This is insane, she thought to herself as Malcolm drove back to his condo. He had assured her that it was safe enough as long as they
hadn’t acted against Brantford. Goliath was resting in her lap, sleeping quietly. As she idly pet him behind the ears, Victoria couldn’t help but think about how the situation was so unfair toward Malcolm. It made her blood boil. His former brother-in-law tried to murder them with a plane and yet they are the ones told not to escalate the conflict. Even if she hadn’t been as invested in Malcolm’s victory for personal reasons, she would defiantly want Brantford to burn now. Victoria couldn’t believe this was really happening. Though she chided herself for being surprised. When it came to this world, nothing should surprise her anymore. Still, the idea of an ancient ritual battle between some of the world’s most powerful men was frightening. It was right out of a nightmare. This is insane, she repeated in her mind.
Her eyes glanced over to Malcolm’s chiseled face. He hadn’t been the same since that messenger left their safe house. It scared her to think that these people were able to find them so easily. Her only comfort was the news that they had until dawn before the bloodshed really started.
“You’re really going to charge ahead to Elizabeth’s address?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yes,” he said calmly.
This is insane. “Why, Malcolm? Are you sure this is the best way? Are you sure you aren’t just being impatient and reckless?” she asked, not believing the words coming out of her mouth. At first, she really thought she could deal with this, but now she wasn’t so sure. The thought of losing Malcolm was more than she could bear and it sapped her of all her strength.
She just wasn’t sure if it was fear or reason guiding her objections.
“I think this is the best idea we have,” he explained. “If I go back to Chicago now, Brantford will move Claire and Elizabeth. We’d have to start the search all over again and I’m not willing to do that.”
She watched him grip the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles became white. In his eyes, she could see the determination and passion that ruled him. “I know you’re right,” she said with a sigh. “I’m just worried. You’ve pulled yourself out of the fire once already but those kinds of miracles don’t happen often.”
“I know,” he said in an even tone. “But this is what I want to do.”
“She did say she would contact you again, champ,” she reminded him.
“I can’t count on Brantford offering her a second chance to do that.” He took a steadying breath and placed a gentle hand on her thigh. “She shouldn’t have to sneak around to talk to me. I wouldn’t do that to Elizabeth if I ever get Claire back. I may hate Brantford and want nothing to do with Elizabeth, but I would never keep Claire from them.”
The touch was comforting. She felt warmth spread through the area and her heartbeat slowed. “You’re a good man, champ. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
“I have a plan,” he said confidently. “I don’t want to give you all the details but trust me.” He squeezed and massaged her thigh deeper. His fingers kneaded into her muscles, encouraging circulation.
She released a contented sigh. “If you’re trying to get me to calm down; it’s working. I still think this is a bit too risky.”
“Victoria,” he whispered. “I know this might be difficult for you to understand, but this is my life. I’ve always been this way. High risk, high reward behavior. I was a poor orphan with nothing. I’ve never had the luxury of being afraid.”
She shook her head and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not so different, Malcolm. Being an investigative journalist isn’t a safe job. I get yelled at all the time by my bosses for taking on dangerous assignments,” she said softly. “But this? This is all your emotions talking and not your head. I’m not going to just sit here while you get yourself killed. I know you need to find your daughter and that single minded determination of yours is what got you to where you are today. Now I’m afraid it’s only going to get you killed.” She leaned her head against his shoulder for comfort as he drove.
There was silence in the car. Victoria just allowed herself to get lost in the soft hum of the tires rolling across the pavement. The subtle shaking of the engine as it powered the vehicle. It soothed and calmed her.
“I’m not so foolish, my treasure,” he said quietly. “That I will ignore good advice when I hear it.”
Relief began to form in Victoria’s chest, spreading throughout the rest of her. “I’d feel a lot more comfortable being there with you.” “You will do no such thing,” he said stubbornly.
“I will,” she said coolly. “And there is nothing you can do to stop me, champ. I’ve already almost lost you once. I’m not going to let you out of my sight.”
“It’s far too dangerous. We have no idea what we’re going to be up against!” he exclaimed with a heated tone. “With your leg still on the mend, it’s more dangerous for you to come with me than it is for me to go alone.”
His words were like a slap in the face and she lifted her head off of him. “That is not true. I’m perfectly capable of doing this and helping you. I could do this even if I was in a wheelchair,” she said as her nostrils flared.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Victoria but you said it yourself. Going in recklessly is probably going to get me killed,” he said softly. “We need a better plan.”
She thought about his words for a moment. This is insane. “You said this was a struggle with everything you have, right? So use your resources. Not to sound insane, but can you get hired guns? Satellite images? Anything that will give you an edge.”
Malcolm nodded. “I just hate to involve other people,” he said sadly. “This is my fight. Not theirs.”
Victoria admired the way he took things so personally. The way he protected everyone close to him from harm. She could see the weight of the world on his shoulders and knew it was because he was used to doing things alone. Billions of dollars never changed who he was as a man. It never stopped him from being what he really was: a fighter.
“You’re no good to anyone dead. So gather your forces to re-kidnap your daughter and then we can go somewhere nice for a while with her and relax,” she said reassuringly. “Lord knows we both need a moment to just recharge.”
