I lead Sofia into Central Park, and we walk for a while before I lead her down a trail and to a park bench, where a large tree provides shade for us. “We can sit here. I’m going to make a call quick.”
Sofia sits and watches some joggers going by as I dial Facuno’s number. “Lopez residence, how can I help?” a woman answers. “I need to speak to Don Lopez,” I say. “It’s about his daughter.” “One moment,” she says before she hurries away.
I hear a click and nothing for a moment, and I know someone has picked up another line in the house. I frown as Facuno comes on the line.
“Who is this?”
“This line is not secure. Give me your cellphone number,” I say.
“Dominic?” There’s a click on the line as someone hangs up. “Who else was on the line?” he calls through the house. “Here’s my number.”
I put it on another burner phone while he reads it to me. “Get somewhere no one can eavesdrop on you. You have a traitor in your ranks.”
I hang up and give it ten minutes before I dial him again. He answers, sounding furious. “What do you mean there’s a traitor in my house?”
“Bruno,” I say calmly. “He planted a tracking chip on your daughter, we nearly got killed several times because of it, but your daughter is safe now.”
“Call me back in five minutes,” he says before hanging up. I know he’s going to have Bruno detained.
I wait and dial him again after five minutes. “Are you sure?” he asks.
“Positive. Sofia will explain when she sees you,” I say. “Also, one of her friends betrayed her. We got caught because of it. They no longer want to marry Sofia off to Jose. They want to marry her off to another guy so he can execute you and take over your family. Get more guards from my brother, don’t trust anyone.”
“Mother of Mary,” he mutters. “I’ll get it done. What about Sofia?
Where is she?”
I walk over to Sofia and put the phone on speaker. “Make it quick, and don’t give away our location.”
“Papa?” she asks, her eyes brimming with tears.
Facuno sounds relieved, “Sofia, my angel. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“I’m very lucky, Papa. You sent a very brave man to save me.” she looks up at me, and I look away.
“Sofia, I’m going to bring you home, then we’ll decide our next course of action. Listen to Dominic and do as he says, okay?” “Yes, Papa, I promise,” she says.
I take the phone off speaker and walk away. “I’ll be in touch soon to bring her back. Then I suggest you get yourself and her, back to Argentina as soon as possible.”
“Agreed,” he says, “I will make the arrangements. I will also deal with Bruno and anyone connected to him.”
“While you’re busy with him,” I say, “do me a favor and see if he’s aligned with someone named Carmila.”
“His Goddaughter’s name is Carmila,” Facuno says immediately.
“We planted her in New York to keep an eye on Sofia. Why?”
“She betrayed Sofia. It’s how we got caught. He’s definitely the one then,” I sigh. “I’ll speak soon.”
I hang up, break up the phone, and motion to Sofia to follow me. I toss the phone in the trash as we walk.
“Listen, Princess, I got something I have to tell you, and it isn’t going to be nice or easy to hear, okay?”
Sofia looks at me and nods, so I stop walking and turn to her. “Your father knew Carmila. She was sent to New York to keep an eye on you. It’s why she befriended you.”
“But if she works for my father, why would she betray me?” she asks, her questioning eyes seeming to pierce into my soul.
I shake my head. “She was placed there by Bruno. She’s his Goddaughter. I’m really sorry, Sofia.”
Angry tears well up in her eyes, and she shakes her head. “My life is always a lie. I just want an opportunity to make my own life and decisions.”
I nudge her, so we start walking again. “Maybe one day you can break away from your family and do that, but this isn’t the time. Right now, you need their protection and mine.”
I take out another burner cell and dial Alessandro as we walk. I let Sofia walk a little ahead so that I can talk to him.
“Alessandro,” I say as soon as he answers, “the traitor is taken care of, and I figured out how Carmila fits into all this. I’m ready to take the princess back to her father.”
“Do it soon,” he says. “There’s family business I need you to attend to. Our lives are more than just one family Andres needs on his side. We have businesses to run and people to sort out. Your absence is definitely felt around here.”
“I’ll take her back tonight,” I say. “Do you want to meet me there?”
