I eventually shoot the beer cans so many times that there’s nothing left of them, and ultimately, there are none left. I can’t believe this bullshit that I find myself in. I have successfully managed our muscle for years now, and at the slightest whimper from the Sorvino brother, I’m in shit for not treating his thugs like the little ballerina princesses they are.
There’s nothing I can do about it, though. My loyalty to my brother is unconditional, even if I think he is making a bad decision. I am considering talking to Daniel about it, but he’s married into the Russian family, and he’ll probably take the Russian’s side in this.
My father is probably turning in his grave because of this alliance. It makes sense; other families won’t touch us because we’re affiliated with the two most prominent names in the organized crime industry. At the same time, we make money by providing their security services, training their men, and avoiding the daily media shit show that most families are involved in.
Once everyone has left the office, I ask Aidan to lock up, and I leave to go to the pub. Ronan is already pissed with me; no need to further his ire by being late for dinner prayer.
As I walk in, I take my suit jacket off and hand it to Molly, who takes it to hang up on the coat rack. I stride over to where Ronan sits, right where he was this morning, with his leg propped up.
Everyone comes in slowly, and I sit in the booth furthest away from
Ronan. He glances at me and shakes his head. “Come on, usual spot.”
I sigh and move to my regular seat nearer him, and we wait until the first crowd is in and settled down.
We close our eyes and bow our heads as Ronan prays over the food we’ve received, that we made it back safely tonight, and for continued protection over the family, all members, blood or not.
We all say amen and tuck into the delicious roast that Molly and her team have prepared. There are smooth mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, salty buttery corn, and creamed spinach with bacon topped with melted cheese. There are boats of thick savory gravy to drown the food in, and then there are the pork belly roasts. The meat is falling off, but the crackling is crisper than the morning air before dawn.
Roast night is one of my favorite nights, and I suspect Ronan had a hand in the choice tonight to make up for our earlier spat.
As we finish dishing our food and tuck in, Ronan turns his attention to me. “You’re not going to like what I have to tell you, Robbie. The families have decided to bring in a supervisor from Katya’s family to oversee the merging of the security divisions and to make this someone chaotic phase execute more smoothly. I expect you to work with them instead of against them.”
My temper flares. The food isn’t an apology for earlier; it is a bribe for the news he just dropped on me. “For fucking hell’s sake Ronan. I don’t need a fucking supervisor. I’ve been doing this all my fucking life. I need obedience, and there’s a surefire way to get that.”
Ronan looks at me and raises an eyebrow. “That level of discipline would incite a war between the families, which is exactly what I’m trying to avoid. You’re being hardheaded and quick-tempered, and you need to learn to approach things with a sense of fairness you’re not used to giving.”
“You don’t think I’m fair to our boys every day? You don’t think I base my decisions on fact? Yeah, I get a bit pissed, but I have never let this family down. Why would I now?” I look away grumpily.
“You are loyal to this family, Robbie. You always have been. The family has issued an order. This is what your boss is telling you needs to
happen. Are you going to go against my order?”
I realize the entire room has fallen quiet, listening to the conversation. I didn’t notice we’d gotten so loud. I shake my head. “You know I won’t disobey your order, Ronan.”
Everyone goes back to their food, chatting softly. Ronan nods, and we continue to eat while I mull over this information.
“Look, it’s a Russian woman named Dinara. She’s got a background in stealth and security. She’s good, Robbie. She’s not going to be a hindrance to you. She’s going to amplify your skills. Just give the woman a chance because this is who Katya Sorvino wants heading this project.” Ronan bites into his meat and moans softly. “Dammit, Molly can cook.”
At the sound of Dinara’s name, an image instantly conjures in my mind, and adrenalin rushes through me. I know the woman that Ronan is talking about. She was, no, she is my intoxication. I’ve found ways to temporarily stave off my obsession with her, but there was a time when I knew her every move, breath, and look. I remember her writhing underneath me, her wrists handcuffed to the wall, and her legs around my waist. She’d never done something like that before, and her innocent cries of pleasure drove me mad as I slammed in and out of her until I came over her belly.
She had left quickly. I had scared her. I get a bit wild, I admit.
