Be My Bitch(Incest/Taboo):>Ep1

Book:TABOO TALES(erotica) Published:2025-3-3

A stepbrother and stepsister bond over the purge film.
Marcy and I were sitting on my sofa, watching the Purge, as it happened, just days away from Halloween. We ate plenty of popcorn and drank a few beers together, just kicking around a bit, brother and sister (okay, stepbrother and stepsister, but we had grown up together, so we tended to leave the “step” part out of things). I jokingly called her “Marcia Brady” and “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” while she teased me by twisting my name, changing Julian to “Julia” or “Jules” (her excuse being that “Julian” was a bastardized English name of my true Cajun name, anyway). I usually paid her back by tickling her more than a little and demanding that she call me “sir,” as Marcy in Peanuts did with Peppermint Patty. We had this routine down since we were at least in grade school (okay, minus the beer), but I was twenty-five to her twenty now. She wasn’t technically legal to drink in most states, but this was Louisiana, so we lucked out that way.
It was my first Halloween since leaving the Army due to the shrapnel after just seven years of service. I was glad for Marcy’s company, to put it mildly. When Uncle Sam and I separated, he got custody of my girlfriend, who was still in the Army, not that I failed to understand. She just didn’t have time for me what with everything happening, plus we both cheated enough times to have doubts about our future. There wasn’t much bitterness, especially since she was still serving our country and I was proud of her for that. It wasn’t my fault that my ties to the Army were severed, but since she was still whole, Adrienne still hoped to make a career of it. Despite being from the same state, we would likely not see each other again while she was in the service, unless on her next leave.
“So, if the Purge were real, what crime would you commit, if any?” Marcy teased me now, as the movie came to an end (after watching it the eleventh time, so we already knew it without being too focused on it).
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe fuck some jailbait. No murder. I’ve seen enough violence. I wouldn’t rob anyone, either. I’d want a fairly victimless crime. Fuck some jailbait or get with a hooker. No need to worry about being arrested for soliciting as a john if all crime is legal. That’s what I don’t get about this whole thing… why does everyone want to kill first? If all crime is legal, why does it always come down to murder? Realistically, wouldn’t there be other crimes, too?
“Not everyone wants to kill first. I’ve done enough killing in my case to last me a good while, and what I did wasn’t even wrong. It was just war. That didn’t stop it being unpleasant, though. That’s someone’s son, brother, husband, father, uncle, etc. You try not to think about that too much, but sometimes it really just hits you hard. What about you?” I turned to my sister, and got the answer that shook me to my core and changed everything about our relationship.
“Oh, that’s easy, since you’re asking. I’d rape you,” Marcy told me, bringing me up short and making me snort out my beer.
“RAPE me? Why on Earth would you do that?” I recovered after nearly choking, I coughed so much.
“Sure, how else am I going to give you my cherry? I’m your sister. You’d never take it voluntarily, would you? That would be incest. Though if I knew how you felt about jailbait, I might have seduced you when I was younger,” Marcy informed me, making me blush in spite of myself.
“Wait a second. You’re STILL a virgin, and you want me to have it? When did you plan to tell me this, and what did you plan to do about it?” I coughed and sputtered a bit in response to her news.
“Yeah, think that I’m going to let those fools take my cherry? I don’t mind slutting around, but I want my first time to be yours. I decided that years ago. I just had to find the opportunity. Now I have it. I’m just waiting for my chance and I’m going to seize it whenever it happens. I want to enjoy my first time, not have it hurt like hell and ruin sex for me and cause me to need therapy for years, Jules.
“Besides, they’re so not worthy of my virginity, of the tightness that is sure to make them cum far too soon. They’d be cumming and leaving me high and dry. You, on the other hand, would have me screaming your name. I just know it. Even if you came too fast, you’d find a way to make me cum, anyway, and more than make up for it. They’d just give me the bum’s rush and never give it a second thought, I believe,” Marcy explained her thinking, which had me more than a little shaken up.
“And fucking your own brother wouldn’t put you in therapy?” I asked skeptically, “not to mention the guilt of raping him?”
“Oh, I’d feel no guilt, because I know that you want this and I’d be giving it up to you. Okay, maybe a little guilt over the rape part, but none over the incest. I don’t have that hang-up, even if you probably do. Besides, although we’re brother and sister, we’re not blood. We are brother and sister because we grew up together, part of the same family, and because you consider my mother to be Mom and I think of your father as Dad. But guilt?
“Not much, just over the rape part, and not even much over that, since I know that you already want me. I can just tell. You just have too much of a conscience to do anything about it for whatever reason. You’d do a teenybopper, but somehow, incest is beyond the pale. That’s society for you, fucking with your head. You want this pussy, I know it, and I’d love to give it up to you. It’s really yours for the asking, anyway, for the wanting. You want it, you get it. Anytime. You name it.
