Chapter 104

Book:Sinful Empire Published:2025-3-10

I step into the high-rise building, dressed in smart pants and an expensive blouse. My hair and makeup are done on point, and I’m ready to tackle Don Pacheco for more information on what he’s looking for. I doubt the other families would have thought to do that. It’s really business one-onone.
A female guard frisks me down and checks my bag for weapons, a standard in my profession. I’m escorted upstairs to a meeting room where a young receptionist brings a tray with espresso coffee and teeny cups. I help myself to one cup and drink it as I look out over the bustling city.
The door behind me opens, and I turn, watching as Don Pacheco walks into the room. He’s elderly, far older than most Dons who retire, and I smile softly. He reminds me of Nonno, who I was so fond of and who loved me like his own.
“Don Pacheco,” I set my cup down and moved to shake his hand. Instead, he turns my hand and plants a kiss on it. I give him a heartwarming smile.
“I was expecting one of the Sorvino brothers to handle these affairs. Not only you’re not a Sorvino, but you’re a woman. Alessandro is getting soft, allowing women to tend to his business.” I pour him an espresso and set it down in front of him. I know he’s very traditional. If Nonno Sorvino were alive, he would also have a heart attack.
“What better person to know how to take care of a family than one who has closely worked with one of the most powerful families? Someone who values family more than anything?” I smile gently. “I may seem soft, Don Pacheco, but I can be ruthless if my family is threatened.”
He eyes me out, almost like a predator, and I can see the gears turning in his mind. He thinks he could use me, like Evgenii, because I’m just a stupid woman with silly ideas. I’m glad he underestimates me, this will make the win so much sweeter.
“Tell me, Don Pacheco,” I take out my notepad and pen, “has anyone asked what you want for your territory?” I keep my voice steady but inviting. I lean heavily into the role the Don has already assigned me.
Ettore Pacheco considers me for a moment before lacing his fingers together and resting back, his hands on his round belly. “I want a smooth transition. My men, the ones who already work for me, must be incorporated into the new family and taken care of. My sons are to be given high positions or possibly married into the family.”
I make notes, nodding my head in agreement. “Anything else?”
“I want a purchase amount. You can decide what you think this area is worth to you. But I also want a monthly retirement share that will see me through my old age, which will be transferred to my eldest son to take care of our family upon my passing.” He smiles. “Can you offer such things?”
“It is my job to put together a proposal for you that Don Sorvino approves of,” I say confidently. “What kind of percentage of sales are you looking for to see you through your retirement?”
“Forty percent.” It’s said with such finality that I have to suppress a laugh.
Instead, I nod and say, “I understand why you’d want to come in so high, but I’m afraid if we’re going to talk forty percent monthly shares until the end of time, or your lineage, then we take off the down payment for the area, which I can assure you, is a satisfying amount,” I make a few notes. “I don’t think anyone else would agree to those terms.”
“The Russians will,” he smiles, a knowing smile that tells me one of the Russian families, probably the Volkovs, has already been here.
I purse my lips and nod. “Perhaps they would, and I won’t lie,
Staten Islands operations are valuable to us. But I can offer more than the
Russians can.”
I don’t know what that is, but he doesn’t need to know that. I need to know what Evgenii is offering him that didn’t appear on the paperwork I photographed.
“Why don’t you allow your sons to inherit the area and continue operations?” I’m trying to divert the conversation now, and it works. “They’re soft. They’ve never gotten their hands dirty, always asking others to do their bidding. They need good positions. They’re good with paperwork. Something easy.”
I make a note of this and smile. “I think we have perfect positions for them, but you’ll see that in my proposal.”
Ettore stands. “I have another meeting to attend. I will expect your first proposal. We are open to negotiations once the first proposal is sent if it is mostly satisfactory, and from there, we will reach a final proposal and decide who gets the area without any fuss.”
“I appreciate that you don’t want to shed any blood or cause any wars.” I pack away my notes and stand. “Don Pacheco, thank you for seeing me, and I am excited to give you the Sorvino family proposal in three days.”
A guard escorts me out of the building, and I walk toward my car. I notice Evgenii parking across the road but don’t look directly at him.
I get into my car and casually drive off, not acknowledging him at all. I can’t even be sure that he saw me. My mind is reeling with thoughts about him.
Last night was…well, it was the best sex we’ve ever had, from what I can remember. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t had sex in a long time that it had an extra impact on me. I’m busy. I work all the time. I don’t have time to play boys’ games, no matter how much interest they show.
I park at La Club to discuss what I can offer Ettore with Frankie, but when I stop, I hear my phone buzz. I take it out, and I see I have a message from Evgenii. He’s trying too hard and coming off as desperate. Does he think I’m that stupid to fall for his tricks again?
The message asks if I would go to dinner that night with him. I sigh, I already have a charity event on for Miguel.
I message Evgenii back and propose a counteroffer that he can meet me at the event and take things from there.
