Cara’s POV
The cutlery, halfway to Adonis’s lips, fell from his hand at those startling words. Slowly, very slowly, he lifted his gaze, once emotionless, now hard, pinning it on his second-in-command.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” His voice was deadly calm, yet I felt the chill in them.
Luca began to pace, unfazed by his friend’s shift in emotion. “My phone had been blowing up with calls and texts from the guys.” He ran a hand down his face, a flicker of something that looked like regret crossing it. “I didn’t get to check it until a few hours ago, but I dashed to the mansion immediately after I got the news.”
Adonis narrowed his eyes at him, a brewing storm in them. I could hear his teeth grinding together, the sound clawing at my skin.
He was mad! Extremely… mad.
The rest of the people in the room were just as shocked as I was. They stared speechless, peering eyes watching the movements of both men. All except for my father, who pushed away his almost empty plate, taking a sip from the glass beside it, he swallowed loudly.
“How were they taken?”
Guilt etched itself on Luca’s face as his lips parted, “I…” He looked away, “I don’t know.”
It wasn’t until all eyes fell on me that I realised the word had fallen from my mouth.
He didn’t know? For real? Who was this man, and where was the attentive Luca we knew? I thought Adonis was the only one undergoing a major life-changing crisis.
“You’re kidding, right?” I asked again.
He exhaled deeply. “Look, Freddie said, they left for training the night before and were meant to be back at dawn, but no one returned.”
“Good. Find them.” Adonis spat, irritated, leaving no room for negotiations.
“Their phones are unreachable.” Luca bit back with a deep frown. “Some were found, broken and discarded on the floor of the training grounds which had an odd smell, like something metallic. I’m certain they were taken. There was no sign of struggle, too.” He sounded frustrated. Like he had tried all he could, and coming here was his last option.
“You were meant to be in charge; how did this happen?”
“I wasn’t at the mansion when it did. I haven’t been there since…” He trailed off, glancing at Cecelia, who shifted uncomfortably, clinging to Jacob.
“You were wallowing in self-pity.” Adonis’s cold voice noted. The anger that had been seething within him was finally out in the open. It wasn’t his voice that gave him away; it was levelled, controlled, but his eyes… they were spitting fire.
“At a time like this? You f*cking left the throne unattended to cry over something that’s long gone and dead?”
He rose to his feet, his anger radiating through the room.
I could already see where this was heading; Adonis looked too pissed-way too irrational to be pacified-and I didn’t want him to say or do anything he might regret. I watched him cautiously from beneath my lashes.
The tic in his jaw had given way to a small twitch which was pulling at the corner of his eyes.
Luca paused, throwing a glare his way. “That wasn’t my intention.”
“You’re not a child, Luca!” Adonis boomed. “Cazzo, sai qual e la posta in gioco, idiota. (You f*cking know what is at stake, you idiot)!”
“I’m sorry, okay! I didn’t expect this to happen!”
“Listen to yourself…” He barked, becoming increasingly agitated and I knew I had to come in.
“Stay out of this, Cara.” He shunned me without looking my way, and my lips instantly glued shut, allowing him to continue his berating.
“You sound like one of the new recruits. Giving excuses that are by all means foolish! You’re slipping because of a woman? Where the fuck is your head at? I specifically asked you to keep your eyes open!”
Oh boy… there sure was a lot of cussing going on around here today.
“Do not speak to me that way!” Luca snarled. “No one…” He breathed, taking the entire room in. “None of you have sacrificed as much as I have for this cause. I have been stuck in that place alone for months. Taking a day or two off from this madness is not something I should have my ear bitten off for!”
The tension in the room crackled as both men glared at one another, things that were by no means pleasant, probably running through their minds. I’d never seen either one against the other, so being unaware of the outcome made me even more nervous.
“Guys… why don’t we act like reasonable adults?” I advised. “We should be discussing finding the missing men, not qua-
My husband-his anger reaching its peak-slammed his fists on the table.
“It is when you are our only hope of knowing what is happening in there. What the hell is wrong with you, Luca? You have the nerve to walk in here reeking like you haven’t showered in days to deliver such a piece of news?”
Jacob, observing how fast this was escalating, rose to intervene. “Why don’t we all sit as Cara suggested and brainstorm this together?”
