Book:LOVING THE PLAYBOY Published:2025-3-9

“I can’t believe Hayden put dye in your shower gel, turning your skin green.” Sofie said she and Maddie were at my place. They came after school was done, and right now we were in my kitchen. I was making popcorn for the three of us. We were planning on watching a movie.
“It was hilarious, but I think he went easy on you after what you did to his car.” Maddie commented that she was sitting on top of the kitchen counter, swinging her legs as she munched on a bag of chips.
“Maddie is right.” Sofie backed up, “You were able to wash the green off your skin that easily, but don’t forget how expensive the Hayden car was.”
“What did he do with the car anyway?”
“Dylan said he gave it out to his cousin Amile; he got a new one.”
“Wow, just wow. His parents must be freakishly rich.” Sofie spoke; she wasn’t the only one who was surprised. I was too. I know I did paint his car a different color, but it didn’t look that bad. Even if it did, he could easily change it back.
I just don’t understand rich people.
“Bree, Bree,” I said, turning my head towards Maddie. “I have been calling you; you always space out.”
“Sorry, what is it you were saying?”
“Since you have seen Hayden’s parents, how are they?”
“They look like nice people, sophisticated but nice.” I didn’t want to tell them about how awkward things felt between Hayden and his father, Dominic; it wasn’t mine to tell, and I didn’t want to meddle in someone else’s business.
” Your dad partnered with Hayden’s dad, that means you might be seeing more of him.” Sofie said she stood at the front of my kitchen fridge, going through every item in it.
“I’m not so sure, but I guess so.” if only they knew. I wasn’t going to tell them until I met Hayden tomorrow. If this was going to happen, we needed some rules, and I plan on telling him after school tomorrow.
“The popcorn is ready since Sofie has already sorted out the drink. Why don’t you and Maddie’s look for a movie for us to watch while I transfer the popcorn into a bowl?”
“Okay,” the both of them said at the same time. Sofie had a tray of drinks in her hand, and Maddie followed behind her, and the two walked out of the kitchen. I quickly opened the kitchen cabinet and took out a bowl before transferring the popcorn into it.
I walked out of the kitchen to the living room, plopping down on the couch with Sofie and Maddie at either side of me since I was the one holding the popcorn.
“What movie did you pick?” I asked Maddie, taking a handful of popcorn and stuffing it in my mouth.
“‘Snake eye.” In acknowledgement, it was an action movie, and we were not the kind of girls that watch cliche movies of love; we preferred action.
We were all angled toward the TV. As I shifted on my seat, I flipped my hair back, and at that moment, Maddie turned to look at me, looking directly at my neck.
“What the fuck is in your neck?” Maddie eyed it suspiciously, and that got the attention of Sofie.
“What do you mean?” I stuttered out, surprised. I can’t believe I forgot about the hickeys on my neck. I had used my hair to cover it since I didn’t get time to change before they came over.
Sofie raised her eyebrows in a questionable look, and her eyes cast down on my neck.
“Is that a hickey?” Sofie gasped out, pointing to my neck. I raised my hand up to my neck, then used my hair to hide the hickeys before answering them.
“It’s not a hickey; I think it’s a reaction to whatever that green substance was.” I hope they believe me. Maddie kept looking at me sceptically, but Sofie seemed to believe me.
“You should check that out then; it seems your skin is reacting to it.” Thank the Almighty, she bought it.
“Don’t worry, I will. I already told my mom to get me something on her way home.”
We continued with our movie, this time with no distractions. Maddie and Sofie left after the movie ended. I had already changed out of my clothes into something that covered my neck. I don’t want my parents and little Asher asking any questions like Maddie and Sofie did.
I stayed in my room with my laptop on, doing my assignment that Sophie brought for me when I passed out. My body felt tired, and all I wanted to do was rest.
I heard my phone pinged, but I was too lazy to care and laid there with a smile on my face as I continued my wonderful dream. Whoever this person was won’t let me rest. My phone kept pinging in a very annoying way, and I was tempted to throw it across the room, but I was able to calm myself.
I used my hand to find my phone, and when I got a hold of it, I brought it close to my face, opening only my left eye to peep at the caller and seeing an unknown number. I tossed the phone to the other side of bed, deeming the number unimportant since I had no clue who the person was. I closed my eyes, ready to sleep, when my phone started singing Peaches by Justin Bieber.
Why can’t I get peaceful sleep?
I picked up the call without bothering to check who was on the other line.
“What.” I snapped, not at all feeling sorry for the other person at the receiving end.
“Woah, woah, what got your pants in a twist?” A deep, husky voice replied. I moved the phone from my ear and brought it to my eyesight; I didn’t recognize the number.
