Chapter 121

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

Sara raised a hand to knock on the detailed mahogany door, only to pause with her knuckles mere inches from the wood. Music blared from behind the solid barrier and she wondered what was going on inside. She glanced at her car parked in the small lot next to Adam’s 4×4 truck, then down the long lane leading back to the main road. Second thoughts raced through her head and jumped up and down, waving their arms wildly. If she turned around right now, she could be back at her apartment in less than a half hour.
Pushing the boundaries in their relationship had been her idea. Leaving wouldn’t be fair to Adam, who had come a day early to take part in the Master’s training session the sex spa provided. Besides, if she were truly being honest with herself, she was more than a little curious as to what he had in store for them. They’d agreed to this weekend together and despite her insecurities, she wasn’t going to chicken out now. Straightening her spine, Sara steeled her nerves.
She lifted her hand a second time and allowed her knuckles to rap against the wood. The sound was so quiet, she didn’t expect anyone to hear it over the music, and was more than a little surprised when the heavy door swung open. Sensual jazz flowed out through the opening and wrapped around her like a blanket, infusing her with a libidinous feeling. A petite woman with long raven hair and an ashen complexion appeared from behind the door, her catlike eyes holding a cautious gaze over Sara. “Can I help you?”
The intensity of the woman’s stare made Sara’s nerves to dance, causing her stomach to somersault. “Hi…I’m Sara Kingston. I’m supposed to arrive today for my um…weekend?”
The woman’s scarlet lips turned up at the corners and slowly twisted into a smile. “Ah, yes. Ms. Kingston. I’m Patty Black, we spoke on the phone.” She thrust out a hand for Sara to shake.
Sara cupped the woman’s palm lightly. Black nails curled at the tips of the woman’s fingers and scraped along Sara’s wrist as she pulled away.
Ms. Black motioned for her to enter. “Please come in. I have everything set up for you.”
A new wave of trepidation flooded through Sara as she picked up her suitcase and walked past Ms. Black into the house. It was unnerving to know a complete stranger was aware of her sexual inadequacies and personal insecurities. It was even more unnerving not to know what the woman had planned for her.
“Here, let me have your bag delivered to your room.” Ms. Black motioned to a doorway behind Sara. Adam appeared and he crossed the room to retrieve her luggage. Sara did her best to hide a grin. He was clad in skintight jeans and a white cotton tee she swore was painted on. As he reached to retrieve her suitcase, the muscles in his chest rippled and flexed beneath the fabric of his shirt, inciting a similar reaction in Sara’s nether region. He refused to look directly at her and her internal smile faded. Was he now angry with her or had he simply taken on his role as her master? Either way, for now she’d have to play along, until she could talk to him. He picked up her bag, turned and walked away, leaving Sara with a perfect view of his tight, muscular ass. In preparation for this weekend, they’d abstained from sex for the last month and her libido was now voicing its dissatisfaction.
“Ms. Kingston?”
Sara returned her attention to Ms. Black. “Yes? I’m sorry.” “I’d like to go over a few ground rules before you begin.”
Sara cast one last covetous glance at the now closed door, and followed Ms. Black into the parlor. The woman motioned to an empty chair. “Please have a seat and we’ll get started.”
* * * *
Adam stood with the door open a crack and listened to the conversation taking place in the other room. Though he could barely make out what was being said, his innate curiosity kept him firmly rooted in place. When he agreed to this weekend, he hadn’t fully understood what it entailed. After being here for a full day, learning everything he needed to know to complete their weekend encounter, he couldn’t believe Sara had known what she was walking into. All he’d really wanted out of their relationship was a little variety in their sex life. What Ms. Black had in store was so much more.
She’d explained to him he’d be taking on the roll of ‘trainer’ and he’d have to play a character while Sara would be learning how to become a subordinate. He’d been confident he could pull it off with no problem, but now, seeing her for the first time in a month, he’d almost forgotten his part. She’d blushed with embarrassment and looked more than a little uncomfortable, and he wanted to wrap her in a hug and tell her it would be all right; that she didn’t have a thing to worry about as long as he was in charge.
Not only would it have been a lie, but it would have ruined their opportunity for a magnificent weekend of exploration. Still, he didn’t for a minute believe that once Sara realized what would happen she’d actually go through with it.
“What’cha looking at?” a voice whispered in Adam’s ear, causing him to jump in shock and nearly let the door fly open. He turned to find Everett, his roommate and counterpart for the weekend, standing behind him.
“Damn, Everett, you scared the hell out of me,” he scolded, careful to keep his tone low.
Not looking the least bit remorseful, Everett apologized. He leaned over Adam’s shoulder and peered through the cracked door. “So, what’s going on?”
Adam nodded toward the women. “Sara just arrived and I’m curious to know if she’ll back out once she realizes what’s in store for her.”
“Let me see.” Everett nudged Adam from his spot and peered out the door. “Damn, you didn’t tell me she was all lush and curvy. She ranks right up there with my Karen.”
Adam nodded. “Yeah, she is beautiful and smart, and funny…”
Everett looked over his shoulder at Adam and arched a curious brow. “Sounds like you’re head over heels for her. So why are you here?”
Adam tilted his head to one side and let his gaze fall to the carpeted floor beneath his feet. “She has a few issues in the bedroom department.”
Everett’s second brow rose to meet the first. “Oh. Vanilla sex, huh?” “Yeah, you could say that. A couple of months back we were getting
into some heavy petting on the couch during a movie, when she stopped and said we should move it into the bedroom. Wanting a little variety, I declined and said we should continue on the couch. It wasn’t as if we have kids to worry about, or roommates, or anything. When she insisted, I got aggravated and eventually we ended up in a fight.” Adam scuffed his shoe across the tan pile carpet. “It wasn’t like I was asking to tie her up and strap electrodes to her. I just thought it would sometimes be nice to do it on the couch, on the rug or in the shower instead of always in the bed. You know, a little spontaneity to spice things up a bit.”
“And she wouldn’t go for it?”
Adam shook his head. “She has some self-image issues and insecurities. Her family had done a great job drilling it into her head that she should be ashamed at being a big girl. So when she does want to have sex it’s in the bedroom under the covers with the lights off.”
“That sucks,” Everett agreed as he continued to watch Sara. “If she’s anything like my Karen I bet deep down she could be a beast in bed.”
Adam nodded. “I agree. So, in a moment of sheer frustration, I laid it all out to her about how I thought she was sexy no matter what and how she needed to get over this stupid insecurity she held.” He sighed. “She dug in and held her ground saying that I couldn’t possibly understand. So I walked out.”
Everett glanced back at him. “I’m sure that didn’t help with her issues.”
“It didn’t,” Adam replied. “I ended up feeling guilty for yelling at her and within a couple of days we made up, but the fight stuck with her and she sought out this place with the hopes it would help her expand her horizons. I thought it was like a therapy weekend where couples sit around and discuss their issues and ways to resolve them. Not this.”
Everett angled his head and gave a nod toward the door. “You think she thought the same thing?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll be shocked if she goes through with this once she finds out the entire weekend involves not only having sex with the lights on, but also learning new techniques and positions.”
“Be a damn shame for you if she doesn’t.” Everett smacked Adam on the shoulder and started for the other room. “I have to go get ready for my first session with Karen. Good luck, buddy.”
“Thanks,” Adam called over his shoulder at his new friend. At this point, he probably needed all the luck he could get.
* * * *