All I’ve thought about this week is Tori. The touch of her body, the sparkle in her eyes, the way she always tied up her hair. And how she broke my heart. I’ve always put faith in the worst people, but I swear this is the final time. I will not trust anyone outside of the family again.
I thought my heart was dead and gone after Mila. I only had love for Anastasia. Tori brought that love back out of me and made me believe it’s possible to be happy. Not people like us. We don’t get happiness. We get karma for the evil we do to the world.
I thought she was different. I thought she was sweet and innocent and that she loved me.
I was wrong.
I stand in the living room looking out at the pool when Anastasia walks in. I turn to her. “Do me a favor and have your hair and nails done today. I’ve got some serious business to take care of. Take guards with you.
I’ll see you tonight for dinner.”
Anastasia looks at me, puzzled, but she just nods. She knows I’ve been grieving over Tori, and I know she has too. She was just starting to bond with her. I wish I could take it all back.
I wait until she leaves before I put my gun in my holster, throw my suit jacket over it, and walk out of the house.
“Want an escort, boss?” Aleks asks.
“Leonid’s sorted it, don’t worry,” I say. “Make sure Ana gets back safely.”
I get in my car and pull into traffic. It doesn’t take me long to reach the pier at the dock Leonid told me to be at. Evgeni is going to pay dearly for what he’s done. I might not hurt Tori because I still love her in a sick, twisted way, but he is not exempt.
I step out of my car, and as I do, someone comes behind me and smacks my head with something hard. Stumbling forward, my arms are twisted behind my back, and my gun is quickly taken from me. Distracted by my thoughts of Tori, I hadn’t seen the guy sneaking up on me. Another person takes my other arm, and I am dragged into a nearby building. They throw me onto a wooden chair and cable tie my arms behind me and my ankles to the legs of the chair.
I look up and try to focus on the person in front of me.
It’s Leonid.
I narrow my eyes. “You.”
“It’s time for a change,” Leonid says, strolling toward me. “You’ve gone soft in your old age, especially after Mila and now this situation with the Sorvinos. The family needs strength and unity, not dividing our territories between our rivals.”
I shake my head. “Evgeni didn’t betray me.”
“No, he has no clue, and when he’s back tomorrow, he will bow to me as the new head of the family, or I will do to him what I’m about to do to you. I considered giving you a quick death, Ivan. I really did. Because we’re family, after all, but that’s just it. You say I’m your brother, but you would not name me the next heir to the family. Why Ivan? Because I’m not really your brother? I’m just the adopted one.”
I look up at him and swear at him in Russian, rather descriptively, before I say, “You’re always rash. That’s why. You don’t think things through, Leonid. You just react.”
“Well, you say that, and yet here we are. How was this for the ultimate checkmate, brother?”
I shake my head. “The family won’t bow to you. They won’t forgive you for getting rid of me.”
“You’re right, Ivan,” Leonid says, looking thoughtful. “Unless I kill Evgeni and his men before they return and blame it on them. Then they would definitely recognize me as the heir apparent.”
I smile. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing me beg for my life or plead for anything, in fact. I have honor. I have dignity.
My head snaps to the side as a resonating sound echoes from the back.
“Poydi posmotri chto eto bylo,” Leonid says, ordering two guards to go check out what made that sound. Once they are away, Leonid glances around, and one of his men suddenly hits the floor. We both look at the neat bullet hole in his head. Before Leonid can react, the doors burst open, and men rush in, detaining Leonid and the men he has with them.
Evgeni walks in behind his men and glares at Leonid, “Traitorous bastard. First, you make out that I’m the one who would betray our family, then you try to kill our Pakhan? Worthless shit.”
Leonid’s eyes are wide. “Evgeni, you have to admit he’s gone soft.
We can share the power. We don’t need Ivan.”
Evgeni comes to me and cuts the cable ties. “Sorry we took so long.”
I smirk and take Evgeni’s gun. “Glad you showed up at all.”
Leonid squirms, and I raise the gun. “I’d torture you, but you’re not worth anything to this family.”
Before he can respond, I pull the trigger. My men let his body drop to the floor, and I turn to my cousin. “I thought it was you who betrayed me. It feels like everyone betrays me these days.”
“Ivan, I have no thirst for power. I don’t want to be in your seat, making the decisions you have to make. I’m pleased to be by your side.” Evgeni grins. “Now, if we’re done being emotional…” he turns away, but I stop him.
“Evgeni, one question.” “Yes?” he asks.
“You’re back a day early. How did you know I needed to be saved from Leonid?” I raise an eyebrow. “Sorry, but my trust is thin these days.”
Evgeni chuckles and puts a hand on my shoulder. “That girl of yours, Vittoria, got my number from Ana, saying it was an emergency. She called me in a panic, sobbing her heart out, begging me to save you. Naturally, I came back and did just that.”
Tori saved me.
“I know you’re surprised. I heard what she did. But in the bigger picture of things, it’s not so bad. Perhaps peace is possible between our families.” He looks at Leonid. “He didn’t understand how costly war is. The money, the lives. Tori understands. She wants peace.”
I look away, my thoughts racing in my head. Tori wants peace, not war. She sent Evgeni to save me.
“I owe her a life debt, and I hate owing people,” I comment, straightening my jacket. “We will meet with Alessandro and discuss mutually beneficial terms for our families. That will be my repayment.
Then I never want to see them again.”
