Chapter 7

Book:The Billionaire's Club Published:2025-3-10

Victoria woke up surrounded by soft pillows. Her smooth skin felt silk sheets caressing her nude form. She sat upright slowly
and her eyes glanced around the dimly lit room.
“You’re finally awake,” Malcolm spoke softly.
She turned her head toward the sound and smiled once her eyes identified his figure. “No thanks to you,” she retorted. Languidly, she stretched on the sheets, knowing that he was getting an eyeful of her nude body. It sent shivers up her spine, and her nipples became erect again with arousal. “While you aren’t fucking me senseless,” she said with a small laugh, “why don’t you tell me what went through your head when you chose to spend the night with me.”
He hesitated slightly and looked at her with the corner of his dark eyes.
“You’re perfect,” he said simply.
She canted her head to the side and regarded him for a moment. Her journalistic instincts were kicking into high gear because of his vagueness. She sat up on her elbows and narrowed her eyes. “Oh, come on. That’s not all there is to it,” she said frankly.
“That’s all you need to know right now,” he responded coldly as he rose from his chair. He crossed the room in just a few strides and pressed a button on an intercom next to the door. He placed an order for food and drink to be brought to the room quickly.
He really does act like a king, she thought to herself as she watched him. “Thank you,” she said sweetly. “I’m starving.”
His lips pulled into a half smirk and he nodded his head. “I figured as much.”
Something about him was different now, and she wondered what it was. Before, he had been so aggressive with her body. Not that she was complaining; she loved it when a man tossed her around like a ragdoll just as much as the next woman. Now, however, he was being almost caring and it unnerved her. She liked it when she could figure someone out quickly and she hated being surprised.
“So do you always bring a girl to your underground cave and fuck them into unconsciousness with your various appendages?” she asked in a snarky tone.
He laughed lightly and shook his head. “No. I typically tie them up to the wall and get my servants to come fuck them for hours while I watch.”
Her eyes went wide with a little fear. She studied him closely and could find no hint of deception in his words. She glanced at her ankles and was relieved to find they were unbound.
“Don’t worry,” he said with a chuckle. “Once I decide to put my hands on a woman, no one else can touch her.”
His words caused a flood of the wetness from earlier to drip out of her sex. Her body trembled under the intensity of his gaze. “I’m not worried. But what if I want to touch some of your guests?” she asked with a challenge in her voice. “Those twins seemed rather charming.” Even though this man thrilled her like no other, she was not some dumb whore to be bossed around. I am Victoria Chase, she mentally assured herself. I can stand my ground.
His dark eyes stormed and he narrowed them dangerously. “Don’t tempt fate,” he said harshly. “I heard how the men and even some of the women of this establishment wanted nothing more than to have you in the position you are right now,” he said as he turned to face her fully. He snapped his fingers for emphasis as he continued, “with just a word I could have a dozen men in here, training your pretty little cunt and dirty asshole until your mind was utterly broken.”
Instinctively, she recoiled until her back was pressed against the headboard of the bed. Never in her life had a man spoken to her in such a way. Never in her life had a man been so serious with his threats. She was afraid and aroused all at the same time. The silk sheets of the bed were suddenly setting her nerve endings on fire as they tantalized her skin. This man is fucking insane… so why do I want him so badly? She didn’t like being confused about the feelings in her own body. For the first time, she found herself with absolutely no idea how to handle a man.
Fuck him! she shouted in her mind as she swung her legs off the bed. Each step was defiant as she approached him. Though she was afraid, she was not going to be bullied around with harsh words. “Stop grandstanding,” she snapped as she shoved him against the wall.
He looked at her with surprise as he stumbled back. A deep growl formed in his throat but he didn’t move against her.
“You think it’s so amazing that you can get a dozen men to fuck me?” she asked as her anger continued to rise. “Guess what, buddy? I’m a girl. We get double that amount of male attention from walking down the street, taking the subway, sitting in a classroom, or going to the office. We go through life dealing with everyone wanting to fuck us all the time. So don’t act like you’re the champion of the world.”
His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared as he glared down at her. He moved forward with anger etched in every line of his face. She was afraid that he might actually try to strike her, but she no longer gave a fuck. She had taken down men bigger than him before and she would do it now if need be. It didn’t matter how irresistibly handsome, rich, or important he was.
