Stuck In The Game(Incest Sex):>Ep15

Book:TABOO TALES(erotica) Published:2025-3-6

In a word, “yes,” as I told them, “I feel various forms of affection for each of you, for different reasons and in your own unique, personal ways.”
Every last lady in the apartment walked right up to me, except for Becca, who was already on my lap. Every last one of them had tears in their eyes. This was an emotional watershed for each of us now. For a moment, at least, we were past fun and games. We had been raw, open, vulnerable, and dare I say, intimate, with each other now. I had confessed my true and earnest feelings for them all.
“That’s good, Bro, because we all love you. Trust me. As much as we might pick on you and each other, you’ve … stolen our hearts, and we all liked and lusted for you already. I think that I speak for all of us ladies here on that score. We love you, babe. Count on that,” Becca now embraced the role of spokeswoman for the ladies in the house.
“Doesn’t mean no teasing, though,” Paige added with a wink.
“Fair enough. We’ve all done our share of fooling around, fun and games so far in this extended sleepover of ours … it is OURS now, isn’t it?” I concurred.
“Oh, it’s definitely ours now, honey. You’ve claimed one of us as a fiancee, another as a love slave, a third as a girlfriend, one of us is your fuckbuddy, and the fifth is your own sister. You’ve been truly, formally adopted as an honorary member of our inner circle. Kinda necessary since we’re all quarantined together, anyway,” Becca told me, making me really take notice.
My sister had just called me “honey.” She had used an endearment that she largely reserved for Eddie and any previous boyfriends.
That was a very big fucking deal.
Chapter 12
“Truth or Dare … who next?” I said now.
I didn’t wish to make Becca agonize over her obvious conflict over her polyamorous tendencies.
That was when Eddie called her and she rushed to answer it, of course, “Hey, baby!”
Becca put the phone on speaker right then, and I could hear Eddie say, “Hey … um … were you serious about that hall pass?”
“Given that I basically cheated on you already, babe, you bet your sweet ass I am! Why do you ask? Remember, it’s for married women only, that way you can stray together!” Becca teased her beau now.
“Good … because I kinda cashed it in last night … and she wants more. Mrs. Flores, that is,” Eddie warned us.
“Truth or Dare, Eddie?” Becca now usurped my spot to ask him, but I didn’t mind in this case.
“Dare,” Eddie saw where this was headed and went along for the ride.
“I dare you to fuck Mrs. Flores until she’s so worn out that she passes you around to her girlfriends. In every position. Is she on the Pill?” Becca asked him now.
“I don’t know. I didn’t ask. She got me all … hot and bothered. Sultry Cuban lady from Miami stuck here in Orlando with me. I … didn’t use a rubber, either. She slipped me some of her husband’s Viagra and we went at it all night long,” Eddie confessed awkwardly.
“Well, no point in using a condom now, is there? If she gave you something, you’ll have to get tested for it along with coronavirus. In the meantime, it’s her risk about making a little Eduardo that would be tough to explain to the hubby. Unless they have an … understanding. Worse comes to worse, I could adopt it when we get married,” Becca reassured her boyfriend, “oh, my brother has been dry humping my ass, so I’ve been naughty again myself.”
“It turns you on that he’s your own brother, doesn’t it, dear?” Eddie grinned now.
“Okay, you busted me! It turns me on a lot! Incest is hot … so is adultery!” Becca admitted to us all.
“What if I told you that the husband is … cool with it?” Eddie probed.
“I’d say that’s a pretty sweet deal. Is it a lockdown hall pass or do they have an open marriage?” Becca wondered now.
“I don’t know. She implied that he was just … very … relaxed about it all,” Eddie’s grin could be heard through the phone.
“So she could well be open to making a little Eduardo! Good for her! Just remember that you can make as many little Eduardos as you want during lockdown and possibly later, but there’s only one Eddie Junior, and that’s gonna be our boy together!” Becca told him while the rest of us stayed quiet.
“What if you get knocked up Targaryen-style?” Eddie teased her about the incest stuff.
“HE. COULD. GO. ALL. THE. WAY!” Melanie broke her silence now.
“That would be a little Simon Junior or Simone, then! Named after Daddy/uncle,” Becca licked her lips suddenly at the idea of being knocked up by me.
“Works for me. Then I know which one’s gonna sick a fire-breathing dragon on Florida in the future,” Eddie joked some more, “Truth or Dare, honey?”
“Dare!” Becca blurted, getting high-fives and slaps on her ass from the rest of us.
“I dare you to give up one of your holes to Simon. Your call which one! It’s pretty clear that I took your maidenhead, anyway, didn’t I? Little Miss Quaker Virgin Girl! As wholesome as the Quaker Oats themselves,” Eddie pretended that Becca was pure as driven snow, which was bullshit, though she had actually yielded her cherry to him.
“For how long, honey? One encounter? All day? All week? The whole lockdown?” Becca urged wondered.
“As long as you wish. Perhaps that will be the only hole that you give up, perhaps not, but I dare you to give up a hole of your choice to him. To your own brother! Anyway, I gotta dash. Elena is done with her breakfast and morning routine, so she wants more dick,” Eddie suggested.
“Oh, it’s Elena now?” Becca teased her boyfriend now about his married Cuban lover.
“Hey, I’m having an affair with her, right? I think that I can drop the formality now, given the … um … intimacy of the situation,” Eddie chuckled before hanging up.
“Alright, Bro, time to get the KY, because you, honey, are about to deflower my rosebud, to take the backroads, to plunder my virgin ass! No more dry humping my booty for you. Eddie dared me to pick a hole and I chose my bunghole! Sodomize me, bro!” Becca bent over the armchair with her cheeks spread while I got the KY and applied it to her pucker.
Heather put some of the KY while Janine guided my cock into my sister’s bottom.