It feels kind of surreal that we have a plan now. I mean, it’s not a plan that’s going to take
effect soon, but it will eventually, and then one day, we can return to New York.
I don’t know, though. My gut tells me that traveling the road with Frankie will be much better than us being stifled by the hustle and bustle of the city. He doesn’t have to be as busy when we’re on the road, and we can make lots of stops together.
I’m packing up the last of my things, and he comes to my door. “You nearly ready?”
“Yes, I just need to throw some things in my overnight bag, and we can go,” I say. “Frankie,” I
call as he turns away. He turns to me, so I ask, “Do you really think this could work?”
Frankie smiles and comes over to me, hugging me. I breathe in his musky scent and sigh.
“We’ll have to be patient, but it will eventually happen. Soon we won’t have to drive from city to city and hide away from the world. We can live normal lives.” He kisses my head, and I beam up at him. “Now get finished. We’ve already stayed here way too long. I want to get on the road before the sun sets.”
I finish packing and bring my luggage out to our new SUV. Frankie insisted we travel in a bit
more comfort and let me pick out the next car. I love it.
He loads the luggage into the trunk, and I climb into the passenger seat. I buckle myself in and
sit back. I think about how nice it was when we hit the road initially, and I’m excited about our road trip now. We have a few stops along the way, and Frankie has promised we can even stop at some tourist attractions. New York business will be taken care of by other family members, and Frankie will just call in to check on things every now and then.
The open road is beautiful, and I connect my phone to the car radio so I can play some rock
music. Even Frankie bops his head to some of the songs I play while I enthusiastically sing my heart out.
When I put on some more casual, calm music, I rest my hand on his upper thigh, stroking the
small patch of leg gently. I don’t know why, but I really want to just be consumed by him at this moment. I stroke a little higher, and his hand reaches down and moves my hand to his knee. “I’m driving,” he chides me.
I blush. “A little fun never hurt anyone.”
But I don’t raise my hand again. Instead, I browse through my phone to find songs about
having sex and blast them on the radio, singing them to him, hoping he catches my drift. He smiles but doesn’t look at me or mention anything. I flop back into my seat and blow my fringe out my face.
When we get to a gas station, I buy a hot dog and eat it as slowly as possible, fitting as much
of the dog into my mouth as I can, right in front of him. I’m trying everything to turn my man on, but his dick doesn’t even flicker at the sight of me sucking on the sausage. He pumps gas and pays, and we’re on our way again.
When we reach the hotel, he checks us in, and once we’re in our room, I rearrange the fruit
bowl. A banana and two apples, and while I leave that for him to find, I go dress in the sexiest underwear I have in my bag. Although it’s not that sexy, it should do the trick.
I wrap myself in a robe and hear his laugh echo through the room.
I walk out to see him chuckling at the bowl of fruit. “Did you do this, or are the hotel staff a bit questionable?”
I grin. “Oh, it was me. I thought maybe we could have some fun.”
He looks down at me and grins. “You’ve been at this a while. We need to sleep.”
I start to protest, but he puts his finger to my lips. “No, no, we need to sleep. We’re leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow, especially if you want to see that museum.”
I pout. “Fine, but Frankie…”
He raises an eyebrow at me as I say, “We don’t have to sleep in separate beds, you know.”
He chuckles. “We’re taking it slow, remember?”
I crinkle my nose. “Yes, but…I’m ready for a jog now.”
“I’ll tell you what,” he says with a grin. “Let’s get ready for bed and put a movie on while we cuddle.”
I sigh. “Okay, if you insist.”
He kisses my forehead. I don’t know what his game is, but it worries me slightly. Maybe his game is to try to deny me as much as he can. When he goes to shower, I sneak into the bathroom and rearrange his towel and clothes like a dick and balls. Then I sneak out.
I’m in my nightie in bed when he comes out, whistling a soft tune. He doesn’t say anything
about his towel, but he’s dressed and slips into bed next to me. I reach down, but he doesn’t react, so I stop.
“There’s a nice romantic suspense on,” he says, flicking through the channels. He sets the tv remote down and settles back. I rest on his chest, and we fall asleep as we watch the movie.
We stop at a gas station on the road, and I’m in a cute little sun dress. Making sure no one else
is around, I bend down in front of him, as seductively as I can manage, but he skirts around me and carries on walking. Slightly embarrassed, I straighten up and glower at him. He’s making me chase him.
I, too, can play this game. He doesn’t understand how well. When we’re in the car driving
again, I let a dress strap fall from my shoulder, and I leave it there, waiting for him to notice.
When he doesn’t say anything, I drop the other one and fan myself. “It sure is hot.”
“Let me turn up the AC for you,” he comments, reaching for the dial. I don’t say anything but stare at him for a moment. He has to be messing with me.