Adonis ignored him, taking a threatening step towards Luca. I didn’t know what his aim was, but I knew it would never be anything good. And so did Jacob, who stepped in between the two men, creating a blockage in their paths.
“Get out of my sight!” He growled lowly.
Jacob was also a tall man but was lean-built, and I knew it wouldn’t take a second for Adonis to bundle him out of the way, yet he remained unwavering.
“Dude, chill out. This is not the time for this.” Turning towards Luca, he jerked his head to the exit. “Why don’t you go over to the living room for a while, just until he cools down-
“And who the f*ck do you think you are to speak to me?” Luca sneered at the innocent man with a contemptuous look. “Get the f*ck out of my face.”
“What is wrong with you guys?” Cecelia joined our standing match, voicing my exact thoughts. My father had been silent, but I could tell that he was watching, and listening to every word that was spoken.
Adonis gave Jacob a blank look. “I’m going to beat some shit into him-if you want a part of it, be my guest.” Although he seemed to be partly replying to Cece’s question.
His rage was out of proportion, his words sharper than usual. Was this a symptom? Was the pressure in his head affecting his behaviour?
Deciding I had had enough and knowing Adonis could follow through on his threat, I broke out of my mute state.
“What do you stand to gain from that?”
“Excuse me? Didn’t you hear the words he spewed? He needs a reset.”
“Like you do.” Luca jeered.
His jaw clenched. “What did you just say to me?”
“You’re not innocent either, Adonis. Why should I be the one who gets to shoulder it all? The crown isn’t mine; why should I be the one to lose out?”
My heart clenched at his words; they seemed to have wandered from the issue at hand. He was pouring out his honest feelings.
“No, Cara. I’m tired.” His voice broke. “You all are here while I’m stuck alone there with people I don’t know or even want to.”
Adonis chuckled unamused, “So this is it?”
“I lost my life, Adonis!” He yelled, calling the attention of everyone. “Look at her…” His hands extended to Cece. “I lost her because I was trying my best to hold my ground for you while you were stuck in a coma. The men see me as a traitor. Take a look at this.” He yanked the bottom of the rumpled shirt up, pointing to a recent fading scar. “See this? I got this from a knife brawl.”
Cecelia, who had been staring at him with wide, sad eyes, choked back a sob.
“You know what he said to me? How can we trust a man who betrayed his brother?”
“What are you? A fool? They’re allowed to; none of them were let in on the plan. If you can’t control your subordinates, then maybe you aren’t worthy to be second-in-command.”
“Adonis, that is enough!” I chided. “I can’t believe you. This is happening because of you… his loyalty to you and your men’s loyalty to you. What is wrong with you?” I enquired, disappointed.
This wasn’t the man I knew. Couldn’t he see that it was all centred around the word ‘you’? That everyone was doing this for him?
“I never asked him to be.”
“Fuck this! You can find the men on your own. I quit!” Luca turned to walk out.
“Don’t you dare walk away from me-
Adonis stormed towards him, and I immediately held him back.
“Adonis, wait…”
He yanked himself out of my hold, “Get your fucking hands off me!”
I staggered.
A wave of fear washed over me. It wasn’t just his anger; it was the coldness in his eyes, the detachment in his voice. He was…
“Adonis!” My father’s deep voice echoed throughout the dining room.
All eyes were on my husband. His actions, his words, it was like we’d never seen. Even Luca had paused, stunned at the tone he used with me.
“Actua en conjunto o te ayudare a hacerlo (Get your act together or I will help you to).”
“Stop,” I whispered, staring at my husband’s tensed form.
I shook my head to cut him off, taking tentative steps towards a furious-looking Adonis. I could see it clearly. The slight tremble…
His face was covered in cold sweat, veins popping out from his forehead; his slanted, bloodshot eyes and the wrinkles that formed on the side of his face as he struggled internally.
The time had come.
“Adonis…” He eyed me suspiciously, his breathing ragged, each inhale a harsh gasp. “You can let go. I’m here.”
That was all it took. One minute, we were all glowering at the huge man at the centre of the room throwing temper tantrums, and the next, we were rushing towards him to stop his unconscious form from hitting the ground.