“Ah, we almost forgot, the piece de resistance,” June said as she reached into the closet and pulled out the matching sheer scarf that went with the dress. She wrapped it loosely around Cynthia’s long regal neck, adjusting it just so, the two long tails draping down either side of Cynthia’s back past the top of her bum cheeks.
“There, now it’s perfect,” June said, a big smile on her face as she looked Cynthia up and down. “All right, my dear, time for you to get married.”
Arm in arm, and giggling all the way, Cynthia and June made their way over the lush grounds to an area near the beach that had been set up for the ceremony. Cynthia was happy to see a number of the couples they’d seen around the pool in attendance, along with many of the black staff members who she had met since she’d been there. One young man gave her a bouquet of flowers to hold, which she thought was very sweet.
“If I may?” Dontae asked as he stepped forward and presented his arm to Cynthia. Thrilled that he was playing the role of ‘father of the bride’, Cynthia slid her arm through the big man’s as he led her up to a white trellis draped with whispery curtains, in front of which stood a minister, along with Jim and Robert.
Cynthia thought Jim looked very handsome in his white linen shirt and navy slacks, with Robert, as his Best Man, dressed in similar resort fare. Cynthia was thrilled by the broad smile on Jim’s face as he took her offered arm from Dontae, knowing her husband approved of the dress she’d picked out he looked her up and down. With her arm through Jim’s the two of them faced the minister. Once Cynthia stood still, she couldn’t help but smile as she started to feel cum sliding down the insides of her thighs, little rivulets of emulsion leaking out of her overflowing holes.
With June standing beside her, and Robert next to Jim, the minister said some words that Cynthia barely heard, her mind elsewhere, revelling in the moment, never having felt happier in her life. When it was her turn to repeat her vows, she clued in long enough to do it, facing Jim as he repeated the same words back to her.
“You may kiss the bride,” the minister finally said, and Cynthia opened her lips as Jim moved in for a kiss.
There was a brief pause, and through slitted eyes, she could see Jim pause, and she knew he could smell the cum on her breath. Once he realized what it was, she saw a knowing smile come over his face as he lowered his mouth to hers, his tongue slithering into her mouth in a warm loving kiss. He rolled his tongue passionately over hers, and she knew he was searching for remnants of sperm lingering on her tongue and in her mouth. He finally drew back, and Cynthia saw pure love in his eyes.
“I love you, dear, I always will, forever,” he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
“I love you too, so much,” she whispered back, her eyes brimming with tears of happiness.
When they turned around, everyone in attendance cheered and clapped, which broke the tender moment, but left Cynthia smiling from ear to ear.
“It’s customary here to thank the guests who attended,” the black minister said as he came up to them, his hand sliding over Cynthia’s sumptuous backside.
“Oh yes, of course,” Jim responded and Cynthia nodded in agreement as the men all lined up in front of them.
“Then let me be the first to congratulate both of you,” the minister said, quickly shaking Jim’s hand before turning his attention to Cynthia. Before she knew what was happening, the minister pulled her against him and kissed her, his full lips pressed hotly against hers, his tongue probing between her wet lips. As he kissed her, his hand slid up the front of her dress to cup her breast, giving it a squeeze.
“Mmm,” Cynthia couldn’t help the purr she gave off as he caressed her breast, her sensitive nipples coming alive under his touch.
Seconds later, he was gone, and another staff member she recognized took his place, his hands all over her as he kissed her. It went on like this until all the black men there had their kiss, along with a grope of her sensational body. Cynthia was creaming like mad, and she could feel her thighs getting stickier and stickier, with both the cum leaking out of her and her own flowing juices.
“They’ve set up something special for us in the French restaurant for dinner,” Jim said as Cynthia smoothed out her dress and composed herself.
Once more Cynthia took Jim’s arm and, along with June and Robert, the four them made their way to the French restaurant, where the serving staff greeted them with cheers and clapping hands. They were treated to a sumptuous meal, starting with shrimp cocktail, followed by Chateaubriand and topped off with creme brulee, all of which were fabulous.
Jim had ordered a delicious red wine to accompany the meal, but Robert insisted that they had to have champagne to celebrate such an occasion. Cynthia was thrilled when Robert treated them to a bottle Dom Perignon, which she’d never had in her life. She felt like a princess.
“All right,” Jim said once they’d finished the last of their meal and drained their glasses. “Let’s go to the dance club they’ve got here. We’ve still got some celebrating to do.”
Excited that the evening was continuing, Cynthia was more than eager to do some dancing. The small club was busy by the time they got there, with many of the couples she’d seen around the pool already gathered and strutting their stuff on the dance floor. She noticed many of the women dancing with black staff members, as she’d expected. There were even a number sucking off some of the men right at their tables while their husbands watched. Cynthia smiled, making another check mark on her mental list of why she was coming to love this place more and more.
After the four of them were seated and ordered cocktails, Jim disappeared for a minute as Cynthia spoke to June. He was just walking back to their table when one song ended and Cynthia heard the familiar strains of the old Righteous Brothers song, ‘Unchained Melody’, come over the sound system.