A sudden knock on my window gives me a heart attack, and my hand flies to my chest. “Jesus!”
Dominic laughs. “Nope, just Dominic, thanks.”
I get out of the car, rolling my eyes at the jackass. “You’re an ass. You know that?”
“You love me, though,” he laughs. “I was on my way out and just wanted to say hi. You looking for Frankie?”
“Yes, I have some figures I need to discuss with him,” I grab my bag and lock my car. “Off you skedaddle then. All our numbers will probably bore you to death.”
“I never did like Math,” he says. He kisses both my cheeks and walks off, straightening his jacket.
I walk toward La Club, Evgenii still on my mind. Did he fall for me toward the end? Does he regret what he did? I fucking doubt it.
He knew exactly what he was doing, and you know, that’s just business in this industry. It’s cut-throat, and you do what you have to do to succeed, which is why I have no issue returning the favor.
I walk into the office where Frankie is staring at his computer screen. He glances up. “Hey, Shirls.”
“Dominic just scared the crap out of me, knocking on my window while I was distracted,” I comment, setting my bag down.
“There’s actually something I want to talk to you about,” he says, pushing away from the desk to look at me.
I sit down opposite him. “You always were the most serious one of us.”
“What were you doing with Evgenii Volkov?” he asks, his eyes boring into me as though he could extract the truth from my mind.
“Just returning the favor,” I try to brush him off, taking out paperwork. Is that really what I did?
Frankie sighs. “Stay away from him, Shirls. He’s not above breaking your heart a second time.”
“I’m not above breaking his,” I say a little too harshly, then shake my head. “Trust me, I will not let him take advantage of me again. I’m not a silly girl anymore. I will use him to find out everything I need to know about his proposal, and then I will leave him behind and go back to the
West Coast, where I have a life.”
Frankie shakes his head. “You shouldn’t see him again, Shirls. You have a history with him.”
“I have a history with a lot of people, Frankie,” I’m colder than I intend to be, and his eyes widen slightly as I continue. “But I’ve learned from past mistakes, and I’m ready to ensure that no matter what happens, our family will get Staten Island.”
Frankie nods, sighing softly. “Okay. I trust you know what you’re doing. How can I help?”
“I need to know what figures I can offer Ettore because, apparently, he’s already favoring a Russian family.”
I hand him my paperwork, and we start going over everything together. I find it hard to concentrate because, despite my big talk, I only have one thing on my mind: Evgenii Volkov.
I straighten my bow tie and ensure my tuxedo jacket is straight. I’m both nervous and excited, and that frustrates me a lot. I feel like I should just shoot someone to calm down because killing idiots has always made me feel better.
I’m waiting for the driver to arrive. It’s a rented-out limousine from one of our distant cousin’s company. Ivan’s having them pick me up first, and then we’ll get Ivan and Tori and make our way to the event.
I hadn’t realized Ivan was invited until I mentioned to him that I was going. He seems weary of me spending time with Shirley. He doesn’t want my relationship with her to affect our families.
I had to assure him I wouldn’t hurt her in any way, or he’d have to intervene. I also had to assure him that it was just harmless fun.
My guards let me know the limousine is outside, and I pocket my wallet and cell phone and walk out. It doesn’t take long to reach Ivan, and our cousin has included some drinks for the drive. Once we are on our way to Miguel’s event, Tori glances at me. “Evgenii. I have to ask. How do you know Shirley so well?”
I glance at Ivan because, clearly, Tori doesn’t know what happened.
“Don’t forget to bid on something useful this time,” Ivan says to Tori, trying to redirect the conversation.
Tori nods and looks back at me. “Did you know each other before?”
Ivan gives me a warning glance, and I smile. “Suffice to say, we were a couple once, and I broke her heart. Now we’re just friends.”
Tori nods, and Ivan squeezes her leg. “Something to talk about another time. Let’s enjoy the evening while my wife bids on everything to support charity.”
“It’s a good charity, and it makes us look good,” Tori says. “We could use some good press right now.”
When we arrive, there’s a red carpet rolled out from where we step out to the entrance of the art gallery where the event is being held. I see a few celebrities ahead of us as we climb out. There are also some politicians, and the people of the press are shouting questions at them.
Ivan takes Tori’s arm and leads her down the red carpet. Tori looks beautiful in a powder blue gown that trails after her. The press instantly starts snapping pictures of them together and hurling questions, which Tori answers diplomatically.
I follow at a distance because the press doesn’t like people being in their shots. As we pass some of the more high-ranking people we know, we greet them, shaking hands and kissing cheeks.
As we walk into the main area, I take note of everything around me. There’s a large area in the center for dancing, and to the far side are tables set out for dining-a bar to the left and a band on a platform to the right. I see an open door, and I know it leads to a room where the auction pieces are kept for viewing.
