A bro and sis stuck in lockdown play games and the unexpected occurs..
“Say what again?” I asked to be sure.
“I bet you that the southpaw will win,” my sister repeated.
“Oh, really? What will you bet me? A twenty? A week of chores? Ten pushups or planks?” I taunted Becca, convinced that anything else would be too much for her taste.
“If the southpaw knocks out the righty, you have to lick peanut butter off my skin, bro,” Becca giggled as she teased me now.
“Where on your skin, sis?” I insisted, worried that she might opt for toes or feet.
“Anywhere that’s unacceptable to you, bro?” Becca persisted.
“No toes, no feet, no armpits, deal?” I demanded, fearing that she was setting me up somehow for a sucker bet.
Becca was presumably sexually active with her boyfriend, Eddie Monday, something like that, just as I was to an extent with my neighbor, Heather, but that was not romantic. To my knowledge, Becca never cheated on Eddie and wasn’t likely to start, so I didn’t worry about anything truly taboo or incestuous being selected. I should have realized that the coronavirus lockdown had my big sister (eighteen months apart) climbing the walls with her lust, but I never expected more than a little goofy prank or horseplay.
“Deal! Now, what if you win?” Becca continued her hustle.
“It’s a sucker bet, you know it, so I don’t see much of a point being realistic. Okay. I win, I get to spank your bare bottom,” I scoffed, thinking of something to make her fold and say, “Too rich for my blood,” just in case.
“Deal!” Becca laughed, adding, “for someone so careful, you forgot to set a time limit, so this is however long we’re on lockdown. Too late to back out now.”
Sure enough, the southpaw won, of course, but it was tricky. He won by decision, hardly a knockout. I assumed that meant neither of us won. Becca, naturally, had other ideas. She ran to get the jar of peanut butter and dropped her pants as well as her underwear. Perhaps this was a move toward efficiency.
“Okay, smear it on my cheeks, lick it up, and then you can spank it, bro! This is where I want it applied … every time that you do so, you can spank me afterward. The way I see it, this is a tie, which is supposedly a bit like kissing your sister, so why not make it fun, not boring? We could claim that nobody does anything, but isn’t this better?” Becca grinned as she waited for me to smear the peanut butter on her ass.
“What would Eddie say about this? And how the fuck is there a boxing match happening during lockdown, in the first place?” I rolled my eyes as I applied the peanut butter.
“There’s no lockdown in Africa, doofus! And what Eddie don’t know won’t hurt him. He’s not here, where I need him, not with this quarantine crap. He’s trapped in Orlando, remember? Besides, this isn’t fucking. It’s a little … horseplay!” Becca neighed like a filly to make her point.
I went ahead and humored Big Sis here, especially since at just past eighteen, Mom still thought it necessary to have her “babysit” me during this coronavirus mess. Well, it was partly a babysitting, partly house sitting, gig, but I secretly suspected that it was a family welfare program for my frequently unemployed and underemployed big sister. I was pretty sure that she hoped for Eddie to bring in the mega bucks when he married her (if he did) and save the day.
“You know, a coronavirus hall pass would be easier,” I quipped.
“Ooh, good idea … though I’d have to give him one, too. I get very jealous at times, mostly because I’m afraid that some other girl will snatch him up and marry him before I can. He’s such a nice, shy guy, and he’s loaded with old family money. I’ve even taken to calling him ‘Eddie Money’ instead of Eddie Monday. He doesn’t like that, of course. Then again, he’s so shy that he probably wouldn’t avail himself, especially with lockdown, unless some other bossy bitch took the reins. I guess that I can give him one, too,” Becca snickered as I applied the peanut butter, wanting domestic peace while we were stuck here without Mom and Dad.
In case you’re wondering, yes, they were stuck in quarantine elsewhere, in New York where it was much stricter. They had just barely gotten their plane tickets refunded, which was like pulling teeth from these broke-ass airlines. What happened to that federal subsidy, anyway? Forget driving through several states, too, since they’d likely be stopped everywhere by state troopers and the motels would be closed half the time. It’s a good thing that they were well-off, whereas they constantly reminded us that we were technically poor ourselves (technically).
I was glad that Becca took a shower not long before the fight, so she was at least clean down there, as I ran my tongue across her buttocks and licked up the spread. She was actually quite tasty, too. Of course, she was mischievous enough to take some of the peanut butter, spread her own cheeks, and smear it on her butt-crack itself. The not-so-subtle message was for me to rim her as well. Strictly speaking, I didn’t have to do it, since she did the smearing part there, but it was irresistible to me. How often would I get to rim my own sister, right?
I smirked as I realized that Becca wasn’t paying that much attention to the news if she failed to notice that some parts of Africa were on lockdown, notably South Africa, of course. It just evidently didn’t reach South Sudan, which could use the revenue. Well, civil wars were expensive to clean up and recover from, particularly if you were a newly independent country that just seceded from another one. In any case, Becca’s ass was pretty sweet. I enjoyed the task of eating the peanut butter a bit more than I let on, mostly to guilt her into keeping her end of things. I wanted that pale booty of hers (tan lines, remember!) to turn very pink or even red under my firm hands.
To make matters worse, Becca came … and then came … and came again as I licked her bottom. I found myself smearing more peanut butter on her and eating that up as well, and that naturally blew my cover a bit. By the time that I was done tasting the peanut butter, half the jar was gone, so I had to stop or we wouldn’t have enough for lunches for a while. Then again, we had plenty of Cheez Whiz, though I hated the stuff (don’t get me started on Philly cheesesteaks made with Cheez Whiz, yuck!).
“Wow … it’s a good thing that you stopped when you did. We’d be down to the Cheez Whiz pretty soon, which for you, just means that you’d have the saltines or have to nuke some baloney. That’s still the only way that you’ll eat that crap, isn’t it? Baloney, I mean. You always nuke it!
“Anyway … wow … you just gave me more orgasms in one day than all of my past and present boyfriends combined! Eddie alone gave me just two … and everyone else? None! None whatsoever! And both times he made me cum … it was from just what you did, minus the peanut butter. I guess that my tush is my G-spot … I thought that was only true for men!” Becca told me before planting a very hot and bothered French kiss on me that got me hard as steel.