We’re spending most of our business hours working on the family lunch, which is fast approaching. I work with Dina, but it seems Katya and Ronan have assigned someone to watch us whenever we’re together. I think they’re trying to drive us apart, and as I walk toward the new offices, I wonder if they realize that the fact they’re saying I can’t have her makes me want her more. Is that even possible? We find ways.
We have a week and a half left to plan the event, and everything must be tight and coordinated, so we have to be together to plan. If we suddenly aren’t seen together, or if they issue a more public order not to see each other, they’ll be letting the men know that we were or are together.
That’ll cause more problems than they want.
I take the elevator up to my office and walk in. I shut the door behind me and turn around to find Daniel standing by the window.
“You’re early.” It isn’t a question, and Daniel glances at me as I say
He smiles. “Wanted to get an early start, especially cause I saw you leaving early today.”
“Dina’s not in until later,” I comment, shuffling papers together and sitting at my desk. “So you don’t have to babysit me.”
Danie snorts. “I wish that were the truth, Rob. You always were a little shit.”
I smirk at my brother and then start up my computer. He sits on the chair in front of my desk, facing me.
A message pops up on my screen from Dina’s burner phone.
Am in cleaning cupboard. Heard Daniel’s voice.
I delete the message and sit back. “So you’re just going to sit here the whole day while I work?”
“I’ve come to give you some advice on your plans.”
“Are you going to hold my dick while I take a leak?” I ask, standing up.
Daniel pulls a face. “No, you’re on your own for that one. Bring back coffee with you. I missed coffee with Nat this morning to beat you here.”
I scoff, acting irritated as I walk down the hallway. I turn toward the bathroom, but before I reach it, I enter the large cleaning closet to the right of the door.
Dina presses a finger against her lips and whispers, “They think I’m at the salon.”
“Daniel thinks I’m getting coffee.”
“Luckily, I brought coffee for the two of us that you can take.” She reaches up and kisses me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her hungrily, speaking softly. “We need to be quick, lass. He’ll come looking if I’m too long.”
She nods, breathing hard. She turns around and pulls her skirt up to reveal her thong. “Don’t worry about me today,” she murmurs.
I groan and unzip my pants. Once my cock is free, I bend her over slightly and push into her. It’s not the most comfortable position, and I hate that I can’t focus on her right now, but I need a release. I hold her hips and basically hump-fuck her as quickly as I can. When I’m close, I groan and murmur her name. I bury myself inside her, and my dick twitches as it fills her with my cum.
She sighs softly, and I lean forward to whisper in her ear, “I want you to pull your panties up and wear my cum in you all day long.”
She shivers and licks her lips. I smack her ass and tidy myself up, smoothing over my hair. She fixes her pants and pulls down her skirt before she hands me two coffees.
I grin, kiss her, and walk out. As I turn the corridor, I see Daniel coming out of my office, obviously wondering what’s taking so long.
“Seriously, Dan. Can I not even get coffee in peace?” I say, walking toward him.
Taking one of the cups, he grins. “You can, but I still don’t trust you.”
“Why not?” I ask as we loiter in the corridor.
“Because your little girlfriend just slipped out through the stairs.” I sigh as Ronan’s voice comes from behind me.
“Didn’t I tell you to leave her alone? Daniel, didn’t I tell you to watch the fucker?” Ronan walks toward us.
I look at him calmly. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“You keep slipping away to have little trysts wherever you want,
Robbie. I’m warning you now: if you don’t stop, there’s going to be a coup.
You are literally fucking us over by fucking her.” Ronan crosses his arms. Daniel looks at me incredulously. “Seriously? That quick?” “You’re not fucking helping,” Ronan roars, and I try not to laugh.
I sip my coffee and look at my brothers. “I am what I am, and I want what I want.”
“What you want is putting us in danger,” Ronan growls. “I’ve given you at least seven warnings in the last four days. For the love of the family,
Robbie, please just lay off for a while.”
I don’t respond, but I do hand him my coffee. “I think I need a day off. It’s been busy these past couple of weeks.”
I walk down the corridor. I hear Ronan call for me, but Daniel tells him to let me go.
It’s true, Dina and I have been sneaking off to shag as much as possible. We wouldn’t have to if Ronan and Katya would stop conspiring against us. We can keep it from the boys until we figure out what to tell them.