“Look, I’m going to end up in bed with you, sooner or later. You deserve to know that. Sooner or later, you and I are going to fuck, and once that happens, it will never stop. Ever. We can’t ever marry. I know that. Pesky little family of ours would never let that happen. They’d lie and stall and pressure and cajole and whatnot, until people refused to officiate, witness, etc. But all the same, this booty is yours and remains so for life. I don’t care if you marry, get another girlfriend, if I end up marrying or getting a boyfriend or whatever. This is my pussy, but I’m going to award it to you. I’m going to let you fuck me whenever you like, whatever happens.
“But the first time, I’m in charge. Why? So I can get it my way, the way that I feel comfortable doing it. I need to feel safe and relaxed. I need to feel free to enjoy my first ever sex how I like it. I want my first time to be on my terms. I’m going to take you. I’m going to ravish you. I’m going to have my way with you, Jules. After that, you can punish me, hurt me, teach me any lessons about sex that you think that I need to learn. I just want to dominate you my first time, and I’m ready to submit forever after that.
“So, fair warning, bro. Someday, and soon, I’m going to break in, tie you up, use you for sex, make you my bitch for the night, and then stick around to face the music the next morning. Just, please, promise me that you’ll administer my punishment. You won’t press charges. You won’t ruin my life for this. You’ll just use me for your own pleasure, maybe get a bit rough and hurt me, but no lasting harm. What do you think, bro?” my sweet sister really shocked me with this side of her, which I hadn’t seen much of at all.
“What if I change the locks, making your key useless?” I teased her, trying to get her goat.
“I’ll just break a window, and hope that you haven’t set an alarm, I guess. You’d still have to press charges for them to prosecute me, even then, right? But you wouldn’t do that to me, would you? Not to your only sister in the world,” Marcy poured on the charm now, after jarring me with this bizarre confession of her intention to force sex on me.
“Can’t rape the willing, you know,” I pointed out to her with a grin.
“Well, let’s pretend that I didn’t hear that. I prefer to think that my brother isn’t willing. It adds more of a kick to things. I want to believe that you want me, but aren’t willing due to your hang-ups and fears and conscience and all of that other crap. It’s part of the game, part of the fun, at least for me. I started out just wanting sex with you, but the more I thought of it, the more I obsessed over it, you get the idea. The stronger of an appeal it had for me. I can have it my way for a bit, and then we can do it yours,” Marcy continued.
“But the Purge isn’t real. You said that you’d rape me if there was a Purge, right? But the Purge isn’t real, it’s just a movie, so you couldn’t rape me, could you? Or do you have another way to do this without getting into trouble,” I stipulated, triggering a grin from her, a very wicked one.
“Yes, throwing myself on the mercy of the court, and not too much mercy, I hope,” Marcy winked at me, “I’d be sure to pay plenty of restitution and do your bidding for life. Weren’t you listening? My plan is simple. Rape you and then turn myself over to your custody, for you to deal out the punishment as you wish. The court that I have in mind is you. You’d be judge, jury, and executioner, not literally with the third, of course. You’d have some serious dirt on me, after all, so I’d have to submit to your blackmail, wouldn’t I, bro?”
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to believe of what you told me. Some of it just seemed like trash talk or teasing, as you often do. Were you seriously going to keep putting out for me, even if you or I… or both of us, got married or had serious relationships? Are you basically offering to be my booty call?” I wanted to clarify this whole deal, see if Marcy was clowning around as usual, or in earnest about some of her ideas, including the proposed rape.
“Okay, bro, it’s SO on! You doubt that I mean it? You think that I’m kidding? You’re going to find out, soon enough. I give you fair warning, dear brother. I’m going to rape you like nobody’s business, and then, once I’ve raped you, I’m going to throw myself at your feet, taking whatever punishment you choose to give me. If you want to press charges, I’ll be hurt, but I’ll gladly pay the price for just one night with my beloved brother. If you want to tie me up and use me, that would be better, but it’s all up to you. I could die happy, having been with you just once,” Marcy told me, now looking rather shockingly serious about it… she was in earnest!
“You chose this movie tonight so that you could set me up with this, didn’t you? So that you could warn me of your intentions, to be fair to me, and to prepare myself for whatever you had in mind, right? You do realize that warning me gives me a chance to thwart your plans, don’t you? You’re not exactly the dullest knife in the drawer, after all. We’re both fairly intelligent people, so you know what I could do to stop you, especially as a veteran,” I confronted her, knowing that she was well aware that the odds of overpowering me were not on her side.
“Don’t worry, I won’t shoot you. I could never hurt my brother like that. I plan to sneak in, tie you up, maybe while you sleep, and then start having my way with you. You’re in for a night like few that you’ve ever seen. Or maybe I’ll pretend to be a trick or treater, just to get inside, and have my way with you that way,” Marcy winked at me, licking her lips at the thought of her intended trick (or was that “treat”).