“Who is this? I think you have got the wrong number.”
“I’m definitely sure I got the right number, princess,” the person answered cockily.
There was only one person who called me that. ” Hayden.”
“Ding dong, and the winner goes to Bree Adams.”
“How did you get my number?”
“Like I said this morning, Bree, I have got my ways.” I knew he had that stupid smile stuck on his face, seeing as his ego was as big as the world.
“Yeah, but how did you get it?” I asked again very slowly, like I was talking to a child.
“I don’t kiss and tell, princess; you would have to figure that out yourself.”
“You just are so full of yourself, aren’t you?” His voice cracked with amusement. “Why did you call Hayden?” I asked him in a bored tone.
“You’re coming over to my place tomorrow; don’t tell me you forgot about what we discussed this morning.”
“I didn’t forget, but what I don’t understand is why am I the one going over to your place? Why can’t you come here like you did this morning?” I answered, rolling my eyes at the process.
“Oh, I didn’t think about it. Why don’t I come over tomorrow with your mom and brother around, as your mom tries to listen in on our talk? What a genius you are, Bree..” He stated it in a very sarcastic tone.
“Okay, I get it. geez. What about your place? Won’t your parents be around?” I was sceptical.
“My parents already travelled this morning and won’t be back, probably for the next month or two,” he answered in an equally bored tone as mine. ”
“Yeah, whatever”. I said it with a little bit of sassiness, if that’s even a word. “If we are going through with this, I have got my own rules.” I told him plainly.
“Sure, write them down; I don’t have the strength to listen to you go on and on with your nerdy rules.”
“Douchebag,” I whispered lowly, but he heard it because his reply was cocky and stupid.
“A very hot douchebag,”‘ he answered.
“Let’s just talk about the deal, which was why you called.” I pointed it out.
“Like today, I need to be in practice tomorrow, so I am going to get off late.”
“Then what should I do? I can’t go to your place without you there.”
“Why don’t you wait around till I am done with practice?
“Don’t you think that would be weird, especially with Dylan and Daniel around? Why don’t I come around five? By then, you should be done with practice.”
“Sure, no problem. See you tomorrow.”
“Okay then.” I said to hang up the call.
The sound of the door opening caught my attention, and I put my phone down on the bed before racing down the stairs and being welcomed by the sight of my mom and Asher.
“Hi Bree!” Asher ran towards me and lifted him, spinning him around as he let out a series of giggles. I dropped him down, still holding onto him, and said, “You aren’t green again”. His little voice asked curiously.
“No, little man, I am not green again.” I ruffled his hair. “How was school today?
“It was great; I made a new friend today,” he said excitedly, happy to tell me about his friend.
“Really, who is he?”
“It’s a she Bree.” his cute voice, his little brow raised up as he stared at me.
“Oh, A she.” I teased, tingling his stomach, and he giggled. “What’s her name?”
“Sam,” his little voice answered eagerly.
“That’s nice, big man. Go freshen up now, then you can tell me all about Sam.” I said, tapping his backlight as he ran up the stairs to his room.
“Hi mom.” I walked to my mom, placed a kiss on her before taking one bag of groceries, and we both walked into the kitchen.
“It seems like showering did the work.” She asked, staring at my face.
” yeah..” I took a seat at the kitchen counter.
“Do you know you did that to you, and why?” She removed the groceries from the bag, placing them on the kitchen counter.
“I do; it was just a silly prank Sofie did.” I lied through my teeth because if I had told her Hayden did it, then she would start asking questions, and I wasn’t ready to answer.
“You girls and your silly pranks,” my mom said, shaking her head. I took the groceries from the counter, placing them where they were meant to be.
“Don’t worry, she made up for it.”
“Really, how?” my mom asked.
“Maddie and her came over after school with some notes and assignments of everything I had missed together.”
“That’s nice I miss the girls; it’s been long since I actually saw them,”‘ my mom pouted.
“You mean two weeks ago?” I asked sassily.
“What can I say? The girls are fun,” she sassed back, and we both laughed out loud.
I really like talking to my mom, but most of the time we don’t talk like mother and daughter. We are more like sisters. We share almost everything together, and she knows about Ace and me.
But no matter how close she and i was, I wasn’t going to tell her about Hayden and me, even if it broke my heart, because if I did, she was just going to read into it, seeing that she had this silly notion that Hayden and I were a perfect fit for each other.
After I finished up helping my mom, I climbed back upstairs to my room, falling back on the bed. I picked up my phone from the back and went to my call log to save Hayden’s name as ‘psycho monster’.
Before scrolling through my messages box, I saw messages from Sofie, Maddie, and Hayden. I answered both Maddie and Sofie, ignoring Hayden’s.