“Seven,” he says. “I’ll be there. Don’t be late.”
“Gotcha,” I say, hanging up and destroying the burner cell. I catch up to Sofia and say, “Change of plans. You’re going home tonight.” “Tonight? Is it safe?” she asks.
“It will be. Alessandro will make it safe,” I assure her. “Come on, let’s grab lunch, then we can go back to the car and drive around until it’s time to take you home.
We leave the wooded trail and join the main section of the park. There’s a hot dog stand on the main pathway that I lead Sofia to.
“Two please, and two sodas,” I say.
He serves us, and I tip him generously. My father always said to be generous because you never know who’ll have your back when you need it most.
We sit at a free bench and eat in silence. Sofia looks deep in thought, and I don’t want to bother her.
“What will you do once I’m back with my family?” she asks.
I shrug. “Go back to mine, deal with family business. The wheels never stop turning.”
“You don’t even get a break to recover from your injuries?” she asks.
“Injuries happen,” I explain. “If I took a break every time I was injured, I’d hardly ever work.”
She stares out at some kids playing in the park. “I wish you had freedom to choose who you want to be,” she says quietly. “Or at least do something you want to do.”
I stare at my hot dog. “It’s been so long; I wouldn’t even know what I wanted to do if I had the chance.”
She frowns. “There’s nothing you want for yourself?”
I shrug. “Not that I know of. I’m paid well. My house is paid for, my cars and my clothes. I want for nothing, and therefore I want nothing.”
She smiles sadly at me. “You should think about it sometime. Think about something that you want and go for it.”
“I’d rather not be disappointed,” I admit. Dammit, why am I so honest with her? I feel so raw.
The way she looks at me annoys me. It’s as though she pities me.
“Maybe I want to be free enough to go back to work instead of babysitting.” It was meant as a joke, but I see the hurt in her eyes, and I know I went too far.
I feel relief as we pull up the driveway to my father’s home. I see the familiar faces of his guards, as well as guards I don’t recognize but know to belong to Dominic’s family.
The shock that Carmila was planted in my life and that she betrayed me is still weighing heavily on my heart, but I can’t lie; as much as I detest killing, I’m secretly glad she’s gone for what she did.
I feel a bit guilty for feeling that way, but maybe Dominic is right, and it’s time to stop being a naive little princess.
I climb out of the car as my father steps out the front door, his arms open. I run to him, wrapping my arms around him as I hug him tightly, and he crushes me against him.
“Oh, Sofia, my angel. I’m so glad you’re okay.” My father lets go of me and kisses my head. “You’re safe now, don’t worry. We’re going to go straight to the airport and straight back home.”
I frown. I know I’m in danger, but I’ll always be in danger. I don’t want to abandon my dreams of studying because of it.
“Papa,” I say quietly, “I don’t want to return to Argentina.”
My father shushes me and reaches out to shake Dominic’s hand.
“Sorvino, thank you for looking after Sofia. We dispatched the remainder of
Jose’s people who were watching the house. We should be safe.”
Dominic shakes his hand and nods. “You’ll never be safe, not while Jose is in power.”
A man comes out of the house and grins at Dominic. “Well done,
Sorvino. Ah,” he claps his hands together, “Here is your brother now.”
A car pulls up, and a man looking like Dominic gets out, so it must be his brother Alessandro. Two guards are by his side instantly. My father walks to him, leaving me standing there, and shakes his hand. “Thank you, Don Sorvino, for your brother’s skills and for saving my daughter.”
“Let’s talk inside,” Alessandro says, walking toward the door.
I watch as they all file inside, Dominic instantly by his brother’s side. My curiosity gets the better of me, and I follow them.
“This isn’t something for you to sit in on,” my father says as he stands outside the study.
“I…” I pause, then say, “I would feel safer if I’m closer to you.”
It melts my father’s heart, and he nods. “Fine, but say nothing.”
I nod and follow him. I sit at the back nearby Dominic, and true to my word, I feel instantly safer.
“Don Lopez,” Alessandro says, “Have you considered Andres’ proposal to take down Don Catalan and free both our families and others from his retaliation?”
