187. Solace

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-3-6

“You’re getting me excited” I admitted and truthfully, I was beginning to piece the images in my head.
His smile faded and his entire mood dropped.
“I’m moving you to another hospital” he said as if he was merely commenting about the weather.
What happened to our sexy discussion?
“But I like it here” I told him.
“It’s not safe. It’s too popular”
The part about it being popular was not a lie, tons of people used the hospital.
“What about my mum, heard anything yet?” I asked him.
He took my hand Andes me to my room.
“She’s in the states” he told me and an expression crossed his face.
“What happened between the two of you in the gift shop?” I asked him.
Now the evil was lifted from my face, I would stop lying to myself that my mother was innocent when she wasn’t even in the slightest way good.
“Nothing happened. We went around but she didn’t see anything she liked. I promised you I wouldn’t pick for her”
I didn’t expect anything different.
“How did it happen?” He asked me.
I knew what he was asking about, I told him everything that happened, from beginning to end, I told him every word I could remember that was exchanged between the both of us but I excluded when Josef said that Christian was not my fiance, he was my boss.
“How do you fee?” I heard the situation in his voice, he was trying to bury emotions.
“What do you feel?” I asked him instead.
I should know, because I suspected that he would feel disappointment in himself, for not being there.
“Anger, sadness, hate . I should have been there to stop it”
I rolled my eyes, of course exactly what I was expecting.
“What happened to Jeandre and Regalia, I have a feeling something sinister happened to them, do you know?” I asked him.
He opened his mouth to say something but then he shut it and turned away from me.
“Some thing are best left untouched” he replied.
I felt overwhelming sadness and a little betrayal, he was supposed to tell me everything.
I grabbed my luggage ms and pulled them to the bed. I started throwing things in, I grabbed whatever I could find and I threw it in without stopping to fold it.
I could barely even see, tears blurred my vision. All I could see was the disappointment on Christian’s face. Never, never he ever been disappointed in me. Angry, yes… Annoyed, yes but he has never been disappointed.
Not even during Jenna’s first pregnancy scare, not even when I took her away from him but somehow, I had crossed be able to forgive me. I didn’t know if he needed me anymore.
“Nothing would fit if you keep throwing it in that way” Jeandre said, he had appeared at the door.
“Mind your own fucking business” I warned him.
I sounded hoarse.
“Seriously, you wouldn’t be able to fit__” I lifted my humidifier from the bedside table and threw it at him.
He dodged the hit and the humidifier hit the wall and broke.
“You want to be left alone, then fine. Fucking rot”
He left angrily, I brushed my hair away from my face and I cried in frustration because Jeandre was right, half of my things didn’t fit in.
I pulled the luggages and headed out of the door. I needed to find somewhere to stay, a hotel would be suitable. I’d leave the country and fast as I can manage.
“I heard my brother muttering that you’re a blind bat”
“Get out of my way” I told Regalia, she has her arms crossed and she was slim but managing to take so much space in the hallway that I couldn’t pass by without shoving her aside and I didn’t want any drama.
“I’m not here because if whatever you and Jeandre are dealing with. What I’m here for is” she brought her voice low and leaned in. “Jenna and Uncle Chris ”
She giggled as if she had said something really nasty.
I wasn’t ready to deal with her, I had an urgent need to hurry out of this house and bury my head under my pillow.
“I’ve told you once and the next time I’m going to tell you, it’s by smashing your head with his luggage”
She squinted her eyes and gave me the hunter’s look.
“The three of you are some nasty bunch” she said under her breath and moved aside.
I didn’t reply her, I just kept on walking.
I heard her footsteps following behind me, hauntingly.
“I have some questions, please answer them” her voice was flat and it sounded bored as if she wasn’t interested but I know Regalia… She was hungry for information.
“I’m not in the mood” I told her and started pulling my luggages down the stairs case.
“For how long have they been… Together?”
I didn’t say anything.
“Kylee please”
The first time I’ve ever heard her use the word and also, her voice had dropped an octave, she was calm and polite.
“Why do you want to know?”
“I’m just curious”
“Months” I replied.
“Are they really engaged?”
“They are”
I couldn’t even believe that I was really responding to her.
“Is she really pregnant with their child”
“Who told you that?”
“Uncle Chris mentioned it to Grandma, I guess she knew too. Wait, did Christian know about it too?”
I shrugged.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask him”
“Where are you going?”
“Seriously Regalia, you’re like an annoying little kid, get away”
I felt rising anger at Regalia, she was suffocating me and trailing after me like a lost puppy.
“Do they really love each other or it’s just like a joke”
“It’s none of your business” I told her and she got the message from the tone of my voice.
“Have fun being a bitch ” she said in her usual tone.
“Are you going to walk there or do you need a driver ”
“Seriously, you Alexanders never leave people alone, do you?”
Jeandre shrugged.
“I’m just trying to help. Those things look heavy because they were awfully packed ”
I could order an Uber.
“I don’t need your help, thank you but I’ll be fine on my own ”
“I want to be like Regalia and tell you to have fun being a bitch but I have s slight crush on you “