Chapter 112

Book:Sinful Empire Published:2025-3-10

I stir slowly, feeling Shirley curled up in front of me. I’m spooning her and have to gently extract myself without waking her. The sun hasn’t quite risen yet as I shower and dress. An idea occurred to me as we were falling asleep, and I’m glad I still remembered it this morning.
I go to the kitchen and put the coffee machine on before going to my office. I quietly edit my proposal, lowering what I have to offer so that I can ensure that the Sorvinos, and therefore Shirley, win Staten Island.
I make sure to keep a copy of the original so that Shirley thinks I’m still matching her. I want to give this to her, though, and the only thing I have to do is get Ivan on board.
I know he isn’t going to be happy. Because of Ivan’s age and quietness, everyone thinks he’s gentle. He’s ruthless and constantly works toward advancing his family first. He will torture, murder, kidnap, and extort anyone to get what he wants. He’s just not as public about it as other families.
I hear the shower going, and I print everything, putting the original proposal in one folder and keeping it on my desk while placing the other in another folder and slipping it into my briefcase.
I answer some emails while she showers, and when she emerges, she looks a lot more sleepy than I expected. In fact, she looks exhausted. I get up, walk to her, place my hands on her butt cheeks, and pull her against me. “Good morning.”
“Hmmm, good morning.” She leans up and kisses me softly.
I sigh as I return the kiss, holding her firmly. Once we break the kiss, I grin. “Coffee should be ready. You can have some while I fry some eggs and bacon for breakfast.”
She rests her head on my chest for a moment, and I treasure it. My body feels as though I’m being inflated with happiness.
We eventually move to the kitchen. She sits at the island counter while I make breakfast and drink coffee. We enjoy the silence. It’s not awkward or strange-just a calm, peaceful silence.
I serve her breakfast and sit beside her. “Do you have any plans for today?”
“I want to see Alessandro to confirm everything in the proposal is fine,” she says between bites. I can’t help as my eyes trail down to her breasts, which seem to be straining under her top.
“Are you listening?”
I give her a goofy grin. “I am. Just. Everything about you turns me on.”
She rolls her eyes, and I chuckle. “Listen, with everything happening, at least take one of my guards with you. In fact, I insist because we don’t know if you were the main target of that bombing or not.”
She raises her eyebrow. “Uh, okay. That’s fine. I didn’t actually think of that.”
“I don’t want you to be scared, just sensible.” I go back to my breakfast.
My staff wash the dishes as we gather our things to leave. “I am going to Ivan to give him my copy of the proposal, so let me know once you’re done. Maybe we can do something.”
I lean down and kiss her on the lips, lingering for a moment before pulling away. “Please be safe.”
“You too,” she says, smiling at me.
She leaves just before me. I watch my guard Konstantin drive her out, and then I get in my car with Gregori. I practice what I’m going to say to Ivan over and over in my head until we pull up to his house, which is almost like a fortress now.
He’s in the office when I walk in, and I feel nervous. “Pakhan,” I greet him. “Where’s Tori and Roman?”
“Outside playing on his new playground thing,” he says, not looking up from his papers. “Did you find out who’s behind these attacks?”
“I’m working on it.” I have never been this nervous around Ivan. “But I have a draft of the proposal for Don Pacheco that I’d like you to review. Preferably with an open mind.”
That last sentence makes him look up, eyebrows furrowed. He holds his hand out, and I give him the folder from my briefcase, watching him sit back and read the paper.
His frown continues to deepen as he goes through the text. “This is a fucking terrible proposal,” he looks up at me angrily. “Ettore Pacheco will be insulted by this. Where is your brain?”
I take a deep breath and recite what I’ve been practicing. “Ivan, I haven’t asked you for anything. Nothing that I haven’t worked for in all the years I’ve loyally served you. But please give me this.”
Understanding dawns on his face, and he tosses the folder to his desk. “Are you insane?”
He stands up, and I flinch, sure he is going to strike me.
“What is it with this woman that you would want to give up one of the most prime run spots, already set up, already making money, to her family?”
He storms past me and to the window, where he pours himself a drink, sipping on it slowly. “Evgenii, you are my favorite cousin, everyone knows it, but I can’t let you be my second in command if you let your feelings rule your gut.”
I don’t say anything because I know the weight of what I’m asking him.
The silence is long and painful, and I know Ivan is trying to make a decision. I console myself with the fact I’m still alive, and he’s at least considering it
I see he’s staring off, and I follow his line of sight to where Tori is helping Rowan climb and slide down his little plastic slide. They’re laughing together.
My cousin sighs, and his shoulders fall. “Fine.” I look at him optimistically.
“You deserve happiness, and I want you to be family. I do all this to ensure my family’s happiness and prosperity. Otherwise, there’s no point. But Evgenii Volkov,” he looks at me seriously, and a shiver runs down my back, “don’t turn this into a habit. I’m happy with our unity with the Sorvinos and our other allies, but it’s foolish to give them what is rightfully ours.”