We stop at another hotel, and I walk around in my underwear, trying to act cool, but he doesn’t comment again. It’s driving me insane. Why can’t I turn my husband on?
We sleep together again, and I try touching him while he sleeps, but he turns over and moves my hand away. Not even in his sleep can I get some nookie.
Back on the road, I wear a crop top and extra short shorts, showing a lot of leg. “There’s a waterfall on a side road up ahead.”
“We’re not going swimming,” he says. “We need to get to the next hotel. We already stopped twice more than I said we would, and we’re running behind. I pout. “But I can cool off under the waterfall.” “You’ll have to make do,” he says.
When we pull into a gas station, I stand near him. “I can’t take it anymore. I’m too hot.”
I open my water bottle and hold it above me, letting the water flow over my chest and down
my body. It’s cold, and I shiver slightly, but Frankie just chuckles. “People are watching.”
I see the cashier inside watching me with hungry eyes, and I blush. I rummage through my bag
and grab a towel. I dry myself off and get back into the car, beetroot red in the face.
I take our luggage up to the room of our last hotel. It’s the last stop before we get to the next
destination, and I know Amelia is trying her best to seduce me. To be honest, it’s comical how hard she is trying, but some of the things she’s doing are also driving me wild. I’ve masturbated more than once in the shower because of her.
I don’t just want to give in, though. I want that passion to build up. I want the next time for us
to be like fireworks, and I want her to have such an itch that when I scratch it, she’ll never think of another man for the rest of her life.
I am teasing her, though. I don’t know if she’s noticed. I walk around the hotel room in tight
jocks and nothing else. I sleep half naked with my arms around her, my dick pressed against her ass.
As I pull my shirt off, Amelia cries, “Okay, enough torturing me.”
I lower my shirt and look at her. “What’s wrong?”
“I want you, Frankie. I want you inside of me. Is that what you want to hear?” she glares at
me. “I am so ready to ride you. It’s not funny, and you haven’t even looked at me once. No matter what
I do.”
I chuckle. “What were you trying to do?”
“To seduce you, am I not sexy?” she pouts and crosses her arms.
I smirk. “You’ve been very sexy, but I am a very patient man.”
She stares at me, and I lean down to kiss her softly. “Why don’t you let me seduce you?”
Her eyes glint in the light. “Really?”
“Yes, put on a cute little cocktail dress, and let’s go for dinner. I’ll wine and dine you off your
feet, and then maybe we can sort out that frustration of yours.”
She grins and rushes off to her bag, and I laugh. I dress in a suit and tie and wait for her to finish getting ready. I sit on the bed, glancing at my watch.
She comes out in a short red dress that blows my socks off. The cleavage alone makes me
want to cancel dinner and eat her, I mean, eat in.
She walks over to me. With her heels on, she’s taller but still not as tall as me. Close, but as I
stand, I still look down at her with a soft smile. “You look stunning.”
“Thank you, sir,” she says, taking my arm. “Shall we?”
I lead her out of the room, and we make our way to the elevator. We patiently wait for the
ground floor, but as we exit, a bullet whizzes past my head. I push Amelia to the floor. “Get down.”
I reach for my gun, and another bullet whizzes by, and then another. I’ll need to wait for
whoever it is to reload.
I glance in the mirror of the elevator and see, of all people, Dave walking toward me and
shooting. Amelia starts to crawl away from me, kicking off her heels.
I return fire when I can, but when I think he’s run out of bullets, he switches to a gun in his
other hand and starts firing again.
I wait for my chance, and when it goes quiet, I turn to fire, only he’s not there.
I hear Amelia scream, and I know he’s got her. I rush out of my hiding spot. “Amelia?” I call.
Panic and adrenaline course through me, and I rush into the lobby. Frantic people are pushing
this way and that to get away from Dave, who is pulling Amelia through the front door. I follow as best I can, shoving people to the side as I go.
Once outside, I see Dave heading toward a car, and I raise my gun. “Stop, or I swear to God,
I’ll shoot you in the head, Dave.”
“She doesn’t belong to you.” He whips her around and puts her in a chokehold with a gun to her head. “She belongs to me, and she’s coming with me now. Then Jose can deal with you any way he wants.”
I try to still my breathing, keeping my hand steady. “You can walk away from this, Dave, and I won’t have to kill you. If you kill her, I promise you will feel a world of pain you didn’t think was imaginable.”
He shifts slightly to adjust his weight, and I see my opportunity. Praying, I take the shot, and it hits him in the forehead. He collapses, and Amelia pulls away from him.
“You okay?” I ask.
“I’m fine,” she sobs. “I’m okay. You saved me.” She rushes into my arms, and I hold her.
“Come on, let’s get back upstairs. We can grab our stuff and find another hotel to stay at.”
