Chapter 13

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

The limo drove on the road smoothly. Victoria could hardly feel the movement of the car on the asphalt. It was similar to her Lancer, but it felt so alien to not be behind the wheel.
“I hate this,” she grumbled.
Chloe turned to look at her friend in amusement. “Of course you do,” she said dryly. “The driver is following the speed limit.”
Victoria rolled her eyes. “Oh hush,” she said in irritation. She looked at Chloe and her lips turned into a deep frown. “That isn’t what I meant… but the slowness is pretty annoying too.”
“You’re thinking about the king?” she asked softly.
Victoria nodded. “His name is Malcolm… I really hate that king crap,” she muttered.
Chloe put her hand on Victoria’s knee. “I wasn’t aware you were on a first name basis with royalty,” she said as her smile evolved into a grin.
“Not you too,” Victoria groaned.
Chloe giggled and sat back in her seat. “I’m enjoying this a little too much. I’m sorry.”
“Yes you are, but I guess its fair play. I tease you all the time,” Victoria admitted glumly. “I just can’t stand how he somehow managed to get into my head!”
“And your pants,” Chloe pointed out.
Victoria narrowed her eyes. “Yes, but I didn’t mind that part. Although… when he got into my bum, that was a little scary.” Just thinking about it aroused her as if Malcolm was still buried inside her. She shifted a little to alleviate the soreness.
“Oh my. He must be good,” Chloe remarked.
“You have no idea,” Victoria said with quickened breath. “Anyway, that isn’t the point. He had his moments of being… frightening, but he can also be stupidly sweet. It’s maddening.”
Chloe looked at her friend with concern in her eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this,” she said softly. “You only came for the story. You never stray from your purpose.”
Victoria nodded and let out a deep sigh. “I have no earthly idea what I’m going to do, Chloe,” she said as she looked out the window. “The worst part is that he helped me turn the night into a great story for me to take back to my boss-but I still had to say no to his request for help,” she said in a voice filled with anger and self-loathing.
“What did he ask for that was so bad?” Chloe asked gently.
“He asked me to work on a case…” Victoria put her head in her hands. “Similar to the Peterson piece I did two years ago.”
“Fuck,” Chloe said softly. “Of course it had to be one of those. Whose kid was taken?”
“His,” Victoria said thoughtfully as she stared out of the window. “His daughter. I wanted to help him, but there is so much to consider and after what happened with the Petersons… I can’t go through that again.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Victoria. You couldn’t have known,” Chloe said soothingly.
Victoria shook her head. “It is my fault. I should have seen the signs and protected them better,” she said in a distant voice. “Anyway, no more living in the past!” She forced a smile. Her hand rummaged through her purse as she pulled out the photo of the senator Malcolm had given her earlier.
“Here, take a look at this,” she said as she handed the photo to her friend.
“Oh my god!” Chloe exclaimed. “Is that…?”
“Yup,” Victoria answered. “My boss is going to have a field day with this one.”
“Do you think it could finally get you into the Tribune?” Chloe asked in excitement.
Victoria found herself grinning now. Talking about the future helped numb the feelings of the past. “Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it’s a good step.”
“Hell yeah,” she said as she looked at the picture again. “I can’t fucking believe this guy. Talk about the world’s biggest hypocrite.” Her voice was filled with disgust as she handed back the photo.
“The funny thing is that if he was just honest about his sexuality and wasn’t such a douche, no one would care,” Victoria said sadly. “I’ll bring that up in the interview I get with him.” Reaching into her purse she pulled out her phone and typed up a quick note.
“I hope you tear him a new asshole,” Chloe said in agitation.
“So he can get that one filled too?” Victoria asked with a smirk. “I’ll rip him apart to be sure. I mainly want to know why he does this while publically bashing the same behavior. Does he just say what he feels will get him the most votes? To get that high politician’s salary?”
“Why does it matter?” Chloe asked with a raise of her brow.
