Seriously? I fucking protect her, and she has a little hissy fit. I don’t care what Ronan says; she may not be a princess, but she acts like an entitled bitch.
All I did was step between her and Stevie and establish that she’s in charge. What is fucking wrong with that? I enforce that Ronan is the leader all the time. She is so fucking unappreciative.
I don’t care if it was sexy as fucking hell that she walked into the room as though she owned it, told the men off, and stood her ground. I wouldn’t have cared if the men saw me fuck her right there, but I didn’t want them to see her nude. As far as anyone is concerned, she’s mine, and no one gets to see, touch, or perv over what’s mine.
To be honest, I felt rather possessive of her as she spoke. But now I’m annoyed. She should be a lot more grateful that I’m taking her side rather than opposing it, but that’s what you get with these airheads. They think they’re a big shot and are too good to get their hands dirty.
Even while I’m annoyed with her, my dick twitches as I think about her. That’s intoxication. Not Love. Love you’d be pissed and find someone else. Intoxication is obsession without conditions.
I turn to Aidan and follow him as we walk after Dina. The men have all gone off, and she seems to be taking a look around the place. As though she doesn’t remember getting fucked in my office. I leave Aidan and step up behind her. “Want a tour down memory lane?” I can see her face flush and smile.
She looks at me cooly and says, “Nothing memorable happened here.”
That stings, but she’s clever.
I follow her out of the building. There’s a fancy Mercedes-Benz parked nearby, and I assume it’s hers.
Shots ring out, and I grab her, pull her to the ground, and crouch over her. I reach behind me, pull out my semi-automatic handgun, and start firing at the car with tinted windows as it speeds past and down the road. I stand up slowly, and she allows me to help her to her feet.
She looks down the street and then at me. “Someone doesn’t like one of us.”
“I think it’s you,” I smirk. “I’m a joy.”
She rolls her eyes, and we turn as men come pouring out of the pub.
I see Ronan hobbling out; the men surround him to protect them.
“That’s your brother,” she says as a fact and then just openly walks across the street without a care. “Dina!” I hurry after her. “Be careful.”
Ronan leans on his crutch and holds out a hand. “Apologies, this is not normally how we greet our guests, Miss…”
“Please, call me Dina, Mr. Quinn. It is a pleasure to meet you in person, officially. It is such a pleasure to be on this side of the world. I’ve always loved this area.”
“It has a historic charm to it,” Ronan muses. “I will call you Dina if you address me as Ronan. Please.”
She nods. “Thank you, Ronan. I will be on my way now.”
“Are you sure you’re not hurt?” Ronan asks curiously. He doesn’t seem panicked or surprised at all.
I step forward. “I’m pretty sure I got her out the way in time.”
Dina’s eyes meet mine, and they’re cold as ice. She smiles as she turns back to Ronan. “It isn’t the first time my life has been in danger. It most likely won’t be the last, either. It’s the nature of what we do.”
“It is. I am, however, going to ask you to take Robbie home with you.” Ronan looks at me, and we both stare at him. “I cannot, with good conscience, let you go home alone when someone just clearly tried to take out a hit on you.”
“I have to insist; I don’t need Robbie to guard me.”
“Well, you need a lift home,” I say as I glance at her car. “Your car is shot to shit.”
She glances back and sighs. “It is, but I can catch a cab. I really don’t need protection.”
“I’m afraid, as head of the Quinn family, I’m going to have to deny your request and send Robbie home with you anyway. He’s a crack shot, a great guard, and I assure you if he’s anything less than a gentleman, you can come to me, and I’ll deal with him.”
I see her look at Ronan and then at me, and I know she can’t say no because it’s a direct instruction. If she doesn’t listen, then she knows Ronan will call Alessandro.
She nods. “Of course, Ronan. If you insist, I will listen to your instructions.”
“I do insist. Robbie, take her home safely, lock her down, and make sure no one hurts her. Even you.” He looks at me pointedly.
I nod. “She’s perfectly safe with me, I assure you.” I look at her.
“Come along, lass.”
She smiles and bids Ronan goodbye before following me to my car. We climb in, and I ask for her address. Once I have it, I concentrate on driving. There’s an awkward, tense silence between us, and I want to say something cheeky to break it.
“If you so much as think about laying a hand on me, I’ll desex you so fast they won’t be able to tell if you ever had a penis to begin with.” Her voice is icy, and I try not to laugh, but a small chuckle escapes.
“I don’t know how you can hate me so much, but I promise I will never do anything you don’t consent to.”
She scoffs, and I glance at her but don’t say anything further.
