Chapter 118

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

My heart pounding and my breath shaking slightly, I waited for Josh’s reaction, alert for every sound and movement he might make. I’d bared my soul, and now it was his turn.
Tugging on the chain necklace around my throat, he coaxed me into kneeling up without a word. I obeyed the unspoken command instinctively, and as he tilted up my chin with a finger I closed my eyes, trembling a little.
Take me. I’m yours.
Something brushed against my lips-his thumb, not his mouth, and I opened my eyes after a moment, confused. His smile as he drew back made me melt, and I tried to remind myself that if hadn’t kissed me yet, he had a reason for it. “About damn time, little tease.”
Dimly, I registered the applause and whistles of spectators I hadn’t even realised had gathered, but I couldn’t bring myself to look away from Josh until he glanced away first. He was half amused and half irritated at the small crowd that had gathered-word travelled fast, it seemed-and I followed his gaze with a self-conscious smile.
Smurfette grinned unashamedly, and Danny and Tamara seemed to be suppressing laughter at a shared joke-probably because they were used to kneeling for me. Izzy raised a good-natured eyebrow at me, and I caught Heidi doing practically the same thing to Josh. Set back from most of the
crowd, Matt looked on with a rueful smile, and I returned his nod with one of my own, grateful for his distance from us.
My decision had been easy, when it had come down to it. When I’d begun negotiating with Matt, attempting to put myself into a submissive mindset, something had just felt wrong. I’d wanted Josh’s hands on me,
Josh’s whispered voice in my ear, and regressing whole years to how things had been with Matt just hadn’t been an option.
I’d explained the situation, and he’d been gracious about it. After all, it would have only been a casual scene. I’d hugged him and headed outside for some fresh air, considering my next move.
And less than thirty minutes later, there I was, kneeling at Josh’s feet. Where I belonged. Where I’d longed to be.
Smurfette stepped between us and the rest of the crowd, making shooing motions with her hands. “Okay, folks, let’s back off and give them a little privacy. This isn’t a soap opera. A little respect for boundaries, please?”
Resisting the urge to point out her blatant voyeurism over the past few months, I shot her a quick grin, thanking her for the gesture. People began to disperse, but Josh beckoned Tamara over, leaning over to murmur something to her that I couldn’t catch.
Tamara nodded and disappeared around the corner, but before I could spend too much time wondering where she’d gone or why, Josh tugged on a lock of my hair, commanding my attention again.
“Not gonna demand that I tell you I love you, little tease?” he asked softly.
I bit back laughter, shaking my head. “I know you hate to state the
obvious, Sir. Can I demand that you kiss me, though?”
“Nope. Not yet. Not until I’m ready.” The look in his eyes reassured me that it wasn’t because he didn’t want to, and I settled down to wait for his next move, trying to puzzle him out, forgetting Tamara, forgetting everything but him.
Tamara returned and handed something to Josh, and he nodded his thanks, then held it up as she retreated out of my sight.
A collar, practical yet elegant, all black leather and gleaming silver studs and an O-ring that was just the right size. “Play collar. Just for the
scene. Yes, or no?”
“Yes,” I whispered, unable to take my eyes off it until he pulled it out of my line of sight. I’d never wanted to wear anything so much before.
“Turn around and hold your hair out of the way, then.”
I obeyed, and after undoing the chain I’d been wearing, he fitted the collar with gentle fingers around my throat. As he tightened the buckle, a final grain of resistance inside me dissolved, and with a sigh I gave over control completely. Every time I’d resisted him, turned him away, kept him at arms’ length…none of that mattered anymore.
“You know, this is brand new. I bought it with you in mind, little tease. Knew it’d look good on you.” His touch lingered once the collar was fastened, as he ordered me to let my hair go and turn to kneel in front of him again.
Once I was in position, he gave a light tug on the O-ring, and kept his finger hooked through it. “My girl.”
Feeling the truth of the statement resonate through my body, I bowed my head in agreement. “What do you want from me, Sir?”
“So many things, little tease.” His voice was husky with desire, and I thrilled at the implications he was making. “For now, I want you to go into the dungeon, pick a spot, strip to your underwear, kneel and wait for me.
“Yes, Sir.”
Too soon, he released his hold on me. “Go, then.” I went.
Anticipation made my fingers clumsy as I stripped off my dress and heels, and I felt the eyes of many voyeurs on me as I knelt in front of the spanking bench, linked my fingers together behind my back and waited for Josh.
He didn’t keep me in suspense for long. When his boots appeared in my line of sight a quiver of excitement ran through me, and I waited for his commands impatiently.
“They’re all watching us, you know.” Josh’s casual tone sent a shiver down my spine, and I flicked my gaze over to the spectators’ area of the play space without raising my head. I couldn’t see too well through my peripheral vision, but I got the sense that they were all there; every single person who’d been present the moment we’d been introduced-except Ben and Mel, of course.
My mind spun further into a submissive haze, and I closed my eyes to try to ease it. Not that it helped. I was kneeling in front of him in my underwear-even if we’d been alone, that would have been enough.
“We’ve drawn this game out for too long for them not to be curious. And word travels in this scene. By now, even the dungeon masters want to know what I’m gonna do to you. I’ll bet they wouldn’t even step in if I were to fuck you in front of everyone here…”
I forgot how to breathe; humiliation and longing combined to prickle over my skin. “You wouldn’t,” I said, but I wasn’t sure whether it was a declaration of bravado or a question.