“I thought I recharged you pretty well a few hours ago,” Malcolm joked.
She couldn’t help but smile and placed a hand on his arm. “You always do, but after this? I’m going to need lots, and lots of recharging.”
Malcolm’s features broke out into a smile and he reached to hold her hand as he drove. “We’ll be at the condo in a moment. We have a couple hours before dawn and I need to make some phone calls. You get some sleep while I do that.”
She nodded in agreement. The days had been exhausting, and she knew she needed all the strength she could muster. It was difficult to believe that just a few weeks ago she was just a normal woman. A normal reporter. She wasn’t that girl anymore.
“Do you really think he would follow through with his threat?” she asked curiously. “If it’s winner take all, doesn’t he stand to lose a lot more than you do?”
Malcolm nodded. “I’m not sure. Especially with his father passing away,” he said dubiously. “I wonder how much he had to do with that untimely demise.”
Victoria shuddered. “It’s hard to believe that someone would just kill their father,” she said softly. She had to remind herself that nothing should surprise her anymore.
He shrugged. “Brantford is a psychopathic narcissist. He’s completely unpredictable sometimes,” he said in a shaky voice.
“Do you really think this can work?” she asked nervously.
“It has to, my treasure. It has to.” This is insane.
Malcolm watched the sky anxiously as he stared out of his condo window. It was still pitch black, but it wouldn’t stay
that way for long. He estimated only an hour before the sun peeked over the horizon and he would have to make his move. His eyes glanced over to the bedroom where he saw Victoria’s sleeping form. He was glad she was asleep and hoped she was dreaming of a better life than her reality. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered as he looked away.
Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone and dialed Dominic’s number. It was quickly answered by his friend.
“Dom,” he said quickly. “We have a big problem.”
“I know already,” Dominic said over the phone. “I was at the meeting.” “You actually went to a meeting?” Malcolm asked with a chuckle.
“It was an all-hands-on-deck situation. David died and Brantford starting throwing his new weight around,” Dominic said in a hushed tone.
“Of course he did,” Malcolm said dryly.
Dominic sighed. “So what are you going to do? Are you going to come home and regroup?”
“No,” Malcolm said sharply. “I’m going to get my daughter back. Damn
Brantford and his ridiculous threats.”
“I wouldn’t call them ridiculous, Mal,” Dominic said quietly. “You could end up dead for real this time.”
“When am I ever not in a situation where I couldn’t end up dead for real?” Malcolm asked with a sardonic laugh.
“You’ve always been the king of underdogs, Mal,” Dominic said kindly. “What can I do?”
Malcolm thought for a few moments. “I have a plan. There is an address that I need you to track. Put a satellite on it and keep me updated on the movements going on,” Malcolm began instructing. “I’m going to start heading there now so move quickly. Hire our usual contractors. Double their rate. I don’t want them bought out from under me and I’ll need the backup. ”
Dominic said nothing for a long moment. “Consider it done.”
“Thank you, Dom. Whatever happens. We’ve had a good run together,”
Malcolm said with a sad smile. “Take care of yourself.”
“Back at you. What about Victoria?” Dominic asked quietly.
“Send someone to pick her up at my condo in the city. There will be a cat here that will want to come with her. Take them both as far away from here as possible,” Malcolm said as his eyes glanced over toward Victoria’s sleeping body. “She’ll just have to understand.”
“Right. I’ll see you soon then,” Dominic said as the phone clicked off.
Malcolm stuffed the device back into his pocket. With a sigh, he pulled his jacket tightly around his shoulders and slipped out of the room. He felt bad for lying to Victoria, but there was no way he could let her come with him. It was too dangerous and he felt he had put her in enough danger already.
THE COOL AIR of an Argentinean night swept into his lungs. It soothed his very soul as he walked toward the Toyota he had obtained. It reminded him so much of his old mustang, down to the color and the smell. He almost wanted to keep the car for the nostalgia but dismissed the idle fantasy. Where he was going, it was unlikely any part of him would survive. Dominic was right; he’d always been the underdog. No matter how many billions he was worth, he was always at a disadvantage.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” a female voice shouted behind him.
Malcolm spun on his heel to see Victoria briskly walking toward him in shaking fury. He kept his gaze locked on hers as she approached him. “I can’t take you with me, Victoria,” he said softly. “You know that.”
“Nonsense, champ. I’m going with you even if I have to steal a car and follow you the entire time,” she said with a fierce smile. “I am not letting you go off alone. Not when I can help you.”
He wanted to fight against her, to tell her to go away. He couldn’t. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’m not a little girl, Malcolm. I know you’re only trying to look out for me and I appreciate that, but we’re wasting time. You can scold me later if you wish, but right now we both have a job to do,” she said emphatically. Her eyes shone softly as she gazed at him. “I’ll drive. You get some sleep.” She snatched the keys from his hand quickly and strode around to the other side of the car.
Malcolm shook his head, thinking she was the most infuriating and marvelous creature he had ever known. “Fine,” he said lightly as he stepped into the passenger’s side of the car. He might have controlled her in the bedroom, but she was a force of nature while doing her job. It was impossible not to respect and admire her. Smiling to himself, he knew he had picked the right girl.