Stuck In The Game(Incest Sex):>Ep8

Book:TABOO TALES(erotica) Published:2025-3-6

“That’s exactly how Simon is to me, too. You’re in love with him. I’ll tell you all a secret. I’m in love with Simon, too. Sorry that I played it cool, but that was necessary, so I didn’t make a mistake and marry the guy. Oh, he’s a perfect hubby for a good Italian Catholic girl who knows that she’s got him locked in because she’ll never divorce him and he has no reason to leave her, ever.
“But he’s not the right … husband for girls like you or me, Becca. Our spouses need to be under our thumbs, as Eddie will be for you, trust me. So, the most he can be is a boyfriend. The most. And I’d rather not take that plunge until it’s clear where we stand. Besides, I’ve already got my eye on a very different spouse … and the good news is, they’re Jewish just like me.
“The bad news, at least for my parents, already worried about grandchildren and such … she’s a girl. She’s Paige. Yeah, in case you missed it, I’m bi, girls! And I really want Paige as my bride,” Heather admitted to us all, much to my shock and everyone else’s.
“Do you really think that you can … control a ginger like Paige, though? Under your thumb doesn’t seem likely if you marry her. Not to discourage it, but I know Paige. She doesn’t strike me as the subbie wife type. She’s a feisty redhead, after all,” Becca observed now.
“I wondered the same damn thing. I mean, we all know Paige. Which is why I wonder about it,” Janine added with some confusion.
“Shows how much you know, guys! I love Heather and I would love to be her bride! Incidentally, that time that we compared notes about Simon? We did it … in bed. After I ate her out and she ate me!” Paige exclaimed, further complicating things, but in a delicious new way.
“And the circle closes,” Janine smirked.
“Or the noose tightens,” Melanie laughed now.
“Worlds are colliding! If Relationship Simon walks through that door, he will KILL independent Simon! A Simon divided against himself cannot stand!” I teasingly paraphrased George Costanza.
“What about Janine? If I get at least … three lovers, counting Melanie, Becca, and Heather, whereas Becca would get Eddie, for argument’s sake, and Heather gets Paige … who does Janine get? Just asking hypothetically. I don’t think that Becca’s ready to take such a dramatic step yet,” I asked out of sheer curiosity.
“Not yet, you’re right. But she wants to get there, and that makes a huge difference. She just can’t bring herself to admit what she really desires, what she truly wants at all. As for Janine, just ask her yourself,” Melanie stopped sucking me long enough to answer that query.
“And the easy answer to that is … I don’t know, but I would love to find out. Incidentally, Heather, I think that since you’re here, you should consider yourself on lockdown with us. You’re now part of the quarantine squad, babe!” Janine’s tongue danced with Heather’s … and then Becca’s … and then Paige’s, and then mine.
“I think that was the whole point, baby! Oh and … little confession. It wasn’t your house key that I copied, but Becca’s. With her consent. We’ve all been plotting to spend lockdown with you. It’s just none of them knew about my involvement … except Becca. I was the secret weapon, you see,” Heather confessed to the rest of us now.
“To what end, though?” I questioned them.
“Oh, that’s for us to know … and you to find out,” Becca got the last word for now, using a dirty trick like restarting the episode while Melanie hungrily swallowed my load.
Oh, dear me, what kind of bizarro world am I in now?
“You know, for a ‘good Italian Catholic girl,’ Melanie, you’re rather open-minded. I don’t object to that, far from it. I certainly approve. It’s just a cognitive dissonance that I can’t overlook. Though, of course, you don’t always have to be a ‘good’ Catholic girl. You could be a bad one now and then,” I teased Melanie a little, causing her to snicker before feeding me my snowball.
“See now, I can be a ‘bad Catholic girl’ from time to time, can’t I? And the inner bad girl wants so badly for her fiance to fuck around on her. She even wants to make it happen, while the inner good girl will obey her husband and never even think of divorce or anything of the sort. I told you that you have a hall pass with each of these girls, you know. I mean it, trust me. Of course, even if you had no hall pass with a girl, what am I gonna do about it? I already told you that I’ll never leave you. I have no leverage here … and that’s exactly how I like it!” Melanie confessed to me.
“And if I told you to do a girl, which part of you would want to do it? The good Catholic girl or the bad one?” I asked out of curiosity now.
“Both, if I’m being honest. The good girl wants to obey her hubby, while the bad girl wants to experience Sapphic pleasures at last,” Melanie admitted to me now.
“So, you’re at least bi-curious, if not bi outright?” I inquired of my fiancee.
“Oh, I’m definitely bi. It’s all that I can do not to grab Heather and kiss her on the lips,” Melanie told me as the episode ran its credits.
“Okay, then. I dare you to do it. Make out with Heather. That’s a dare from me, your own fiance,” I told Melanie, while Becca, Janine, and Paige listened in fascination.
“Come here, you!” Heather told Melanie as their tongues danced together at last, making it a very sensual Sapphic kiss.
“Wow, that’s incredibly hot … but if we’re doing dares, what about bets? I bet you guys that Melanie won’t suck Simon’s cock out of someone’s ass. Now, who wants to volunteer their ass?” Becca interjected now.
“Stakes?” I asked, “and who is taking your bet?”
“Okay, I bet Heather that Melanie won’t suck your cock out of someone’s ass. Better? Stakes are that I get to suck her tits if I win. I’ve wanted to suck her tits for a while now. They’re such wonderful tits! I know that Melanie loves Simon and would do anything for him, but there must be limits to her devotion, right? After all, they don’t know each other that well. It’s almost love at first sight, okay, it basically is, but she doesn’t trust him that much, does she?” Becca asserted, making what I was sure was a sucker bet for Heather.
“Whose ass and what if you lose?” Heather demanded now, seemingly eager to get on with it now that Melane and she came up for air.
“If I lose, I have to eat your pussy instead. And as for whose ass, that narrows it down to Paige and Janine,” Becca asserted.
“What happened to not cheating on Eddie?” Paige laughed.
“Good question and I wish to make an amendment. If you lose, Becca, you have to eat Paige’s pussy, not mine. Still up for it?” Heather smirked.