The blistering summer air in the southern half of the world hit
Malcolm’s face suddenly. Though he knew the seasons were opposite to that of his home, the rapid change from what he was used to was jarring. Even though it was approaching the evening, the sun sat proudly in the sky above him.
“Welcome to Brazil, Senor Cage,” an exotic, piercing voice spoke harshly. “I’ve been expecting you.”
“I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage,” he responded smoothly. His eyes fell on the serious looking woman standing below the plane. He walked down the steps slowly, descending until he was on the ground. “I’m a little surprised I would be asked to be spoken to. This is just a refueling and my paperwork should have arrived ahead of me.”
“I’m Inspector Marla,” she said curtly. “Your paperwork arrived this morning, expedited and all was in order.” Her eyes were narrowed behind glasses, and her hands were placed on her hips in an aggressive posture.
“Then what seems to be the problem?” he asked curiously. He could tell by the way she was looking at him that she was in a sour mood, and he was in no mood for being held up by a customs agent.
“It’s too clean. I did some digging on you, Senor Cage. I know you’re a big time American drug manufacturer.”
“I think you mean pharmaceutical,” he said coldly.
“I know what I said, Senor Cage,” she snapped. “Do you have any of your products aboard this plane that you’re attempting to smuggle into my country?”
Malcolm chuckled lightly. “You can read English, no?” he asked rhetorically. “I’m only passing through Brazil. My final destination is Buenos Aires, not Sao Paulo.”
“Your final destination doesn’t interest me, Senor Cage. I asked if you had any products on your plane,” she quickly retorted.
“No,” he said dryly. “This is a personal jet. Not a business one. I’m on vacation. There are two pilots, another passenger, and clothes on board. That’s all.”
She lifted a brow and took a step closer to Malcolm, her eyes searching his face for any sign of deception. “I don’t believe you.”
“You don’t have to believe me, Miss Inspector. Just let me go on my way,” he said sharply. “Observe my refueling if you must, to make sure I don’t send away any perfectly legal medication into your borders.”
“I would much rather search your plane, Senor Cage,” she said smugly. “In fact, I have a warrant being processed as we speak. By the time you’re ready to take off, it should be in my hand.”
“On what grounds?” he asked incredulously, his temper beginning to rise.
“An anonymous tip and some proof of how you became the man you are today, Senor Cage,” she said defiantly. “Even if I don’t have a warrant, you’re going to let me search your plane. Otherwise, I’ll take what I received in this tip and expose you for exactly what you are. A low life drug dealer in a suit.” She stood there confidently, as if she knew she held all the cards in this exchange.
“Don’t bite off more than you can chew, inspector,” he said dangerously. “If what you say is true, than you should know to tread carefully.”
“This is not America. Save your threats for a place you have power,” the inspector retorted.
“You’re very foolish if you think he doesn’t.” Victoria stepped out of the plane, looking down at the two of them with a prideful expression. She wore a loose, green sun dress that clung to every curve of her body. Her hair was slightly wet from her shower and was tousled around her shoulders in loose curls.
Malcolm couldn’t look away from her. Though he had seen her many times before, there was something different now. Something powerful he hadn’t seen before, not even at his club.
“Who are you?” the inspector asked hotly. “You have no business here.”
“Oh, but I do, lady,” Victoria said with a hint of anger in her voice. “I’m a reporter from the Chicago Tribune. One of the largest news outlets in America, and the most trustworthy. I’m sure my editors would love to hear my story about how Brazilian customs is bullying perfectly legitimate businessmen with wild allegations of anonymous tips and false stories of the past.”
“If Malcolm Cage is legitimate, I’m the first female pope,” the inspector said sarcastically, but her voice had lost some of its self-assuredness.
“I hope you can achieve that dream, honey. In the meantime, Mr. Cage is on vacation with me, and I really don’t like your attitude. I’ll enjoy making your country out to be the worst kind of place to travel if you’re in American business, and we’re not even staying here! I might even mention your name. That wouldn’t be very good for your job, would it?”
“Is that all you Americans know how to do? Make threats?” she asked, her tanned face paling slightly.
“Better to make threats and diffuse a situation rather than ending it violently, no?” Victoria asked, grinning from ear to ear. “If you know so much about Malcolm Cage and Cage Pharmaceuticals, you know that the company specializes in taking natural and ancient medicine and researching it for modern and practical use. Much of that research is done right here in Brazil with plants from the Amazon. Not to mention the company’s donations toward fighting for the rainforest conservation effort.”
