The following day, June suggested to Cynthia that they forego the Black Swallow Bar for their usual ‘late-morning drink’ that day as the resort had something special arranged for the ladies that day. Intrigued and curious, Cynthia deferred to June’s experience regarding such matters. She was glad she did.
While the resort made arrangements for the husbands to spend the afternoon aboard a catamaran fishing and relaxing, June was happy to escort Cynthia to a room in the main resort building for what she told Cynthia was known as ‘Glory Hole Tuesdays’. The room that June led Cynthia into was basically just a long corridor with numerous doors leading off it with only a few feet separating each door. June explained to Cynthia that every Tuesday, the resort opened its doors for the local men to attend and provide the guests with as much cock to suck as they wanted.
Intrigued and delighted by what she was hearing, as June was talking, Cynthia noticed a number of other women she’d seen around the resort walk past them and disappear into the various rooms, all of them with smiles on their faces.
“All right then, Cyn,” June said as she opened the door to Room #8 while Cynthia entered Room #9, “we’ll meet up at dinner tonight and compare notes. And don’t forget to keep count, okay?”
“Is that a challenge?” Cynthia replied, noticing the devilish twinkle in June’s eyes.
“Take it however you like, dear, but just make sure you have fun. I know I will,” June said, giving Cynthia a little wink before she closed the door to her room behind her.
Alone in a tiny room not much bigger than a closet, Cynthia found her heart beating rapidly as she looked around the small space. The walls were dark, as was the floor and ceiling. A lone light shone from the ceiling near the far end of the room, although that was only about six feet away from the door. The light was directed on that far wall, or more importantly, at the circular opening in the wall mounted partway up. She could see that the hole was about five inches in diameter, the edge lined with a thin coating of vinyl-covered cushioning.
As Cynthia moved closer, she spotted one of the same cushions she had in her room positioned on the floor in front of the hole, with the wave-like shapes molded into it to support the cocksucker’s knees. In one corner near that front wall was a small table, upon which sat a box of tissues and a canister of wipes. On the floor in the opposite corner at the front sat a small trash bin.
Cynthia found the whole thing luridly exciting, having only seen glory holes in the porn movies she’d watched, or read about them on erotic story sites. The feeling of being in one herself had her pussy creaming into her panties within a minute of being inside the room.
Cynthia didn’t have long to dwell on her feelings as she heard a muffled sound beyond the far wall and then the next thing she knew, a long black cock came through the opening. Standing in a tiny room Cynthia never pictured herself in, she thought it was the most exciting thing she’d ever seen. Long, thick, and semi-hard, with the light from above directed right at it, Cynthia thought it shone like a beautiful ebony wand, enticing and incredibly erotic.
As if mesmerized, Cynthia stepped forward and dropped to her knees, feeling the cushion give beneath her. Like a moth being drawn to the flame, Cynthia slowly opened her mouth as she leaned forwards, capturing the broad purple head of the cock between her lips.
“Mmm,” she purred as her soft lips moved forward, following the flared contours of the big glans until they slipped past the thick coronal ridge, trapping the big black knob within her mouth.
As she rolled her tongue over it, bathing it with hot spit, she felt the man’s cock quickly stiffen, getting longer and thicker as it filled her mouth. Cynthia’s hand came up, her fingers circling as far around the sturdy member as she could get them, and then she started pumping.
Less than five minutes later, Cynthia got her reward, a nice big mouthful of thick rich man-cream. It was incredibly thick, and Cynthia felt an illicit thrill at the idea that the man’s semen was chock full of sperm. She eagerly swallowed the potent swimmers, the mystery man’s load finding a nice warm home in the pit of her stomach.
The man backed away, and within just a few seconds another long black cock came through the opening. Licking her lips in anticipation, Cynthia eagerly leaned forwards, her mouth open wide.
It was a number of hours later when there was a soft knock at the door of Cynthia’s little room.
“Yes?” she called out, reluctantly pulling her mouth off the cock she was sucking.
“I’m sorry, Miss, but we’re closing for the day. You need to finish now, please.”
“I’ll just be another minute,” Cynthia replied before turning back and voraciously sucking the thick black cock jutting through the hole. She knew this guy was close and, as promised, less than a minute later, she was done, another big load added to the pool in her belly.
She pulled a couple of wipes out of the canister and started cleaning herself. As June had suggested, Cynthia had worn a tank top and shorts, which, like the upper swells of her breasts and her thighs, were soaked with cum. As she wiped herself, she ran her tongue out and circled it around her lips, gathering in the last tasty morsels of spunk that she could.
Joining June and Robert for dinner that night, as they walked up to the table, Cynthia was surprised when June looked at her with a big smile on her face and said, “So, hotshot, how’d it go?”
“Hotshot?” Cynthia asked as she took her seat. “What does that mean?”