“You sure about that?” Josh crouched beside me, his body between me and the voyeurs, and stroked a hand over my tense, trembling body; down my abdomen, over the waistband of my lace panties and between my spread thighs. I bit back a whimper as his fingers trailed over my pussy for the first time, rubbing lightly over the scrap of damp fabric, then just a little harder.
Or maybe I was pressing myself into his hand. I didn’t know anymore.
“Look at you,” he growled in my ear, his breath hot against my skin. “Desperate for me to get you off with my fingers, and we haven’t even kissed yet. You’re shameless, aren’t you?”
There was just the right amount of amusement in his voice to turn me on still further. If I could remember how to speak, I’d be pleading for his kiss, his touch, his anything…
He got to his feet and paced around to my other side. “I’m betting you won’t even last a five minute scene before you’re begging for me to fuck you. Maybe I should just skip the formalities and get right to it, here in the middle of the dungeon.”
My exhibitionism fetish wasn’t usually this extreme, but another surge of heat rushed through me at his words, and I was almost sobbing with frustration now. “Please… Sir…”
“You’re begging me to take you in full view of everyone here?”
Josh adopted a mildly shocked tone, and I thanked God the spectators’ area was far enough away that they wouldn’t be able to hear him over the music. “Sorry, little tease. Not really my style. While you’re mine, only I get to
watch you come…”
I scrambled for the last shred of my defiance, the only part that hadn’t been frayed by time and imagination, his voice and his gaze. But there was nothing left. I was tired of resisting. I wanted him, and to be his. Completely his.
“Give me your orders, Sir.”
“Oh, I plan to.” Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he pulled me to my feet and over to the spanking bench. Though I moved quickly to lessen the tug against my scalp, the pain brought reflexive tears to my eyes, and by the time my knees hit the spanking bench, I’d forgotten all about the voyeurs.
For a second he let me go, as if he were strategising. Then he trailed a finger down my spine, ending with a swift double-tap of his fingertips
against my ass. “Come on, little tease. Stretch out.”
The spanking bench was two-tiered-a lower tier to kneel on, and an upper tier to support me from the waist up when I lay horizontally upon it. Once I was in position, Josh indicated that I should pillow my head on my folded arms, then stepped out of my view.
After a few tense seconds I relaxed, listening to the club’s soundtrack of music, thuds, slaps and intermittent cries of pain. It was relaxing in its own way, and every now and then a particularly loud groan or yelp made me smile.
Josh returned, crouching beside the bench to look into my face. “Doing okay, little tease?”
“I’m good, Sir.”
“Recognise this?” He held up the paddle he’d given me to study the first time he’d driven me home, waiting for my nod before continuing. “I plan to use it. Not right away, but eventually.”
I couldn’t wait to feel it against my skin, and he read the impatience in my face, laughing softly. “Still want me to kiss you?”
I licked my lips before I realised I was planning to, anticipating the sensations of his mouth on mine. “You know I do, Sir.”
Josh leaned in closer, his fingertips stroking my hair back from my face. Closer still, until I could feel his breath against my lips and my pulse pounded through my unfulfilled pussy…and then he stood up abruptly, leaving me to whimper and squirm against the bench.
“Not yet,” he murmured in my ear. “Not until we’re alone.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to beg him to just skip the scene, drive me home, and oh, God, just kiss me, already! The anticipation was driving me insane, but what was another hour or two on top of the months we’d already spent denying each other?
At least, that was the logic I tried to calm myself with. I wasn’t sure it was working.
“You told me your safeword months ago, hoping I’d drag you in here and hurt you until you used it, didn’t you, little tease?” I remembered that night, and couldn’t help but smile. I’d really only told him to tease him, and he’d known that, but his creative interpretation of the moment played hell with my imagination, and I nodded.
“Tell me again.”
“Scarlet,” I said, loud enough for him to hear me without leaning in too close.
He ran his hand possessively over my exposed ass. My thong offered the cheeks no protection, and when he slapped there for the first time, the sting was mild, but definitely noticeable. More…
I bit down on the plea, waiting for his next move, and after
commanding me to use it if I needed to, he began in earnest. He started lightly, slapping each cheek in turn, then began to intensify the blows.
By the time he finished the first set, my breath was quavering and my ass stinging, and I wanted him so badly I could hardly stand it. “Fuck,”
I whispered to myself, and he noticed my lips move, coming around to crouch in front of my face again.
“Say something, little tease?”
His eyes were dark with lust, and I almost melted at the slight smile that curved the corners of his lips.
“No, Sir.”
He stood up again after one careful, lingering look at my face, resuming his position. His next barrage of slaps was slower, but each slap left me breathless. I squeezed my eyes shut and counted along in my mind: ten slaps, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, oh, fuck…
He stopped just as I was about to whimper, smoothing the pain into my skin, easing it with comforting strokes, and I tried to catch my breath, relaxing gradually. His fingers slipped between my legs again, rubbing my thong against my clit and drawing a sharp cry of longing from my throat.
“Sir, please!”
“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” His voice was filled with amused heat, low and primal and perfect. “Look at you, wriggling and rubbing your nipples against the bench, trying to get yourself off in the middle of a crowded dungeon. You really are a tease.”
Without warning he curled his fingers, squeezing my labia for one delicious second before releasing me completely. I moaned and squirmed, desperate for more, but all I got was another round of spanks against my ass and thighs-searing heat to complement the hot, deep pulses of desire inside me.
I lost track of time when he switched to the paddle.
* * * *