Be My Bitch(Incest/Taboo):>Ep6

Book:TABOO TALES(erotica) Published:2025-3-4

“I could be your sous chef or something someday. We could even open our own bistro or something. It’s not like I have much going on right now. I’m living off my savings, investments, and disability money right now. I’d much rather go back to work and partner with you or something. You could be the boss at work and it would not hurt my pride one bit, as I’d know that I was still boss at home,” I proposed to her, making her brighten up like a jack o’lantern.
“Oh, baby, I would love that! The two of us, going to school, making our way in the culinary world as a brother-sister team, lovers as well, making people deal with it and have to respect us both as a team! I’d love to work and live with you for the rest of my life! Yes, yes, yes!” Marcy kissed me all over my face, her expressions telling me that she wished for lipstick right then, so that she could leave it on my skin.
The next thing that I knew, Marcy was bent over the table, her ass was buttered along with my cock, and I was buried deep in her booty, sodomizing her at last, taking her final cherry. I still don’t recall how it quite happened, it was such a blur for a moment, but I found my dick lodged in her asshole, butt-fucking her like nobody’s business. Any pretense that I was her captive, despite all of her previous (and my previous) words, was abandoned. Oh, I had no doubt that she would tie me up again and take back the power when we were done with this dining table romp, but in this act, while I was doing what she wished, I was very much in command of her body, taking her hard from behind up her bottom. Oh, fuck, it was amazing, her ass and how tight, how slick, how soft it was, how hot inside her butt!
“So, how long has this been going on?” I heard a very familiar voice speaking to both of us from inside the living room, and couldn’t help but cum inside my sister’s lovely ass.
“Mom?” I looked up to see my mother standing in my house.
“Yep, afraid so. So, my son and daughter… lovers? Is this why you and Adrienne broke up, or were there other reasons? Was this why you didn’t last with Dustin, Marcy?” Mom asked, even as we covered up a bit out of habit.
“Well, kinda yes with Dustin. He and I were only going nowhere. He wanted a bit more than I could give him, but he never saw himself as what he was. He was never going to be Mr. Right. We were never more than college sweethearts, that’s all. I really didn’t see him as more than face worthy, at the risk of sounding crude or vulgar or whatever. No, it wasn’t because he was lacking in any way. It was because I already had someone in mind. Jules. I’ve been in love with my brother since I was ten and I’ve never changed my mind about him. I just let you and Dad assume that I did. I gave him my virginity last night, Mom. That’s how serious this was… is, for me,” Marcy swallowed hard as she gave her honest confession to Mom.
“Face worthy? And I could be wrong here, but it appears to me that you gave him not one, but two cherries, and one to Dustin, am I right?” Mom nailed it, of course.
“Yes… on both counts. Dustin and I were on and off a bit, and I gave some head to other guys, but nothing more than that. But, yeah, if you want to the gory, raunchy details, which are a bit hard to say to my own mother, and I’m not sure why you’d want to know, but… yes, I gave both of my other cherries to Jules. And what’s more, Mom, I went off the Pill. I’m going to have my brother’s baby, and I don’t regret it. Why? Because I love him, that’s why. I’ve always loved him. That’s just how it is. I can’t give him up again. I can’t stand to live without him anymore,” Marcy went on the offensive a bit, causing Mom to throw up her hands a bit and smile one of her knowing smiles.
“Well, son, I’ll say that you’ve caught her. Whether you want her or not, you’ve won your sister, fair and square. I know that she’s not blood kin, so there’s that at least. But still, it’s a bit awkward, knowing that you’ve been living as brother and sister for so many years, and now you’re lovers. You’re stuck with her now, though. Break your sister’s heart, and you’ll have to answer to your father and me.
“What about college, though? And how will you provide for her? Do you have a lot of money saved up until you get a job, now that you’re out of the Army? By the way, we really are proud of you for that, though I know that we’ve said that before,” Mom turned to me, impulsively almost hugging me before she realized that I was still basically naked and had been in her daughter’s ass.
“Mom… there’s more. A bit more going on. First of all, regarding Adrienne, it’s not that we didn’t care for each other. It’s that she and I will be apart so much and neither of us can trust the other in such an absence. That kind of kills the chances of our marriage, too, at least for now. I do still have feelings for her, and she for me, I believe, but she’s stuck in the Army for at least another few years, while I’m a civilian now. Distance is our enemy there.
