Chapter 61

Book:Sinful Empire Published:2025-3-10

I have to find her after I hear her and Alessandro arguing. It hasn’t even been five minutes at the new estate, and he’s trying to tell her what to do, and she, as always, is defiant.
It takes me a few tries, but I eventually find her bedroom. When I knock, she says, “Fuck off.” I know it’s her.
I say quietly, “Arianna, it’s me. Let’s take a walk.”
She flings the door open. “Fine, but if you’re coming to defend my brother, don’t bother.”
I smile. “Let’s go check out the orchard.”
I can see she’s reluctant to follow me because she already knows what I’m going to say.
She takes off, and after turning around a few times downstairs, she leads me out the front door. “If you calm down, we could even explore your new house.”
“It’s Alessandro’s house,” she says snidely, “I’m just a captive.”
I shake my head. “Don’t be like that, Arianna. Alessandro is just trying to protect you.”
“That’s the thing. Someone always has to protect me as though I can’t protect myself! I’m not completely useless, you know. Katya protects herself,” she barks as we enter the trees.
“Katya has her own security detail as well,” I point out. “There’s a legitimate threat, and we need to take it seriously.”
“One minute back near my brother, and you’re already bossing me around.” She frowns, walking ahead of me.
I don’t rush to keep up. I want her to spend her energy and her anger.
We reach what I assume is more or less the center of the orchard, as there’s a bench set here. The old timers used to like doing that. Arianna sits down in a huff. “You could speak to him, Carmine,” she says. “You could convince him to let me race while you’re with me.”
“That would raise a bit of suspicion, don’t you think,” I point out, sitting beside her. I look around slowly, then take her hand in mine. “Sometimes you need to compromise and listen to your family.”
She shakes her head. “That’s all I ever do, and look what it’s gotten me. All I am is a prisoner, and a trophy to them, nothing in my life makes me happy.”
I squeeze her hand. “I’m sorry, Ari, but I can’t go against your brother’s wishes.”
“I’ll ask him if I can do it if you come with me. Will you at least back me up?” I bring her hand to my lips and kiss them. “I suggest you approach him with a level head.”
“That’s not possible.” But she smiles, and I fall in love with her all over again.
I nod. “Let’s go speak to him…calmly,” I add.
She nods, and my hand feels cold when hers leaves my grip. We walk back from the orchard and find Alessandro sitting outside having a cigar with Romero.
“The answer is still no,” he says when he sees Arianna approaching him.
“At least hear me out before you shoot me down,” she growls.
Alessandro raises an eyebrow. “Fine, out with it. What loophole do you think you can worm your way through?” “I’ll take Carmine with me to the races. He’ll protect me.” Alessandro looks at me, and I give a curt nod. “I will.”
Alessandro sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are you going to keep attempting to sneak out regardless of what I say, Arianna?”
“Yes,” she says confidently, “but this way, I won’t get killed.”
Alessandro sighs and says, “Are you okay with this,
Carmine? You’ve basically become a glorified babysitter.”
“I don’t mind taking care of any Sorvino family members,” I say with a smile. “Even the spoiled ones.”
Arianna punches my arm, and I chuckle. “She’ll be fine with me, Alessandro.”
“Arianna, go unpack so long. I want to talk to Carmine about your security.” He nods to Romero, who also leaves, snubbing out his cigar in the ashtray on the table.
Arianna glances at me and then walks inside with her father.
“Have you been cuddling with my sister again?” Alessandro asks, blowing out a last ring of smoke.
“No, Don Alessandro, nothing.”
“You aren’t making a move on her? Because Dominic is convinced you are. Now, that boy can be paranoid, I’ll be the first to admit, especially when it comes to our baby sister, but I’d hate for there to be truth to his beliefs.” Alessandro meets my eyes. “You have always been a playboy, Carmine. It’s the only way we’ve ever known you. A playboy isn’t good enough for my sister, no matter how much he does for the family. I won’t risk Arianna’s heart being crushed by someone who doesn’t think twice about sleeping with a woman and never calling again.”