Fuck, why can’t I have my happy ending? I text Dina about meeting in Central Park, and I head that way, making sure I’m not being followed.
We meet at a secluded spot we found some time ago. She’s already there when I arrive, and I take her in my arms, kissing her deeply.
“Ronan saw you leaving,” I say as we part.
“Shit, again?” She smiles mischievously.
I kiss her softly, my hands stroking her sides softly.
“Do you want to…” she whispers, sliding a hand down my stomach. I catch her hand and shake my head. “No, I just want to be with you. I’m so tired of running around behind their backs. I want you in my bed, where I can eat you and savor you and make you see God.”
She blushes slightly, and I kiss her again. She presses herself against me. We find a spot to sit down and relax in each other’s arms for most of the day, turning our phones off.
Eventually, we have to go our separate ways, though, before the families really have a shit fit. I walk her to her car and kiss her softly, stroking her face. “You’re mine,” I say firmly. “Only mine.” She nods. “I am only yours as you are only mine.” I smile, kiss her, and go back to my car.
I don’t even go to the pub for dinner. I’m still fuming with Ronan. I don’t need another lecture from my older brother. Fuck, I’m over forty.
Why am I still getting lectures about how to date appropriately?
I go straight home, shower, and jump into bed. I lie there thinking of her. I drift off for what feels like seconds when my bedroom door slams open.
“You’re in shit,” Daniel says. “You’ve really fucked up this time.”
I sit bolt-upright and look around. “I didn’t do anything. I’m here alone… clearly.”
My phone buzzes, and I instinctively pick it up. Group message from an anonymous number. A photo of me kissing Dina in the Central Park car park.
“Fuck,” I murmur.
Then my phone rings, and Ronan’s number splays across the screen.
“I would answer it if I were you and be hopeful he doesn’t send you back to fucking Ireland.” Daniel paces my room.
“No. Shut it. I don’t want to hear a fucking peep from you, Robert Hilton Quinn.” Daniel can hear Ronan over the phone, and even he raises an eyebrow at the use of my formal birth name. “I warned you. I told you not to see her.”
“Ronan, I’ll take care of it.” Daniel shakes his head at my words.
“No, you fucking won’t cause, in case you didn’t read the men’s response, they want to tear you a new one. They don’t want to see or hear from you at all. You are housebound. No leaving the apartment, not even to come to the pub. Jarryd or Molly will bring your food. And this is an official order not to see Dina again. Under penalty of being cast out.”
Cast out? I’m his brother. My heart sinks in my chest. “Ronan…”
“Sometimes we can’t help who we love, Rob, but we have to choose the family even if it means we miss out on our soul mate. Make yourself useful. I’ll send your computer home. You work out who the second traitor is. We’ll deal with things after the event.”
He hangs up, and I look at Daniel. “You got to marry the love of your life. Why can’t I?”
“Why can’t Ronan?” Daniel says quietly. “It’s all down to our lot in life, kid. I’ll get you some supplies. Hand over the phone.”
I feel like a child, but I know I’m being punished. I hand over my phone and flop back into bed, worried about what will happen to Dina when the Sorvinos see that photo.
I’m happiest when I’m in a deep sleep, dreaming of Robbie and me together. Just doing regular, everyday things like shopping, having lunch, and taking out threats to the families. I’m warm and cozy in his arms, but I hear someone calling me. I groan as I open my eyes blearily and look up at Katya’s irate face.
“We have a problem,” she says, smacking my face lightly to wake me. “Up! We need to get ahead of this.”
Worried, I sit up, pulling my robe on. “Who was attacked?”
“You,” Katya says, handing me her phone. I stare at the photo of
Robbie kissing me. I frown and look at her. “You had me followed?”
“No, this was sent anonymously by someone who saw you two.” Katya sighs and shakes her head, starting to pace the room. I catch her hand rubbing the side of her belly, but she pauses before I can say anything. “Alessandro has told the other men it wasn’t willingly from your side and that the Quinn brother was taking advantage of you. It just looks bad because there’s no context.”
I run my hand through my hair. “Kat.”
