have Marissa bring us some tea.” She pushed a button on the intercom, ordered the beverages, and joined Sara. “Ms. Kingston-”
Sara held up a hand for her to stop. “Please. I’m sitting here nearly naked in front of you. I think you can call me Sara.”
“Okay, Sara. You say you feel ridiculous, but what else do you feel?”
Ms. Black gave her an empathetic look. “Understandable, considering your new surroundings, but I want you to dig deeper. Analyze your feelings.”
“I’m embarrassed.” “And?”
Her gaze dropped to the table. “And, aroused.”
Ms. Black leaned back against the chair. “Don’t be ashamed of that feeling, Sara. It’s the one emotion you need to connect with. Allow it to consume you.”
She glanced at the mirror across the room. “What did you think when you saw the new Sara in the mirror?”
“I was shocked.”
Ms. Black nodded. “What else?”
“I couldn’t quite believe the sexy woman in the mirror was me.”
Ms. Black arched a brow. “You like what you saw?” Sara ducked her head a second time before she nodded.
“Don’t be ashamed, Sara. It’s okay to be sexual, and to enjoy the emotions and feelings that come with it.”
The door opened and Marissa appeared, carrying a tray. She set the silver platter down on the table and then turned to face Ms. Black. “Anything else, madam?”
“No, Marissa. That will be all for now.”
The girl nodded and quickly exited the room. A soft clink of china filled Sara’s ears as Ms. Black poured the dark red liquid into each cup.
“I’ve been running this service for a long time. The one thing I can tell you, nothing that’s worthwhile comes easy. Sometimes putting yourself into an uncomfortable situation is the only way to produce the change you desire.”
Sara added two spoonfuls of sugar to her tea and stirred. “I understand about stretching outside your comfort zone, but I don’t know about this.”
Ms. Black set her cup on the table. “Answer me this question. Why did you want to come here?”
Sara studied the liquid in her cup. “Because I don’t want to continue being the person I am. Adam keeps telling me I’m missing so much and if I’d just been a little more adventurous I wouldn’t be sorry. I love him with all my heart and I want to be adventurous, Ms. Black.”
“That’s the reason you’ll stay.” Ms. Black sipped her tea. “The lessons you’ll learn this weekend are going to push you far outside your comfort zone. Not everything you experience you will like. Not everything will you dislike. What I hope to do is give you the necessary tools, the foundation to aid you in your sexual exploration once you leave.”
Sara glanced up from her mug and blinked back stinging tears. “What do I do when my lack of self-esteem clashes with my needs? It’s hard for me to enjoy sex when my brain is telling me that I should be ashamed.”
“Unfortunately that’s not something I can help you with.” Ms. Black stood, pushed in her chair, and sauntered to the door. “What I can tell you is, regardless of size we’re all sexual creatures with needs to fulfill. You are also one very lucky woman because you already have a man who accepts and loves you for who you are. Let go of your preconceived ideas of what society says is acceptable, both about body image and sexual appetite. Nobody should be able to tell you that what you look like or what you feel is wrong. It may be wrong for them, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong for you.”
Sara shook her head. “That’s so much easier said than done, especially when all my life I’ve been hounded about my weight.”
Ms. Black took a sip of her tea and returned to the table. “Parents often tell their children things they think will help to make them better adults. They tell lies about sex to keep children from practicing it too soon. Some obsess over their children’s weaknesses, whether they be mental, physical, or in your case perceived. In their bid to save you from the harshness that can befall a larger-than-normal adult, they say and do things to you as a child that can have just as damning consequences. They simply don’t realize the lifelong consequences such acts can cause.”
Sara sat back and blinked as Ms. Black’s words slowly seeped into her mind. What she said made perfect sense and strangely helped to dissipate some of the humiliation she carried. Before she could reply, Ms. Black continued.
“Learn from the lessons you’re given here. If you can do that, then you’ll get what you desire most.”
“I’ll try.” Deep down Sara knew she would try. The power to change was in her hands. It was simply a matter of how badly she wanted it. “Oh, Ms. Black, I brought a suitcase with me and now it’s gone. You wouldn’t happen to know where it is.”
Ms. Black nodded. “I had Marissa remove it. Everything you’ll need for the weekend, including clothing, is provided. Your bag will be returned to you Sunday evening.” She placed a hand on the door and turned to look back at Sara. “I certainly hope you find what you’re looking for, Sara.”
Sara finished her tea and considered her conversation with Ms. Black. She knew her issues were a result of deep-seated teachings that had somehow found a home in her subconscious. Ms. Black was right. The things her mother taught her had not only kept her from having sex when she was a teenager but also impeded her life as an adult. Wasn’t it time to shed those lessons and learn what worked for her? Would this weekend be enough to dislodge years of brainwashing? She certainly hoped so.
She set the cup on the tray and returned to the mirror. Turning first one way, then the other, she studied the white peek-a-boo bra and garter as the silky robe hung open. Maybe the getup was a bit ridiculous, but it was also extremely erotic. Even the anal plug, though slightly uncomfortable, carried with it a salacious quality.
The door opened and Sara turned to see Adam had returned. His intense gaze centered on her as he spoke, “How are you?”
Feeling a bit more courageous than earlier, she turned to face him. “I’m good.”
A slight smile tugged at his lips as he crossed to her. “Then you should have no problem with your first lesson.” He grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to the bed. The roughness of his movement sent a shot of fear through her and she tugged against him. This wasn’t how she expected him to start things. “Wait!”
He stopped to look at her. “You were told not to speak until spoken to. I’m afraid that breaking the rules will result in your punishment.” With one big paw, he held both Sara’s wrists together, gripping them between his fingers. Her eyes widened when he opened the drawer and pulled out a blindfold.
“Turn around,” he ordered and let go of her hands.
A new wave of nerves caused her body to shake as she turned to follow his instructions. What was he going to do to her? She knew he would never hurt her, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to ask or from worrying about the unknown. With him completely absorbed in his role, fear of his retribution for speaking out of turn kept her quiet. The silk blindfold descended over her eyes, turning everything in her line of sight black. Her breathing increased as she anticipated his next move.
He shoved the robe off her shoulders. The fabric kissed the back of her legs before puddling at her feet. He pulled her to him. The rough hair on his chest teased and taunted her exposed nipples. His lips touched her ear and he whispered, “Do you still remember your safe word?”