She was twenty-one and naive. I was closer to thirty-seven. Twelve years her senior. It had been raunchy and hot, and I had left nibble marks all over to remind her of me.
I smirk. Working with Dina won’t be so bad. She’s pretty bendable to my will and has a healthy respect for me.
I notice Ronan staring at me, and I raise an eyebrow. “What?”
“Why has your mood flipped?” he asks. “Your whole vibe has changed. I am pretty sure you almost cracked a smile.”
I snort. “The thought of a woman bossing me around is kinda hot, I won’t lie. Especially a good-looking Russian woman giving me orders, I could get behind her…”
Ronan shakes his head. “You’re impossible, little brother. Absolutely impossible. You’re pissed you’re being supervised, and then you’re not pissed because it’s a woman you can hit on. She’s not going to go to bed with you, Robbie. Despite what your delusions tell you, you’re not an instant chick magnet.”
“Speak for yourself, old man,” I chuckle. “I can bed any woman I want.”
I glance at Molly, who’s paused at our table to put down more food, and she looks at me. “I’d rather be dead.”
Everyone bursts out laughing, including me, and Molly strokes my cheek. “Love, have a shave, will ya? You look like a homeless bodybuilder in a suit. It’s terrible.”
I blush and pull my face away. “Come on, Molly, you’re not my ma.”
“I am close to it,” she says sternly. “Don’t you take that insolent tone with me, boy, or you won’t get meals for a week.”
I get up and kiss her cheek. “Sorry, Molly, I know better than to speak back to you.”
“There’s a good lad. Ronan, stop gawking and eat your greens.
Honestly, you boys would live off meat and potatoes if it weren’t for me hovering around you, making sure you ate something resembling a vegetable.”
“Potato is a vegetable.” Ronan mumbles.
Molly fixes him with a steely gaze, and he quickly dishes himself some more spinach.
She nods and leaves, and I chuckle.
“It seems being bossed by women runs in this family.”
Ronan chuckles. “I think Molly is scarier than any head of family we’ve ever known anywhere in the world. It would be a sad, poor fool that fucks with that woman.”
I smile. I wish Roman would just whisk Molly off her feet. He’s always loved her, always protected her. But she doesn’t want this life. She doesn’t want to worry about being shot at or coming home, and the love of her life is dead. She calls herself an old cat lady, but in all honesty, she should have been a mother. She certainly raised me and Jarryd well.
We finish our food, and Molly comes to clear our dishes. She always runs our table herself. The rest of her team takes care of the other lads. Ronan smiles at her. “Delicious as always, Molly. Every day, your food just gets better and better.”
“Hush you! You just want me to make shepherd’s pie tomorrow.” She packs the dishes onto a tray.
“I wouldn’t say no to shepherd’s pie,” I comment, wiping my mouth on my napkin.
“I decide what’s for dinner according to how you boys behave, and I don’t know if you deserve a well-loved homely meal like that. You all have given me so many gray hairs this last year.” Molly picks up the tray. “We’ll see.”
Ronan smiles, and as she leaves, he leans over to me. “That means we’re getting it.”
I chuckle. “When are Jarryd and Daniel going to be back from their trip?”
“Probably in a few days if all goes well and there’s no further delays. Maybe even sooner.” Ronan looks around and says goodbye to the lads as they leave, some in pairs and others alone.
“I’ll see you in the morning then.” I get up. “When does this Dinara start?”
“Tomorrow. I’ll text you the address of the new offices.”
I narrow my eyes, but he holds his hands up before I can say anything. “It’ll be neutral ground for everyone. Just do your best not to be… you.”
I sigh and walk out, stopping by Molly to get my jacket. It isn’t long before I’m home. I change into grey sweatpants with nothing else on. I sit on my sofa. The lamps cast a low light around the room while the curtains are drawn. It feels very secluded.
I rub my crotch through my pants. The thought of Dina beneath me, writhing, begging me for more, arouses me.
I imagine a board room, bending her over the table and taking her from behind. As the thoughts flood my head, my dick hardens. I rub it through the pants harder before I pull the waistband down and stroke it.