I spot Shirley standing with Alessandro, Katya, Frankie, and Amelia. Shirley holds my complete attention, though. She’s wearing a deep emerald figure-hugging gown that ends just above her feet. It’s sleeveless and has a tight bust section that makes her breasts look like they’re ready to spill out.
It’s an instant turn-on.
A smile breaks across my face, and Ivan nudges me. “That’s the goofiest smile ever. You look like an idiot.”
I chuckle and ignore him, walking over to Shirley ahead of him. Shirley turns to me and looks me up and down.
“Evening, Don Sorvino. Francesco.” I nod to the two men and then give a slight bow to their spouses. “Ladies, you look beautiful.”
I turn to Shirley. “No wonder the jaws around here are dropping to the floor.”
Shirley rolls her eyes and shifts her weight slightly. I offer her my arm. “I’ll hold you up.”
Shirley shakes her head with a small smile and loops her arm through mine. I can tell Alessandro and Frankie don’t like it, but they don’t say anything as Ivan walks over. Everyone greets each other, and the ladies drift to one side to start chatting. Not Shirley, though, she stays on my arm.
Several people come to the group to smooth-talk Ivan or me. Same for Alessandro and Frankie.
The music starts, and several couples start dancing as drinks are brought to us. It’s a round of whiskeys and a fine one by all accounts. The women take champagne, except Shirley, who takes a whiskey. She’s clearly trying to prove a point.
Ivan and Alessandro start discussing a new business venture, and I glance around. I hate talking about work at a party, so I lean to whisper in
Shirley’s ear. “Want to go dance?”
Shirley nods and sets her glass down. “Why not.”
I smile and set my glass down, excusing us from the group and sweeping Shirley into the center of the room. We start to dance, my hand on her waist and the other holding her hand. It’s old. It’s traditional. But I think it’s romantic, and the way she’s looking at me, she might consider it romantic too.
We dance in silence for two songs, break for a quick drink and then return to the dance floor. At this point, I study her face and ask, “I don’t understand something. Why did you forgive me?”
A strange expression quickly crosses her face, something too fast for me to pinpoint but definitely a reaction to what I said.
She looks away from me and takes a deep breath before looking back at me. “I’m not a teenager anymore, Evgenii. The things I’ve done and the things I’ve seen. The people I’ve gotten rid of, both in person and not, have shaped me and changed how I see things. I grew up and realized that what you did was just business. It’s a hazard of the occupation we’ve chosen. Business is business, and I can’t hold that against you because you just did what you had to.”
I mull over her words. Although they weren’t said harshly, I feel scolded for some odd reason. Like a knife has been plunged into my chest to remind me, I betrayed her so badly that she doesn’t feel anything at all.
We dance again in silence until it becomes unbearable for me. I don’t understand how she isn’t bothered by it.
“You know, toward the end, it wasn’t all business.” My voice is trembling slightly, and I take a breath to calm myself. I’ve never had a shaky voice, not even with a gun to my head. Something about Shirley sets me off.
Shirley turns her head away from me, but I can see her eyes are hard with anger.
“Shirley, in the end, I didn’t want to hurt you. I fell for you hard, and I wish I could go back and change it.”
“Don’t try to make me feel better,” she snaps at me, quietly enough that no one notices but that I hear her tone. “I was naive and young, and I paid for my decisions. You don’t have to pretend it was anything other than it was. Fishing for information.”
Anger boils inside of me. I know I was a dick, but I’m baring my heart here. I’m being vulnerable, and isn’t that what all women want? It raises my suspicions. If she holds so much resentment toward me, why is she dancing with me? Why did she come home with me and let me fuck her brains out? Does she really think that we mean nothing at all? That we meant nothing to me?
The song finishes, and we stop dancing, our hands falling to our sides. The next song starts, but we don’t resume dancing. We just stand in the center of the dance floor, looking deep into each other’s eyes. I lean forward slightly, thinking maybe a kiss could ignite any sort of passion within her, but she turns her head slightly, and I know it’s unwelcome.
I nod and clear my throat.
“Let me get you back to Alessandro,” she loops her arm through mine reluctantly, and I escort her back to our group. Ivan and Tori are dancing, and Frankie and Amelia are seated at a table nearby. When I stop by Alessandro, I drop her arm and nod. “Please excuse me. I just need to step out for a moment.”
I walk toward the sign that indicates where the bathrooms are. A few guys are there, and I take the first stall. I put the toilet seat down and sit on top of it. I just want a break. I need to get Shirley out of my head. She’s made it clear there’s nothing left between us. Nothing that means anything.
But there’s a raging, fiery piece of me that is demanding I fight for her. That I show her that I really did fall for her and that she and I could be something. I mean, fuck, our families are joined through marriage. This is something no one ever thought would happen. They wouldn’t have even considered it. Yet here we are, and if Ivan and Tori can be in a loving relationship, then so can Shirley and I.
There still has to be love there. There was an intensity to her anger -a passion. I just need to remind her of her passion for me.