Friendly neighbors teasing leads to swapping and good fucking..
Carlos and Liz Torres moved into an upscale suburban subdivision shortly after Carlos was promoted to construction superintendent for a large development firm. Liz worked in real estate which offered her the flexibility in her schedule to raise their sons. After being married for almost seven years, it was an exciting time in their lives. They were young, in love, and now living the dream of owning a home where they planned to live for many years while raising their family. Their home had a big yard, a built-in pool, and a hot tub which they planned to use to host gatherings for their families and friends.
When the house next door to them went up for sale, they wondered who would become their neighbors. On one side of them, a couple with teenage children moved in. Not only were the children older than their sons but that meant the owners were also older and they kept to themselves. However, it was convenient to have a couple of babysitters nearby so that they didn’t have to drive them home at the end of the night.
Liz and Carlos were keeping a watchful eye on the house on the other side of them hoping a younger couple closer to their age would buy it. If they were going to live there for years to come, it would be nice to have neighbors close to their age who shared some common interests. They got excited and curious when the “sold” sign appeared on the house next door. Shortly thereafter, Liz saw a couple with two young children, about their sons’ ages, bringing boxes into the house.
Liz called out to her husband, “Hey Carlos, it looks like our new neighbors are getting ready to move into their house.”
Carlos rushed to the front window beside his wife to peek at the neighbors.
The first thing that caught his eye was the blonde-haired, petite wife and he immediately thought, “Holy shit, she’s got a great set of tits. She doesn’t have much of an ass but damn she’s cute.”
He knew better than to say that to his wife and simply commented, “They look like a nice couple. It looks like the boys will have someone to play with.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking too. Friends on one side and hopefully, babysitters on the other.”
The new neighbors didn’t stay long but were back the next day when the movers came with their truck. Carlos and Liz didn’t bother them because they knew how hectic the moving day could be. They waited a couple of hours after the movers had gone and saw the neighbors outside taking a break. It was obvious they were having trouble keeping control of their two energetic sons. Kids seem to act up when their parents are exhausted. Liz and Carlos came over to introduce themselves and welcome them into the neighborhood.
The new neighbors introduced themselves as Neil and Nikki Schmidt. They moved from a city a couple of hundred miles away so Neil could work at a regional healthcare facility and they’d be closer to their families. They were excited to move into the house that mirrored Liz and Carlos’s, including having a pool and hot tub of their own.
After the initial greetings, Liz said, “Your boys can stay here and play with our kids if you want. We’ll keep an eye on them in the yard while you guys concentrate on unpacking.”
“Oh no, we couldn’t impose on you,” Nikki said.
“It’s no imposition. It will keep our boys busy too. We were going to order a pizza tonight. We could order enough for everyone too.”
Nikki looked at Neil in a way that told him she wasn’t sure but she could tell her husband was okay with it.
Carlos saw their hesitation and said, “I’ve got cold beer in the fridge and we have some wine too.”
Neil got a smile on his face and said, “I’m sold. Come on dear, we can get more done this way.”
“Are you sure it’s okay?” Nikki asked.
“It’s fine. We can get to know each other better too.”
After they left, Liz told Carlos, “They seem like a nice couple, and the boys seem to be getting along great, too.”
“Yeah, we’ll get along with them just fine too.”
“I noticed you checking out Liz’s breasts. They are nice ones, aren’t they?”
“Are they? I hadn’t noticed,” Carlos said as he feigned innocence.
“You’re full of shit. I don’t blame you, it was impossible not to notice them.”
Carlos just smiled but was never going to admit he was guilty of checking out their new neighbor’s body. Liz didn’t mind when he looked at other women. She wasn’t the jealous type but she wanted to let him know he wasn’t as discreet as he thought. It was a little game she liked to play with him.
Nikki’s eyes had been on Carlos, too. His 6’2″ frame and broad shoulders attracted the attention of many women. He was wearing a tight T-shirt that showed off his well-developed pectoral and biceps muscles. He did weight training, and his construction work helped keep him in great shape. He was handsome, too, with his light olive skin and charming smile.
Even though she was tired, Nikki still thought to herself while talking to their neighbors, “Um, um, um, it looks like we have some eye candy next door.”
Meanwhile, Nikki wasn’t the only one checking out their neighbors. Neil’s eyes scanned Liz’s body in her t-shirt and shorts. Her long legs and thick thighs drew his immediate attention. They were much longer than his petite wife’s. When Liz bent over to deal with their younger son, Neil’s eyes were drawn to her full, curvy ass in her tight shorts. His wife barely had any meat to her backside which made Neil appreciate the much wider butt of Liz. She was a naturally beautiful woman who didn’t wear much makeup, unlike his wife who liked to use plenty of makeup to accentuate her pretty face.
Liz was also checking out their new neighbors. Neil was average in every way with his height and weight, light brown hair, and brown eyes. He wasn’t a bad-looking guy but you wouldn’t necessarily notice him in a crowd either. He had a bit of a beer belly and looked to be on his way to having a typical dad body.
Neil and Nikki could only unpack for so long because they still had to put their kids to bed and they planned to do more after they were asleep. It was nice to relax with a couple of drinks on Liz and Carlos’ patio as the boys fussed over their food.
As the two couples sat around the patio eating their pizza and chilling with a couple of drinks, they found they had a lot in common. Neil and Carlos shared a love of sports and both liked to play golf when they had the chance. Both ladies also enjoyed watching sports but not as often as their husbands and shared a love of gardening.
As time went on, the neighbors became extremely close friends, almost like family. They spent a lot of time together casually socializing. It wasn’t unusual for them to have an impromptu gathering on the weekends or after the children were in bed. The children quickly became best friends and often played at one another’s houses.
It was common for the ladies to go shopping together or for the guys to play a round of golf when they weren’t working on projects around the house. They socialized so often that they even put a gate between the fence in their backyards so they could move more freely between their houses.
When people first meet new friends, they are careful what they say or how they dress around them. However, as time goes by, everyone becomes more comfortable and they begin to talk about matters that are more personal and they aren’t as concerned about how they are dressed.
Over the ensuing months, it was commonplace for the guys to be at one of their houses early in the morning on weekends. They were either doing home improvement projects or getting out to the golf course. At first, Liz made sure she wore a robe when Neil was around but one weekend morning when she wasn’t expecting him, she was only wearing her knee-length cotton nightgown. It wasn’t sexy at all but as she moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast for Carlos and the kids, her panties could be seen through the fabric if the light hit her gown just right.