“Secondly, Marcy isn’t why Adrienne and I didn’t work out, for the reasons that I just stipulated. However, I’m not sure how well she could take the idea of sharing me with my sister. That might be a bit much for a nice Catholic girl like her to take. Sure, she and I both cheated, but that’s cheating. It’s guilty, shameful, secretive… typical Catholic naughtiness, I guess. Not the same thing as embracing a lifestyle of open sharing and all that jazz.
“Marcy and I, on the other hand, we’re a different story. I think that she and I understand each other, where we stand, what we want, and how much we truly care for each other now. We know what we like. We know what to expect from each other. I refuse to hurt my sister, even in weakness. I have to be strong enough to be honest with her. I can’t bring myself to lie to her or disappoint, to make false promises, and string her along. I’m giving her my naked soul as well as my naked body. There will be no cheating between us, from my end or hers. I’m confident of that much.
“No, Mom, I’m going to take very good care of my little sister, and think of it this way. You don’t have to wonder about your son-in-law. You already know him. You already know how much he would die rather than hurt your daughter. You already know how much she matters to him. You know what kind of man he is, because you raised him to be that man, you and Dad did, minus a few personal perspectives and values that he has embraced out of principle on his own that you might not share. Other than those, you know the essence and core of the man, what his code is, what he honors, and what he deems worthy of respect and admiration. You know that he wants to be a man of honor, just your husband, his old man.
“So, there we are. Our cards are now on the table. I would get on one knee, it wouldn’t be an issue given our situation today, sis, but for the fact that I’m half-naked and don’t wish to moon Mom. That and I don’t exactly have a rock, either. I’ve already decided your punishment, sis. It’s a life sentence… with me. Yes, you’d better give up the booty whenever I like it, sis, because as your husband, I’ll insist. No headaches or other excuses with us. That’s what I’ve decided, babe. I want your hand in marriage. Marry me, sis. How about that adventure together?” I proposed marriage in my own unique way.
There were tears in both Marcy’s eyes and Mom’s, as they both knew that I was an open book and was honest about my feelings for her.
“Yes… yes, bro! Yes, yes, yes!” Marcy told me, accidentally flashing Mom in the process as she took me in her arms and kissed me repeatedly.
“You know, I’m a rotten Catholic, but I’m Catholic enough that you’re stuck with me, sis. No divorces here,” I chuckled.
“I’m counting on it, bro. Now, Mom, any other questions? By the way, concerning college? I’m dropping out and both Jules and I are enrolling in culinary school together. We’re going to be chefs and start our own restaurant. Yes, we’re going into business together, becoming partners in every way. As man and wife, as lovers, as parents, as students, as chefs, and entrepreneurs. Any other questions?” Marcy asked Mom.
“Well, I’m not going to ask the details of your marriage… I already suspect that it’s not something that I’d approve, at least not morally as a faithful Catholic. On many levels. I have no idea of what your brother meant by ‘punishment,’ and quite frankly, it’s best that I don’t know. Some things, ignorance really is bliss. As long as you treat her well and she treats you well, and yes, I expect you to do right by your brother, too, I’ll just have to live with all this, though I hope that you tone down whatever it is when the kids arrive for their sake.
“That’s not what I’m going to ask, as I hope that you both eventually get bored with whatever wild stuff you’re up to in time and become… respectable, at least as much as two step-siblings married to each other can be. At least you can make it legal and official, not have to live in sin together. You can have a proper wedding, with a priest, in a Mass, at church, with the family there. Anyway, I just want to know what thing… to what do I owe the pleasure of this particular… love affair, since clearly it was platonic for Julian for the longest time, until not that long ago?” Mom demanded to know, not wanting to face other details, such as our bondage play or sharing, which both Marcy and I hinted at, but didn’t say explicitly…
She was already a bit squicked at the anal, which we could tell. Knowing that we had already consented to a relationship where I was essentially Marcy’s Master and owner, where I could do whatever I wanted with her or anyone else and she would gladly submit to my will, my authority, that would be a hard, bitter pill to swallow. I wondered what she would say if she knew that I intended to keep Marcy naked 24/7 until she gave birth, more or less, aside from when we had to go out for whatever reason. I wondered what Mom would say about the tattoo that I planned to put on Marcy… or maybe even plural tattoos to show my ownership of her, body and soul alike. She certainly wouldn’t jump for joy, the way that Marcy did when she learned of these things (and, yes, she absolutely did somersaults and backflips of delight when she heard her fate and the conditions of our marriage as dictated by me to her).
I didn’t say any of this, of course, not to Mom.
All I told her was, “Mom, to sum it up simply, blame it on the Purge.”