The girls stepped through the door to their apartment slowly. They both walked sluggishly, with minor limps, although it was
significantly more noticeable in Chloe’s gait.
“God, I need an aspirin for this headache,” Chloe complained as she pressed her hand against the side of her head.
“I think I have one in my purse,” Victoria said. She set her purse down on the counter and rummaged through it until she found the small container with her emergency painkillers. “Here you go.” She pulled out the bottle and handed it to her friend.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Chloe said as she happily took the bottle from Victoria’s hands. She fumbled with the lid for a moment before popping it off. Turning the bottle over, she tapped two pills into her hand. She placed them on her tongue and swallowed them before retrieving a glass of water to wash them down.
“Well, now we know that a drunk Chloe equals gangbangs and hangovers,” Victoria teased lightly.
Chloe frowned and hung her head in guilt. “I still can’t believe that happened,” she said softly. “Who the hell am I? That was insane.”
“I was impressed. You never did say just how you got into that situation in the first place,” Victoria said accusingly. “Too busy making fun of me for getting dragged off by the king.”
Chloe had a guilty look on her face that made her look more cute than sorry. “Only because I love you and I’m worried about you,” she said gently. “I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”
“Don’t worry, Chloe. I can take care of myself and I’m not worried about the mighty Malcolm Cage,” she said with a smile. The truth was that she was afraid, but she wasn’t going to let Chloe see that.
“That’s because you’re a fool and aren’t afraid of anything,” Chloe pointed out.
“Pfft, whatever. Just tell me how you ended up being with the twins and the bartender,” Victoria said to guide the conversation back to what she was really curious about. “Three men. Three!”
Chloe shrugged nonchalantly. “A girl doesn’t kiss and tell,” she said with an amused smirk on her face.
“Honey, I saw you yelling at them,” Victoria pointed out with a laugh. “You’ve done way more than tell.”
Chloe frowned slightly, her lip forming a pout. “I got so freaked out by seeing you watching us that I jumped off the boys before they finished. I wanted them all to unleash a waterfall of cum on me,” she said with sad disappointment.
Victoria’s jaw dropped open at her friend’s sudden sexual appetite. “Wow. Are you an alien bodysnatcher or something? Away, fiend! Who are you and what have you done with my friend Chloe?” she asked teasingly.
“Oh, she’s in here somewhere,” Chloe replied with a small smile on her face. “She just got a little drunk and Dominic was very smooth. That man could convince a girl to rip her panties off even if she was on her period and hadn’t done any personal grooming in a month.”
“Wow,” Victoria said with surprise, “you really like him.”
Chloe shrugged. “It doesn’t matter if I do or not. I’m never going to see him again,” she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“What makes you say that?” Victoria asked in concern.
“How are we ever going to afford to go to the club a second time?” Chloe asked sadly. “I’m already going to have trouble making next month’s rent after buying this dress.”
Victoria smiled as she remembered the card that Malcolm had given her. “Malcolm said we could come by anytime we wanted. Free of charge,” she said brightly.
Chloe’s ears perked up at the news and her frown instantly disappeared. “That’s such good news. Vica. I would really love to see Dominic again, but I’m not sure…”
Victoria could see a flash of fear in her friend’s eyes. Walking over to her, Victoria put her arms around Chloe gently. “Don’t worry, honey,” she said soothingly. “Just go see him next Friday! You never know.”
“But now he thinks I’m a huge slut,” Chloe said with dismay. “I only went crazy because I thought it was the only time we would ever get to spend together. I just wanted to get lost in the moment and do what you said… let loose.”
“Well, you definitely let it all out,” Victoria said with a laugh. “Trust me, in a place like that, anything goes. He’s probably seen and done worse on a regular basis. I’m sure he doesn’t think of you as a worthless slut.” Her words were filled with confidence and kindness. She knew Chloe was a good girl at heart and any guy worth his salt would see that.
Chloe looked up into Victoria’s face and nodded slowly. “Maybe you’re right,” she said softly. “I’m just usually so nervous around men. This… this was like some kind of breakthrough for me.”