I fixate on a spot on the wall as I picture her bouncing back and forth on my dick over the table. I reach around with a free hand and rip her little blouse open so her breasts hang free and swing back and forth as I fuck her.
She wants me to stop, but she doesn’t. She knows it’s wrong, but her dripping pussy is a perfect fit for my dick because we were meant to be together.
I close my eyes, and I give a soft grunt as my hand flies up and down my cock, and my balls start to tighten.
As I cum I murmur the name of the person I’ve always been intoxicated with.
While I hand the work over to Privanka, I get a message from Katya.
I told them to pack up. Move boxes. And leave it there for you.
I didn’t want you to come home and not be able to find anything.
This is a gift from me personally. K.
This just makes me more excited to get home. I hate packing up a house, Katya knows that, but I don’t mind unpacking as much. I’m so excited to put everything in its place and start my new home life in the mansion. I think I’ll name it something special like they used to in the old days.
After I leave with the few personal belongings I have in a small box, I arrive at my parking spot to find a brand new Mercedes parked where my little Fiat used to be. I look around and see a security guard approaching me -keys in hand.
“Mrs. Sorvino said that this was better suited to your style. The guys took all personal belongings and put them in the trunk.” He hands over the keys and smiles. “It’s nice to see you stepping up in the business world, Miss Dina. I always thought you were the hardest working lady in this place.”
“You are too sweet, Darian. Take care.” I put the little box I’m carrying in the trunk with my other things, grab my sunglasses, and pull out of the parking lot. The Mercedes drives so smoothly that I feel like I’m gliding more than traveling on the road. Gliding effortlessly.
I get home, and as I walk in, I see a book on the entrance hall table.
Boxes-numbered and contents
I pick it up and read the first line.
Box One-kitchen-coffee mugs and side plates
Book Two-kitchen-crystal dinner set-FRAGILE
I walk to the kitchen, and sure enough, I find the corresponding boxes. This is going to make unpacking so much easier than I anticipated.
Whoever did this, they’re good.
I spend most of the evening unpacking my bedroom, as that’s my main spot for the night. Then I shower, lather on lotion, and go to bed.
Big things are happening in the morning.
As usual, I’m awake at five, and I quickly shower and dress. I haven’t set up my new coffee machine yet, so I decided to get coffee at the office.
I’m in the East Village and parked at the office before six, and I take out the work keys Katya sent me. I walk into the entrance to find two guards in suits behind a desk, along with a space for a receptionist.
“Good morning, gentlemen. I am Dinara, head of security.” They both stand out of respect.
“We were expecting you, ma’am. Would you like one of us to show you to your office?” The larger of the men, to the right, steps out from the desk.
“Yes, please.” I follow him to the elevator and two floors up. He leads me past some board rooms and down a hall to an open reception area.
There are two offices, one to the left and one to the right.
“You’re in the larger one to the left,” he says. “Your second in command will be to the right.”
I smile at him. “I didn’t catch your names. What’s your name? And your partners?”
“I’m Angelo, and I work the morning to midday shift with Rudy.”
He bows his head slightly. “I’ll leave you to get settled.”
He leaves, and I go into my office. It’s spacious, and everything is furnished in this new office. I just need to move it around more to my tastes.
I stand by the window. The sun is peaking over the horizon now, and I can see the park from where I am. It’s a beautiful view from a lovely, secure building. This job will be challenging, but I know how tough I am.
I hear the elevator doors open on my floor and footsteps as someone walks down the hall toward my office.
I don’t want to be caught off guard, so I calmly make my way to the office door. When I reach it, looking into the hallway to see who is there, I completely freeze.
Of all the Irishmen I could be working with, it is Robbie fucking Quinn.
We stand there, eyeing each other for the longest, most awkward moment before I tilt my chin and confidently ask, “Can I help you? What are you doing here?”
He shrugs. “What are you doing here?”
He’s asking the same question, but somehow, I sense he knew I’d be here.
Another awkward silence.
I take charge and stand firm. “This is my office building where I am running as head of security for the families.”
I see the dangerous flash in his eyes, and he scoffs. “I’ll be damned if I work for you.”
“Well, then you can leave Mr. Quinn. There’s no necessity for you to be here.” I don’t want to get trapped in my office, so I keep firm, walk toward him, and then past him.
