The cravings set in truly and my mouth started watering.
“I’ll do it, I’ll do it”
I couldn’t believe that the won. L
He rolled on his belly and he laughed till be cried.
“This isn’t remotely funny”
“It was” he told me.
“I wasn’t” I said sadly.
“Are you mad at me?” He asked me.
“I am” I told him.
“But I didn’t my senses to work against me”
“Okay, I’ll make it up to you”
“Let’s go and get anything you want”
“But I’m not done with the unboxing” I told him.
“We’ll continue when yo get back ”
When we got back, Wayne was sitting in the living room with a cup of alcohol.
“Wait for me in the bedroom, I’ll be there ” Christian told me.
I hesitated and I left.
When I got to the bedroom, I waited for about thirty minutes and Christian wasn’t back yet. I didn’t want to go in search of him because he wanted me to stay here without hearing their conversation.
I called Blue, she picked on the first ring.
“Hey girl” she said into the phone, her voice was sleepy and raspy.
“Did I wake you?”
“No, I’m about to”
“Should I call back later?”
“No, the last time we called you just ended the call on me and I didn’t understand why. I tried calling Christian afterwards and when he returned my call was last night. He told me everything, are you okay?”
It was nice to hear someone other than Christian care for me.
“I’m healing” I told her.
“You didn’t tell me about the baby”
“I was occupied”
“The distance put a rift between us… Are you still returning to the agency?”
“Modelling is something I live for, acting too. It would be heartbreaking if I can’t return”
“What makes you think you won’t be able to coke back… This industry needs faces like yours”
I laughed at that.
“I’m going to resign from Andreas” I confessed.
“I need to know I can get a job without Christian’s influence ”
“It’s your choice and I respect it, I’m sure uncle C would too… But you know it’s the highest paying agency right, don’t go and settle for peanuts ”
“How typical of you, born with a silver spoon ”
She laughed.
“Actually baby girl, it was with a diamond spoon. So what are we going to name this baby, Christiana, Christiana you know, it sound like like Christian and Jenna ”
“What about Pink or White ”
“Are you insulting me?” She asked with a dramatic gasp.
I laughed.
“You should name her Green because that’s the colour she will be seeing, money money money ”
“Oh God, who says it would be a her, I want a him”
“Uncle C siad it’s a her, I stand with him because I want a raise”
I laughed.
“Don’t tell your fiance but we should have a birthday party when you get back, it would be a lot of fun”
“I swear I won’t tell him”
“Tell him what?” Christian out and I jerked.
“Fuck, you startled me” I told him.
“Tell me what?” He asked again.
“Do not tell him!” Blue shouted and then she ended the call.
“Hey, you’re back and you’re back with a threat ”
He stretched out the cupcake he was holding and I took a bite, it was like heaven.
“Who were you on the phone with?”
“I can’t tell you”
“Isn’t there a promise between us of not keeping secrets from each other”
“Oh, you have secrets I don’t know of”
“I refuse to be intimidated by your menacing tone” I told him.
He pounced on me and pinned me on the bed.
He held my hands at my side.
“Are you keeping secrets from me?” He asked me.
“Maybe” I said with a smirk.
“You’re driving me crazy right now”
“If you want me to tell you, we’ll make a bargain”
“Okay… What is it?”
“I’ll swear the lingerie and we’ll have sex, penetrating sex..”
He left me quickly and I rolled my eyes.
“Well, I was hopping that it would work but okay, it also did the trick”
“That’s a bargain I can’t make, you know that ”
“I know, twenty two days remaining ”
“Tell me”
“Jenna ”
“Then I’ll just have to find out on my own, you don’t want to tell me, fine”
“Drama queen” I called after him as she left the room.
“Game on!” He yelled.
I couldn’t help but laugh at him.
we reached the house and Regalia was the first person I saw, who was curled up on the armchair that she had taken a liking to and she was watching TV.
Immediately we walked in she jumped up and ran towards us.
“Hi..” she said to me then she turned to Jenna, gave her a stiff smile and turned to me again.
Jeandre appeared from the stairs, I remembered what he did in the hospital and all the anger that had been building in me rose.
“Did Elisa come back?” I asked no one in particular but they all said no.
Jenna frowned at something, I tapped her and she didn’t turn to me, she was just staring at an invisible spot in the wall.
Her body jerked and she turned to me, this wasn’t the first time I caught her staring into the empty space.
I was deeply troubled by the fact that she might be playing her encounter with Josef over and over again in her head. I tried to ask her if she had regrets but she always said no, if there were things that happen that she wouldn’t tell me about, I hoped she would tell someone else, certainly she would talk to Kylee. They had grown to be very close. It was surprising at first because Kylee didn’t like people.
“Do you want to see Kylee?” I asked her and she smiled.
“Kylee is gone”