Victoria turned to face Chloe and shot her a disappointed look. “Because why always matters. Sure, he’s gay and likes black men. That’s not the issue here. The issue is what is making him lie about it and hurt others in the process,” she explained.
“Nothing is making him do anything,” Chloe stressed. “It’s his choice to be a jerk.”
Victoria nodded in agreement. “True, but that’s only the surface of this story. The problem is that this country still acts like the civil rights movement never happened.” She frowned as she put her palm on her forehead. “You know why a politician can act like a total dick bag and it’s a positive attribute? Because the people electing them think so.”
Chloe looked away. “I guess I never thought of it that way,” she admitted.
“I’m not saying that what the great senator of Montana is doing is right,” Victoria said calmly, “only that the situation is deeper than just him. That’s what I want this story to tackle. Not just condemning the senator’s actions, but also condemning the priorities of the people that drive men like him to lie about something as trivial as sex, and to act racist for the sake of winning an election. Instead of important things like strong policies and intelligence.”
Silence hung in the car for a few moments after Victoria’s speech. Chloe bit her lip nervously and wrinkled her nose. “You’re right. It’s just a lot easier to blame the one person, I suppose,” she mused.
“It is easier, but it’s not the truth,” Victoria said. “I’m going to burn this guy for his lies but he isn’t the villain of this story. Just another unwitting victim of the system.”
“You believe that public opinion is the villain, don’t you?” Chloe asked.
“Yes,” Victoria responded softly, “and mass prejudice begets more prejudice.”
“It’s going to make an amazing story, Vica,” Chloe said confidently. “I love how you see things more deeply than most people-you get right down to the heart of the matter. If you can be so passionate about this after a night like tonight, I’m sure you can knock everyone off their feet with your writing.”
“That means a lot,” Victoria responded with a smile. “Thank you.” It felt good to get that off her chest. She had been struggling to figure out what she wanted to say with her article, and bouncing her words off Chloe helped her focus. Her mind had become far too distracted with thoughts of Malcolm, and it was already interfering with her job. “I should call Malcolm when we get home and tell him that I can’t see him again,” she said quietly.
“What?” Chloe asked in shock. “Why wouldn’t you want to see him again? He’s rich, stupidly handsome, and didn’t you say he treated you well?”
Victoria frowned at Chloe’s words. She knew it was impossible for the redhead to understand. “Yes, all that’s true. Well, except for the part where he made me put on a show for the entire club,” Victoria said with a grimace. “Actually, even that wasn’t so bad. Yes, Malcolm was a decent man with great superficial aspects.”
“Jesus, Vica. You’ve only hung out with him for a few hours. Spend some time getting to know the guy, at least! It’s not like seeing him again is getting married,” Chloe rationalized.
Victoria looked at her friend with a glint of fear in her eyes. Just the way it felt to be with him, she thought to herself, and the things we said to each other… “You’re right,” Victoria said nervously, “but he’s just so intense.”
Chloe nodded. “To be the King of Kink, I guess you kind of have to be,” Chloe said with a grin.
“Why don’t we talk about you, Dominic and the twins?” Victoria said in an attempt to change the subject.
“Oh no,” Chloe said with a wag of her finger, “you’re not getting out of this one. I’m not the one walking around with worry and guilt all over my face.”
Victoria huffed. “I still want to know how you ended up in that position.”
“A story for another time, I promise. Now keep on talking about Malcolm,” Chloe said with increasing interest.
Victoria lifted her shoulders in feeble surrender. “I’m afraid of the person I am when I’m around him, Chloe,” Victoria explained. “He brings out all these feelings inside of me that I can’t control. His passion and presence are so powerful that even I can’t help but get tossed around. He makes me feel like a woman. He makes me feel… weak. Desperate. Not in control.” She took a deep breath and crossed her legs uncomfortably to quell the burn that was beginning between her thighs. “The way he touched me, kissed me, looked at me even! I couldn’t stand to be away from him for a few minutes, and it’s going to get in the way of my work,” she finally admitted.
