Stuck In The Game(Incest Sex):>Ep4

Book:TABOO TALES(erotica) Published:2025-3-4

I was a bit flustered now, to put it mildly, even more so when Becca announced, “Yeah, well, his tongue is nothing to sneeze at, either. He can eat ass like nobody’s business! In fact, I’ve recently awarded him permanent rights to perform analingus on me. I do mean … permanent. As in, lifelong.”
“Oh, is that a fact? He can lick your butt whenever he wishes? Damn, he must be pretty good at it, then! Way to go! I can see that I’ll have to … sample your talents myself some time soon,” a very impish Paige commented.
“So, he can rim with the best of them … good to know! So, you admit, then, Becca, that you’re … at least somewhat, cheating on Eddie with your brother?” Janine observed.
“Well, yeah, but I hope to smooth it over with a hall pass deal. His idea, Simon’s, that is,” Becca added.
“I can see why,” Melanie stopped sucking me just long enough to tease my sister before inhaling my cock all over again.
When Melanie began playing with my balls, while Becca held her head in place between my legs, the whole crazy situation proved too much and I came down Melanie’s throat. I didn’t give her any warning, either, but she winked at me and rose to slip me some tongue. She was only the second person ever to give me head, so that was a change from my previous experience, of course.
“Oh, by the way, he gets spanking rights to my booty for life, too,” Becca added, drawing even more attention to me.
I started to pull up my pajama bottoms again, but Janine yanked them back down. The look on her face was raw, animal lust mixed with classic teenage girl mischief. She then slid down her own pants and unhooked her panties as well. She walked over to Melanie and whispered in her ear, causing the blonde fellatrix to lick her lips and strip everything below the waist. Paige caught the hint, letting me see her fine ginger bush, too. Now, we were all naked from the waist down, bottomless, literally half-naked.
“What is this, the Bottomless Challenge?” I scoffed.
“Sure, why not? Everyone goes nude from the waist down for the duration of the sleepover. For reasons of public health and safety, though, I must insist that none of you go back home until the lockdown’s over. Wouldn’t you agree, Simon? Are we all on the same ‘Paige,’ if you will?” Becca teased Paige and me both at once.
“The Bottomless Challenge sounds great to me. I love getting a good look at that unit, don’t you, Janine?” Paige bit her lower lip with a strong undertone of desire in her silky voice.
“Yeah, well, he’s seeing my bare ass and yours … and Becca’s … and Melanie’s. And I flashed him my tits once, as did Becca. I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t get a damn good look at the package, the family jewels. Do you, Simon?” Janine winked at me now.
Damn, I thought … it wasn’t enough that Becca chose to become a serious cock-tease of late. She had to get her girlfriends involved in the festivities, too. Knowing Becca as I did, there was no way that her friends just happened to decide to visit us in the middle of a state-mandated lockdown and a dangerous virus. No, no, she invited them, and I whispered my suspicions in her ear right then as I concluded that fact.
“Yep, bro, I did. The way I see it, we can be locked down alone … or we can have some fine-ass company. I chose my girlfriends, because, quite frankly, they’re fun, they’re lonely without me, and they can make you squirm like few others, babe. Besides, Heather’s not around to bring you relief and I aim to make you need some. Okay, I’ll make you need a lot, baby brother. Get used to it. My girlfriends are gonna hang out here for a very loooonnnggg sleepover!” Becca’s eyes danced with wicked delight at the prospect of me being teased by her friends and herself.
“Well, well, someone’s smart enough to catch onto our plot, is he? Look on the bright side, babe. There’s now four girls, close to your own age, all drooling with lust for you, bound and determined to give you boners and maybe even some release here or there. You won’t be alone, let alone lonely, for the rest of our quarantine. Too bad Heather didn’t choose to stick around. Maybe we can convince her to add to your … relief … brigade,” Janine taunted me now.
Oh, fuck, I thought … this was gonna be one helluva lockdown, and it already was one. I doubted that Heather could be coaxed into going along with the idea, but stranger things had already happened to me lately, hadn’t they? Well, at least, on the bright side, I was sure to see naked ass and evidently get some hummers from Melanie. That didn’t take away the almost certain to be constant cock-teasing that I anticipated would be my plight for the rest of the quarantine.
Then again, Becca and her friends were rather fond of … games … weren’t they? Bets, dares, and other creative activities might very well push the envelope and possibly even get me laid. A fellow could hope, couldn’t he? The only thing absolutely guaranteed was that it wouldn’t be dull around the house. That was a plus, wasn’t it?
Oh, and there was still Heather waiting for me to jump her bones after lockdown … and I possibly had a fiancee now, depending on whether or not I accepted the offer from the sweet, sexy, but strange Melanie. The way that she behaved so far, and the way that my life went, I might break down and consent. There were worse prospects, weren’t there?