I walk across the busy street while the light is green. New York traffic is something else, even though I’ve traveled with and without my father, I’ve never seen anything comparable. Maybe it’s just New York City’s atmosphere, aggression, pride, and profanity.
It’s everywhere and everything, creative but concrete, and it’s my home. It’s why when I started planning my revenge, it was easy enough to track down a murderous gangster’s daughter.
It didn’t take me long to discover the person behind the gun of my mother’s murder was none other than a relation of Jose Catalan. The now deceased leader of the Catalan family, whose brother Mateo has a history with my father and wanted to make a point of killing him.
He hit my mother instead.
I was pleased to find out via social media that he had a daughter around my age-her name is Juanita Catalan, and she’s quite the party animal. I ‘accidentally’ bumped into her at a club and made friends with her and her friends. It wasn’t hard. I’m a friendly socialite. She didn’t know who I was, and that played to my advantage. We’ve been having lunches periodically over the last year, and I’ve been working to get closer to her to get within reach of Mateo. I’m going to take him out.
Then my father will know my full potential and the Catalans will know my full wrath. I’ve considered killing Juanita in front of him first so he’ll have a few moments of the pain of loss that I’ve had most of my life.
When I walk into the restaurant, only Juanita is there, even though three of her friends are supposed to be meeting us. I smile confidently as she raises a hand to get my attention. I wouldn’t need her to. We’ve eaten here often and always at the same table.
I grin as she stands, and we air-kiss. “Juanita, my love, how are you? You look absolutely radiant today,” I gush as we sit down, with me to her left.
“You know, same old, Russia.” It’s the nickname she’s given me, even though her friends refer to me as Ana.
A waiter brings over menus and sets them down, and I turn to him,
“Three more, please. Our friends will be arriving any minute.”
Juanita takes my hand and grins. “I’m so glad you could come. I’ve got some exciting news!”
I plaster a bright smile on my face and squeeze her hand. “Then spill! Don’t keep me waiting.”
A whistle reaches our ears, and we turn to see her friends laughing loudly as they walk over. They’re much louder than even my regular friends, but I grin, get up like Juanita, and air-kiss to greet them. We all sit, and the waiter brings more menus.
We all order some drinks and salads, and Juanita turns to me as soon as the waiter leaves. “Russia, what are you doing tonight?”
“Tonight?” I want to groan. I know we have that stupid family dinner with the Italians. “I have a family dinner I can’t miss in the evening.
“Oh, what a shame,” she pouts and then grins. “Because my dad, Mateo, is throwing a huge underground rave party and giving us all passes. Free drinks. VIP section. The works.” Mateo.
“Oh, that’s so nice of your Dad, but won’t it be weird with him hanging around?” I ask, trying to sound casual. “I mean, assuming he’ll be there?”
“Oh, he will be,” she says with a grin. “But he’ll be busy making sure the party stays on course. He won’t bother us. Besides, he’s quite liberal with me.”
“I am so coming,” I say, grinning. “I can meet you after the family dinner. It’ll end around ten.”
“That’s perfect. The party starts around then. I can text you the address, and you can meet us there. Your name will be on the list. Just announce yourself to the bouncer at the door, and he’ll bring you to us.” The waiter brings our drinks, and we all clink glasses. “To a great night.” “Cheers,” we all say, clinking glasses again and laughing.
For the rest of the meal, we talk about the boys we like. I don’t contribute much in terms of who I like because I haven’t really paid attention to that part of my life. I mean, I’m still a virgin. It’s something I take pride in. I’m not easily won over by Playboy pickup lines or flashy cars. The person who beds me is going to be extremely special.
“What about the guys in your family?” I ask, and they look at me. “I mean, is there someone I would like?” I pretend to be shy, and they all laugh.
“Well, the only guys here our age are extended family members. A few years ago, we had a death in the family, and it’s been hard. There’s been a lot drama back home.”
I put a hand over Juanita’s. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay,” she smiles. “The problem isn’t mine. It’s my father’s. My only problem is how many shots to have before you get there tonight. I don’t want to be drunk because I know you’ll be fun to dance with.” “Don’t have too many then,” I tease as I finish my drink.
We finish our meals, and I set us up to take a cute selfie. I post it to my social media and tag them in it. We air-kiss our goodbyes, and Juanita promises to text me the details once again.
I can’t believe my damn luck. Mateo Catalan, my mother’s killer, in a crowded party. I can kill him and get out unseen during the ensuing panic.
I take a while to get home because of traffic, and my father pokes his head out of his bedroom. “Come on, Ana, you’re going to make us late. Do you still need to shower?”
“I’ll be quick,” I say hurriedly.
I jump into the hot shower and scrub my body before I dry my hair and apply makeup. I get into a cute dress and heels, a pair I won’t mind kicking off and losing if I have to run. I pull the gun and silencer out of their secret spot. I’d bought the gun without my father knowing. I also got a holster, and I quickly attach it to my leg under my dress. I secure the weapon in the holster and fix my dress as my father knocks on my door.
“Ana, come.”
“Coming,” I call. I fix my hair and walk out. “See, I’m ready.”