“I see,” Chloe said thoughtfully. “Well, it’s natural to be swept away in emotion at the start of a relationship. The honeymoon period, you know? Things usually die down and mellow out after a few weeks of nonstop sex.” Chloe shrugged.
“I don’t even know if this is the start of a relationship,” Victoria argued. “And I don’t have weeks of my life to waste fucking around with some guy! It doesn’t matter if he is the most devastatingly handsome man I’ve ever met.”
“Devastatingly handsome?” Chloe repeated in amusement. Her friend never spoke about men this way. “It seems that the solution to your problem isn’t cutting him out, but figuring out a way to control yourself around him. Why can’t you?”
Victoria thought about that for a moment and her lips fell into a frown. “I have no clue. He just makes it damn near impossible!”
“You’re the strongest person I know, Vica. I’m sure you can figure out a way,” Chloe said kindly. “If there is anyone that can be a match for him, it’s you. Besides, I’m sure he feels the same way.”
“Maybe,” Victoria said as she considered her friend’s words. “You could be right-and running away isn’t going to give me my answers.”
“Exactly. So find your metaphorical balls and go see him again sometime soon. You deserve to have someone in your life that can make you feel this way. As long as he is good to you.”
Victoria nodded. “Thanks, Chloe. That makes me feel loads better,” she said softly.
“Good,” Chloe replied cheerfully, “because that’s what friends are for!”
The girls felt the car stop shortly after their conversation. They peeked out the window to look up at their apartment building.
“I don’t even want to know how he found out where we live,” Victoria muttered.
“No idea, but it saved me from puking,” Chloe teased.
“I miss my Lancer,” Victoria pouted.
Chloe rolled her eyes and stepped out of the limo. “Come on. You can try to kill me later with that infernal thing,” she said in a good natured way. “I would never,” Victoria said incredulously. “I’m a fantastic driver.” “Or an insane one,” Chloe teased.
The girls shared a smile as they moved to climb out of the limo. The car door had been opened by a dignified older man with silvery grey hair.
“Thank you for the ride,” Victoria said pleasantly. She fished into her purse to pull out a tip for him.
“I can’t take that, miss,” he told her kindly, with a slight bow. “I assure you that I am well-compensated by Mr. Cage. If you ever need anything, just call the number on the business card and I’ll be happy to help,” the driver said.
“You don’t call him ‘king’ like everyone else?” Victoria asked curiously, her reporting instinct kicking into high gear.
“Of course not. I’ve been his driver and friend for years. That royalty nonsense is for the people in the club only,” he replied frankly.
“Well, I’m glad someone that knows him has some sense,” Victoria said lightly. It made her feel contented to know that Malcolm was so loved by his staff. “Anyway, thank you again. I just might take you up on that offer.”
“Not a problem, miss. Take care,” he said as he moved back into the vehicle. The limo drove off, leaving the girls standing in front of their apartment building.
“I’m ready for the couch, a little TV and then working on my story,” Victoria cheerfully said.
“Do you ever sleep?” Chloe asked as if her friend was insane.
“Not when I have work to do,” Victoria said with a sidelong glance at Chloe. “Thanks for talking with me about Malcolm. It did make me feel better, and I think I’ll call him later.”
Chloe nodded and walked over to pull Victoria into a hug. “You should, Vica. He seems like a really great guy. Perhaps sexually insane but still a good guy.”
Victoria wondered about that. There was a deep and immeasurable darkness she sensed in him. Though she wanted to see him again, part of her warned her to be afraid. “Nothing should be taken at face value,” she echoed his words. “So for now I’ll try to be smart and get the hell out if things start going south.”
“That’s a good idea,” Chloe said with a nod. “Now come on, I’ll make us some coffee so you have more energy to work.”