I bow my head. “You are a great Pahkan, father, and cousin. Thank you, Ivan.”
“Get out of here before I change my mind,” he grumbles. “I have other things to attend to.”
Somehow I know he wants to spend time with his family.
I leave the house buoyant, knowing I can do this for Shirley. This could make up for how I used her, giving this to her family to make up for what I took.
I’m practically bouncing in the car on the way home, and Gregori seems amused. There’s a traffic jam a few miles from the house, and I settle back, looking out the window.
“Turn on the news. Maybe they are announcing what’s causing the backup,” I say.
Gregori turns the radio on and finds a station broadcasting the news.
The presenter simply says that the area is backed up for an unknown reason and to avoid going through those roads. I roll my eyes. “Americans. Why don’t they just say what’s happened? Always so mysterious.”
Gregori shrugs. “Maybe that’s the secret to their power.”
I chuckle. “Maybe.”
The traffic is backed up all the way to my road, which is closed off with police tape. My heart flops as Gregori pulls up and is approached by a patrolman. “You can’t go into an active crime scene, sir. Only residents are allowed through to their homes.”
Gregori points down the road. “We live down there, one of the larger gated houses.”
The patrolman nods and lifts the tape over the car as Gregori drives forward slowly. There are marked and unmarked vehicles outside my house, and I tell Gregori to park outside.
I get out and hurry toward the house. I recognize one of the detectives who immediately stops me. “Evgenii, they’re not going to let you in.”
“Where’s my sister?” I ask immediately. “Natalia. Where is she?”
The detective shakes his head. “They’re still going through the house.”
I pull out my phone and dial Nat’s number. As I call her, I stare at the bodies littering the yard. “Pick up. Pick up.”
My heart flutters when I hear her voice. “Hey, Ev, what’s up?”
“Natalia, where are you?” I ask immediately, my eyes darting from body to body.
I can hear the sound of people in the background as she speaks. “Shopping with Anastasia for a party she wants me to go to. We won’t be long.”
“Don’t come back to the house. Go to Ivan’s and…”
My eyes fall on Konstantin’s body, and I realize what this attack is about.
I hang up and dial Shirley.
It goes straight to voice mail.
No. Not when I just got her back.
I dial her again, but it rings off.
My heart beats harder, and sweat forms on my face.
Donald, the detective, puts a hand on my back. “Don’t worry, I’ve made sure the case is getting no press, and the file will be conveniently lost. You don’t have to stress about anything. I owe you for getting my ass out of the fire last year.”
I nod mutely and say, “I should go so you can do your job.”
I don’t want to tell him about Shirley.
But I need to find her.
Earlier in the Morning
As the car pulls out of the property, I tap Konstantin’s shoulder. “There’s an appointment I have before my meeting with Alessandro. Just my yearly check-up with my gynecologist.”
He nods, and I give him the address I’ve memorized off my phone. Dr. Green is not my usual gynecologist because, of course, she is on the West Coast, but I need to do my first proper scan of the baby and start learning what I’m in for.
I know I need to decide whether I’m telling Evgenii or if Alessandro has something to say about it, but I will deal with that after the Staten Island deal is finalized.
Konstantin waits for me in the lobby as I take the elevator to the third floor. After filling in the usual new patient forms and waiting a while, the receptionist, Fiona, leads me into a room.
“You can change here. Everything you need is there. The doctor will come in five minutes to assist you,” she smiles and goes out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
I get undressed and into the gown they’ve provided. I leave just my socks on.
Dr. Green is lovely and very calming. I actually think she’s nicer than my doctor back home. She does the scan and shows me the tiny sesame seed that is my baby.
She talks me through pre-natal care and how I must schedule my appointments for what weeks. She also gives me a lot of reading material, and I am grateful.
After seeing me off and getting dressed, I pay Fiona for the consultation and put the reading material in my purse. I don’t want Konstantin to see it.
As I step out of the elevator, I’m surprised to see Mikhail walking into the lobby. I’m also instantly suspicious. Mikhail seems surprised to see me as he walks over. “Shirley, such a pleasure to see you on your feet.”
“Thank you, recovery is going well,” I say, glancing at Konstantin, watching us like a hawk.
“You must come past my condo sometime. I breed peacocks and would love to take you on a tour of my bird sanctuary I’m slowly filling.” He flashes me a charming smile, and I return it.
“Oh, no, sorry. I’m allergic to birds,” I lie. “But perhaps another time, maybe for coffee.”
“You have my number,” he walks away from me, and I hurry to Konstantin so we can leave.
I can’t relax. I know in my gut that seeing Mikhail was not an accident, and I consider phoning Evgenii or Alessandro. I glance behind us and see a sedan with dark-tinted windows pull into traffic rather suddenly, right behind us.
As we slowly move through traffic, I keep an eye on them before my nerves get the best of me. “I think we’re being followed.”