Abruptly, he broke their eye contact as his head was thrown back. A deep laugh escaped his lungs and his face contorted into a broad smile. “You have some teeth, woman,” he said in between bouts of laughter. “I like that.”
“Good,” she said as the tension left her own face. She reached out to place her hand on his chest, “Because I would hate to not have that fine cock of yours inside me tonight.” Victoria smiled teasingly. “I would settle for the twins, but I don’t think they can handle me.”
His arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her tightly against his chest. The gesture was almost comfortable and familiar. He moved with such confidence and strength that it took her breath away and it made her body pulse with need.
“Now you’re grandstanding,” he accused with a smile. He combed his hands over her hair. “Just relax, love. Together, we’re going to achieve the kind of bliss that only exists in legends.” As soon as he finished speaking, his mouth descended on her neck.
She could feel his teeth sink into her tender skin, and it sent a shudder of electricity through her body. God, I can’t figure him out… but this is nice.
His hands roamed over the skin of her back and cupped her ass. With strong fingers, he squeezed the muscles in his hand. He pulled and spread her cheeks apart, forcing blood to the area and setting her already engorged pussy to new levels of heat.
“That feels amazing,” she whispered. His touch was different now, too. He was less rough and more sensual. Was everything that had happened earlier just him acting out some kind of public persona? Was he a different man altogether in private, behind closed doors? It threw her body and mind for a loop of endless confusion mixed with undeniable pleasure. She had to admit that no one had ever made her feel this way before. No man had ever piqued her curiosity to such heights. I will figure you out, Malcolm Cage, she promised herself even as she moaned out loud.
“I should really leave and check on Chloe,” she said breathlessly.
“Chloe?” he asked as he kissed her softly.
It took her a moment to pull the information from her brain. His attention on her body seemed to be blocking her neural pathways from focusing on anything other than him. “My friend. The girl I came here with.”
“Ah. She is fine, I assure you. My security is state of the art,” he said with a smirk as he sank his teeth into her neck.
She moaned at the sensation and pulled his head into her flesh with need. She loved the feeling of his body against hers. His assurance that Chloe was safe set her mind at ease and allowed her to become fully enveloped in her passions. “Malcolm,” she whispered in a hoarse voice. “I love this.”
“I need to fuck you,” he said as he pulled his lips away from her neck. “Now.”
She trembled at the words, eager to feel him filling her up. His hands slithered between her cheeks and found the tender circle of her asshole. It was damp from her juices, and he was easily able to slip a finger inside. She groaned at the pleasure of the intruding digit.
“Then stop teasing me,” she said. “Put your cock inside me, already.”
His lips pulled into that half smirk again and his eyes turned stormy once more. “I will,” he informed her as he continued to penetrate her with his finger, “but I like to do things a little differently.”
“Oh?” she murmured, a little dazed from the new sensation.
“I’m going to fuck you in the ass, Victoria.”
Her eyes registered shock and she pushed herself away from him. “Like hell you are!” she exclaimed. She didn’t mind his finger there, but there was no way she was going to let his monster cock even try to shove its way into her back door. The idea made her cringe.
Then another thought struck her.
“Wait,” she said in fear. “What did you just call me?” She stumbled backward as her mind reeled. He had known who she was all along. He had been knowingly toying with her. Her cover was blown. She needed to get away. Fuck!
“Did you think you would escape my notice, Miss Chase?” he
asked in a calm voice.
She scowled at his casual manner. She had never thought there might even be a slim chance that he could have recognized her. She wasn’t a TV reporter; her face wasn’t all that well known. She was mainly celebrated for her writing. “You really are a king, aren’t you?” she asked hesitantly as she backed away.
He nodded and folded his arms across his chest. “Of course I am,” he said with a smirk.
There was a knock at the door that he excused himself to answer. A waiter was standing there with an elegant serving tray. Malcolm collected it quickly and brought the food into the room, setting it down on the bed. The aroma of a creamy lobster dish filled the room, along with garlic and other spices she couldn’t identify. She could see that it had been served with a delicious-looking baked cheese that she imagined could be something like Gruyere. There was also a side dish of what looked to be expensive caviar. The delectable sight was overloading her senses and making her mouth water, and for a moment she forgot that she should be afraid.
“So what are your plans now?” she asked as she folded her arms across her breasts. She was feeling very exposed now that her identity was no longer shrouded in mystery.