We’re out of there before the cops show up, and no one stops us. It seems like everyone is
trying to get out of there. We don’t even stop at the front desk. They have bigger problems right now than our bill.
My adrenaline is still coursing, and I drive us to a hotel an hour away and check us in. Once in the room, with our luggage set down, I grab Amelia’s arm and pull her to me, holding her against me. She relaxes against me. She knows she’s safe in my arms.
“I will never let anyone take you from me,” I mumble into her hair, kissing the top of her head.
When she looks up at me, it’s with raw energy, and I lower my lips to kiss her. “Fuck
seduction,” I whisper into her mouth before I kiss her lips again, my tongue probing to find hers so we can intertwine them.
I reach behind her and unzip her dress before I break the kiss and guide her to turn around in
front of me. I slip the dress off her shoulders to the floor, and the sight of her naked back already arouses me.
All she’s wearing is a tiny pair of black panties that barely cup her ass. I brush her hair to the side and kiss her neck. “You belong to me now,” I murmur. “And I belong to you.”
She shivers slightly as I kiss down her back slowly. When I reach her hips, I slide her panties down, taking my sweet time. Then I stand and start to undress myself.
“On the bed,” I say. “On your back, legs spread.”
I can see the effect my commanding tone has on her, but she’s not quick to comply. She
saunters over to the bed and lies down, crossing her left leg over her right. She bites her lip and looks up at me with lust-heavy eyes. “Are you going to punish me if I don’t listen?”
I grin as I finally strip off my underwear. “I’m going to make you beg for forgiveness and more.”
I crawl toward her on the bed and lift her leg gently, spreading her for my full viewing
pleasure. I lower my face to just above her pussy and kiss her so softly that goosebumps erupt on her skin. I kiss my way down until I’m at the top, right by her clit. I gently rub it in circles with my tongue and feel her muscles clench on either side of my face.
“Frankie…” she moans softly, “Frankie, don’t tease me, please.”
I grin and move my tongue further down, dipping inside her to taste her sweet juices. It’s tart, but it drives me wild.
I push two fingers into her, moving them in and out while my tongue teases her. I wait until I
get her to the edge before I stop and sit up, crawling on top of her.
I feel his hard cock pressing against me, and it feels so engorged that for a brief moment, I
wonder how it will fit. I’m so wet, though, he rubs the tip up and down to lubricate himself before he guides it into me.
I pull him down into a fiery kiss, my hands going to claw his back as he thrust into me, then
slowly pulls out until only the tip is in. Then he thrusts hard again, I shift around slightly, and on the third thrust, he hits the sweet part, and I whimper into his mouth.
I feel like putty in his hands, and we’re both sweating as he starts to move at a more steady
pace. It’s not fast, but it’s hard, and I’m at just the right angle to enjoy every push of his hips.
I bite his lip, pulling on it slightly. I open my eyes and see that fighting spirit in him. He’s holding back because he doesn’t want to hurt me.
I put a hand on his face. “I’m not fine china. Go harder… go faster…”
He nods and starts to move harder and faster, still resisting a bit but definitely better.
I feel like my world is exploding around me. I don’t even know how long it is before I guide
him to roll over, and I’m sitting up, riding his cock like a rodeo.
He reaches up and teases my nipples as I ride him, and I can feel he’s close.
“Do it,” I moan. “Do it.” He thrusts his hips up to match me until he suddenly grabs my hips and drives deep inside me, releasing a torrent of sticky cum. I pant, sweat dripping down my body.
He runs his hands up and down my side, then one hand changes course and moves between my
legs. “Your turn.”
I groan as I grind against his hand, already so sensitive, but he doesn’t stop until I’m screaming his name in ecstasy.
We shower together, and he washes my hair, then we climb into bed, and I rest in his arms.
I sigh deeply, stroking his chest.
“It’s not so bad,” I say. “All my life, I felt like a caged bird, and now, with us being on the
road, I feel like I’m free.”
Frankie strokes my back with his strong hands. “I know what you mean.”
We fall asleep, and it isn’t until we’re on the road the next day that I ask a question that’s been on my mind.
“When do you think we’ll return to New York?” I ask, though I dread the answer.
“I don’t know. It’s going to be a long while before that decision is made,” he breathes. “Jose isn’t someone who can be overthrown in a day.”
I look out the window. “At least we can have some adventures until then.”
“I won’t lie, even I like being a remote mafia member,” he chuckles at his own joke, and I grin
at him. “It’s nice not to be in a stuffy office tending to problems the whole day. I like moving around.” “It’s because you’re usually professional and so stiff, but what about your responsibilities to the family?”
“I’d still do them, but I don’t know. I want to live a little too. I want to see more and do more. I can have both,” he says.
I grin. “I like this new you. I could absolutely get used to it.”
I look back out the window with a smile. “We’re going to have a lot of fun.”