“It was a long story, but it was about Safira and LMC.”
Savannah’s jaw dropped as she found what I had said to be amusing. Especially when she learned that Ismael is the owner of LMC, my dream firm.
“Wow, you’ve earned my respect, Professor. You are extremely wealthy. What if you taught me how to run my business?” I giggled at Sav’s query to Ismael.
“Isn’t that what you studied in your course?” Ismael snarled, and I giggled even more on the side.
“But a businessman with experience can say something different! Professor, you should have taught us business management subjects instead of calculus!”
Ismael placed his index finger on his lips, as if to silence my companion. “Shush, your business management professor will be mad at you if he hears you say that.”
“He can’t hear me because he’s not here!”
Ismael simply laughed before glancing at me. “Your friend is just like you,” he murmured. Haha! Savannah seemed to have been infected by my overreacting.
After a bit, our supper arrived. Seriously, I can’t believe Ismael and I will be staying here for one more night before returning to the Philippines the next day. I truly enjoyed our trip since, in addition to seeing many things together, Savannah and I got to see each other.
My phone notified me while we were dining. I wasn’t going to take it because I was too preoccupied eating a magnificent beef steak until I saw Joth’s name on the screen.
I instantly grabbed my phone to check the message, and I was too startled to speak when I read it.
“Why? What happened?” inquired Ismael, who stood in front of me. Savannah sat next to me, stopped eating to look at me.
I peered up into their eyes. “The ring you gave me was in Roxsielle’s possession,” I told Ismael, my lips trembling.
“The ring? Do you mean the promise ring? And who is Roxsielle?” Savi’s interruption. When I turned to face her, I knew my tears would fall.
“Roxsielle is my brother Joth’s live-in partner,” I replied before turning back to face Ismael. “H-how can that go to her?”
“Excuse me, sir, would you like us to serve dessert now?” We both looked at the waiter when he appeared next to us.
“No, not this time. I’ll chat with you later,” Ismael said, glancing back at me and Sav. The waiter also bid goodbye to us.
“So, why is your ring in her hands, Thea? Does she have access to your home? As far as I know, it is only you and Ismael, correct, who can go in and out of your home? How does she get that?” Sav returned to the conversation in which I did not respond when Ismael did.
“How did you know that it was in her?” Ismael inquired.
“Joth sent me a message. I happened to ask him about the ring, so I sent him a picture. And now he’s messaged me, saying he spotted it in Roxsielle’s possession,” I explained.
“So doing that only clarifies that he is not an accomplice of his live-in partner,” Ismael said thoughtfully.
“Yes, Joth said they were in a fight because he keeps on asking where she found that ring.”
“Does he have a grudge against you?” Savannah asked again. “First of all, how did he know you have a ring? You previously stated that no one in your family is aware of the promise ring that Professor Mondalla gave you.”
Savannah has a point. I kept thinking about what she’d said. I know Ismael has mentioned this to me before, and he also inquired whether someone noticed my ring nearby and might be tempted to take it. I’ve never met Roxsielle since we were at a police station after my brother broke into my house. Savannah’s questions became mine as well. How will Roxsielle learn about my ring? How could she know where it was hidden? How can she get into my house?
“Can I ask how well you know your sister-in-law?”
I looked at Ismael again. Our earlier pleasant talk degenerated into worry. And because of Joth’s word, I became concerned. How do I put the ring Ismael gave me back on my finger?
“I don’t know much about her, but Joth mentioned that he met Roxsielle at a bar. It was a one-night stand, but because she became pregnant, he held her accountable,” I explained.
“And what is her surname again?”
“Gerente,” I said.
“Gerente?” Savannah repeated. “Isn’t that the middle name of Raviel?”
I looked at her. Of course, she’ll know. She developed affection for him a long time ago. Thank God she’s here; everything’s getting clearer to me. Three brains are superior to two or one. Suddenly, I remembered what I’d heard about Ismael and Mr. Tory, who then recounted their chat about Raviel’s half sister. Does this imply they are referring to Roxsielle?
“Hold on, I spotted Roxsielle walking out of a jewelry store when I went to Safira to file for my vacation leave. That time, I noticed her approaching a familiar black car.” I closed my eyes and tried to remember where I had seen that car.
“Ferrari?” said Ismael.
I shake my head. “I don’t really know car brands, Ismael, but it is like the one you own but in gray.”
“Nope, I own a Bugatti, not a Ferrari.”
Sav gaped and burst out laughing, as if she understood Ismael’s complaints. ok?
“Wait a minute; does Ferrari have a horse? I remember seeing that logo on the back of that black car,” I said.