“There’s nothing between us,” I say, clenching my jaw. “And I haven’t done that in ages, Alessandro.”
“Once a playboy, always a playboy,” Alessandro says calmly.
“By that logic, you’re all still playboys, too. You, Frankie, and Dominic. You were all there breaking hearts alongside me,” I point this out cheekily, though I know my limits with Alessandro.
He considers me for what feels like an eternity before he re-lights his cigar. “Don’t get involved with my sister,
Carmine. That’s my final word.”
He leans back against the wall, looking past me, which is my cue the conversation is over. I return to the house, where Arianna is waiting just inside for me. “Meet me tonight at the garage. Ten.”
I watch her leave and go back to my room to unpack. I stay there for the rest of the day until ten minutes to ten. Then I go to meet Arianna.
The race is exhilarating, to say the least. These chumps don’t stand a chance against Arianna’s skill, and it makes my blood pump.
When we pull up to collect the winnings, I get out of the car with her.
“Konstantin, I believe I need to be paid,” Arianna says with glee.
“I think not,” he says with a thick Russian accent. “Why don’t you and your little boyfriend fuck off and never show your faces at one of my races again. People don’t want to race when you’re always the winner.”
“Pay me, or you’ll regret it,” Arianna says.
“Will your boyfriend try to hurt me,” Konstantin laughs, but before I can do anything, Arianna has a gun out and points it at Konstantin’s head, then points it at his crotch. “Give my friend the winnings, or I’ll blow your cock off. Don’t worry about me coming again. I don’t like racing for someone who doesn’t pay.”
“You’re making a mistake.” Konstantin slowly picks up a bag and throws it at me. “Don’t show your face around these parts again.”
“My brothers own this area,” Arianna says. “So if you want to keep racing, you’ll remember who you’re speaking to.”
She puts away the gun, and we climb back into her car, speeding off.
I chuckle, “Seems like you don’t need me.”
She grins and then shouts, “Whoop! That was exciting.”
“Let’s get home before your brother kills us,” I say, but she doesn’t turn toward the new house. “Are you lost?”
“We’re making a quick stop,” she says, grinning. She pulls into a darkened lot near Central Park and cuts the engine. She immediately starts undressing.
“What are you doing?” I gasp.
“We can’t fuck at home, so we’ll do it where we can,” she grins, unclasping her bra and letting her breasts spill out.
“Who am I to argue,” I say, starting on my jeans.
After breakfast, I walk toward the door to the garage, but a voice stops me, “Arianna, can we talk.”
I hate that line. I look at Alessandro waiting for me at the dining area door while everyone else moves away to start their mornings.
“What’d I do now?” I ask, exasperated.
Alessandro shakes his head. “I just need to talk to you. Come with me.”
He leads me into what is going to be his study. There’s still a library of books to unpack, but the maids won’t do that until Alessandro’s left for the morning.
He sits behind his heavy oak table and laces his fingers together. “Arianna, you and I always butt heads, but there is a level of respect you need to show me. Your attitude is getting out of hand, and I need you to know I can’t let that slide. It makes me look like a weak leader, and I am not weak.”
I lower myself into an armchair facing him. “Alessandro, I’m tired…”
“Let me finish.” He holds up a hand. “Stop interrupting me, and let me finish.”
I fall silent, a coldness settling on me.
“I want to know if you’ve been seeing Carmine in a personal capacity.”
“A personal capacity?” I ask. “As in, like a friend?
‘Caus I do, I even drag him drinking with me sometimes.”
Alessandro’s eyes bore into mine. “A more romantic capacity. I want you to be honest, Arianna. I need to know the truth.”
“Nothing is happening between us,” I say, keeping a straight face.
Alessandro stares at me, and I frown. “Even if there was, what business would it be of yours? You seem to want to control every single aspect of my life, and it’s not on.”
Alessandro sits back and shakes his head. “Carmine has always been a playboy, Arianna. If you get involved with him, you’re courting heartbreak. I won’t let that happen.”
“Well, you have nothing to worry about,” I lie, “because there isn’t anything between us. I mean, there’s no one in my life because you and my other brothers constantly drive away any boyfriend I find. You don’t think anyone is good enough for me. Because of you, I’m going to end up dying alone and unloved.”