My father opens his mouth to say something, but Tori walks past and taps his arm. “Don’t make us more late by lecturing her. There’s time for that in the car.”
He huffs, and I smile at Tori before I follow them outside. Roman is toddling along next to Tori, his chubby hand clutching her fingers tightly.
Ivan walks behind us and helps us into the car. Tori looks lovely in a long black dress and sits with Roman, who is dressed in a little suit, on her lap. My father climbs into the car and sits opposite Tori while I climb in beside him.
I swallow hard, hoping Tori doesn’t notice the gun. I face her because I’m more sure my father would notice. It’s the last thing I want.
Tori glances at me as we drive, and I worry, but she simply asks,
“What are your plans for afterward?”
“Oh, I’m going to catch a cab to a dance club. Some friends are meeting me there for a night out,” I say, smiling at my father. ‘That’s okay, right?”
“Of course,” he sighs. “It’s not unusual for you to spend a night out with friends.”
I smile and look out the window.
“You will take the regular precautions, right?” my father asks, almost too casually.
I look at him with a quirked eyebrow. “Papa, I always take the regular precautions. I am more capable than you know. No one is going to touch me. I am a Volkov.”
“I’m scared they’ll touch you because you are a Volkov,” he mutters.
I touch his arm. “I’ve been fine so far, so don’t worry.”
He nods and looks at Tori, who’s kicked him. I try not to giggle as Tori gives him dagger eyes. She often takes my side.
I think she understands what being a female in a patriarchal family is like. It’s hard for us to make a name for ourselves. The women in the Italian families seem to have more options, though. My Grandmother wasn’t involved with the business, and as far as I know, my mother wasn’t. Now I’m being denied my birthright.
I know it’s not like he will hand everything to Roman, stepping over me, and I love my baby brother. But I have wanted this with every fiber of my being for as long as I can remember, and I wish my father would take me seriously.
I watch as the sun slowly starts to set on the horizon.
“Why are we going to the Italians for dinner anyway?” I ask, and my father nudges me. He hates that I call them ‘The Italians’, but Tori doesn’t seem to mind.
“Alessandro has a family announcement, which means we must present.” Tori smiles at me.
“Did you have something to do with this?” I ask my father, and he frowns. “Of course I did. We’re united. I know it’s weird to think about, but it is our new normal.”
“Ana,” my brother shouts suddenly, making all three of us jump. He bursts into giggles, and I shake my head. “You rascal.”
I reach over and tickle my brother until he squeals loudly that I must stop.
The car pulls up to the Sorvino estate, and I glance out. I’ve been here so many times, and it’s lovely, but it’s not where I want to be tonight.
I park the car back where I found it, leaving my guns in it and the keys at security. I take the elevator up to the correct floor.
There is a platter of sandwiches and steaming cups of espresso on the table when I walk into Dominic’s office. I grab a paper plate and pile on the sandwiches, choosing a variety, and take an espresso before sitting at the corner of the boardroom table near the door.
Dominic is sitting opposite me and already has sandwiches and espresso in front of him. He watches the news reports regarding the death of the gang-related witness who may be connected to a street gang that wanted his head.
“I don’t know how you get the media to put these kinds of spins on the stories,” I comment as I settle down to eat.
He mutes the television and turns to me, biting into a sandwich. Once he chews and swallows, he nods. “It’s about having the right person in the media. A spin doctor that can make us look good every time.”
I shrug, chewing on my tuna mayo sandwich that I’m sure Nonna has made because it tastes too good to be store-bought. Dominic looks at me as I devour the sandwiches and shakes his head. “You eat too much, too fast, and you’re going to get fat.”
I chuckle. “Speak for yourself.”
“I don’t eat or drink half as much or as often as you do,” Dominic snorts, then gets serious again. “But this guy is only one problem solved.
Before we get into the bigger picture, how is business going?”
He’s not talking about family business anymore. He’s talking about my personal business. I make my own living to fund my lifestyle by working as an anonymous loan shark for people who want to start their own business but can’t get the credit.
It’s lucrative but hands-on. Sometimes you have to force people to pay the money they owe you.
“It’s going well. Some people thought they could get away with skipping payments, and they’re no longer a problem. So what is Alessandro going to announce tonight at the family dinner?” I ask curiously.
Dominic shrugs. “It doesn’t matter. He leads the family, and if he says we all have to be there, then we all have to be there. Unless Alessandro himself excuses you from the dinner.’
“I wasn’t trying to get out of it,” I say defensively.
“I’m just saying…” He takes another bite of a sandwich, watching me. His phone starts to ring, and he checks who is calling. “I’ll be back.”
He leaves the room as he answers, so I check my social media while I wait. I have several notifications since I haven’t checked it all day. Some photos from the party last night. Man, that girl did not photograph well. Some messages are asking me about plans for tonight. Then some messages from previous girls I have shacked up with who are wondering if I’ve reconsidered dating yet.
There is one notification that grabs my attention when I see the name of who posted it. It’s a photo of Anastasia from the restaurant I saw her enter, and it looks like she was out to lunch with some girlfriends. I look at the young Latina girl standing right next to her. I feel like I recognize her or her features, but I couldn’t tell you from where.