“Then it must be Raviel. That was the car he used on a date with me,” Sav remarked, disappointed. And I realized why it felt familiar to me: Raviel had once picked me up in that car and told me he knew where Ismael was, and I stupidly believed him, so I went with him.
“Yes, that is his car. I remember seeing that when you two went on a date,” Ismael said, making me frown. He looked at me. Wait, does that mean he’s seen us before?
I noted the meeting of his brows, which caused him to scowl. Why do I believe he is secretly jealous?
I was about to ask him a question when Savannah interrupted again. “So it’s proven that Raviel and Roxsielle are linked, which explains why Roxsielle possesses your ring. Probably Raviel told her about it. But I can’t figure out why or how she’ll steal it from your residence. Is there another method for a robber to enter your house? Because it is nearly impossible to break a smart doorlock.”
“It’s not impossible for Raviel. Considering what he did in the past-planting a small camera on Jothea’s cat-he can also hack that doorlock,” Ismael said, giving me goosebumps. He is correct. Raviel is capable of accomplishing anything; he even managed to kill me.
“Yeah, right. He also planted a camera on my wristwatch,” Savannah said, dissatisfied. “Anyhow, I don’t see why he’s doing this. I think he’s a psychopath. I thought he liked Jothea, but now he’s doing crazy things. He must be apprehended.”
Ismael’s eyes met mine. I can also detect fear in his eyes, although he appears to be attempting to change that. Through the way he looks at me, he assures me that he will defend me and do everything he can to keep me safe from Raviel’s nasty games.
Even though Savannah didn’t want to leave, we accompanied her to the train station to return to Italy. She came to meet me, but based on the message I received, it appears that she will not be able to sleep because she is worried about me. Even I began to worry about her. I hope she doesn’t feel horrible about this.
Ismael held my hand as we returned to our hotel room. This is not how I want our time in this nation to end. I’m too terrified of what might happen when we return to the Philippines.
Ismael stroked my head. I was lying on his chest, and he was cuddling me. We’re both in bed, unable to sleep. “Ismael…” I called him.
“Hmm?” he asked, fiddling with my hair.
“How can we stop this?” I looked at him.
“Do not worry too much. Mr. Tory and I are handling the situation about Raviel,” he stated.
“But I won’t stop until I figure out why he’s doing this and why he’s still in league with Roxsielle. What if something happens to my brother Joth, particularly his children?”
I overheard him exhale. “I’m sorry, this is all my fault.”
I shake my head. “No, Ismael. Raviel, as far as I can tell, despises not only you but also my entire family. He especially feels sad for Roxsielle. Every situation seems to have a rationale. I believe they have been planning this for quite some time. I believe they are seeking vengeance.”
But I don’t remember doing anything wrong to him. I cannot match everything. I still know very little. I want all of my questions answered.
“Do you know what? Being an overthinker also helps,” he said, and I playfully struck his chest.
“Ismael, this is not the time for joking. Our lives are in peril. What will await us when we return to the Philippines?”
“Why? Would you like to just stay here?”
I could not talk.
“Say the word, and I will leave that place with you at once.”
I then remembered his responsibilities, which included his family. Nope. We can’t just go away and leave everything behind. Perhaps more people will be impacted. I held his hand. “I love you, Ismael,” I mouthed.
He was silent as I spoke and unable to talk for a bit, so I took advantage of the opportunity to express my actual sentiments.
“I want to love you freely; isn’t that what I promised? When you suggested we begin our secret relationship.”
I remembered our chat in his apartment when I dropped his book. He begged us to continue our relationship, even if it was in secret.
“I want to tell the world that I love you and that as long as I’m with you, I can face anything, even if my life is at risk. If you can leave everything to me, I’m willing to accompany you through it all. You came into my life and brought about many changes. I was alone and walking in the dark, but you shed light on which path I should follow; you cleared the way for me; you taught me how to love myself properly; and you made me realize everything-my worth and even my dreams. You are the only man who stayed despite my worst attitude. You welcomed me completely, even when I was at my worst.” Tears flooded as I remembered how he always saved and defended me against my family. He saw everything, but he did not abandon me. Even after I lost him and he lied to protect me, he never left my side.
“You are always tired of my behavior but never tired of me. How can I instruct you to leave everything for me when you have given me your all and I have contributed nothing in return? I do not want you to do that, Ismael. To demonstrate your love for me, you are not required to sacrifice any portion of yourself. It’s my time now. I will show you that all you did will not be forgotten. I will always be by your side, even if it means sacrificing my life.”
He looked at me for a long time. Even those eyes and the way they gaze at me demonstrate that I am his universe.
“Then will you marry me?”