The bed is jolting underneath me, bringing me out of my dream. A tiny laugh fills the room and prompts me to open my eyes. Nolan is jumping on the bed and giggling at himself, and when he sees my eyes on him he hops over toward me and collapses on my stomach.
I grunt as his elbow connects with a few of my ribs. Jeez. How can such a tiny body inflict so much pain? After recovering, I rustle his hair with my hand, rubbing his back with the other. “You are a little ball of energy in the morning. Are you hungry?”
He slides off me and scoots off the bed. “I want pamcakes.” His husky little voice is hoarser in the morning. That and his crazy hair are the only thing giving away that he has just woken up. He certainly isn’t moving as slow as I know I will be. Even off the bed, he is jumping around like a jack rabbit.
I sit up and rub my eyes with both hands. “Go wake up Aunt Tessa and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” His little feet quickly take him out of the room and down the hallway while I get dressed for the day. My phone beeps on the nightstand just as I am pulling my hair back into a pony. Ben: Is the maniac awake yet?
Me: Are you kidding? He’s running on full speed already. 🙂 We’re getting ready to make pancakes.
Ben: He’s probably psyched out of his mind getting to spend the day with you. I’m jealous.
Me: You’ll get me tonight, don’t worry.
Ben: Bet your ass I will. I’ll see you around six.
Me: Can’t wait.
I tuck my phone into my pocket and walk out into the kitchen. Tessa is rummaging through the cabinets while Nolan is playing with her phone on the couch. I snicker at the sight of him browsing ITunes like he’s done it a million times.
“Crapola. We don’t have any pancake mix,” she says, closing the doors she had opened and turning toward me. “My parents really should have stocked up before they decided to take a six month trip to Europe. I’m extremely disappointed in them.”
I chuckle and grab my keys off the counter. “Yes, how dare they not provide you with food for half the year while they go on vacation.” She scowls at me playfully, pulling the orange juice out of the fridge. “I’ll run to the store and get some. Do we need anything else?”
“We’ll need some more milk with Nolan here. Other than that, I think we’re good.” She walks over to the couch and plops down next to him. “Can you not buy apps please? How do you even know my password?” She leans her head into his and monitors his actions on her phone.
I laugh under my breath as I walk toward the door. “Alright. I’ll be back in a little while. Hold down the fort, Sir Nolan.” He shoots his dimples at me before returning to purchasing apps on Tessa’s phone.
* * *
I’m waiting in the checkout line at the grocery story after having grabbed the pancake mix, some milk, and a dragon coloring book I found near the greeting cards when my phone starts ringing. I pull it out of my pocket and place my basket at my feet, seeing my aunt’s name flashing on the screen.
“Hey, Aunt Mae.”
“Mia, sweetie, you need to come home.” She sniffs loudly and my heart immediately drops to the floor next to my basket.
I’m out the door, running across the parking lot within seconds. “What’s happened? Is it that stupid cold she had? Does she have a fever now or something?” I knew it was more than a cold. Fuck! My tires screech as I pull out of my parking space and drive toward the exit for the highway. My aunt sobs through the phone. “Aunt Mae, tell me what’s going on. Can I talk to her?” I hear a faint beeping sound through the phone in between my aunt’s cries. She’s in the hospital. That’s what that sound is.
“She was fine. I don’t know what happened. I went to wake her up this morning and she wouldn’t respond to me.” Her voice cracks and she starts crying harder. “She won’t wake up, Mia. The doctors are waiting for you to get here. Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”
I’m crying now, sobbing uncontrollably. I have to keep wiping my eyes to be able to see the road in front of me. The hand holding the phone to my ear is shaking so badly, my aunt’s cries are fading in and out. I know what she means. My mom has a DNR. The doctors are waiting for me to get there before they take her off the machines. My mom is dying and I’m not there. I haven’t been there for her. “I’m on my way. Tell her I’m on my way!”
“Honey, she’s unconscious.”
“Tell her I’m coming!” I hang up the phone and drop it somewhere, anywhere. I don’t give a shit about my phone right now.
My attention is on the road and nothing else as I fly down the highway. The speed limit means nothing to me. Nor do the other cars on the road. I swerve in and out of traffic, taking the median occasionally when I can’t get around someone. The only thing I care about is getting to her in less than four hours. Four fucking hours. Why the hell did I leave her? I knew in my gut that I shouldn’t have left for the summer. I was selfish. I was more concerned with having an amazing summer with my best friend than taking care of my own mother. And now she’s dying and I’m not there. I wasn’t there when she got that fucking cold. I wasn’t there last night when she probably started feeling bad, and then the bad turned to worse sometime in the middle of the night. She probably called out for me in her weak voice, too weak to alert my aunt. And now I’m two hundred miles away from her and I can’t get to her fast enough.
The world blurs in front of me.