“I told you to stay away from him, Dina. I told you not to bring emotions into this. Now, the men definitely won’t follow your lead. What am I supposed to do with that?” She sighs and stretches her neck. “It’s been really stressful with everything going on. I would have appreciated it if you had just held off, even just until the lunch.”
Guilt consumes me. Katya has always been good to me. “You got your prince charming…”
“It wasn’t rainbows and roses from the beginning.” Katya laughs darkly. “Alessandro and I learned from each other, fell in love with each other, and worked together to build a strong team.”
“Robbie and I can do the same if we’re just given the chance,” I plead with her.
Katya holds up a hand. “You won’t be focusing on the security for the event anymore, so there’s no need to go to the offices. We’ll be working from here. Ronan Quinn has his second-best soldier coming in to take over security until we can deal with this mess. This is not the week I need this bullshit, Dinara.” She glares at me, and my shoulders sink.
“Where can I help?” I finally ask.
“You’re going to help plan the security, get this Aiden guy up to date, and then you’re going to blend in quietly in the background and not cause a fuss anymore.” Katya takes a deep breath. “Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” I say, looking at her coldly. “Loud and clear.”
Katya leaves, and I sink onto my bed. The men might not be as harsh with me because I was “taken advantage of,” but Robbie is going to get it hard from everyone as the “instigator” of this whole thing.
Fuck. I feel so bad that I’ve gotten him into so much trouble.
The days drag by slowly as I get Aiden and Katya up to speed on the setup for security. We’ve decided to only use Sorvino men as guards with Quinn men nearby as backup. The family members will have their private guards so that each family can choose their most loyal guards with their lives.
I know the event is this Sunday, two days away. It’s been nice collaborating with Aiden as far as a work relationship is concerned, but I miss Robbie deeply.
I walk into Alessandro’s office, which is where we’ve been working.
Alessandro and Dominic have been away all week on business.
Aiden is already there with Katya, reviewing the rotation schedule and smiling as he looks up at me. “Hey, Dina, hope you’re well?”
I nod. “Thanks, I’m well and yourself. Hello, Katya.”
It’s been awkward between Katya and me this week. There’s a tension between us that never was there before in our friendship. I’m worried I’ve lost her as a friend, but she also seemed very distracted.
I sit on the opposite side of the table as Aiden goes through the rotations and how all possible exits are covered. He looks at me with a smile. “You won’t have to worry at all. I’ve got everything covered for
I give him a small smile, though I’m sure I look terrible. “I’m sure you will do great.”
I look at my watch and get up. “Sorry, I need to get something quickly.”
Every few hours, I’ve been trying to call Robbie, but there’s been no answer-no texts, no calls, and no emails.
I feel like a shell of a person without him here, and I am worried he’s been punished worse than I pictured. I go up to my room and shut the door. I take out my phone and dial his number. It rings, and I tap my foot, waiting without hope.
So when the call is answered, I stand up quickly. “Robbie?” “Dina, this needs to stop.” It’s Ronan, and I swallow.
“I just want to know he’s okay,” I say quickly. “That he isn’t dead at the bottom of the Hudson or something.”
“I rule strictly but fairly. Dina. I’m not going to kill my brother because of who he fucks. He is, however, relieved of his position for now. You, on the other hand, are going to get into a lot of trouble if Katya finds out how many times a day you text and call and email my brother.”
I bite my lip. “Please don’t tell her, Ronan.”
“I’m not going to if you stop. You have to stop, Dina. You two are not meant to be together. Some things just happen that way. For the sake of both of you, stay away from him and move on. He needs to do the same.”
The call ends, and I swallow hard. My throat is swollen with emotions and hurts as tears slip down my cheeks. I fall into my bed and sob into my pillow. I’ve never been this emotional about a man before, but fuck, I love him. And it isn’t fair I can’t have him.
Maybe after the event, we can ask the families to release us, and we can build an honest life somewhere in Europe.
There’s a knock at my door, and I hear Katya’s soft voice, “Dinara?”
I wipe my eyes and take a steady breath. “I’ll be down later. I’m not feeling well.”
“Do you need to talk?” she calls softly.
“No,” I call, colder than I usually would. I hear her sigh, and her footsteps recede, and I curl up on my bed, wondering if I will ever see Robbie again or if Ronan is right and I should just move on.