He catches my wrist and pulls me close to him, so close I can smell the coffee on his breath.
“Do you remember what it’s like to cross me? To be punished by me?” His voice is low and threatening, but I’m no longer twenty-five in the shadow of a thirty-seven-year-old.
Before he can blink, my gun is in my hand, and the barrel is pointed at his crotch. “You’ll find I’m no longer a little child who gets spanked for being naughty. There are consequences to fucking with me.”
Robbie releases my wrist, and I step back, my finger still on the trigger. “I don’t care what you want. Either you get on board with me being the boss, or you can get out. I’m not playing sick little mind games with you, Robbie.”
He tilts his head and looks at my gun, still pointed as his pride and joy. He steps a little closer and looks deep into my eyes.
“Fine, I’ll play by your rules. For now.” He smiles and steps away again.
“I assume you are second in command.” It’s not a question so much as it is rhetorical. “That means your office is behind me to the right.”
I step further away from him so he can pass, and once he’s not looking, I slide the gun back into its secret little holster.
“However,” I say, and he pauses at the door to look at me, “I would prefer both leaders are not so close in proximity. If one of us goes down, the other has to be in a safe place to assume leadership. Let’s see where else we can put you.”
I lead him to the elevator, and we take it to the first floor. I want him beneath me so he knows what it feels like to be dominated by someone in power.
We exit the elevator. I can feel his eyes trained on me as I lead him down the hallway, checking each space.
“This is perfect.” I smile as I open up into a small room with no windows.
“You’re joking.” Robbie looks at me with disdain. “You seriously think you can put me in this piece of shit office.”
“I’ll be knocking the wall down between the two offices upstairs to make more room for myself, of course. If I recall, you aren’t a man who likes many possessions, so this should suit you well.”
I know he’s pissed, but I try not to show how much I’m enjoying it. “I need to see how you’ve been running things, so carry on as you were for now. I will observe so that I can run the operation better.”
I turn and flounce off, a smirk on my face. He doesn’t follow. As I enter the elevator, I look down the hall to see him staring after me.
It makes my blood run cold, but I return to my office and start rearranging the furniture as I want it for both safety and convenience. Even though I’m physically distracting myself, I am acutely aware that he is in the same building as me.
The elevator dings, and I hear footsteps again. I look up to see Robbie at the door, smiling. “Dina, good news. There’s an office on this floor at the end I can use. I just chatted to security, and no one is using that office. Far enough apart that we should be safe.” He steps into my office, and I straight up, breathing slightly harder than usual. “I mean, you’re not afraid of little old me, are you?”
It’s a challenge, and I need to meet it head-on.
“Of course not, Robbie. You are welcome to the office down the hall. That will, however, place you first in line should we be attacked.” I raise an eyebrow.
He shakes his head. “It places the attacker as first in line to be killed by me. Anyway, I need to see to the men while you… decorate. If you feel
like joining us, we’re in the first-floor board room.” He leaves, and I frown.
That distinctly felt patronizing, and my teeth were set on edge. I fucking hate that man with the passion of a thousand wounded souls. I go back to sorting out my office, but my thoughts are on Robbie.
I remember being handcuffed to the bed with my legs pushed up either side of him. He had been so rough, biting me hard enough to leave bruises all over my body but not hard enough to break skin. He had been so rough with my breasts, been obsessed with them. I remember how he had teased me and prolonged the pleasure so that it would sometimes take fortyfive minutes to an hour for me to orgasm. Touching me, rubbing against me, licking and sucking…
I find myself warm between my thighs, and I shake my head. I catch my face in the mirror, and it’s red. The man was a fucking sicko who stalked me for years after what we had was over, and I was terrified that he would take me and never let me see the light of day again. Everyone knows Robbie is seven out of eight screws loose of a fitment.
No one tightened the lug nuts on that brain, and on top of that, he’s a crack-shot and killer assassin. No pun intended.
I shift slightly, pressing my thighs together, but the warmth in my groin doesn’t go away.
It wasn’t just bruises and stalking. There had been other things he’d done to me.
Things I’d enjoyed.