I navigate through the traffic before I pull up to her driveway. She uses her clicker to open the gate, and I glance around, taking note of vulnerable points in the high wall built around her little mansion of a home. I never understood why single people need to have so much space. It’s really overkill if you ask me.
I pull up to the front of her house and park. We both climb out, and she leads me into the house. I inspect the living room and motion for her.
“Stay here while I sweep the rest of the house.” “Seriously?” she mutters.
I look at her stoney-faced. “Yes.”
I take out my gun and close the living room doors behind me. I meticulously make my way through every room and inspect every possible hiding place. Once I’m confident it’s completely secure, I ensure it’s all locked up and activate her alarm.
I open the living room door to find her seated on the luxurious sofa, her legs tucked underneath her. Her high heels are carelessly tossed off near her, and there’s just something about that image-her dressed in pantyhose, a smart skirt, and a blouse that makes me want to rip it all off her and fuck her hard.
People say I’m crazy or insane, but they have no idea what I’d do to touch this woman. To lie by her. To be inside of her.
She looks up at me from her phone and raises an eyebrow. “Are we hitman free?”
“Don’t joke. You need to take this seriously. Your life is in danger.” I watch as she stands up.
“When did you ever take anything seriously,” she says as she walks toward the door.
I step in front of her. “In case you forgot, I took you seriously.”
She looks up at me, her eyes shining. “You fucking stalked me. You drove me underground because I couldn’t go anywhere without you having eyes on me. You’re a psycho, Robbie, that’s all. Nothing more.”
She pushes past me, and I turn my head to watch her go down the hallway to what I presume is her bedroom. I note which bedroom door she walks through and shuts before I sit in front of the television.
I knew the stalking bothered her, but I always hoped she’d see that my obsession for her was more of a compliment than a danger. Ronan has always said I am too extreme in everything I do. Maybe I am, but what’s wrong with being passionate?
I pull my jacket off and lay it over the one arm of a sofa, and then I unbutton my shirt. I slide out of it. If I’m going to sleep on the couch, I’m not doing it in a button-up shirt.
I kick my shoes off, pull my socks off, and sink into the seat’s soft cushions. I sit there, staring at the television.
I should put on something for background noise and sleep; that’s what I should do. I shouldn’t bother her, speak to her, or make her feel uncomfortable. There’s so much that I want to tell her, but I don’t have the words.
She is in every atom of my being. There is nothing without her. I put her to the recesses of my mind by focussing on work, but now that she’s so close to me, I can’t pretend as though there isn’t this devil of an attraction that I have for her.
And I know she has it for me. I’ve seen how her eyes have traveled up and down my body, inspecting every chiseled inch of muscle. The way she glances at my crotch, how someone would look at a photo in fond remembrance.
She may come across as a professional and calm to the outside world, but I know that deep down inside her is that little girl who liked to ride my dick until she was paralytically intoxicated from too many orgasms.
I smirk to myself.
The number of times I’ve had to make myself something to eat after sex with her because I do it right, and she can’t take two steps on those jelly legs once I’m done with her.
The smell of her sex is etched into my brain, and it’s a smell I will never forget, and I shouldn’t have to. I look back at the hallway and sigh.
When you know you’re right, you know you’re right.
I stand up and pace the room. I need to get rid of this excess energy. It’s dangerous. But I can feel my semi-hard dick already twitching with excitement.
I pause as I hear the sound of running water through the pipes.
She’s having a shower.
My dick stands at full mast.
The thought of this pervy little stalker being in my home, where I need to sleep, makes me feel all kinds of ick. When I shut my bedroom door, I lean against it and take a few deep breaths.
I nearly had a heart attack when I was shot at, but I couldn’t let them see that. Then I had to catch my breath and act as though Robbie sheltering me and then shooting back at my attackers wasn’t the hottest fucking thing alive.
How can I find the man who made my life a living hell sexy? My panties are dripping just thinking of how overprotective he is of me. I shiver and undress, shoving my clothes into the hamper before I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on. I rinse the sweat from my body and lather the soap on my body.
My mind drifts back to when I first met Robbie. It was a negotiation that Katya’s family and Quinn’s were having way before they even considered friendly terms. This was purely business; they had sent me to woo Robbie into agreeing to our terms.
He was starting out in the business side of things there, not a hitman, but there was a dangerous air about him that I had found curious. We argued, though.
God, we argued so much during the negotiations because we had to try to one-up each other constantly.
The other people who attended these meetings with us couldn’t get a word in edge-wise. We were sworn enemies trying to come to an agreement to prevent blood spilling unnecessarily.