“Okay, you guys ready? The falafel, shawarma, kefta, and kebabs are ready, folks! Couscous, pitas, baba ghanouj, hummus, and salads, too!” Janine announced, making my stomach really growl.
“Holy smokes, did you really pack all that in your luggage?” I asked her in shock.
“Hey, I’m Iraqi. What do you expect? Well, Kurdish on my father’s side, Chaldean on my mother’s. We Middle Eastern gals come prepared, savvy? I love to make enough to feed an army! Try the wine, too. It’s a sweet Israeli vintage. You’ll like it! What can I say? My mother runs a Middle Eastern-style food market. To simplify things, all the meat is halal these days. Not bad, once you get used to watching exsanguination in person. It turned my stomach the first couple of times,” Janine related while swaying her hips a little more as if to tease me.
“Try not to drool too much, bro,” Becca teased me now as she noticed my response to Janine’s voluptuous hips and swarthy buttocks.
“Well, can’t blame a fella too much that, can ya? He’s only human and half-naked for our viewing pleasure … seeing all this bare female flesh,” Paige spoke up in my defense, though in a very seductive and tantalizing way of her own.
“Oh, I don’t blame him at all. You’re all gorgeous, after all. Fucking ravishing, truth be told! I do have such yummy girlfriends, don’t I?” Becca replied as she stuck her tongue out at me and then planted a lip lock on each of them.
“Oh, my … damn … you kissed Simon’s fiancee without his permission. Now you gotta pay the toll. Sorry, them’s the rules,” Melanie licked her lips after brazenly making out with my sister.
“What … toll?” Becca looked at me and then at Melanie with some anticipation.
“No clue. She didn’t consult me before deciding that she was to be my bride someday. She just declared it as a matter of fact. I’m very tempted to agree to it, though. I mean, hell, guaranteed daily blowjobs for life? Very tempting right now, for a guy in sexual drought and being rather mercilessly cock-teased by his own sister. Yes, there, I admitted it at last. Got it out of my system,” I flirted more freely with Melanie now.
“See? I have a way of getting what I want, babe! Anyway, you kiss the bride, you gotta kiss the groom, too. That’s the toll … sis,” Melanie told Becca, pointing to me, “pay up!”
Becca simply shrugged, grabbed me, closed in so much that I could taste the Cheez Whiz on her breath, and puckered up for a very sultry French kiss. Typical Becca … she wasn’t content with the chaste peck in this case. If she had to kiss me as a toll, she’d go all-out, and she did. That was no sisterly smooch at all. That was a lover’s passionate kiss, make no mistake on that point.
“Now THAT was a proper tongue kiss! Way to go, Becca! If one didn’t know better, one would think that you’re starting to really dig your brother that way, you know. The family way. In more ways than one,” Janine gestured to indicate a pregnant tummy.
“If that doesn’t help sell me as a bride, just consider that I really mean it when I say that I don’t give two fucks what you do with Heather … or anyone else. You can have them … and still have me, whenever you like, babe. I just want to be half of the future First couple, dear. Part of this great new power couple, you know. Power really is an aphrodisiac, you know,” Melanie winked at me with evident thirst.
“So, does that mean that kisses are now … on the menu … for all of us?” Paige pursed her lips eagerly, indicating a certain desire to kiss … someone at least.
“Oh, definitely, but who did you have in mind, Paige?” Becca spoke up.
My big sister looked at me, then at Janine, and then at Melanie. Paige then walked over to me and planted a very wet and sloppy French kiss on me now. Then Janine did the same exact thing, copying even her ardor if that was possible. Melanie licked her lips and slipped me some tongue as well, even grabbing my ass as she made out with me. Some sort of boundary or Overton window or something like that had shifted now … decisively and permanently. I was fair game for kissing, and so was everyone else.
“So … does this mean that I can kiss each of you whenever I like, too?” I inquired, testing the waters now.
“I think that’s … pretty clear to me at least. We’re agreed, I think, that my brother is not off-limits to any of us for kissing purposes, including the use of tongue, right? We can all play tonsil hockey with Simon whenever we like. Deal?” Janine answered, getting nods from each of her friends now.
“And with each other, too,” Becca reminded them of the obvious understanding there.
“So, yeah, lesbian kissing is kosher now. Well, not to most rabbis I’ve ever met, but I mean for all of us. I never claimed to be a good Jewish girl, after all,” Paige Silverman asserted now.
“Alright, well, it’s time to plate the meal, okay? Maybe we should just go buffet style, so we don’t know who likes what yet? This will let you try things out at your leisure without any major culinary commitments, you know,” Janine proved more sensitive to the opinions of others on her cooking than I ever guessed.
“So … incest kissing is hip, too. De rigeur, even. Wow, things are even further along with the family path, aren’t they? The love that dare not speak its name. Incest … incest … incest,” Melanie let the word roll off her tongue repeatedly.
“You just love saying that word, for some reason, I think,” Becca rolled her eyes now.
“That’s because incest is best. It’s hot as fuck, Becca. Trust me, if I can seal the deal with Simon here, I’m gonna keep up the pressure on him to take you to bed, Eddie or no Eddie, Heather or no Heather. You’re already kissing him, cock-teasing him, flashing him, mooning him, and now letting him spank you for life … even letting him lick your ass for good! He … could … go … all … the way!” Melanie now sounded suspiciously like a sports announcer.
“All I know is that if you ever fuck him, I want to watch!” Janine declared with indisputable lust in her eyes.
“Just watch? Or do you want to fuck him, too?” Melanie teased her coyly.
“Oh … I didn’t know if that would be … you know … going too far,” Janine explained, biting her bottom lip, “but if it’s cool with you … and him … you know.”
“What about me?” Paige whined now.
“You, too, girlie. Look, it’s ultimately up to Simon. I know that. I won’t force you or him to do anything that you don’t want to do. I’m just saying that if he consents to the match, he has a hall pass from me for all three of you, okay? I can’t promise anything yet at this stage, but I can swear that much to you, as a binding vow or oath or pact … he has a lifetime hall pass for you three,” Melanie asserted, making my eyebrows dance a bit.
“And Heather,” I stipulated while digging into Janine’s delicious shawarma.
“And Heather, yes. So … do we have … an engagement, then? Am I really your fiancee? Not just intentions declared, but promises made and all that jazz? You’ll really take me as your bride?” Melanie’s eyes just about bugged out now.
“Darling, you just became the ideal wife for me, so, hell, yes!” I took the plunge and consented to the match, “Melanie … what’s your last name? I’m embarrassed to admit that I don’t know it yet.”
“Spicola. It’s Italian,” Melanie blushed a little now.
“Middle name’s Lauren, if you’re about to do what I think, even minus the ring,” Becca volunteered now, almost as if eager to see me hitched to one of her girlfriends … well, maybe she was.