“Straight to the point,” my father says. I’ve never seen him look so in charge. “I like it. Don Sorvino, understand, although I appreciate that Sofia is alive and well, I now have a war on my hands.” He motions behind him. “Back in Argentina, the Catalan allied families are attacking my families and those families who answer to me. Jose is not happy about your brother’s rather public use of violence. Explosions, shootings… He should have been more discreet.”
Dominic shifts slightly, and I can tell his annoyed. My father has a point, though, and I can see it.
“My brother did what was necessary to secure your allegiance. The war back in Argentina is exactly why we should ally ourselves so that we can take down Jose.”
Dominic steps forward. “I had the choice between being discreet or saving Sofia. I think you’ll agree I made the right choice.”
My father stares him out, but it’s Alessandro who holds a hand up. Without a word, Dominic stands back.
I look at my father, who sits back. “And how do I know the Sorvino family will not betray me if I do this?”
Alessandro remains quiet, and I wonder what he’s thinking when he leans forward. “A trade then, my cousin, for one of your family members. I expect you’ll treat him well.”
I see the opportunity before my father can speak. I know I should sit quietly and not interrupt, but it’s now or never.
“For me!” I say loudly.
Everyone looks at me except Dominic, and I continue. “I want to study in America. It’s why I came. I want to stay, Papa. Let me be our family’s representative.”
My father frowns. “I don’t want you here where Jose’s men can take you again.”
My eyes widen. “Please, Papa, it’s all I want. I ask for this one thing.”
My father sighs. “You’re as stubborn as your mother. Don Sorvino, can you offer my daughter the best protection so she can study in this country?”
Alessandro indicates for Dominic to step forward, and I see him clench his teeth as Alessandro says, “She can stay with Dominic.”
I frown. I thought I’d be given guards. I didn’t think I’d actually have to stay with the family.
“But…” I start to say, but my father silences me with one look.
“That suits me fine. Your brother has proved to be a worthy adversary to the Catalan family. In that case, I will align with Andres and the Sorvino family. I support Andres taking over the Catalan family.” My father stands. “Now, please, join me for a drink in celebration of our union.”
Everyone follows my father out of the double doors of the study onto the deck and to the bar. “What will it be, Don Sorvino?”
“Whiskey, neat,” Alessandro says. “For both of us.”
The drinks are slowly handed out, and the man called Andres raises his glass. “To new friends and new families.”
“To new families,” I murmur as I lift my cooler to my lips. I sip it, and my gaze catches Dominic’s. He’s looking at me, but there’s anger in his eyes, and I wonder what happened to the soft side I witnessed earlier.
I don’t want to stay with him any more than he does with me, but I’m not that angry. I’m annoyed, though, that he is. I’ve done everything he’s made me, listened to his stupid instructions. He can give me a goddamn break, for fucks sake.
I glare back at Dominic before I turn away to hear my father tell Alessandro about our home in Argentina.
Alessandro listens. He seems to pay careful attention, nodding and acknowledging at the appropriate moments. My father loves having an audience, so he laps it up. I don’t know if the Sorvino family is more powerful than ours. I suppose they are the New York family, so here they outstrip us. My father seems to enjoy having the head Don’s attention.
I stand up and excuse myself, leaving to go upstairs to my room. Realizing that I’m safe and somewhat free hits me like a ton of bricks. I see my clothes in the closet and the familiar decor of my room. I start to tear up, and before I know it, I’m sobbing. I collapse onto my bed and sob into my pillow.
When I’m done, I shower and change into comfortable clothes, not something I wore when I was on the run.
There’s a knock at my door. It’s Alessandro. “Miss Lopez, you need to pack what you want to take for now. We’ll come back for the rest at another time.”
I nod, getting up to do as he asks.
“We’ll wait for you downstairs,” he says. “And Miss Lopez, while we’ll make you as comfortable as possible, you must adhere to Dominic’s rules while staying with him.”
I nod, he seems to emanate power, and I don’t want to argue with him. I can see why he’s the Don.
He leaves, and I turn to pack.