I’m about to comment on the photo when my cousin returns. None of my family members are even remotely amused with my platonic relationship with Anastasia, so I pocket my phone and turn to him. Dominic sits down again and says, “Onto the bigger problem I mentioned earlier. Some women are being sold as part of a local gang unaffiliated with us. So we have no control over this situation. But, there is this…”
He grits his teeth before saying, “Aspiring politician trying to overthrow Alessandro, and he will be there making a purchase. I want to pose you as a buyer for one of our extended families, one that the gang running this auction won’t associate with us. While everyone is focused on the women at the auction, you’re going to take out the politician as quickly as you can. You’re taking two men with you. That’s all you can have according to the rules of the auction.”
“I’m glad our family doesn’t get involved in human trafficking,” I comment. “I think the whole thing is gross.”
“Agreed,” Dominic says, sipping his espresso. “But we have to do what we have to do to survive. That includes attending stupid shit like this, proving you meet the requirements. One of those is to have the funds to purchase their line of products. We will put a couple of million in your shell corporation bank account, which will be what they check when you arrive.”
“I’ll have to pretend to bid on someone to keep them from suspecting me. How do we know this politician won’t recognize me?” I ask.
“He’s new, and you’re a well-kept secret, even from our enemies,” Dominic says, wiping his mouth on a napkin.
I stand up and smile. “Thanks for lunch. I’ll get ready for the job.
When is the auction?”
“Tomorrow night, don’t be late or hungover.” He stands as well. We both down the last sips of our espressos.
“I never show up late or hungover for a job,” I grin. “Maybe for family dinners, but never a job.”
“Don’t be late or drunk to tonight’s dinner either,” he says, with a hint of authority.
I nod. “I won’t. You don’t need to worry. I’ll see you later, Dom.” “Bye, Lui,” he says, returning to his expansive desk.
I leave and take the elevator down to the ground floor, and walk out to where I parked my car originally. Joining traffic again to go to my apartment is slow, but at least I have some energy by the time I shower again and get ready for our family dinner.
My Tia will be so upset if I don’t look smart when I get to her house.
I can’t get the auction off my mind. My father raised me with a deep respect for women. It’s important to treat them properly in our family. To do the things these auctions do to women, it’s unthinkable to me.
We’re far from innocent, but we don’t take young women from their families to sell them. I push the thoughts out of my mind because I will spiral if I start thinking about what we do to advance our family.
Once dressed and ready, I take my car and drive toward Alessandro’s house. A few of the family are already there when I arrive, and everyone wants to greet me and tell me what a good boy I am. If they only knew.
We sit outside with large tables under warm overhead gas heaters. The Volkovs must be joining us tonight, which excites me-it means I get to see Anastasia. It distracts me from the auction I have to attend tomorrow.
It always cheers me up when Ana is at a family meal. She tries hard to appear as a socialite with a very public life, but I know she’s hiding a side of herself that she doesn’t want anyone to see. There’s just something secretive about her that I want to find out about, but she hasn’t let me in that close just yet.
I would also be lying if I said I didn’t find her attractive. She has an ethereal beauty to her that intoxicates me when we speak.
Ivan, her father, is my brother-in-law, and he would probably rip my balls off and hang them from the tow bar of his truck as a message for future suitors.
Still, he has at least allowed me to talk to her, so I wait out front with some of my men. More and more of my family arrive, and I happily laugh and greet cousins and in-laws. Then I spot their car, and my attention is instantly captured.
Ivan gets out of the car first, then helps my sister Tori before Anastasia climbs out, unaided as usual. She has changed her clothes since lunch, but her hair is still curled and frames her face. She smiles brightly as though she knows an inside joke no one else can know.
I walk forward as casually as I can, stopping first to greet Ivan out of respect as the head of his family. “Hello, Familia.”
Ivan shakes my head, smiling at first until he follows my glance and notices I’m looking at Anastasia. Coincidentally, his grip on my hand tightens slightly for a moment before he lets go. “I will go find Alessandro.”
Tori smiles and comes forward, kissing each of my cheeks. “Hello, Fratello.”
I tickle Roman in her arms, so he squirms. “Hello, little nipote.”
Tori smiles. “I better catch up with Ivan.”
“I was just going to escort Anastasia to where we’re sitting tonight.” I smile at the young princess behind Tori. Ana rolls her eyes at me with a playful smile.
“You two sitting together again? Just remember your place.”
Tori says it with a smile, but I know she’s warning me. Instead of heeding her, I offer Anastasia my arm, and as promised, I escort her through the house to the back garden, where we sit along the middle of the table.
“Buonasera, Ana,” I say as she sits down, and I push her chair in. “I hope you’re having a lovely evening.”
“Dobbry vecher, Luigi,” she says, glancing at me. “I’ve only just arrived, so who knows how the evening will go.”‘
“Well, we’re together. I’m sure we can rustle up some mischief,” I chuckle.
“Oh really?” she shakes her head. “I don’t think this is the place, or families, to rustle up mischief with.”
“Maybe,” I grin and then see Ivan glaring at me. I try not to laugh as I look back at Ana, trying to be more casual.