Evgeni smiles. “I think that’s a wise decision. Also, I don’t think you’ve gotten soft in your old age. I think you’ve gotten scarier because you used to hesitate when it came to taking a life. It was predictable. Now, you are tactful, thoughtful, and strategic. I never know what to expect anymore with you.”
I smile. “Rewards for your loyalty, at least.”
I have never felt more confident than I feel right now. Alessandro keeps glancing at me as though I’ve grown something on my face, but I just smile.
“You seem very sure of yourself,” Alessandro comments as we sit at the table.
I nod. “I know he loves me. It might take time for him to trust me again, but even if he doesn’t, there can now be peace between our families.”
Alessandro shrugs. “I’ve reached a point with this family that I fucking give up. You all fall in love with random people who we’re supposed to be fighting with, not making babies with. But at least he’ll know.”
I grin and pat his arm. “Like you’re any better.” He snorts, but he doesn’t say I’m wrong.
I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. It’s a little-known fact that I need contacts or glasses to see. I even hid it from Ivan.
The door opens, and my breath catches as he walks in. I forgot how handsome and intense he is. He looks surprised to see me, or maybe surprised I have glasses on.
Maybe both.
He hesitates, then slowly sits down. “I don’t see how bringing her here can help settle peace between our families.”
His words hurt, but I deserve it after what I did to him. Alessandro nods. “I am sorry about that, Ivan. We weren’t thinking straight. We just wanted revenge. Tori tells me you hired specialists that saved my uncle’s life.”
Ivan looks away, and my cousin continues. “I should never have let this go down the way it has, but I think what we have to offer will compensate for that. It was Vittoria’s idea.”
Ivan looks at me, and I push two pages to Ivan. Two simple, straightforward contracts. Ivan picks them up and reads them, his eyebrows knitting together. He sets them down and looks at Alessandro. “These are excellent offers, but I’m confused. Why is this going to my next-born child?
I’m not planning any more children, so does this go to Ana?”
“Ivan,” I say quietly, and he looks at me. He’s trying to be cold, but it’s hurt, I see in his eyes. I swallow my pride and continue, “Ivan, I am so sorry. I wanted to prove a point to my family. I wanted to get revenge for them and let them see how useful I was. I didn’t expect to honestly and genuinely fall in love with you. I didn’t know how kind and generous you and your family are. I didn’t expect you to love me the way you did, and I didn’t expect to fall pregnant with your child.”
I leave that last sentence hanging in the air, and I see the surprise on Ivan’s face as his eyebrows raise and his eyes widen, “I… I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to make any hasty decisions. There will be a lot to be discussed. I need time.”
He stands up suddenly, takes the contracts, and leaves. I hug myself and look at Alessandro. “If nothing else, there will be peace,” he says quietly, rubbing my back.
I know Alessandro’s trying to comfort me, and I don’t know what I
expected. For Ivan to forgive me and be in love with me again? What I did was dog dirty.
Alessandro takes me home, but I can’t sit still. Kira is overseeing an important meal at the bistro tonight, our cousin Bella’s first date with some politician. I decide to head there and keep her company.”
I arrive, and I find Miguel there. He and Kira are sitting in one of the back booths having drinks.
“Tori!” Kira smiles and stands up, her belly protruding far ahead of her. I hug her and smile. “Soon, I’ll look like that.”
“God, I hope your baby arrives on its due date. We’re five days over, and I can really have this baby now.”
I sit down with a smile, but Kira’s face falls, and I turn to look at what she’s seen. Large armed men are filing into the bistro. I recognize some of them as Evgeni’s men, and I realize Aleks is one of them.
I get up to my feet to face Ivan as he walks in. I don’t make him come to me, but I’m nervous as I slowly walk toward him. I’m unsure of what his intentions are.
He stops in front of me, gazing down at me. “Vittoria.”
“Ivan,” I say quietly, hating that he’s using my full name.
Our eyes are locked, and I can taste the tension in the air. I’m about to apologize again when Ivan holds up a hand. “It’s my turn to speak, your turn to listen.”
I nod obediently.
“What you did to my family, that’s unforgivable. You betrayed our trust after everyone tried to make you feel welcome. It’s unforgivable,” he repeats, then pauses. “For now. You took responsibility for your actions, paid tribute to keep the peace, and did it favorably for the family. You did the right thing.”
I swallow hard, tears forming in my eyes.
“I don’t know what the right decision is in this case, but I’ve spoken to my family, and we all agree on one thing. I love you. I haven’t loved anyone since Mila, and the love I have for you is indescribable.”
I look away, but he tilts my face back to him. “I want you to know I can trust you again because I love you. You’re my family now too. I want you to come home.”
I wipe at my eyes, sniffing rather unceremoniously. “Ivan… All I want is to come home.”
He smiles softly and leans down, kissing me deeply. I slide my arms around his neck and kiss him back. I hold myself against him, and he wraps his arms around me. We simply stand there in silence, holding each other.
When we part, I start crying harder, and he smiles. “Those are pregnancy hormones. Those I’m familiar with.”
I slap his arm playfully and look at Kira. “I have to go.”
Kira smiles as Ivan takes my hand and places my wedding band back on my finger. I look at it sparkling in the light and grin at my sister.
“I’m going home.”
“I’m…” Kira starts, then pauses. There’s a strange look on her face then she widens her eyes. “I’m going into labor.”