“You’ll understand one day that we’re looking after your best interests,” Alessandro sighs. “I don’t like it any more than you do, but I promise I’ll find you a suitable partner one day, and you can throw a lavish wedding. I’ll even pay for it all. Then you can do as you please with him.”
I glower at him. “An arranged marriage? You really think that’s what I want.”
“Until then, you keep things strictly professional with Carmine. I don’t want to hear any more stories of you two cuddling on the sofa or being too close.” He inclines his head to the side. “Do you understand me?”
“I don’t have a choice, so why bother asking me,” I say, standing up. “If you’ll excuse me, Don Alessandro, I’d like to enjoy the little freedom I have while I have it. Before you sell me off like some slave.”
“Arianna,” he says, and there’s a hint of sadness in his voice.
“Excuse me,” I turn and leave, walking to the garage immediately. Carmine is already there waiting for me, and when I walk in and see him, I can’t help the angry tears that stream down my face. Concerned but knowing it would be dangerous to hold me here, he grabs the car keys and opens the passenger side door for me.
I climb in, and soon we’re making our way toward Long Beach in silence. It’s not until we’re nearly there that he asks, “What happened? Do they know?”
“No,” I shake my head, glad the tears have stopped, but they’re still threatening to spill again. “It’s worse than that. Alessandro suspects something is between us, and he says we’re to keep it strictly professional. He says you’re a notorious playboy and that he will arrange a marriage for me with a suitable partner.”
Carmine keeps quiet for a moment before he says, “Arranged marriages are common in families like yours, but this time I have to say it’s complete bullshit.” I see his grip on the steering wheel tightened. “They don’t think I’m good enough because I used to be a playboy. I used to be, Arianna. It’s no secret. I didn’t hide it from anyone. They were playboys too, but they handle monogamy just fine.”
I put a hand on his leg. “It isn’t fair, Carmine. We should be allowed to be together. I don’t understand how he thinks I would be okay with an arranged marriage.”
“He expects you to do your duty as a daughter of the Sorvinos,” Carmine explains. “Being with me brings the family nothing in wealth or investments.”
“It’s like I don’t matter to them. I’m just a meat sack for exchanges,” I growl. “They’re supposed to be my brothers. They’re always on about family and being loyal, but no one is being loyal to me and how I feel.”
We drive in silence for a moment before a thought occurs to me. “Maybe we need to build up alliances of our own within the family to change Alessandro’s mind.” Carmine pulls into a parking lot near the beach and cuts the engine, turning to look at me. “What do you mean?”
“My mother! My mother would surely understand that love is more important than status. She loves my father to pieces. Maybe if we approach her and get her on our side, along with others, maybe when we reveal to Alessandro that we want to be together, he will see we have support and concede.”
Carmine shakes his head. “Alessandro isn’t like that. He doesn’t care for the opinions of others, especially not women. The only woman that can sway him is Katya.”
“Then we speak to her,” I say eagerly. “If we get her on our side, we may win Alessandro over. We’ll start with my mother and Katya, and then we’ll get Sofia and Amelia as well.”
“Arianna,” he says, taking my hand in his, “it’s too dangerous. If one of them reports what’s going on to Alessandro, you’ll be under lock and key for the rest of your life, and I will probably be shot in the head. This isn’t a fairytale where a miracle is going to happen. I need to prove myself worthy to your father and your brothers.”
I frown. “You don’t even want to try,” I say angrily, trying to pull my hand away from his.
He holds on and looks deeply into my eyes. “Don’t ever say that. This is my problem to fix, my reputation that is the problem. I just think we need to be more patient. We’re not going anywhere.” He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses my fingers gently. “Whatever happens, I won’t let him marry you off to someone.”
I reach my free hand out and stroke his face. “I’m so in love with you, Carmine. I know you won’t break my heart.”
“I never will,” he promises me, leaning forward and kissing me softly. I return the kiss. It’s not a passionate kiss but a sweet one-a gentle summer breeze of a kiss that calms the last of my anger.