My mind went back then in a daydream to the time that Janine even flashed me her tits when she thought that I peeped in on her. Well, she was a nice bonus, to be sure, but my main interest was my sister, Becca. Immediately afterward, Becca flashed me her tits, too, and my little soldier really stood at attention. Then they mooned me and flashed me their pussies, the first time that I saw any such things prior to Heather taking my cherry. I was more polyamorous in principle than in practice yet.
These things were definitely what many families would consider beyond the pale, but we had stepped it up gradually, this kind of brother-sister game. One thing had led to another, step by step, and now we were semi-incestuous in effect. I wondered what Janine would make of that if she realized it. Would she be cool with it or freaked out?
I didn’t have long to wait in this case. I heard a sharp knock at the door, and then Becca ran off my lap to open the door. She was very excited when she saw not only Janine, but Paige and Melanie, her good friends, braving the quarantine and coronavirus itself to visit us. This could have gotten them into trouble, but hardly me. I hoped for the best, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. I also feared that they would flip out if they learned of Becca’s and my forbidden fun.
“So … Becca … did you set out to moon us, or were you just not expecting company? I can see why … you wouldn’t get quite so stir crazy, even without Eddie around. Little brother’s not so little anymore, is he? And watching Game of Thrones, the scene Jaime Lannister takes Cersei hard at their father’s wake in the Sept of Baelor? Any reason why you’d choose that point of the show, girlfriend?” Janine spoke first, in true, typical, flirty Janine fashion.
“Yeah, well, Heather, who’s obeying that stupid lockdown like a good little girl, when she’s otherwise a ravenous she-wolf, anyway, Heather told me that you’re … well-hung and pretty sweet in the sack, Simon. Maybe we should play ‘Simon Says’ some time and find out. She said that you’re not exclusive, but I don’t know if that’s your idea or hers or both. If you’re boning your sister, I could get behind that. This time, with this quarantine madness, any guy worth his salt should give his girlfriend a hall pass and vice versa,” Paige rambled to my shock.
“Hey, drool all you like and even fuck him if you wish, but Simon’s my future hubby! I’ve already decided that,” Melanie licked her lips and stared at me with unbearable desire in her eyes.
“So, wait, it’s okay if I fuck your self-declared future hubby? Is that a fact? Is it okay if Janine or Becca or Heather do?” Paige teased Melanie a little about her intentions for me as my cock strained in my pajama bottoms.
“Oh, absolutely! He’s gonna be my party favor whenever you guys visit us at our future mansion. I’ve already decided that part. I’ll even stock up on Viagra and throw breeding parties to get the lot of you, including Heather, knocked up by Simon! Just don’t forget … he’s MINE!” Melanie vacillated between intense jealousy and impressive compersion in front of me.
“Mansion? Hubby? Wow … you’ve made a lot of plans for us, girlie! I didn’t even know that we were a couple. What else have you decided for us in your enlightened wisdom, Melanie?” I was determined to toy with the rather aggressive Melanie on general principles.
“Yeah, the Governor’s Mansion. You’re gonna be Governor of Pennsylvania someday and I’ll be your First Lady, babe. And I’m gonna suck your dick every morning for the rest of our lives. Why? Because I love to suck dick, that’s why!”
Melanie became even more forward, much to my shock even, as she pulled down my pajama bottoms and lowered her head to take me into her mouth.
“Woah, Mel! You’re sucking my brother’s cock in front of us all? This I’ve gotta record!” Becca finally broke her unusual and uncomfortable silence.
“Yep … big brother gets a hummer from his future blonde slut wife!” Melanie declared.
“Little brother, you mean,” Becca reminded her for the record as she began filming us.
“Honey, there’s nothing ‘little’ about this guy!” Melanie told my sister as she damn near caused my knees to give out, “I knew when I first met him last year that he had a big dick. He just has that kind of energy, you know. Plus the bulge. I also told myself from that moment forward that I was gonna be his wife someday. And I will be.”
“Less talking, more sucking, okay? Do my brother justice, Mel,” Becca now held Melanie’s head in place to keep her focused on a proper blowjob for me.
“Poor guy’s had a hard-on since he got out of the shower and I made him stiff all over again. He had a big boner in the shower, too, until he rubbed it out. As his self-proclaimed future bride, it’s now your official job to provide him relief for the length of our sleepover tonight. In case he gets blue balls for some reason again. Don’t know why he would, though,” my sister now feigned innocence, though none of us bought her act.
“Yeah, right… , ” Janine rolled her eyes, “oh, God … he looks good enough to eat! Has he really grown that much in such a short time, not even counting … between the legs?”