Chapter 66

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

Ben: I can’t wait.
Me either. I wanted to type, but I didn’t. I wasn’t just looking forward to spending time with Nolan, who just so happened to be the cutest kid on the planet. I wanted to be around Ben. I didn’t want to fight it. I knew I couldn’t keep shutting him out. I didn’t want to hate him for things he did to me years ago. Not when he definitely wasn’t that guy anymore. It’d be different if he was. That hate would be justified. But he’s nothing like the old Ben. He doesn’t talk to me like that same boy. He doesn’t look at me like that same boy. And he definitely doesn’t make me feel like that same boy. I’d be a total bitch if I didn’t at least give this Ben a chance. So that’s what I’m giving him.
Saturday wasn’t coming soon enough for me. I’ve never felt anxious about doing something with a guy just as friends before. But this was Benjamin Kelly we were talking about. He’s seen me naked. Completely naked. And now he wanted to hang out like we haven’t brought each other immense pleasure.
He came just as much as I did that night so I’m taking credit for that.
How the hell am I supposed to navigate a friendship with a guy that I can’t stop fantasizing about? I’ve had guy friends before. It’s doable. But I’ve never gotten butterflies over those guys. I’ve never felt like I might actually combust just being in the same room as those guys. And I’ve definitely never wanted to bang the hell out of those guys.
Speaking of boys that wanted to be friends with me, I promised Reed that I’d meet him for lunch today. We’ve talked on the phone a few times since the day at Rocky Point. He was really sweet and funny, and when he asked me to hang out with him, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. He picked a sandwich shop in town that I was familiar with. Tessa and I ate there several times when we were younger with her parents. I spent the morning in the pool with her, not being able to sunbathe because the heat was enough to make you pass out. After a quick shower, I drove into town and parked my jeep next to Reed’s truck. He was already seated at a table when I walked through the door.
“Hey, how are you?” I ask, walking around the table as he stands up to greet me. He gives me a hug which I’m not expecting but it isn’t awkward. And it definitely isn’t anything other than a hug you’d give a friend, which relieves me. I’m hoping this really is just a lunch between new friends and not anything more. I’m not interested in anything else with Reed and I don’t want this to become uncomfortable. He ends our one armed hug with a pat on my back. Very non-date like.
“I’m good. I ordered you a shrimp salad sub. I hope that’s okay.” Reed smiles at me as he takes his seat and I take mine. He has the lightest blondest hair I’ve ever seen, almost white, that falls in his eyes with a bit of curl.
“Yeah, thanks. That sounds delicious.” I take a sip of the water he had also ordered for me. “So you were off work today?” Reed had mentioned a few days ago that he was a laborer for his father’s construction company.
He nods. “Yeah. Business is kind of slow right now. But it should pick up soon. We’re usually slammed in the summer time.” Our sandwiches are placed in front of us and we both take a bite, chewing behind our smiles.
“What town in Georgia are you from again?”
“Fulton. Smallest town in the world.” I swallow my bite and take a drink. “It’s a military town. The air base is really the only thing in it besides a Walmart.”
“Have you ever been on the air base? I bet they have some really cool planes there.”
I shrug. “I’ve only been on it a few times. They’ll show movies there at the theatre for a dollar, but it’s always like three months after their original release date.” I take another bite of my sandwich. “I don’t think given the choice I’d choose to live in Fulton. It’s mainly a lot of old people that are retired,” I pause and grin slyly. “And Marines.”
He laughs behind his drink. “I could totally live there. I’m a sucker for girls in uniforms and military planes. My grandfather was a pilot and used to take me to the air shows when I was younger.” The door to the shop chimes open and I watch Reed’s eyes react to whoever walks in. “What the hell are the odds,” he mumbles before fixating his gaze on me.
I turn in my chair and nearly fall out of it. Sweet mother of all that’s holy. Ben stands frozen just inside the shop door, his eyes shifting between mine and what I’m going to assume are Reed’s. But I can’t turn around to be sure. I can’t do anything besides stare at the glorious sight of him in a cop uniform. He’s a cop? I had no freaking idea. What the hell else is Tessa keeping from me? My chatterbox best friend seems oddly tight lipped on everything involving her brother.
“Well look who it is.” I’m broken out of my trance and glance up to see Luke’s amused grin. “How are you, Mia?”