He chortled lightly as he lay on the bed and began to eat a bit of caviar. “Don’t worry, Miss Chase. Your identity and profession don’t bother me,” he said softly. “To be honest, I actually like having you here.”
She raised a brow at that. She wasn’t sure how she should respond to him. Once again he was taking her on an emotional roller coaster ride. It’s some kind of game, and god dammit… he’s winning. “You sure know how to woo a lady,” she remarked with a smirk.
“Do you know what I like most about you, Miss Chase?” he asked as he beckoned her to the bed and handed her a fork.
She took it and smiled at him in thanks as she climbed onto the bed with him. “You can call me Victoria,” she said smoothly, “and I’ll call you Malcolm instead of your majesty. So what do you like most about me?”
His hand reached out to touch her thigh gently. “What you just did right there. That you face me head on,” he said as he slid his hand up her leg, massaging her gently.
She couldn’t help but quiver slightly at his touch. There was just something about this man that she couldn’t wrap her head around. These games, his strength, his mind; they all set her body burning with passion. She hated it. She couldn’t stand it. Yet, the longer the two of them interacted, the more she craved him. “Save your pretty flattery for another woman, Malcolm,” she responded hotly. “I’m not going to be one of your loyal followers. I came here to do a job.”
He nodded as he continued to caress her thigh, letting his fingers glide down over her mound. “Of course you did. You should eat first, and I will be sure to give you the complete tour for your story,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll show you every sort of depraved act that happens in my underground kingdom.”
Once again, his words caused her body to tremble. Stop it! she demanded mentally. “I’m sure you will,” she said as she shoved her fork into the lobster viciously. “Just not in my ass.”
“Victoria, I told you this already. Once I put my hands on a woman, no one else can touch her. She is mine,” he said strongly. He placed a bit of caviar on his tongue, but kept his gaze on her the entire time.
She could feel her ass tighten in excitement, but she was far too scared of being hurt. It was painful to admit that while she was willing to do almost anything for a story, she could not do this. She took a seat down on the bed and lifted a bit of caviar into her mouth. The delicate flavor caressed her taste buds enchantingly, and she moaned with pleasure. She immediately took another spoonful before looking up at him suspiciously. “If you think this meal is going to weaken my defenses, you’re wrong.”
He looked stunned for a moment as he put down his fork. “Victoria,” he said softly. “You’re going to let me have you in the way I choose.”
“No. Malcolm,” she said sharply, cutting him off and pointing accusingly between his legs. “Look at that fucking thing! It’s huge, and you were so rough with me outside in the hallway. You managed to make me come so hard that I passed out. Who does that? My breasts still ache and I feel like my insides are on fire!” She huffed and glared at him. She had been swept away in the thrill of those acts in the moment, but there was no way she could trust him with something as delicate as fucking her asshole.
“You loved it,” he commented. “I could see it in your eyes.”
She let out an exasperated sigh. “Yes, of course I did. What girl doesn’t love it when a strong man pushes her around a little?” she asked with a slight blush. “It’s nice to feel like a woman. It’s just that…” She paused as she gathered her thoughts. “This isn’t my life. I’m here for a job, and I’m not going to let some whack-job billionaire with an ass fetish fuck me with his monster cock, rip me apart, and keep me from living my actual life.”
He seemed to consider her words for a moment. He then began sliding his hand down her thigh, gently touching her clit. Malcolm’s eyes held a look she couldn’t quite identify. “I’m not like other men,” he said slowly;
“you need to trust me.”
She furrowed her brows at his words and became confused. He didn’t give her much time to think about it before he pulled her across the bed effortlessly. The cacophonous sound of shattering porcelain filled the air as the plate she was using crashed onto the floor. She yelped at the sudden feeling of his lips pressing against hers. Instinctively, she found herself kissing back with equal passion. Malcolm shoved the food tray onto the ground. A moment ago, she had been afraid, but now she couldn’t help but get caught up in the whirlwind of lust. What is he doing to me? she mentally asked.
He planted eager kisses along her nude body and only paused to take a breast into his mouth. She arched her back into his touch and felt her pussy dampen with need. She was glad she had been naked this entire time, otherwise she’d have ruined the pair of panties she walked into the club with.
“It feels like you’re devouring me, Malcolm,” she said breathlessly.