“Damn, Sis … wow!” I told Becca as she began washing me in earnest.
“Hey, Bro, what are sisters for? If it were up to me, all sisters our age would bathe their brothers and vice versa. It should be the norm, the rule, not the exception. It might be naughty, but so what? I’m my own woman and I have the right to love and serve whoever I wish. I happen to love two men … a lot. The love that I feel for Eddie is more respectable, whereas what I feel for you is far more taboo.
“I would be more torn, but it seems that Eddie is a bit more understanding and so is the other man … you. Face it, Bro. We’re in love. You and me. It’s good, though it’s strange. I don’t know what the roadmap is for this. This … is … new for me. I’ve known how I felt about Eddie for a while now. We made promises to each other, based upon the assumption that we were destined to be exclusive.
“The truth is that I … begged to be allowed to babysit you, Bro. I pleaded with Mom and Dad, even groveling to them. They don’t know why I want it, at least I don’t think so. I just know … I just knew back then that I had to ‘babysit’ you and spend lockdown with you. It wasn’t about money. That was a nice bonus. I wanted time with you … a reason that they would accept,” Becca confessed to me a lot more home truths than expected.
“Damn it, Sis … oh, God!” I reacted to Becca stroking my cock that came down Melanie’s throat not long before.
“See, Bro … I really love ya!” Becca told me while I began washing her smooth, silky skin, “I just … had to get a hall pass first to do … things while separated from Eddie.”
I gave her a stare at that comment.
“Okay, to do MORE things while away from Eddie. Now I have more options. I love Eddie. I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to push things … too far. But I also love you … and I want to do things … with … and FOR you! See my conflict? His hall pass helps, as does knowing that I gave him one. Even so, it’s not exactly cool with even lapsed Quakers like Mom and Dad. It’s a major move away from what society condones, either,” Becca struggled to express her cognitive dissonance.
“It’s definitely not Hallmark movie material, even if I would love to see Lindy Booth play one of you girls. She’s rather cute. Reminds me of Paige a bit. And calling Mom and Dad ‘lapsed’ Quakers is an understatement. The last time either of us went to Meeting was with Grandpa and Granny when I was ten! I don’t think that Mom and Dad so much as quoted George Fox in at least a decade! Either way, we will go as slowly or quickly as you’re ready to go, Sis,” I assured my sister, who responded by licking my face.
“Well, you know that we can go at least as far as that, Bro,” Becca told me with a wicked grin.
“So, licking my face like a cat or dog … kinky!” I teased Becca as I finished washing her luscious body and we rinsed off.
“How about this?” Becca slapped my tush now rather playfully.
“Okay, very kinky!” I taunted my sister now as we stepped out of the shower and dried each other.
“Not to mention being attracted to my own brother … just as he’s apparently attracted to me … and being into girls, evidently … or at least Paige,” Becca blushed a bit now.
“Well, Paige is a redhead with an actual crimson bush. They tend to excite the imagination, Deborah Ann Woll and the aforementioned Lindy Booth. Even if you have to imagine the bush part on those two,” I teased her a bit more as we headed toward the kitchen.
I couldn’t decide which I enjoyed more, the smell of breakfast, or the sight of four naked girls who just made it. From the scent of her arousal, Becca tended to agree. Whatever else I knew about Becca, she was every bit as bi as me.
Chapter 9
“See, behold the smorgasbord!” Melanie declared as she rushed into my arms and made out with me.
Then Paige pulled Becca close for a deep tongue kiss. Next, Paige planted a French kiss on me, after which Janine, Heather, and Becca did so, too. They showed me quite the breakfast bonanza, from mango and papaya juice to slices of kiwi to English breakfast tea to hot, steamy coffee to chocolate crepes to French toast to sizzling bacon to hashbrowns to a Denver omelet that was impressive all by itself. I almost felt full just from seeing and smelling it.
“Wow, you ladies went all-out, didn’t ya?” I bragged on them while sitting down.
“I bet that he gets full in half an hour,” Becca grinned now.
“I say forty-five minutes before he stops,” Heather insisted.
“Stops or gets full, ’cause that ain’t the same thing,” I observed.
“Stops!” Janine suggested.
“Yes, stops!” Melanie agreed.
“Stops,” Paige said as well while admiring Becca’s tan lines and dyed green hair.
“What are the stakes?” I asked now as I began digging in a bit.
“Winner gets to sit on Simon’s lap whenever she likes and dry hump him,” Heather proposed.
“For just today, or the whole lockdown?” Becca asked her.
“Whole lockdown!” Heather told her.
“But only when I’m actually seated,” I stipulated.
“Deal!” Heather agreed.
“Deal!” Becca grinned.
Well, I got pretty darn stuffed in about thirty-seven minutes. I chowed down and didn’t let the outcome motivate me at all. I was ravenous by now. I ate, ate, and ate, full of compliments for each of the cooks. Melanie in particular was tickled pink at the way that I devoured my breakfast. Those girls spoiled me rotten. They were so sweet to me! I felt like a king!
“Thirty-seven minutes, twenty-two seconds. Becca wins,” Heather acknowledged, not even slightly bothered by the results.
“Alright, Bro, let me ride!” Becca grinned wickedly, planting her sweet booty on my lap.
“That was fun … any more bets, dares, or games?” Melanie asked now.
“Okay, Truth or Dare?” Janine suggested.
“I’ll bite!” Paige licked her lips now.
“It will give us something to do for a bit,” Heather observed, not at all perturbed that she lost.
“I’m game, but who asks the questions?” I wondered while my cock stiffened in response to Becca’s fine ass pressed against it.
“You, Bro!” Becca told me while deliberately rubbing her butt-crack against my prick.
“Okay, first up?” I inquired.
“You choose, Master,” Janine urged me with a grin while massaging my shoulders.
“Okay, then … you. Truth or Dare?” I asked my sweet Iraqi slave girl.
“Truth!” Janine replied.
“Are you a … complete submissive?” I probed.
“Yes, Master, I am. I love to serve … but especially to serve you. You’re my Master. I found my rightful, natural owner … and I’m so happy about it! I’ll do your bidding, whatever that is! I’m your horny little bitch! I’m your walking cum receptacle, Master! I’m your masseuse. I’m your valet. I’m your fucktoy! I ENJOY this, Master, I swear!” Janine told me while kissing the back of my neck.
“Damn … I’m one lucky bastard! And you’re so fucking sweet, baby girl, you could be mistaken for molasses!” I pulled Janine in for a steamy French kiss, followed by ones that Melanie, Becca, Heather, and Paige each planted on me.
“Well, next question?” Melanie practically begged me.
“Truth or Dare, dear?” I asked her directly while feeling Becca’s bottom on my dick.
“Truth!” Melanie beamed now.
“Are you … really, honestly, in love with me?” I wondered aloud, just curious now.
“Hell, yes! Honest to God, I was smitten at the first meeting! Love at first sight! Coup de foudre, as the French say. The thunderclap. I took one look at you and decided, if I had to sell my soul to the Devil to do it, I was gonna be your bride! Becky Rosen had the right idea. Marrying Sam Winchester was worth it for her … you’re worth it for me!
“I knew that you would hold me, even in Purgatory or Hell, warding off the flames and covering my ears to keep out the screams. I knew that you would keep me safe at all costs,” Melanie opened up far more than I expected.
“Plus the First Couple, right?” I teased my fiancee.