Konstantin nods. “We are. I didn’t want to alarm you. We’re going back to the house where there are more guards to provide backup.”
I nod, settling back. I’m still uneasy but glad Evgenii’s men are organized.
He weaves through traffic until we’re at a good cruising speed, driving straight to the house. The sedan doesn’t relent, staying on our tail. I’m worried they will try pushing us off the road or worse.
I can see the gates are open as soon as we turn into the road, and
Konstant swears under his breath. I gasp as we realize our mistake too late.
Evgenii’s guards are shooting at enemies as we pull in. The sedan pulls in behind us, blocking us in. Konstantin shouts, “Stay in the car.”
“No, don’t go,” I shout. I would prefer he bashed his way back into the street, but he gets out of the car, gun in hand, and a bullet flies through his head. Blood and brains splatter everywhere.
I stay low as I slide out of the car, hoping to get somewhere safe before anyone sees me. I crawl toward the plants that line the garden, hoping I can hide there when someone suddenly grabs me from behind and pulls me into the sedan. I try to fight off the assailant, but cloth is placed firmly over my mouth, and I know what’s next.
Complete darkness.
I groan in pain as my head pounds. I can’t seem to place what’s happening. I’m lying on something soft. I dry heave and sit up at the same time, but I don’t open my eyes. I still feel like I’m spinning, and I breathe deeply through my nose and out my mouth. I shiver and blink my eyes open.
“I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well from being sedated, it really isn’t the most pleasant thing to wake up from, and I do apologize if you were scared of the attack on Mr. Volkov’s property.”
I look up to see a young, rather gaunt man standing next to a fireplace, looking at the fire as though making sure it’s doing its job.
I recognize him instantly. His name is Pietro Pacheco, Ettore’s youngest son.
“You see, I didn’t appreciate that my father thinks he can just hand off the family business to another family because he thinks his children can’t handle it. Then he still expects us to work for whatever family he chooses, as though we haven’t worked hard enough helping him build his little…. island.”
I frown and put a hand on my stomach. “Pietro, even if you have to work for another family, if you work hard enough, and I’m sure you will, you’ll rise in rank as well.”
“No one born outside of a family ever rises that high in rank,” he spits. “If you’re not blood, you’re nothing.”
I shake my head, then stop because it makes me want to heave again. “That’s bullshit. I wasn’t born into the Sorvino family, and now I run the entire West Coast and all territories the family controls there. I’m not blood, but they treat me like I’m family. It’s loyalty they reward, not birthright.”
Pietro scoffs. “I won’t deny that the Sorvino family does seem to have a soft spot for you, which is why I’m going to hold you hostage. I’m sure if you’re as important as you say, they won’t take issue with meeting my demands.”
“Pietro, I wouldn’t challenge the Sorvino family, especially because they’re united with the Volkov and Rossi families.” I stare at him. “They will end you.”
Pietro chuckles and sighs. “Oh, Shirley, no. See, I have also united with another family, and they are just as interested as I am in bringing down this little coalition that deems themselves the overseers of all families.
Alessandro and Ivan will be brought to their knees.”
I’m feeling better, but I don’t move. I don’t want to give him an excuse to hurt me and my baby that he doesn’t know about.
He looks at the watch on his arm and nods. “Right, I have to go. I’m afraid I’m going to lock you in here. I don’t want you wandering around and getting out. Don’t worry, though. I’ll send you something to eat and drink to settle your stomach.”
I’m not sure what look he’s aiming for with his pained, forced smile, but he does stride out of the room. I hear the lock clicking in place.
I move carefully so as not to trigger my gag reflex, and I test the windows. They’re all sealed shut, but I notice even if I could open them, I’m on at least the third story of a huge mansion. I can’t see many houses around so we must be away from the city center.
I look around for something I can use as a weapon, but there aren’t many choices. There are a lot of paintings, and I consider breaking the canvas of one to get the wood out to use as a sort of club, but I feel like it won’t do much damage.
I need something sharp, but if I break a window, I’m sure someone will hear. I doubt he just left me here. He probably has guards outside my room.
I look around again, and my eyes fall on a wide-brimmed vase. I look at the scatter cushions on the sofa, and I go to them, pulling a cushion out of its cover. I put the vase inside the cover and put it on the floor. I gingerly step on the vase to break it within the cushion and wait to see if anyone heard the noise.
I pick up the cushion and take out a long jagged piece of glass.
I sit down and rip up the cloth from another cushion, it’s hard, and my arms ache, but adrenaline courses through my veins.
I use the strips to wrap around the base of the glass so that I can wield it without cutting my hand, at least not badly.
I’m not sure if this is going to do, but it really is the only option I have. I go to wait by the door, listening carefully for footsteps. I try to steady my breathing and remember what Evgenii’s breath sounded like in my ear in bed and a pit forms in my stomach.
I shake off the thoughts and steady myself. I might be standing here awhile. I press my ear to the wooden door and listen with everything I have for the footsteps of anyone coming to this room.