Malcolm blinked in surprise as Victoria ripped this woman apart. He wasn’t one to make a fuss about his good deeds, and he was surprised she knew of his donations at all. She really was thorough. He would normally make a phone call to have this all resolved quite quickly, but he decided to wait.
Watching Victoria was far more entertaining.
“That’s not relevant to the situation at hand, Senorita,” the inspector said harshly. “I only care about drugs being brought into my country.”
“They aren’t, inspector,” Malcolm said softly. “I’m not that kind of man, contrary to whatever you’ve been told. All I want is to be on my way and to get back to my vacation with this little firecracker.”
The inspector glanced between the two of them for a long moment. She looked as if she was about to say something before her cellphone rang. Her face took an irritated expression as she pulled her phone from her pocket and looked at the screen. She answered in Portuguese, and her face nearly turned white a moment later. The call was abrupt and she was left standing on the runway in utter silence.
“Is there a problem?” Malcolm asked with a raised brow.
“You’re free to go,” she spat. “It seems you have friends in very high places.”
“Saving the rainforest does that,” he responded coolly.
Shaking her head in disgust, she looked at him with knives in her eyes. “So it would seem. Just get the hell out of my airport. Now.”
“We’re nearly done with refueling. We’ll be out of your hair shortly,” he said as a smile began to form on his lips. “Until next time, inspector.” “There better not be a next time.” She turned on her heel and walked back toward her car. Quickly she drove off back toward the airport, leaving Malcolm’s plane without searching inside.
Malcolm looked up at Victoria with a renewed sense of admiration. Never in his life had he felt so much trust and pride in a member of the fairer sex. “Chicago Tribune, eh?” he asked with a laugh. “I wasn’t aware you had managed to move up the ladder that far.”
“Just a harmless little bluff,” she responded sweetly.
“You would clean up at a poker game,” he said slyly. “Maybe I should take you with me to the casino sometime.”
“You wouldn’t be able to handle me, champ.” She walked down the steps and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead. “I hope you don’t mind, but I put in a call to the minister of foreign trade and explained the situation. He was happy to help.”
He nodded in approval and joined her on the step she was occupying. “Well done, my treasure. Well done.” He placed a gentle kiss on her lips. He couldn’t remember a time that he had been happier in his entire life, and allowed himself to celebrate the moment. “You were absolutely brilliant.”
“You don’t get your life threatened by one of the most powerful men on the planet and not learn a thing or two,” she said calmly as she shot him an accusatory look.
Malcolm couldn’t stop himself from smiling slightly. “I don’t know about one of the most powerful, but I see your point.”
“One of the most powerful in my eyes, champ,” she said sweetly as she pulled him into a tight embrace.
“That might be the nicest thing anyone has said about me,” he said softly, kissing her lips tenderly. “Thank you for your help.”
“Anytime, champ. Now, let’s get the heck out of here.” She pulled away from their hug and walked back up the stairs, swaying her hips as she went.
Malcolm hated to feel her pull away from him, but he loved to watch her go. Her gorgeous ass was tight and firm, and it made his mouth water. He had briefly debated trying to convince her to let him plunge his cock deep into her ass again earlier, but surprised himself with wanting to connect with her more conventionally. He took a step up into the plane, pondering his growing feelings for this woman. What was she trying to say to me?
He shook the thoughts out of his head as he closed the door, sealing it for takeoff. He reached for an intercom and pressed a button to speak into it.
“Miles, Jason? Are we ready to go?” he asked his pilot and co-pilot.
“Yes, sir,” Miles said.
“Doing final system checks now,” Jason responded.
“Good. Get us the hell out of here and remind me not to come back for Carnival next year,” he said dryly. “Not worth it.”
“At least that inspector chick was a total babe, right boss?” Jason said lightheartedly.
Malcolm shook his head, chuckling slightly. “I’ll let your wife know about your new crush if you aren’t careful.”
“Whoa, no need to be so hasty, sir! I’m only trying to lighten the mood,” Jason quickly said. “You just sit back and enjoy the rest of the trip with your lady friend. We’ll let you know when we’re about to land.”
Smiling lightly Malcolm said, “Thanks. Bonuses for the both of you for coming out on such short notice.”
“Not a problem, boss,” Miles said through the microphone. “I love Argentina this time of year.”
“Good, we’ll be there for a while,” he said and released the speaker button.
He walked down the aisle where Victoria was sitting cross legged in her seat. She looked up as he approached, smiling seductively.
“I saw you had oysters on board and brought some for us,” she said as she revealed the tray of food. “Along with a little wine and a grilled chicken salad made with the finest lettuce. I think that’ll do for a good lunch.” “It sounds perfect,” Malcolm agreed. “I can’t wait.”