Victoria smiled down at her friend and gently rubbed her back. “I know, sweetie,” she said soothingly, “but you don’t have to be nervous with Dominic anymore. The two of you shared something really intense. He’s seen your wild side; something no one has ever seen. I bet you didn’t even know it existed. Neither of you have to waste time pretending to be something you’re not.” Victoria paused, and a whimsical little smile overtook her face. “You both know the truth. That can be the cornerstone of anything in the future.”
“Getting gangbanged can be a cornerstone of a relationship?” Chloe asked in a dubious tone.
Victoria shook her head and smirked. “No, silly. The act itself wasn’t important, but the fact that the two of you were both able to share it and enjoy it together! It means you’re somewhat sexually compatible, and you clearly enjoy his conversation and company. All good reasons not to be nervous and just put yourself out there.”
Chloe looked thoughtfully at her friend. “Wow,” she said quietly. “That makes me feel so much better, Vica. Thank you.”
Victoria grinned as she stepped away from Chloe. “I’m glad. Now I’m going to make something to eat before jumping into my story. Care to join me?” she asked brightly.
“No, thanks,” Chloe responded with a yawn. “I’m just going to take a shower and get to sleep.”
“Good idea,” Victoria responded cheerfully. “Goodnight, sweetie. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Mhm. Have fun with your racist gay senator,” Chloe said, lightly giggling as she turned to walk toward her bedroom.
Victoria grinned a bit as her friend walked away. Though she wanted to talk a bit more, she was grateful for the solitude. As much as she loved Chloe, she wanted to make something quick to eat and jump into her work. Chloe had a bad habit of needing more attention from Victoria than she could spare at times, and the most productive times were when Chloe worked or slept.
Walking into the kitchen with quick steps, Victoria went right for the food cabinet. She swung the door open and her eyes scanned the contents for the item she was looking for. It was a dark chocolate protein shake she drank for a quick meal while writing. Once she located it, she greedily grabbed at it and twisted off the top.
Humming to herself cheerfully, she walked through the small apartment they called home. She moved over to the kitchen island where her laptop was set up. She pulled out her chair, took a seat and flipped open the top of her computer. She kept the apartment rather dim to save on electricity costs, and the bright screen of her computer was the only real source of lighting in the room. Smiling, she quickly typed in her password in a flurry of keystrokes, eager to get started.
It took a few moments for the laptop to resume functionality after she signed in. Her foot tapped impatiently as she waited. When she was finally able to open up a new document, she found herself staring at the blank page for a moment, thinking of how to begin.
It had been a while since she’d had a special story that was worthy of her time, and she could feel the excitement coursing through her like wildfire. The only other thing that had ever made her feel like this was… Malcolm. As soon as his name and image crossed her mind, she felt her body grow warm. It was strange to think of him while she was working; that had never happened to her before. Once she got into a story, nothing else usually mattered; yet the memory of Malcolm’s face was haunting every corner of her mind.
“Just get to work Victoria,” she assured herself as she began to type. “A few hundred words and you’ll forget all about him.” She chewed on a nail as she typed and deleted several times in a lame attempt to fabricate a headline:
Senator Jones Hiding in the Closet: His Secret Life Exposed
Staring at the words with a slight tilt to her head, she wrinkled her nose. “Work in progress,” she said in irritation as she moved her cursor to begin typing the meat of the story.
As her fingers began to move, she found that she couldn’t focus as much as she wanted to. Thoughts of Malcolm kept popping into her mind and shivers went up her spine. “Goodness, girl, get a grip,” she scolded herself.
She grabbed her protein shake. The rich smell of dark chocolate filled her nostrils and she sighed in satisfaction. She lifted the small drink to her lips and poured the contents into her mouth. The shake touched her tongue and ignited her taste buds. She would live off these things if she could; at certain times in her life, she had.
“Back to work,” she said with a sigh as she pulled the drink away from her mouth. Setting it down she positioned her hands on her keyboard to begin typing once more. Five hundred words later, she began to read over what she had written. Her prose disgusted her as she counted several errors in her sentence syntax and punctuation. “What is wrong with me today?” she asked with a frown. She leaned back in her seat and stared at her computer for several moments.
The longer she stared, the more her mind filled with memories of being fucked senseless by Malcolm. The strong touch of his hands and the heat of his skin against hers. She couldn’t focus at all, and let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine!” she grumbled as she stood up from her chair.
She would have to accept defeat and call it a night.